Arundel NP3 SEA screening application form

HTML version (please note answer is written/also noted in bold)

Application for opinion as to whether an environmental assessment is required of the Neighbourhood Plan

Publication of applications on the Arun District Council website

Please note that the information provided on this application form will be published on the Arun District Council
(ADC) website and where the parish also falls within the South Downs National Park (SDNP), it will be
published on SDNP website simultaneously.

Please complete all the sections which apply to you.

1. Name of Neighbourhood Area:

Please state the name of your Neighbourhood Area.

Answer = Arundel 

2. Extent of the area:

Please indicate below the coverage of the Neighbourhood Development Plan

Whole parish boundary area: (answer selected)

Joint with neighbouring parish:

(Please complete details in section 4 below if applying as joint parishes)

Does the South Downs National Park Boundary lie within the proposed Neighbourhood Area?

Yes: If yes, please note that the application will be published on both ADC and SDNP websites (answer selected)


If yes, have you also sent this information to the National Park Authority for consideration?

Yes: (answer selected)

No: If no, please submit your ‘State of the Parish’/’Evidence Base Summary’ Report to them
formally requesting an opinion if an environmental assessment is required at

3. Baseline information

Please indicate below and attach your ‘State of the Parish’/’Evidence Base Summary’ Report detailing the topic areas it contains:

  • Biodiversity (inc flora & fauna) 
  • Human Health 
  • Water (supply and flooding) 
  • Cultural Heritage (inc. architectural and archaeological)
  • Material Assets (Waste and Geology)
  • Population
  • Soil
  • Air
  • Landscape
  • Noise

(no answer selected to any of the above options)

4. Intention of Neighbourhood Development Plan:

Please indicate which of the following your Neighbourhood Development Plan is intending to cover:

  • housing development sites:
  • employment uses:
  • other uses:

If you have indicated other uses please provide a summary

(answer - see answer to 5 below)

If known, key sites or areas being considered for inclusion in the Neighbourhood Development Plan and the potential uses identified on a Parish map will also be helpful.

5. Additional Information:
If not clear within the ‘State of the Parish’/’Evidence Base Summary’ Report, please provide a summary of what the Plan is proposing in terms of rough numbers, approximate locations of development, the environmental effects resulting and how they will be assessed.

Answer - This is the review (ANP3) of the made Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review 2018 – 2031 of 2019 (ANP2). Attached is the project brief for ANP3 agreed by the Town Council in March 2023. It shows an intention to carry out some material but moderate modifications to some of the made policies and to add some new development management policies, but no new development site allocations. The evidence base of ANP2 and its SEA remains up to date and relevant, but will be supplemented by a new Conservation Area Character Appraisal and design code, the Arundel LCWIP and new green infrastructure data and mapping via Natural England and the Sussex Nature Partnership. At present it is uncertain that the Primary Residence policy idea will be taken any further. The Town Council does not intend that these modifications will ‘change the nature of the plan’.

6. Parish Clerk details:

Name: Carolyn Baynes
Parish Council office address: Arundel Town Hall,1 Maltravers Street, Arundel, BN18 9AP

7. Additional joint parish details:
If you are applying with an adjoining parish or parishes please give the clerk’s details for each parish.

Answer = blank 

8. Declaration:
I/we hereby apply to request an opinion on the need for an environmental assessment of the Neighbourhood Plan as described on this form and accompanying documents and map (where applicable).
In the case of joint parish applications, name from each parish is required.

Names - Cllr Carolyn Kenney
Date 06/12/2023
Names - 
Date -  (dd/mm/yy)

9. The completed form and accompanying document(s) and/or map should be emailed to:
Mrs Donna Moles – Arun District Council Neighbourhood Development Plan Officer
Miss Charlotte Hardy - Arun District Council Senior Environmental Assessment Officer