Infrastructure Funding Statement

We publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) which shows how much money has been raised and how it has been spent in the previous year. This includes both CIL and section 106 income.  It also states which infrastructure projects will be, or may be, funded wholly or partly by CIL.

We must publish our IFS online by 31 December each year. The IFS must cover the previous year from 1 April to 31 March.

The Infrastructure Funding Statement is made up of:

  • a CIL report relating to the previous financial year on the Community Infrastructure Levy
  • a section 106 report relating to the previous financial year on section 106 planning obligations
  • an infrastructure list reporting on the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure that the authority intends to fund wholly or partly by the CIL (excluding the neighbourhood portion)

View our latest IFS covering the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024:

Arun IFS 23-24 [pdf] 2MB

Appendix 1 RAG rated unspent & unallocated 2023-24 [xlsx] 42KB

Our IFS should also be read alongside the West Sussex County Council IFS and South Downs National Park for a full picture of developer contributions paid and received that relate to the Arun District. 

Town and Parish CIL Monitoring Reports

View the Town or Parish CIL Monitoring reports to see how CIL is being spent at a local level.

Aldingbourne Parish Council

Aldwick Parish Council

Angmering Parish Council

Arundel Town Council

Barnham and Eastergate Parish Council

Bersted Parish Council

Bognor Regis Town Council

Clymping Parish Council

East Preston Parish Council

Felpham Parish Council

Ferring Parish Council

Kingston Parish Council

Littlehampton Town Council

Middleton Parish Council

Pagham Parish Council

Rustington Parish Council

Walberton Parish Council

Yapton Parish Council

Developer contributions data

Developer contributions include section 106 planning obligations, the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), section 278 agreements and any agreements that either secure funding towards new development or provide infrastructure as part of any new development.

It is recommended that local planning authorities that have received developer contributions publish their data on a regular basis, at least once a year, and in an agreed format. This provides for transparency and accountability at the level of individual obligations.

Developer contributions data must be entered in 3 separate CSV (spreadsheet) files:

  • Developer agreements: listing all the legal agreements securing contributions from a development for infrastructure or affordable housing, and all the demand notices issued for CIL (this data can link you straight to the planning documents including the S106 Planning agreement or CIL documentation)
  • Developer agreement contributions: listing the individual obligations/sums within an agreement, assigned to particular purposes, as well as the split in the CIL contribution purposes, or the CIL amounts issued in Demand Notices
  • Developer agreement transactions: listing whether the contribution has been received, allocated, transferred, spent or returned (please be aware that some amounts will have more than 1 transaction against them)

Latest data

These links will download the latest CSV data file. 

Previous IFS

IFS for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023

Arun IFS 22-23 (Background paper 1) [pdf] 2MB

Appendix 1 - RAG rated data of s106 sums held on deposit (not including sums received after 31 March 2022) [xlsx] 35KB

Appendix 2 - Pagham Harbour Contributions spend update [pdf] 4MB

IFS for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

Arun IFS 2021-22 [pdf] 1MB

IFS for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

Arun IFS 2020/21 [pdf] 584KB

IFS for the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020

Archive of files with dates

developer-agreement_2021-22.csv [csv] 26KB
developer-agreement-transaction_2021-22.csv [csv] 16KB
developer-agreement-contribution_2021-22.csv [csv] 47KB

developer-agreement_20221110 [csv] 26KB
developer-agreement-transaction_20221110 [csv] 16KB
developer-agreement-contribution_20221110 [csv] 47KB

developer-agreement_20210922 [csv] 18KB
developer-agreement-contribution_20210922 [csv] 30KB
developer-agreement-transaction_20210922 [csv] 41KB

Developer agreement 20210201 [csv] 13KB
Developer agreement contribution 20210201 [csv] 21KB
Developer agreement transaction 20210201 [csv] 4KB

Please note: data on developer contributions and IFS reports is imperfect, represents estimates at a given point in time, and can be subject to change. The data published above is the most robust available at the time, will always be a snapshot at that moment in time.

Please be aware that the above data files only show full information on s106 agreements signed from 1 April 2019 onwards. The transactions data file includes back entered data relating to s106 received prior to 1 April 2019 where money is still held for spending.

All data files contain the agreement, contribution and transaction data under CIL, as we only became a CIL collecting authority from 1 April 2020.