HELAA, brownfield land and self build registers

The Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) is one of several technical reports that we are required to produce to underpin the Local Plan.

The HELAA is a technical and theoretical assessment of sites that could potentially contribute towards the future supply of housing and employment land within the Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA). As a consequence, the HELAA does not set policy, but provides background evidence on the potential availability of sites.

The identification of sites in the HELAA should not be seen as an intention to allocate these sites for development, or that planning permission will be granted.

A review of the HELAA was undertaken in 2021 (the results of which can be seen below). However, we are required to keep the assessment under review and are currently examining the information contained within it.

Call for sites 2024

We adopted our current Local Plan in July 2018 meaning it is now more than 5 years old. Government policy, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the National Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) states that a local plan review should take place every 5 years or when policies need updating.

Therefore we are now updating the Local Plan to ensure that future development needs are met sustainability and reflect the changing vision for the area, along with various legislative changes. On 19 July 2023 Full Council agreed on the recommendation by Planning Policy Committee (6 June 2023) to resume this work following a pause in 2021 and 2022. 

We have an annual call for sites which we use to gain intelligence about potential land availability and assess its suitability for future development and infrastructure needs which can inform plan-making. This is in line with Paragraph 69 of the NPPF and PPG. We last undertook a call for sites in 2023. 

The latest call for sites 2024 process was formally undertaken from 25 July 2024 to 5 September 2024.  

The call for sites 2024 process closed on Thursday 5 September 2024. The council is now examining the information submitted within it and the assessments of sites/further information will become available on the website within the next iteration of the HELAA report when this is published. Although the call for sites has now closed, the council continues to welcome the submission of sites for inclusion within the HELAA at any time of the year, however, please be aware that any sites submitted after 5 September will not be included in the next iteration of the HELAA report, but instead in a following publication. 

If you would like to submit a site within the HELAA, please see the below information. Please note that sites can be submitted at any time, however, sites submitted outside the call for sites exercise will be assessed against future HELAA updates.

We are interested in receiving submissions for land (including any previously developed land and existing HELAA Sites) that may have the potential for development for:

  • housing (sites of 5 or more additional new dwellings)
  • economic development (sites of 0.25 hectares or above or able to provide 500 sqm or above of additional floor space)
  • gypsy and traveller sites
  • custom and self-build housing
  • leisure and tourism
  • Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
  • blue/green infrastructure, for example, rewilding, natural flood mitigation, renewable and decentralised energy

Complete the call for sites form

Call for sites 2024 guidance notes

Read our privacy notice to see how we look after your data.


HELAA general information

We undertake a general ‘call for sites’ each year seeking land for a range of potential uses that are listed above. For housing use, sites within the district should accommodate at least 5 or more additional dwellings. In addition to this Call For Sites, we always welcome the submission of sites for inclusion within the HELAA at any time of the year.

The last call for sites was from 21 June 2023 to 26 July 2023.

Annually we ask all those who have previously provided land within the existing HELAA, to review their site information and provide us with an update of any relevant information. This enables us to update our records and also helps us to assess whether a site could be considered, achievable and available. We are particularly interested to know if promoters plan to develop the site within the next 5 years or in the longer term (6-10, 11-15 or 16+ years).

HELAA report 2021

The HELAA report contains more information regarding the assessment itself, along with details of all of the sites included. 

This factual document was considered at the planning policy committee on 25 January 2022.

HELAA report 2021[pdf] 1MB

Appendix 1 - Deliverable Sites 

Appendix 1.1 - Summary tables APPENDIX 1.1 – DELIVERABLE SITES - SUMMARY TABLES[pdf] 62KB

Appendix 1.2 - Proforma  Appendix 1.2 - Deliverable Sites Proforma.pdf[pdf] 12MB

Appendix 1.3 - (Neighbourhood Plan Allocations) Proforma  Appendix 1.3 - Deliverable Sites (Neighbourhood Plan Allocations) Detailed Proforma [pdf] 10MB

Appendix 1.4 -  Deliverable Strategic Allocation Sites Proforma  Appendix 1.4 - Deliverable Strategic Allocation Sites Detailed Proformas [pdf] 8MB

Appendix 2 - Developable Sites

Appendix 2.1 -  Summary Tables  APPENDIX 2.1 DEVELOPABLE SUMMARY TABLES.pdf[pdf] 98KB

Appendix 2.2 - Proforma  Appendix 2.2 - Developable Sites Detailed Proformas [pdf] 28MB

Appendix 2.3 -  Neighbourhood Plan Appendix 2.3 - Developable Sites (Neighbourhood Plans) Detailed Proformas.[pdf] 11MB

Appendix 2.4 - Allocation Sites  Appendix 2.4 - Developable Strategic Allocation Sites Detailed Proformas [pdf] 6MB

Appendix 3 - Not Currently Developable Sites

Appendix 3.1 -  Summary Table  APPENDIX 3.1 NCD SUMMARY TABLE.pdf[pdf] 155KB

Appendix 3.2 - Detailed Proformas 

 Appendix 3.2 - Not Currently Developable Sites Detailed Proformas (Part A) [pdf] 34MB

 Appendix 3.2 - Not Currently Developable Sites Detailed Proformas (Part B) [pdf] 38MB

 Appendix 3.2 - Not Currently Developable Sites Detailed Proformas (Part C) [pdf] 38MB

Appendix 3.2 - Not Currently Developable Sites Detailed Proformas (Part D) [pdf] 37MB

Appendix 3.2 - Not Currently Developable Sites Detailed Proformas (Part E) [pdf] 37MB

Appendix 4 - Employment Sites

Appendix 4.1 - Potential employment sites summary table Appendix 4.1 summary table [pdf] 54KB

Appendix 4.2 - Detailed Proformas  Appendix 4.2 - Potential Employment Sites Detailed Proformas.[pdf] 12MB

Appendix 5 - Permissions / Commitments

Appendix 5.1 - Summary table Appendix 5.1 commitments summary table [pdf] 132KB

Appendix 6 - Potential C2 Use

Appendix 6.1 - Summary table Appendix 6.1 Potential C2 use HELAA sites summary table[pdf] 50KB

Appendix 7.1 - New HELAA Sites 2021

Appendix 7.1 -   Appendix 7.1 New Sites 2021[pdf] 59KB

Interactive map

The interactive map is a useful way to quickly gain information related to a specific site. However, you are recommended to view the guidance notes for interactive HELAA map[pdf] 534KB first.

View the HELAA map 2021

Brownfield Land Register

We are legally required to maintain a Brownfield Land Register of previously developed sites within the district that are capable of being redeveloped or converted to provide housing-led development.

All sites must meet the definition of 'previously developed land' contained in the National Planning Policy Framework - on the GOV.UK website.

All sites must also meet the following criteria:

  • they should be suitable for residential development: this means the land has planning permission for housing or housing-led development; or has been allocated for such development in a Local Plan; or is considered appropriate for such development
  • they should be available for residential development: this means that there is no impediment to development in terms of either ownership issues or legal constraints on the land
  • residential development of the land is achievable: the land is likely to be developed within 15 years of being entered on the register

The Brownfield Land Register must include all sites meeting these criteria which are at least 0.25 hectares in area or are capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings.

Brownfield Land Registers have two parts. Part 1 is a list of sites meeting the criteria within the Brownfield Land Register Regulations 2017. We can grant brownfield sites Permission in Principle (PIP), a new stepping stone towards planning permission, by including them in part 2 of the register.  We currently have no plans to grant Permission in Principle at this stage, so applicable sites will be set out in part 1 only. 

Our register is an Excel spreadsheet, arranged and populated in accordance with the  Government's published Data Standard - on the GOV.UK website. It includes links to our mapping system and planning application details in the ‘SitePlanURL’ column.

The Brownfield Land Register must be published before the end of December 2017 and reviewed annually.

Brownfield Land Register 2023

Please contact planning if you require these documents in an accessible format.

Previous document versions

Previous document versions are also available:

Brownfield Land Register document 2022
Arun Brownfield Land Register updated 22 December 2022 [csv] 25KB
Arun Brownfield Land Register updated 22 December 2022 [xlsx] 54KB
Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) December 2021 [pdf] 269KB
Arun_BrownfieldLandRegister_2021-12-17 [csv] 23KB
Arun_BrownfieldLandRegister_2021-12-17 [xlsx] 44KB
Brownfield Land Register 2020 [pdf] 221KB
arun_brownfieldregister_2020-12-07_rev1 [xlsx] 49KB
arun_brownfieldregister_2020-12-07_rev1 [csv] 13KB
Brownfield Land Register 2019 [pdf] 230KB
Arun_BrownfieldLandRegister_2019 [xlsx] 42KB
Arun_BrownfieldLandRegister_2019 [csv] 19KB
Brownfield Land Register 2018 [pdf] 121KB
arun_brownfieldregister_2018-12-31 [xlsm] 54KB
arun_brownfieldregister_2018-12-31_rev1[csv] 19KB
Brownfield Land Register 2017 [pdf] 103KB


Maps for brownfield land sites with planning permission (at 31 March 2022) are not on the list below but are available by clicking the link in column F of the Arun_brownfieldregister.xlsm file above).

  1. LU18A Toddington Farm (Land North & West of 1-3 Toddington Farm Cottages) [pdf] 196KB
  2. A1513 Chandlers BMW Site Water Lane [pdf] 324KB
  3. HP3 S & G Motors Arundel Road [pdf] 237KB
  4. LU33 Patterson Wilson Road [pdf] 204KB
  5. LU33a Meadowfield House [pdf] 188KB
  6. NEWBE10 Bartons County Infants School Romney Way Bersted [pdf] 289KB
  7. NEWLU40 Former Hospital Site Fitzalan Road [pdf] 195KB
  8. BR10 Covers Richmond Road [pdf] 405KB
  9. 17LU9 Littlehampton - West Bank [pdf] 3MB
  10. NEWFG2 Land Rear of Henty Arms, Ferring Lane [pdf] 138KB
  11. BR28019 Victoria Drive [pdf] 181KB
  12. BR19811 Westside Supplies [pdf] 132KB

To submit a site for consideration on the Brownfield Land Register, you will need to provide a map, outline plan of the site, or aerial photograph clearly showing the site’s boundaries and as much detail as possible about the site. These details should be sent to localplan@arun.gov.uk. This will ensure that a thorough assessment can be provided as to both site suitability and availability for development. If you would like to provide us with an update on a site already included in the register or if the boundary has changed, please provide an up-to-date map and a brief explanation of any amendments as relevant. If the site is no longer available, please let us know so that we can remove it from the register.

Registers of Brownfield Land are public documents and therefore details submitted for inclusion in it can be treated as public information.

Custom and self-build register

We want to hear from you if you are interested in the idea of building or commissioning your own home. You can now register your interest in self-build or custom build housing within the district. Our planning team will be negotiating plots for future self-build opportunities with developers, so please let us know what type of plot it is you are interested in and where.

To register your interest and for further information about self-build or custom-build housing please complete our self-build e-form below.

Self-build e-form

Alternatively, you can phone us on 01903 737500, or write to Planning Policy and Conservation, Arun District Council, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton. West Sussex, BN17 5LF. 

The excel sheet showing demand on the register by need, type, affordability and Parish location can be accessed here: Custom Self Build Register (Redacted) March 2022 [xlsx] 63KB