Arun Local Plan Update 2023-2041

The adopted Arun Local Plan 2018 is now more than 5 years old. We are therefore updating the Local Plan to ensure that future development needs are met sustainably and to reflect the changing vision for the area, along with various legislative changes. On 19 July Full Council agreed the recommendation by the Planning Policy Committee (6 June 2023) to resume this work following a pause in 2021 and 2022. The papers and minutes associated with these were:

Following workshops in December 2023 and January and February 2024, the 6 March special meeting of the Planning Policy Committee approved the Direction of Travel Document as the council’s method to undertake an Issues & Options consultation (see below) under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The agenda papers can be found online here with a workshop summary.

All existing and future work on the Local Plan Update can be found directly on this page or by using one of the links in the related pages menu on this page.

Regulation 18 Issues & Options consultation – Direction of Travel Document

We consulted on the first document to inform production of the Local Plan update from 25 March until 13 May 2024.  This is the Issues & Options stage, which is an important first stage and we asked residents how they would like to tackle a range of planning issues and proposed options for the future development of the district.

The document identifies the issues and challenges facing the district and the options that could help to address them.  It did not identify any specific uses of land, potential development sites or draft policies as this will be done through a later stage of the Local Plan process.

The consultation documents can be viewed here:

A report on the consultation and the responses received are being reported to the Planning Policy Committee on 26 September 2024. The consultation comments can be viewed below.

DoT PPC Background Paper 1 - Consultation Summary Table [pdf] 698KB

Please note the above PDF is not accessible, we are working on an accessible version to be available soon.