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Arun Active Travel Study 2020

Arun District Council commissioned 2020 Consultancy Solutions Ltd to undertake an Active Travel Study for the district (not including those areas within the South Downs National Park).

Active Travel focuses on modes of transport which require physical activity, such as walking (including wheelchair use), cycling, horse-riding. 

The aim of the study is to identify how active travel networks currently work in the district.  The study identifies routes where visitors and residents of the district can walk and cycle to key destinations such as shops, leisure and places of work, as conveniently as possible, to reduce car use and improve health and wellbeing.  It also identifies an approach to improve active travel networks in the district, connect missing links and make links where there is an identified deficit. 

An online survey was made available, alongside the Active travel consultation leaflet[pdf] 659KB between 12 October 2020 and 23 November 2020.  The aim of making the survey available was to gather as information from Arun’s residents regarding current use of Active Travel routes, as well as what residents would like to see in the future.  Further stakeholder meetings were held, via video call, during that time, to gather responses from district councillors and town and parish councils as well as infrastructure providers.  The results of this consultation exercise have been used as primary data to inform the overall Active Travel Study Report.

The consultation summary report can be viewed here: Arun Active Travel Consultation feedback report [pdf] 7MB

The final Active Travel Report 2020 [pdf] 31MB with final study appendices [pdf] 4MB were reported to the Planning Policy Committee on 1 June 2021 and agreed as a material consideration to inform development management decisions, sets out the five priority ATS routes in Arun together with the other assessed Active Travel Routes which will also inform future plan making.  

Arun Local Plan Transport Mitigation Package – Evidence Base Updates (ADC/WSCC, 2019)

In 2019, the council commissioned technical work, with West Sussex County Council, to investigate two elements of the Arun Local Plan transport mitigation package in more detail.  This included a more detailed design report focusing on the A259 junctions at Comet Corner and Oystercatcher; and an analysis of the impact of the Local Plan’s Strategic Housing Allocations on key junctions in the district.  Consultants, WSP were commissioned to undertake the work, and the final reports are available below:

Comet Corner & Oystercatcher Design Report v4.1 [pdf] 9MB 

WSP Apportionment Technical Note v1.2 [pdf] 57KB

Arun Transport Apportionment Model September 2022 Update (Costs and Contributions)

West Sussex County Council have updated the mitigation scheme costs (taking into account inflation and any design changes).Contributions secured (benefitting from planning permission and s.106 agreement) from Strategic Developments have also been allowed for. The documents below will be used by Planners as a starting point in Strategic Housing Allocation S.106 discussions and supersede those 2020 documents placed in the Archive for information, further below.

Tech Notes & Assumptions_Sept_22 [pdf] 410KB

Development Flows_Sept_22.[pdf] 617KB

Development Contribution Summary_Sept_22.pdf[pdf] 1MB

Archive Transport Apportionment Study 2020 Documents

Technical Note Appendices (Superseded):-

WSP Tech_Notes.pdf[pdf] 408KB
WSP Apportionment ADC_Summary [pdf] 466KB
WSP Apportionment_OutputListSchemeDev [pdf] 424KB
WSP Apportionment_OutputList DevScheme [pdf] 412KB
WSP Apportionment_SLF_Scheme_Dev [pdf] 551KB
WSP Apportionment_PropDevFlow [pdf] 539KB
WSP Apportionment_Prop Dev Flow 100 [pdf] 543KB 
FINAL Apportionment Study Report 2020[pdf] 873KB

The Enterprise Bognor Regis Transport Review  2017

EBR_TransportReview_November_2017 [pdf] 2MB
Appendix A TRICS Trip Rates [pdf] 213KB
Appendix B Strategic Locations Map [pdf] 11MB
Appendix C Trip Distribution Plots [pdf] 2MB
Appendix D Junction Key Map - Development Scenario without Mitigation [pdf] 4MB
Appendix E Summary Sheet of Model Results [pdf] 600KB
Appendix F Junction Mitigation Drawings:
A27_A29 Arundel 103800_D010 [pdf] 164KB
A259_B1287 Littlehampton 103800_D023 [pdf] 141KB
A27_A280 ITB9105-GA-028 [pdf] 312KB
Felpham Relief Road 103800_D018 [pdf] 315KB
Fontwell Eastern 103800_D007 [pdf] 125KB
Fontwell West 1186-05 [pdf] 627KB
Nyton Road 103800_D005 [pdf] 140KB
Rowan Way 103800_D017 [pdf] 240KB
The Causeway Arundel 103800_D011 [pdf] 114KB
Wyke Junction JMY8840-19 [pdf] 92KB
Appendix G Apportionment [pdf] 371KB
Appendix H Highway Construction Costs Estimates [pdf] 49KB
Appendices Summary Sheet [pdf] 31KB

Arun Transport Study Stage 3 Report and Appendices

The Arun Transport Study Stage 3 Report can be found here
Arun Transport Study Stage 3 Report [pdf] 2MB

Please find below the appendices

Appendix A TRICS Trip Rates [xlsx] 15KB

Appendix B Strategic Locations Map [pdf] 11MB

Appendix C Trip Distribution Plots [pdf] 2MB

Appendix D Junction Key Map - Final Scenario [pdf] 1MB

Appendix E Summary Sheet of Model Results (2) [pdf] 421KB

Appendix F a [pdf] 140KB
Appendix F b [pdf] 125KB
Appendix F c [pdf] 164KB
Appendix F d [pdf] 114KB
Appendix F e  [pdf] 240KB
Appendix F f  [pdf] 315KB
Appendix F g  [pdf] 141KB
Appendix F h [pdf] 627KB
Appendix F i [pdf] 312KB
Appendix F j  [pdf] 279KB

Appendix G Apportionment [pdf] 308KB

Appendix H Highway Construction Costs Calculations [xlsx] 15KB

Appendix I a A27-A29 Arundel Roundabout D010 [pdf] 635KB
Appendix I b A27-A29 Fontwell Eastern Roundabout D007 [pdf] 526KB
Appendix I c B2233 Nyton Road - D005 [pdf] 521KB
Appendix I d A27-The Causeway (Arundel) Roundabout [pdf] 516KB
Appendix I e A29-A259 Felpham Relief Road [pdf] 417KB
Appendix I f A29-A259 Rowan WayRoundabout D017 [pdf] 584KB
Appendix I g A259-B2187 Littlehampton West D023 [pdf] 575KB

Stage 1 and 3 Reports and Appendices

To follow.

Arun Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Study (November 2017)

Vehicle Infrastructure Study

Air Quality Reports

A29 Realignment Feasibility Study (July 2014)

This study builds on previous studies which investigated route options and the viability of the realignment of the A29. The study, prepared by SYSTRA Ltd considers in greater detail the realigned route with northern and southern tie-in options. It includes highway designs; an environmental appraisal; transport assessment and a financial viability and delivery plan.

Local Plan Business Survey Report (July 2014)

Local Plan Business Survey Report July 2014 [pdf] 2MB This report presents the findings of a business survey which asked respondents to indicate their level of support for potential improvements to the highway infrastructure.

Arun Transport Study: Waste Site Allocation Transport Addendum - Final Report - Study 3 (2014)

Arun Transport Study - Waste Site Allocation Transport Addendum Final Report [pdf] 4MB

A259 Route Improvement Study (2013)

West Sussex Transport Plan 2011-2026

West Sussex Transport Plan 2011 2026 [pdf] 12MB

A27 Arundel Bypass PC Consultation Documentation

RDED04 HE A27 Arundel Bypass PC [pdf] 7MB

A27 Ford Road scheme

The following study is being considered by planning policy on 8 June with a recommendation that the study be uploaded as evidence for plan making.

20230324_Ford-Road-Junction_Feasibility_Study_TMR_v1-0_ISSUED [pdf] 9MB

220623 - WSCC Ford Road Junction Option B Cost Estimate v1.2 issue [xlsx] 346KB

70094749_Ford-Road_Annex-A-Departures-from-Standard_RevB_ISSUED [xlsx] 24KB

70094749-WSP-GEN-WHL-DR-CH-301001_Grade_Separated [pdf] 307KB

70094749-WSP-GEN-WHL-DR-CH-301003_Grade_Sep_Min_Values_OptionC [pdf] 235KB

70094749-WSP-GEN-WHL-DR-CH-301002_Compact_Grade_Seperated_OptionB [pdf] 265KB

70094749-WSP-GEN-WHL-DR-CH-301102_Compact_OptionB [pdf] 713KB

70094749-WSP-GEN-WHL-DR-CH-301101_Grade_Separated_OptionA [pdf] 423KB

70094749-WSP-GEN-WHL-DR-CH-301103_Compact_OptionC [pdf] 663KB

70094749_WSCC Ford Road Envirnmental_Constraints_Rep_Rev2 [pdf] 3MB


Arun Transport Model Phase 1 - Local Model Validation Report

The A259 Local Model Validation Report has recently been approved by National Highways and can be found here:  Arun Transport Model-A259 and district-wide [pdf] 10MB.

This enables the model to be used on the basis that the whole district is within the calibrated/validated study area rather than just the A259 corridor between Chichester and Littlehampton (and parallel/connecting routes including A27/A284 and A29, B2233 and B2259). The base year model and reporting is now finalised. The budget for Phase 2 of the ATM has been approved for commissioning in 2023. However, until the pause to the Local Plan Update is lifted, the next phase of the work cannot be commenced. This can only take place when the pause is lifted and the visioning and scoping the Local Plan has been agreed by the council.