- Flooding information Learn about community recovery and resilience following the recent flooding events in our area
- Community safety Reporting antisocial behaviour, safeguarding information and other links and advice
- Cemeteries Information about our cemeteries and the service we provide
- Lifeline Everything you need to know about our personal alarm service
- Windmill Entertainment Centre News updates following the fire at Harvester and the Windmill in Littlehampton
- Arun Wellbeing Supporting you to improve your health and wellbeing
- Armed Forces Community Covenant Find out about this voluntary statement of mutual support between us and our local armed forces community
- Armed Forces local/national support Information on local and national support that is available to our armed forces community
- Homeless or at risk of homelessness Help and advice if you are homeless, worried about someone who is or if you are worried about loosing your home
- Assets of Community Value Information on Assets of Community Value and how to nominate
- Ukrainian refugee resettlement Information, links and advice to support Ukrainian refugees resettle in West Sussex
- Dove Lodge A community resource centre run by registered charity Dove (Littlehampton) Ltd