Off Street Parking Strategy 2021-2026
We own and operate 22 Pay & Display off-street car parks. These car parks are located in Bognor Regis, Littlehampton and Arundel.
The car parks are defined as short stay, long stay or seasonal depending upon their location and charging structure. The short stay and long stay car parks are within the town centre while the seasonal car parks are mainly on the seafront and have a summer and winter charging structure.
We also act as agents on behalf of the West Sussex County Council enforcing on-street regulations as well as regulations which cover our off-street car parks.
With the continuing growth of the district (14% population growth by 2031 - 80% of those in the over 60 age group) and with the coastal area popular with visitors an overall increase in parking infrastructure is anticipated. The strategy aims to balance the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors, helping to provide the accessible parking that people need with a positive parking experience and support the sustainability of our local places.
The strategy is supported by an action plan which sets out improvements that will be delivered in the short to medium term, and aspirations for the longer term.