Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) adoption

The Charging Schedule can be downloaded:

Arun CIL Charging Schedule January 2020[pdf] 1MB


Our draft CIL Charging Schedule was submitted for independent examination on 31 July 2019.

The examiner’s report, dated 2 December 2019, did not recommend any substantive changes to the draft Charging Schedule.

CIL examiner report December 2019 [pdf] 532KB

Our Planning Policy Sub-Committee report, dated 17 December 2019, specifically Background Paper 2, sets out the modifications that were made to our draft Charging Schedule, as recommended by the Examiner:

CIL Committee report December 2019[pdf] 364KB

CIL Committee report background paper 2 December 2019 [pdf] 210KB

Governance and spending process

The CIL governance and spending process was approved by Full Council on 25 January 2021.

The following documents set out the approach we use for apportioning, prioritising and agreeing the spend of CIL monies on infrastructure schemes.  If you have any questions, please contact the CIL Officer at

Infrastructure Investment Plan Methodology[pdf] 244KB

CIL governance flowchart[pdf] 129KB

CIL spending flowchart I [pdf] 114KB

CIL spending flowchart II [pdf] 66KB

CIL guidance for town and parish councils

Arun District Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) guidance for town and parish councils, April 2020 [pdf] 823KB

Please also find the suggested town and parish council CIL monitoring template which we advise you to use.

Town and Parish Council Annual Monitoring Report Template September 2023.docx.docx [docx] 24KB

Infrastructure Investment Plan

We have prepared an Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP) covering the period 2022-2024 (3 years) which was reported to the Planning Policy Committee meeting on 25 January 2022 and subsequently approved at Full Council on 9 March . The IIP sets out the a shortlist of our priority projects for funding together with a CIL apportionment for each of the 3 years. It also includes a baseline (long list) of projects which may secure funding in future years or which may be added to when updated in year 3.

Shortlist and appointment [pdf] 228KB

Baseline (long list) [pdf] 429KB

Light touch update 2023 - baseline (long list)[pdf] 505KB

Light touch update 2023 - shortlist[pdf] 153KB

In February 2024 we undertook a full Infrastructure Investment Plan consultation review for an 8 week period.  The following shortlist of our priority projects for funding and updated baseline (longlist) of projects have been agreed and will be reported to Full Council in November 2024

Baseline Long List 2024 Update Final [pdf] 4MB

IIP Priority Shortlist FINAL [pdf] 336KB

The pro forma below is used by infrastructure providers to enter details of potential projects that they would like to be included in the Investment Improvement Plan (IIP) or to update existing projects that are already included in the short list or long base line list.  We will be carrying out an ‘light touch’ update in March 2023.

Infrastructure Provider Proforma July 2021 [docx] 25KB

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) adoption & Infrastructure Investment Plan

Our Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule was adopted by Full Council on 15 January 2020, and the charges were implemented from 1 April 2020.