Ukrainian refugee resettlement

We stand united with the citizens of Ukraine and are flying the Ukrainian flag and lighting the Civic Centre and Bognor Regis Town Hall in blue and yellow to show our support.

Anyone using our site is able to translate all content to their desired language by using the accessibility tools on the bottom right of the page.

Кожен, хто користується нашим сайтом, може перекласти весь вміст потрібною мовою за допомогою інструментів доступності в нижньому правому куті сторінки.

Local support organisations that provide translation services

Arun & Chichester Citizens Advice

Phone 08082 787969 - Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm


Benefits, Housing, Employment, Debt, Immigration & Asylum, Relationships & Family, Legal, Support to apply to EU Settlement Scheme.

Community Hub

Phone 033 022 27980

Online Community Hub

Help or support as a result of COVID-19. They are focused on making sure they continue to support the most vulnerable people in the community.

Domestic Abuse - WSCC

Phone 033 022 28181 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm


Online Domestic Abuse WSCC

WORTH Specialist Domestic Abuse Service supports people at high risk of harm or homicide as a result of domestic abuse.

Medical Help - NHS 111

Phone 111 all calls are free -  24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


NHS 111 makes it easier and quicker for patients to get the right advice or treatment they need, for physical or mental health. If you have difficulty hearing you can access NHS 111 using the British Sign Language interpreter service.

Other useful links

Health and Leisure – Free membership

Free 3-month membership to the leisure centres below. Gym, pool, classes, soft play. All subject to local restrictions i.e., age groups. Information required for membership:

  • A letter from the Home Office confirming refugee or asylum status
  • A Ukrainian Family Scheme Visa
  • Proof of application to the UK Government as a Ukrainian refugee
Arun Leisure Centre
Felpham Way, Bognor Regis, PO22 8ED
01243 826612
Littlehampton Wave
Sea Road, Littlehampton, BN16 2NA
01903 725451
Six Villages Sports Centre
Lime Avenue, Westergate, PO20 3UE
Phone: 01243 546830