Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2 Publicising the Plan

Arun District Council Local Planning Authority

Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031

REGULATION 20: Publicising a Neighbourhood Development Plan

9 November 2023

1.0 Introduction

  • 1.1 Under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), the Council has a statutory duty to assist communities in the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans and Orders and to take plans through a process of Examination, Referendum and Adoption.  The Localism Act 2011 (Part 6 chapter 3) sets out the Local Planning Authority’s responsibilities under Neighbourhood Planning.
  • 1.2 This report confirms that at Full Council meeting of 8 November 2023, Arun District Council resolved to ‘make’ the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031.  This means that the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031 has been brought into legal force, it forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Arun District. Consequently, decisions when determining planning applications in Yapton will need to be made in accordance with the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 

2.0 Background

  • 2.1 The neighbourhood area for Yapton covers the whole parish of Yapton.
  • 2.2 The Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031 was examined by Mr Andrew Ashcroft, who passed the Plan and recommended Arun District Council should, subject to the modifications in the Examination Report, proceed to referendum.  Following this the Examiner’s modification were agreed by Yapton Parish Council and Arun District Council.
  • 2.3 On 14 June 2023, the Decision Statement, which is a report that outlines all the Examiner’s modifications and confirms acceptance by all parties was signed by the Group Head of Planning and published on the Arun District Council website.
  • 2.4 On 12 September 2023, the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031 successfully passed its referendum with 91.15% of the votes agreeing that the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031 be used in Development Management decision making. 
  • 2.5 On 8 November 2023, Arun District Council resolved that the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031, Submission Plan - Post Examination (incorporating examiners modifications and all modifications as per the ADC Decision Statement) be ‘made’ and become part of the Development Plan for Arun District Council. It will sit alongside the Arun Local Plan along with the other documents in the Development Plan.  Arun District Council Local Plan will set the strategic context within which Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031 will function.

3.0 Conclusion

  • 3.1 I confirm that the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031, Submission Plan – Post Examination (incorporating examiners modifications and all modifications as per the ADC Decision Statement), complies with the legal requirements and basic conditions set out in the Localism Act 2011, and as a result of Full Council resolution of 8 November 2023 has been ‘made’.
  • 3.2 I confirm that the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031 is a part of the Development Plan of the Arun District Council Local Planning Authority Area as defined at Area Designation by Arun District Council on 10 December 2012.
  • 3.3 I am taking the above mentioned decision as I concur with the advice contained in the above report under the 1990 Act in relation to the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
  • 3.4  I declare that I have no personal or prejudicial interest in respect of this decision.


Group Head of Planning

Date:              9 November 2023 

Decision published on Arun District Council website : 13 November 2023