Appendix 1. Annual Energy and Fuel Poverty Action Plan for 2020

Fuel poverty actions

Annual Energy and Fuel Poverty Action Plan for 2020 - fuel poverty actions
Main aim Actions Reporting department(s) Timescales
To work towards reducing number of people living in fuel poverty in the district using both practical and behavioural methods. Promote, support and encourage the use of the services of Home Energy Visitor (HEV) as part of the Arun and Chichester Wellbeing Home scheme. Community Wellbeing, Private Sector Housing Post currently funded until March 2020
To work towards reducing number of people living in fuel poverty in the district using both practical and behavioural methods. Promote and maximise the number of residents with access to Safe and Warm Homes (SWH) funding for energy efficiency measures to their homes. Private Sector Housing On-going
To work towards reducing number of people living in fuel poverty in the district using both practical and behavioural methods. Work with the West Sussex Fuel Poverty Co-ordinator to deliver fuel poverty actions in Arun district. West Sussex Fuel Poverty Co-ordinator, Private Sector Housing Post currently funded until March 2021
To work towards reducing number of people living in fuel poverty in the district using both practical and behavioural methods. Train relevant staff within the council on opportunities for energy efficiency to help ensure residents and tenants have affordable energy bills. Housing, Private Sector Housing, various departments On-going
To work towards reducing number of people living in fuel poverty in the district using both practical and behavioural methods. Inform upon and encourage Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards compliance. Promote energy efficiency to private sector landlords including HMO licensees through regular updates at the Arun landlord's forum. Private Sector Housing On-going
To target areas known to contain Hard to Treat (HTT) homes Promote energy efficiency measures to able-to-pay households in and at risk of fuel poverty due to the nature of their property rather than low income. Private Sector Housing On-going
To improve the energy efficiency of the council's own housing stock Continue to digitalise and collate all new EPC data and other already stored data to establish progress in Arun housing stock and opportunites for energy improvements. Private Sector Housing and Maintenance services Bi-annually
To improve the energy efficiency of the council's own housing stock Work with housing team to support energy efficiency improvements in the council's own housing stock. Private Sector Housing, Residential Services On-going
To work towards the council's wider priorities of providing help to those in need Arrange/attend outreach events in both rural and urban communities to educate, inform, promote and take referrals for appropriate energy efficiency and/or fuel poverty assistance. Private Sector Housing, Community Wellbeing, West Sussex Fuel Poverty Co-ordinator On-going
To work towards the council's wider priorities of providing help to those in need Provision of up-to-date information on help for people in fuel poverty - on council webpages and information boards in the wellbeing annexe and Arun Civic Centre. Private Sector Housing Revise at least twice a year, approx. April and October
To work towards the council's wider priorities of providing help to those in need Provision of training for council officers and relevant frontline staff in partner organisations on the fuel poverty assistance available in the local area. Private Sector Housing, West Sussex Fuel Poverty Co-ordinator On-going
To work towards the council's wider priorities of providing help to those in need Provision of training for elected members to identify residents suffering from fuel poverty and what fuel poverty assistance is available in the local area. Private Sector Housing, West Sussex Fuel Poverty Co-ordinator At least one session/information document to be completed by December
To work towards the council's wider priorities of providing help to those in need Support and refer eligible residents to the available grant funding for heating. West Sussex Fuel Poverty Co-ordinator On-going
To work towards the council's wider priorities of providing help to those in need Encourage energy switching to ensure people are on the correct tariff. Private Sector Housing On-going


Energy efficiency (carbon reduction) actions

Annual Energy and Fuel Poverty Action Plan for 2020 - energy efficiency (carbon reduction) actions
Main aim Actions Reporting department(s) Timescales
To encourage and support the insulation of any remaining cavities and lofts in the district Provide information on the benefits of home insulation and signpost residents to appropriate options for installing measures, including advice on any financial assistance available. Private Sector Housing, Community Wellbeing On-going
To encourage and support the uptake of solid wall insulation in the district Promote and encourage uptake of ECO and future government schemes as a mechanism to help fund solid wall insulation. Private Sector Housing On-going
To target areas known to contain Hard to Treat (HTT) homes Identify different types of HTT homes, their locations in the district, the various solutions available and highlight any associated risks. Private Sector Housing On-going
To target areas known to contain Hard to Treat (HTT) homes Promote energy efficiency to areas known to contain HTT homes and able-to-pay customers. Private Sector Housing On-going
To target areas known to contain Hard to Treat (HTT) homes Create case studies of best practice examples to inspire other residents to take up energy saving measures. Private Sector Housing On-going
To inform and enforce the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards in the domestic private rented sector Promote and inform landlords, tenants and letting agents about the legislation. Private Sector Housing On-going
To inform and enforce the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards in the domestic private rented sector Monitor the exemption register and correspond with landlords where required. Private Sector Housing On-going
To inform and enforce the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards in the domestic private rented sector Where non-compliance occurs: educate, support and where neccessary enforce the legilsation. Enforcement to be in conjuntion with HHSRS where applicable. Private Sector Housing On-going
To encourage and support the uptake of domestic renewable energy systems for both heat and electricity generation Encourage the use of renewable energy systems in domestic properties. Private Sector Housing On-going
To encourage and support the uptake of domestic renewable energy systems for both heat and electricity generation Create case studies of best practice examples to inspire other residents to take up renewable energy systems. Private Sector Housing On-going