Planning policy
Our Local Plan
Our Local Plan is used along with other planning documents for making planning decisions in the district
Arun Local Plan Update 2023-2041
We are updating the Local Plan. Read more here
Development plan
This sets out the whole development plan for planning in Arun district
Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan Document (DPD)
This is referred to as the G+T DPD
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) adoption
Preparation and adoption of the CIL in Arun
Strategic development sites
See where large residential and commercial developments are planned or in progress near you
- Duty to co-operate
Evidence and monitoring
Find the evidence and supporting documents used in our planning policies
HELAA, brownfield land and self build registers
Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment and how to register your interest in self-build within the district.
- Infrastructure Funding Statement and Developer contributions
Neighbourhood planning
Find out about our neighbourhood plans
Planning policy consultations
Visit our online consultation platform
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
How we engage residents and organisations in plan making
Supplementary planning information
View our Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and other guidance