8. Planning
Throughout the Arun Local Plan 2011-31 there is a commitment to plan for climate change and encourage energy efficiency. Two of the Arun Local Plan strategic objectives are:
- To protect and enhance Arun’s outstanding landscape, countryside, coastline, historic built and archaeological environment, as well as the setting of the South Downs National Park, thereby reinforcing local character and identity
- To plan for climate change and work in harmony with the environment to conserve the natural resources and increase biodiversity.
Arun District Council strictly controls the development of the countryside. The council has identified a ‘Built-Up-Area-Boundary’ to protect the natural environment.
Arun District Council recognises the importance of Green Infrastructure and the requirement for protection of green spaces.
Arun District Green Infrastructure study 2012 highlighted the importance of mitigating the impacts of climate change and possible opportunities for strengthening the network could be through increased tree coverage in urban areas, promoting walking and cycling routes and encouraging alternative modes of transport.
The Design Section of the Arun Local Plan provides information on how the authority planning department is working to mitigate the effects of climate change and supporting measures to cope with it, as well as promoting energy efficiency. It highlights the support for innovations and the incorporation of new technologies e.g. solar panels and electric car re-charge outlets. Solar gain consideration is promoted as it states that ‘proposals should, maximise sunlight and passive solar energy.’
The Arun Local Plan emphasises the importance of considering climate change adaption measures at an early stage of the design process to ensure developments are resilient against the impacts of climate change.
The Council will support development which is located and appropriately designed to adapt to impacts arising from climate change such as the increased probability of tidal and fluvial flooding; water stress; health impacts and decline in the quality of habitats and biodiversity richness. The plan describes the issues that must be considered in order to achieve this.
The planning department use the key components of the Energy Act 2013 within the Energy Hierarchy which is to:
- Reduce the use of energy
- Use energy more efficiently
- Move to energy from renewable sources
- Use remaining fossil fuels cleanly
Arun District Council has signed the Nottingham Declaration on climate change which is a public statement of intent to work with the local community and businesses to respond to the challenges of climate change. This has since been superseded by ‘Climate Local – a Local Commitment to Action on Climate
Change’ which is a more locally specific means of identifying carbon reduction measures and improving energy efficiency. This aims to support councils both to reduce carbon emissions and to increase resilience to a changing climate.
The West Sussex Sustainable Energy Study 2009 indicated that Arun District has potential for a range of renewable energy resources such as wind turbines (medium/small scale) solar PV, Solar water heating, biomass, CHP combined heat and power.
The Council encourage renewables in all developments and has a requirement for 10% renewable or low carbon energy generation to major developments.
All new residential and commercial development will be expected to be energy efficient and to demonstrate how they will:
- Achieve energy efficiency measures that reflect the standards applicable at the time of submission;
- Use design and layout to promote energy efficiency; and
- Incorporate decentralised, renewable and low carbon energy supply systems, for example small scale renewable energy systems such as solar panels.
Arun District Council are in the process of developing an Arun District Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This will provide detailed guidance that will raise design standards across the Arun District. As an SPD, the Design Guide builds upon and provides more detailed advice and guidance on policies within the adopted Arun Local Plan.