Appendix 5. Energy Glossary of Terms

Glossary of terms


Abbreviation stands for



Air Source Heat Pump

Low carbon technology for domestic and commercial space and water heating, requires electricity or additional technology to run the pump - best with underfloor heating systems. Eligible for RHI.


Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Government department.



Generic term for organic matter, also known as biofuels. Includes items such as wood fuel. Eligible for RHI.

Carbon footprint


A measure of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an organisation or individual; can be measured on a personal/national level, or according to a specific activity. Expressed in the amount of CO2 or MtCO2e.

Carbon Trust


An independent non-profit company set up by the government with support from businesses to encourage and support the development of low-carbon technologies.


Combined Heat and Power

Fuel is used to simultaneously produce electrical or power plus recover useful thermal energy for use in cooling and heating. Mainly commercial but domestic CHP is available. Eligible for RHI.


Cavity Wall Insulation Guarantee Agency

Independent 23-year guarantees for professionally installed domestic cavity wall insulation.


Carbon Dioxide

An important greenhouse gas associated with climate change.


Carbon Reduction Commitment

UK government emissions trading scheme for large organisations not eligible for EU Emissions Trading (ADC is too small for this).


Carbon Saving Communities Obligation

Cross-tenure area-based part of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) for specific income-deprived communities ranked in the bottom 20% of the IMD. Also, opportunities outside low IMD areas for some low-income rural homes.


Cavity Wall Insulation

Insulation measure for cavity walls; filling the empty air spaces with porous material (normally bonded expanded polystyrene beads or mineral fibre). Some cavities are 'unfillable' due to debris inside the cavity, uneven surface or structural issues.


Domestic Energy Assessor

Someone who is trained to a diploma level to carry out home EPCs (may also be further trained to deliver DECs or GDAs).


Display Energy Certificate

An Energy Performance Certificate tailored for commercial buildings.



Not-for-profit gas and electricity provider. Supply grant funding to local authorities.


Energy Company Obligation

New obligation from the government on energy companies to supersede CERT and CESP from the end of 2012. Will partly provide grant funding for low-income vulnerable customers but also subsidise green deal finance plans for hard-to-treat homes.


Energy Performance Certificate

Domestic energy rating using RdSAP carried out by a DEA. Since 2008 EPCs are required for when houses are sold, or new tenancies started. Not as in-depth as a Green Deal report.


Energy Saving Trust

A non-profit organisation aiming to promote the sustainable use of energy, energy conservation and to cut carbon dioxide emissions in the UK. Currently contracted to run the national, impartial Energy Saving Advice Service (ESAS).


External Wall Insulation

A thermally insulated, protective exterior cladding system for insulating solid wall and non-standard construction properties or homes with un-fillable cavities. Can be insulation & render system or a rain-screen cladding. Possible planning implications.


Feed In Tariff

Scheme that offered money back for producing electricity through renewable sources. This ended in March 2019.

Fuel Poverty


"low Income High Cost Indicator'' developed by Professor John Hill. A household is said to be in fuel poverty when its members cannot afford to keep adequately warm at a reasonable cost, given their income.

Fracking or Hydraulic Fracturing


New process being explored to extract natural gas from shale rock layers deep in the earth using horizontal & vertical drilling & injection of highly pressurised fracking fluids into the shale area.


Green Deal Finance Company

The Green Deal was financial mechanism introduced in the UK from the end of 2012. It eliminates upfront cost for energy efficiency measures by charging costs to the property not the individual and spreading the repayments over the long-term on the electricity bill. Repayments follow a "golden rule" that they should reflect the savings expected from the measures installed. The Government no longer run this scheme but the Green Deal Finance Company continue to offer this type of finance.


Greenhouse Gas[es]

GHG includes water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), halogenated fluorocarbons (HCFCs), ozone (Os}, perfluorinated carbons (PFCs), & hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

HTT Homes

Hard to Treat Homes

Homes where you are unable to improve energy efficiency with lower-cost measures such as cavity wall insulation, due to the age of a property or nature of construction. Might be 'off-gas,' with more expensive heating fuels or medium-high rise blocks of flats. Hard-to-treat homes are often difficult and costly to heat.


Home Energy Conservation Act

Introduced in 1995, HECA recognises local authorities' ability to use their position to significantly improve the energy efficiency of local accommodation. From March 2013 DECC require biennial "further HECA reports" from all Local Authorities.


Home Heat Cost Reduction Obligation (or "Affordable Warmth Obligation")

Part of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), focused on fuel poverty and grants for heating insulation for residents that qualify for the "Affordable Warmth Group". Only private sector residents are eligible.


Index of Multiple Deprivation

The Index of Multiple Deprivation covers a range of economic, social and housing issues and gives an overall deprivation score for each small area in England. This allows each area to be ranked relative to one another according to their level of deprivation. IMD rank can be reported at County, District, Ward or LSOA (Lower Super Output Area} level.


Internal Wall Insulation

Energy measure used for improving solid wall and non- standard construction properties or homes with un-fillable cavities; can use rigid insulation boards or fill a stud wall. IWI should not be used to cover, hide or isolate damp as this could lead to serious problems in the future. Can be very disruptive to residents.


Low Income High Cost Indicator

Method for calculating households in fuel poverty, adopted by BEIS (DECC) in mid-2013 to replace the previous "10% definition".


Microgeneration Certification Scheme

Renewable energy systems and installers accreditation scheme (MCS is part of the eligibility criteria to claim the FIT)


Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards

UK Legislation regarding the requirement for rental properties to achieve a minimum EPC rating.



Renewable electricity generation equipment of the smallest capacity.


Million Tonne Carbon Dioxide Equivalent

Considers the varying impact of other GHG on the atmosphere and their potency and offers a single "equivalent" figure.


National Energy Action

National charity aiming to eradicate fuel poverty. Campaigns for greater investment in energy efficiency to help those who are poor or vulnerable


Office for Gas and Electricity Markets

Regulator of gas and electricity markets for Great Britain


Reduced data Standard Assessment Procedure

System used to produce EPCs and Green Deal reports


Renewable Heat Incentive

Government incentive scheme launched in 2011 to financially reward those who generate renewable heat.


Standard Assessment Procedure

System used to produce detailed home energy assessment reports, mainly superseded by the easier to carry out "RDSAP method" since 2008.


Seasonal Efficiency Database of Boilers (UK)

Comprehensive database of all boilers supplied in the UK showing their expected seasonal efficiency

(Solar) BIPV

Building Integrated Solar Photovoltaics

Solar photovoltaic materials that are used to replace building materials in parts of the building envelope such as the roof, skylights or facades.

Solar Thermal

Solar Hot Water

Solar panels that generate domestic hot water only. These can be either a flat plate or evacuated tube design. Eligible for RHI.

Solar PV

Solar Photovoltaics

Solar panels that generate electricity only. Eligible for FIT.

Solar PVT

Solar Photovoltaics/Thermal

A new efficient breed of hybrid solar panels that focus on use of better PV components but also take the heat generated by the solar panels & create an incorporated solar thermal system.


Solid Wall Insulation

Generic term for both internal and external wall insulation solutions.


Solid Wall Insulation Guarantee Agency

New scheme providing independent guarantees for professionally installed solid wall insulation


Warm Home Discount

Qualifying households receive £140 credit towards the electricity bill (in addition to winter fuel payment). Discounts will be paid and funded by participating electricity suppliers. Supplier size determines requirement to offer this.