Walberton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2

The documents in the table below form stages of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

PLEASE NOTE THAT WALBERTON CURRENTLY HAS A MADE NDP BUT ARE REVIEWING THIS PLAN WHICH HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS WALBERTON NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2 ON THIS WEBSITE.  The first plan and its documents can be found here:  https://www.arun.gov.uk/walberton-neighbourhood-development-plan


Statutory Sections of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations
Regulation Documents

Reg. 5 and 6 - Area designation

The designation of a neighbourhood area is the first formal stage in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (see the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012). The approved Designated areas within Arun District Council's Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) are shown in the  Neighbourhood Areas Designation Map.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Parish and Town Councils are able to continue work on their neighbourhood plan while the proposed geography of the neighbourhood area is being determined.

Arun District Council is committed to publishing all applications received in its LPAA (in accordance with The Town and Country Planning Act 1990, The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 Part 2, Regulation 6).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following Town/Parish Council has applied to Arun District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority (if applicable) for designation of Neighbourhood Area under Part 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

These documents indicate those areas where Arun District Council has received an application to designate a Neighbourhood Area in its LPAA.


Reg. 7 - Publicising a designation of a neighbourhood area etc.




Reg. 14 - Pre-submission consultation and publicity


Consultation Dates: 3rd July to 14th August 2020

WBF NP MASTER 2019 v15 30 June 2020.pdf [pdf] 4MB

The evidence base documents can be found on the parish council website at https://www.walberton-pc.gov.uk/Neighbourhood_plan_2020/Evidence_base_2020.aspx

ADC Reg.14 comments

ADC reg.14 rep on Walberton pre submission August 2020.pdf[pdf] 281KB

Reg. 15 - Plan proposals (submission)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town/Parish Council has submitted to Arun District Council Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) and the South Downs National Park Planning Authority (if applicable), their Plan Proposal under Part 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012:

Please note:
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to have any hard copy deposit points so the documents can only be viewed electronically.  This complies with the temporary suspensions in the Arun Statement of Community Involvement.

Reg. 16 - Publicising a plan proposal / Modification Proposal

Consultation Dates: 12th November 2020 until 7th January 2021 at 5pm

Comments on the documents can be made by email to ndpconsultation@arun.gov.uk, online on the Objective Portal or by post to Planning Policy & Conservation, Arun Civic Centre at the address below. 

Please note that any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority's decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood development plan.

Consultation Statement 2020.pdf [pdf] 374KB

Basic Conditions Statement 2020.pdf [pdf] 678KB

Walberton NP Reg 15 Submission Plan 2019-2031.pdf [pdf] 4MB

Appendix A Views and Vistas.pdf [pdf] 20MB

Appendix B SEA.pdf [pdf] 4MB

Appendix C HRA.pdf [pdf] 3MB

Proposals Map

Designation Area Map

Reg. 17 - Submission of a Plan Proposal / Modification to examination

The Reg.15 submission documents and the representations received during the Reg.16 consultation were sent to the Examiner and the Parish Council on 22nd January 2021.

The indicative Examination period is 25 th  J January to 26 th February 2021.

This indicative timetable is based on an assumption of a written representation as the default position but this will ultimately be decided by the Examiner based on the scale and nature of any representations or other issues which may become clearer upon examination.


The submission documents including the representations received were sent to the Examiner and the Parish Council by 22nd January 2021.

Please see a summary of the representations received and the ADC Reg. 16 representation.  All the original representation documents will be sent direct to the Examiner and only this summary published which is not verbatim.

ADC reg.16 rep on Walberton 2 plan proposal submission.pdf[pdf] 377KB

Summary of Reg. 16 reps Walberton 2.pdf[pdf] 355KB


Please see below a Clarification/Questions Note received on 8th February 2021 by the Examiner.  This has been issued to the Parish Council and District Council and is to be responded to by 15th February 2021. 

Walberton Examiner questions 7th Feb 2021.pdf [pdf] 913KB

The response is published below:

ADC response

ADC 01 WALBERTON NDP examination ADC answers February 2021.pdf [pdf] 194KB

ADC 02 Walberton_BUAB_Feb21.pdf [pdf] 1MB

WDC response

WPC 01 response to NDP examiners questions dated 7th February 2021.pdf [pdf] 195KB

WPC 02 response NDP reasons for including or excluding site 10 March 2020.pdf [pdf] 212KB

WPC 03 NP2021 Schedule 4 new LGS sites.pdf [pdf] 112KB

WPC 04 NP mtg with developers 07.06.19 redacted info-1.pdf [pdf] 21KB

WPC 05 response further question 9 Feb 2021.pdf [pdf] 203KB

WPC 06 sites HELAA copy.jpg

Reg. 18 - Publication of the examiner's report and plan proposal decisions

Walberton NDP Examiners Report 2021.pdf [pdf] 552KB

Reg. 19 - Decision on a plan proposal


Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to have any hard copy deposit points so the documents can only be viewed electronically.  This complies with the temporary suspensions in the Arun Statement of Community Involvement. 

Reg 19 Decision statement- Walberton Review NDP 2021.pdf[pdf] 388KB

Walberton NDP Post Examination Plan.pdf [pdf] 10MB

Reg. 20 - Publicising a Neighbourhood Development Plan ('made' plans)

Plan made on 14 July 2021


Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to have any hard copy deposit points so the documents can only be viewed electronically.  This complies with the temporary suspensions in the Arun Statement of Community Involvement.

Reg.20 Walberton Review publicising the plan[pdf] 250KB


Referendum held on 6 May 2021

More information can be found on the Neighbourhood Plan Referendums page

Walberton NPR Declaration of result of poll 2021[pdf] 72KB