The council aims to deliver high-quality services that provide value for money and best fit the needs and priorities of the local community.
In 2021/22 the council developed and agreed on its vision 2022-2026 which contains four new themes:-
- improving the wellbeing of Arun
- delivering the right homes in the right places
- supporting our environment to support us
- fulfilling Arun’s economic potential
Linked to these are key performance indicators/outcomes. In addition, the council has agreed on a set of revised corporate plan indicators from April 2022 to support the achievement of these themes. Progress against these is reported to members and published by the council.
Within these themes, the council will deliver services and progress initiatives for improvement and change to make things better for:-
- our residents and everyone who visits this area
- our businesses
- those people who need the council to step up and help them when it counts.
Year after year, the council has faced additional pressure to achieve cost savings without impacting the delivery of important front-line services. The council’s medium-term financial strategy anticipates further funding reductions. While the council currently has sufficient reserves to ensure financial resilience, balances are anticipated to reduce significantly in the medium term and the 2023/24 budget required a transfer from the funding resilience reserve. The council will continue to consider ways to increase income and/or reduce costs to minimise the anticipated budget deficit in future years. This commenced with a resource-based (Zero Based Budgeting) budgeting exercise in 2022/23 to inform the 2023/24 budget and will be reviewed during that financial year.
Value for money continues to be a key factor, with the council looking to reduce costs and improve efficiency, with progress also being made on specific initiatives such as by specialist officers in respect of:-
- the identification of empty homes and returning them to permanent use, with the council benefiting financially from new homes bonus provisions and the area from additional housing stock
- the council’s property investment strategy, allowing the re-investment of a proportion of funds from land and property sales by the council
Significant work will be required to reduce the budget deficit over the coming years. The budget agreed in March 2023 contains a £3m transformation budget which will be applied in 2023/24 and future years to develop a programme including cost reductions and increased income achievement.
The council also continues to consider the impact on residents of the Welfare Reform Act 2012 and of central government changes to the social housing regime and relevant strategies and policies have been reviewed and updated. Funds have also been allocated by the council to better address homelessness issues, which includes building / acquiring additional properties in order to provide quality accommodation for emergency cases, with a view to reducing bed and breakfast accommodation costs.
The council is committed to working with others to bring about real change for the benefit of the community. It already has several joint working arrangements in place and will further explore opportunities for partnerships and shared services, where this can be demonstrated to provide the best value. Periodic joint management team meetings are held to discuss issues with other West Sussex local authorities and the council’s chief executive meets regularly with other CEOs on the West Sussex County Chief Executives Forum and West Sussex chief executives & leaders meet periodically via the West Sussex Leaders Board. Members of the senior management team hold regular meetings with key business/third-sector partners such as the University of Chichester, Butlins, Rolls Royce, Aldingbourne Trust, Age UK. There are also regular liaison meetings with the three town councils (Arundel, Bognor Regis and Littlehampton) which involve the chief executive, the leader and a senior officer from Arun District council and officers and members from the town councils.
The council continues to work with, and provide support to, Town and Parish councils wishing to develop a Neighbourhood Development Plan and maintains a register of ‘assets of community value’ (introduced as part of the Localism Act 2011).
The council’s overarching priorities are used to drive other key strategies for consultation, agreement and publication. The most significant of these are:-
- Arun Economic Development Strategy 2020-2025 (approved in 2019)
- Local Plan 2011-2031 - following a lengthy review, consultation and examination process, the final Local Plan was adopted by full council in July 2018. (However, although a review of the Local Plan was agreed by full council as part of its altered priorities and some work has been performed on updates to the evidence base the council has taken the decision to pause the review until details of the government’s new plan making system are agreed)
- Customer Services Strategy 2021-26
- Housing & Homelessness Strategy (to be revised in 2023)
- Leisure & Cultural Strategy 2013-2028 (recommendations for the future were agreed, following public consultation in 2012/13):
- the leisure contract transferred to Freedom Leisure from April 2016
- construction of the ‘Littlehampton Wave’ was completed, with the new swimming pool and leisure centre opening in late March 2019
- further enhancements to the Arun Leisure Centre are progressing
- rising inflation, increased utility costs and workforce shortages will again be a challenge in 2023/24
- Bognor Regis regeneration:-
- the improvement of Place St Maur was completed in 2022 with a large part of the funding for the project obtained from the Local Enterprise Partnership
- options for the ‘Sunken Gardens’ have also progressed and following public consultation works are due to complete in mid-2023
- the council continues to liaise with local partners on improvements (e.g. the University of Chichester’s new Tech Park) and to attract new businesses/investment (e.g. the Rolls-Royce technology & logistics centre)
- Enterprise Bognor Regis – planning permission was secured in 2019 by the landowners of the Saltbox site to provide approximately 30,520 square metres of new mixed-use employment floor space and between 500 and 1000 new private sector jobs and development is progressing
- external funding was secured to deliver the Littlehampton town centre public realm improvements with initial phases completed and work progressing in 2023
- in March 2021 it was agreed that a working party be set up to look at preferences and priorities for bidding against the Levelling Up Fund that had recently been announced by the government, for further projects in Littlehampton and Bognor Regis. The resulting bid by the council was successful and £19.4M will be provided to progress projects for improvements to the Alexandra Theatre in Bognor Regis and the Littlehampton seafront and riverside
- the Littlehampton improvements have been subject to public consultation and, subject to a planning application and appointment of contractors, construction will commence in late 2023
- subject to a planning application, the Alexandra Theatre works will commence in late 2023
- the council has also been successful in a bid for funding to contribute to providing six Changing Places Toilets in the district
- the council has worked collaboratively with other local councils to progress the delivery of the Gigabit West Sussex project and led by WSCC (in liaison with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport) to install superfast gigabit fibre broadband to public buildings in the district
- progress of the Arun Growth Deal 2018-2023 – clearly identifying the Arun ‘economic growth offer’ and contributing to the overall West Sussex Growth Plan developed by WSCC. The council will review the Growth Deal with WSCC in 2023
- the council is now a member of the Greater Brighton Economic Board
- Capital Strategy 2023/24 to 2026/27 – this is an annual document required under CIPFA’s revised Prudential Code and includes a rolling 3-year proposed capital investment programme approved by the council
The council has produced and sustained the Arun Developer & Partner Charter Plus and, in line with the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012, encourages companies and partners to subscribe to this, to facilitate cooperative working, local employment, training opportunities, procurement and development within the district. The Local Enterprise & Apprenticeship Platform (LEAP) project, which commenced in 2015, offers grants to ‘start-up’ and small businesses in the Arun District. In addition to this, funding was obtained in 2018/19 for ‘Journey To Work’ and retail training projects in order to assist both those without employment and independent retailers, with further funding now extending this through 2023/24. The council has worked closely with local Job Centres to hold Jobs and Cost of Living Fairs which have been well attended and resulted in a number of employment opportunities being taken up. The One to One Retail support service continues to be well received and has recently secured funding from the UKSPF budget for further work. The council has also received funds from the Economic Recovery Fund, held by WSCC, to assist in town centre economic recovery projects.
Through the Covid period and into 2022/23, the council has been instrumental in the delivery to eligible local businesses of over £50M of mandatory and discretionary grants allocated by the government and this funding also allowed several further initiatives to provide wider business support in the district. It also assessed and distributed test & trace self-isolation payments to eligible residents and government funding has also been received and used for other designated measures in support of the community (e.g. Arun Covid Community Champions project, Protect & Vaccinate Grant).
The council has also recognised the impact on the community resulting from the cost of living crisis. In November 2022 the council allocated £180k to fund initiatives aimed to help support Arun residents through the crisis. The council has also distributed almost £9M of Government funding in support of national schemes to assist residents with their increased fuel bills, through council tax energy rebate payments and to qualifying applicants through the Energy Bills Support Scheme (EBSS) alternative fund and alternative fuel payments.
The council has a key role in several local partnerships, working for the benefit of residents and the community to improve the local quality of life, including:
- Safer Arun Partnership (the statutory community safety partnership)
- current council anti-social behaviour initiatives include a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) covering the consumption of alcohol in designated areas within the district and litter and dog fouling enforcement
- Arun Wellbeing Programme/Arun Local Community Network
- in 2021/22 the Arun Wellbeing and Health Partnership was replaced by the Arun Local Community Network (a specific partnership group to tackle health inequalities) in preparation for the introduction of the integrated care system
- the Arun Wellbeing service received partnership funding for five years from April 2022 and has a dedicated website offering practical advice and events to assist in the improvement of the health of residents and to reduce health inequalities
It also participates in national and county-wide partnership initiatives, including:-
- Coast To Capital Local Enterprise Partnership
- West Sussex Fuel Poverty Partnership
- Coastal West Sussex Partnership
- Rural West Sussex Partnership
- Coastal West Sussex & Greater Brighton Strategic Planning Board
- Greater Brighton Economic Board
- WSCC Joint Climate Change Board
- Arun Local Community Network
The council is clear about its responsibilities for services, whether provided directly or through partners/other third parties. We will work closely with partners and influence third parties to make sure they deliver to agreed levels of quality and are accountable for what they do. There will need to be significant infrastructure improvements in the district to support the predicted increase in housing numbers and the council will continue to liaise with appropriate strategic partners and developers as to the required improvements. Since 2020, in accordance with amended regulations, the council has approved and published its annual Infrastructure Funding Statement and has also updated its Arun Infrastructure Investment Plan for 2022-25 (prioritising the use of Community Infrastructure Levy funds received).
We have a clear commitment to ensure services deliver the most appropriate combination of quality, value and choice to all residents. As part of this process, the council has let several of its major contracts in recent years (e.g. Combined Cleansing Services, Greenspace Management, Leisure Management) and continues to provide the best level of service, while achieving both cost savings and also encouraging partner investment in improvements. With the Covid crisis in 2020-22, and now the significant increase in energy prices, the council has worked through its staff and partners to minimise the impact on the delivery of key services.
Arun (and other districts in the county) continues to liaise with WSCC in respect of potential changes in its support for waste and recycling initiatives and in a reduction in grant funding for charitable and support organisations. These changes will have a significant impact on the council, both financially (loss of recycling credits, increased homelessness costs, etc.) and through additional burdens placed upon it. Although the successful food waste collection service trial was initially extended in 2022, the council made the decision to withdraw from this due to the discontinuation of funding from WSCC. The weekly residual waste collection service will remain in place until such time that the government mandates food waste collections to all households.
The council actively considers environmental issues in its policies/decisions and supports/promotes environmental initiatives for itself and its residents, including carbon management and energy efficiency schemes through its Energy Efficiency & Fuel Poverty Strategy (updated in 2020).
The council’s strategic priorities include an increased focus on environment and climate change issues and the council formally declared a ‘climate emergency’ in January 2020. The council has now appointed a climate change & sustainability manager to progress its aim for the council to be carbon-neutral by 2030 and has contracted to obtain its electricity supply from renewable sources. At its meeting of September 2020, in response to a motion from members, the council recognised that although much good ecological work is ongoing, further action is required and it agreed to review and update the bio-diversity policies within the local plan. The council has also agreed and reviewed its:-
- Carbon Neutral Strategy
- Climate Action & Biodiversity Work Plan 2023-24
- Greenspace Tree Planting Strategy 2021-2031
Preparatory work is also progressing on the Bersted Country Park project, with public consultation due in 2023.