Community Infrastructure Levy examination

CIL Examination Library

Submission Documents:

ADC-CIL-SD-1 Arun CIL DCS Submission document.pdf [pdf] 5MB
ADC-CIL-SD-1a Arun District Council CIL Zone Map 1.pdf [pdf] 9MB
ADC-CIL-SD-1b Arun District Council CIL Zone Map 2 – Bognor Regis and Surrounding Area.pdf [pdf] 8MB
ADC-CIL-SD-1c Arun District Council CIL Zone Map 3 – Littlehampton and Surrounding Area.pdf [pdf] 9MB
ADC-CIL-SD-1d Arun District Council CIL Zone Map 4 – Arundel and the Six Villages.pdf [pdf] 10MB
ADC-CIL-SD-2 Reg. 19 Statement of Representations.pdf [pdf] 732KB
ADC-CIL-SD-3 Combined redacted representations.pdf [pdf] 565KB
ADC-CIL-SD-4 DCS Reg. 19 Statement of Modifications July 2019.pdf [pdf] 300KB
ADC-CIL-SD-5 Arun Infrastructure Capacity Study and Delivery Plan 2017.pdf [pdf] 483KB
ADC-CIL-SD-6 Infrastructure Funding Gap Update March 2019.pdf [pdf] 377KB
ADC-CIL-SD-7 CIL DCS Funding Gap Update Amendment April 2019.pdf [pdf] 393KB
ADC-CIL-SD-8 CIL DCS Infrastructure Update Note April 2019.pdf [pdf] 371KB
ADC-CIL-SD-9 Local Plan Viability Assessment Update Report only 2017.pdf[pdf] 5MB
ADC-CIL-SD-10 Local Plan Viability Assessment Update Report Appendices only 2017.pdf [pdf] 3MB
ADC-CIL-SD-11 CIL Viability Update 2018 Report.pdf [pdf] 3MB
ADC-CIL-SD-12 - CIL Viability 2018 Appendices only.pdf [pdf] 6MB
ADC-CIL-SD-13 CIL Background Evidence S106 and Aff Housing.pdf [pdf] 280KB
ADC-CIL-SD-14 Statement of Modifications Right to Be Heard.pdf [pdf] 528KB


Additional Documents:

ADC-CIL-AD-1 Adopted Arun Local Plan 2018.pdf [pdf] 12MB
ADC-CIL-AD-1a ALP Policies Map 1.pdf [pdf] 5MB
ADC-CIL-AD-1b ALP Policies Map 2.pdf [pdf] 6MB
ADC-CIL-AD-1c ALP Policies Map 3.pdf [pdf] 6MB
ADC-CIL-AD-1d ALP Policies Map 4.pdf [pdf] 15MB
ADC-CIL-AD-2 Statement of Submission.pdf [pdf] 290KB
ADC-CIL-AD-3 Examination Notice.pdf [pdf] 86KB
ADC CIL AD 4 viability appraisal issues Retirement Housing Group February 2016.pdf[pdf] 1MB
ADC-CIL-AD-5 WSCC Secondary Education Contributions Final 2019.pdf [pdf] 707KB
ADC-CIL-AD-6 Arun Local Plan Inspectors Report.pdf [pdf] 361KB


Examiner’s Documents/Correspondence:

ED-1 Examiner's Briefing Note.docx [docx] 33KB
ED-3 V2 Hearing Programme August 2019.docx [docx] 46KB
ED-2 Examiner's Opening Statement NF additions.pdf [pdf] 395KB


Arun District Council’s Documents/Correspondence:

ADC-CIL-AD-7 Response to REP1209511001.pdf [pdf] 289KB
ADC-CIL-SD-15 Position Statement Oct 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB


Position Statements

REP-874646-001 Henry Stamp Position Statement Arun Draft CIL Examination (with Appendices).pdf [pdf] 170KB
REP-1193938-001 Littlehampton TC Position StatementCIL Statement of Position.Octber 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB
REP - 1209511 - 001 Landlink.pdf [pdf] 153KB