Financial information

There are several financial reports we have to publish by law.

Statement of accounts

At the end of each financial year, all councils have to publish a Statement of Accounts.

The accounts show how we have used public money in the year and that we have been honest and responsible.

We publish the Statement of Accounts, Governance Statement and External Audit Report for the current year and previous six years here.

Audit of accounts

2021/22 Statement of Accounts

The council’s accounts for 2021/22 have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP (EY). EY issued an unqualified audit opinion on the accounts on 25 March 2024. The 2021/22 audited Statement of Accounts including the audit opinion can be accessed below.

Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement 

Following findings from the audit of the 2021/22 Statement of Accounts the council has had to update and revise parts of its Draft Statement of Accounts for 2022/23. The revised published accounts can be viewed below and supersedes the previous published version. The accounts remain subject to audit.

Please note if you require any of the PDFs below in an accessible format, email to request this.

DRAFT Annual Governance Statement 2023-24

Annual Governance Statement 2022-23
AR DRAFT Statement of Accounts 2022-23.pdf [pdf] 3MB

AR Audited Statement of Accounts 2021-22 [pdf] 3MB
Governance Statement 2021-22[pdf] 1MB

Statement of Accounts 2020-21[pdf] 2MB
Governance Statement 2020-21 [pdf] 814KB
Annual Audit Report 2020-21 [pdf] 2MB

Statement of Accounts 2019-20 [pdf] 3MB
Governance Statement 2019-20 [pdf] 784KB
Annual Audit Report 2019-20 [pdf] 4MB

Statement of Accounts 2018-19 [pdf] 4MB
Governance Statement 2018-19 [pdf] 2MB
Annual Audit Report 2018-19  [pdf] 7MB

Statement of Accounts 2017-18 [pdf] 4MB
Governance Statement 2017-18 [pdf] 3MB
Annual Audit Report 2017-18 [pdf] 2MB

Statement of Accounts 2016-17 [pdf] 1MB
Governance Statement 2016-17 [pdf] 3MB
Annual Audit Report 2016-17 [pdf] 2MB

Fees and charges

We make a charge for some of the services we provide. The documents below give more information about the services we charge for and how much they are. We have included last year's fees and charges document for information.

Fees and charges 2024-2025
Fees and charges 2023-2024 (last year)

Notices of public rights

Draft Statement of Accounts year ended 31 March 2024

Notice of delay in the publication of the draft (unaudited) 2023/24 Statement of Accounts and in the commencement of the public inspection period

In accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (as amended), the council is required to publish its draft 2023/24 Statement of Accounts by 31 May 2024.

In addition, under section 26 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, any persons interested has a right to inspect the accounting records for the financial year including all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records. Regulations 14 and 15 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (as amended) require that this right (and associated rights) are exercisable over a single period of 30 working days, commencing no later than 3 June 2024.

The publication of the council’s draft 2023/24 accounts by 31 May 2024 has been delayed. This is due to:

  • resourcing of the accountancy team over the past year
  • the delay in producing and publishing the final audited accounts for 2021/22
  • the requirement to revise 2022/23 draft accounts following the 2021/22 audit

This consequently delays the commencement of the public inspection period referred to above.

The council aims to publish the draft 2023/24 accounts as soon as practically possible. A further public notice will be placed on the website once the draft accounts are published and available for public inspection.

A Baden

Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer

Arun District Council

31 May 2024


Audit of accounts

Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014

Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015

The external audit of the draft statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023 has not yet been completed by our external auditors, EY LLP, due to the complex set of factors contributing to audit delays across the sector. This situation is allowed for by Regulation 10, paragraph (2a) of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015. (See attached link: The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (  Therefore, this notification explains, as per paragraph (2a), that we are not yet able to publish our audited 2022/23 final statement of accounts in line with deadline of 30 September 2023, as per paragraph (1).  The Audit and Governance Committee will consider the results of the 2022/23 audit, after which we will publish the final audited accounts.

Key plans and strategies

Our financial strategies are helping us become more financially sustainable and resilient, safeguarding public funds whilst achieving value for money. The relevant strategies can be found here: