2. Introduction
Arun District Council (the “council”) is proposing to introduce Additional HMO Licensing in River ward in Littlehampton and Hotham and Marine wards in Bognor Regis. This document sets out the proposal and reasons for the consultation.
We want to know your views about our proposal. If you are a tenant, landlord, resident, letting agent or a business living or operating in the area you could be affected by the proposals outlined in the consultation document. If you live or operate outside of the proposed licensing area you might also be indirectly affected, and we would like to hear from you too.
The consultation will help us to understand and identify any parts of the proposal that may need further consideration before deciding whether to introduce any scheme.
Feedback will help shape the decision on how we proceed, and what that will look like in practice, and how it will be implemented if the designation of an additional licensing scheme is made.
Local authorities are required to conduct a full consultation when considering the implementation of an additional licensing scheme. Our consultation is running over a 10-week period from 12 June to 20 August 2023.