Summer Lane - Land South of Summer Lane, Pagham

This is a mixed-use development comprising of up to 400 dwellings, a care home with up to 70 beds, a local centre comprising up to 2000sqm of A1/A2/A3/D1/sui generis floorspace, provision of land for a 1FE primary school (with sufficient space to ensure that it is expandable to 2FE), provision of land for a scout hut, safeguarding of land to help link the site to the Pagham Harbour cycle route and other community uses including public open space and allotments.  

The outline planning application has been approved under planning permission P/140/16/OUT

Latest news:

January 2025

  • P/59/24/DOC related to the Brent Goose Mitigation Plan has been approved

January 2024

May 2022:

November 2021:

Reserved Matters

Applications covering appearance, landscaping, layout & scale. Outline permissions cannot be implemented until a reserved matters application has been granted planning permission. The following Reserved Matters applications have been received:

  • P/153/21/RES for 350 dwellings was received on 8 November 2021
  • P/167/21/RES for 375 dwellings was received on 22 November 2021
  • P/155/21/RES approved for the ‘local centre’ parcel which comprises the following: retail, community/commercial uses, 20 residential apartments and a 70 bed care home

Design Code Masterplan

The Design Code Masterplan will provide further details on matters such as character areas, street hierarchy, building typologies, key buildings, the approach to car parking, structural planting, street furniture, lighting and treatment of the public realm. The development shall be carried out following the approved design code:

Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan

An Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) outlines the working methods for construction workers to follow and adhere to during development. The Tree Protection Plan (TPP) forms part of the Arboricultural Method Statement and details the location of protection measures, such as the position of tree protection fencing. The following plans have been submitted:

Construction Management Plan

A construction management plan is a document that includes detailed information designed to minimise potential construction impacts on the environment taking into account logistics, traffic management and other impacts. The following plans have been submitted:

  • discharge of condition application is to be submitted before the commencement of the development

Archive news

See previous planning application news for this site.

December 2021: 

  • two further Reserved Matters applications have been received for Land South of Summer Lane and West of Pagham Road. P/167/21/RES for 375 no. dwellings together with public open space and P/158/21/RES (alternative scheme) for the ‘local centre’. Both applications are following outline permission P/140/16/OUT

November 2021:  

  • Reserved Matters applications have been received for Land South of Summer Lane and West of Pagham Road. P/153/21/RES has been received, following outline permission P/140/16/OUT,  for 375 no. dwellings together with public open space
  • a Reserved Matters Application has also been received under P/155/21/RES, following outline permission  P/140/16/OUT, for the ‘local centre’ parcel comprising retail, community and commercial uses, 20 no. residential apartments and a 70-bed care home

July 2019:

  • application was the subject of a Judicial Review by Pagham Parish Council. This claim for Judicial Review was dismissed on 4 July 2019 with costs being awarded to Arun District Council 

The judgement can be read here

November 2018:

  • outline application for access only - mixed-use development comprising of up to 400 dwellings, a care home with up to 70 beds, a local centre comprising up to 2000sqm of A1/A2/A3/D1/sui generis floor space, provision of land for a 1FE primary school (with sufficient space to ensure that it is expandable to 2FE), provision of land for a scout hut, safeguarding of land to help link the site to the Pagham Harbour Cycle Route & other community uses including public open space & allotments with some matters reserved
  • decision – approved conditionally with Section 106 Legal Agreement on 22 November 2018 


Summer Lane site layout (land south of Summer Lane, Pagham)

Click on the image below to enlarge.

Summer Lane - site layout map

Alternative text: a map of land south of Summer Lane, Pagham development site. This shows the proposed layout of houses, open spaces, a community hub and land for a school. The dwellings are in two clusters separated by the community hub and land for a school. Open space is located on the edges, centrally and in the north-east of the development, with LAP and LEAP areas located throughout the residential areas.

Please note the masterplan above is for illustrative purposes only and details are subject to change.


The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) provides an update on all matters regarding developer contributions Section 106 (S.106) and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) during the previous financial year.

Our first IFS was published in September 2020 to cover the period from April 2019 to 31 March 2020. Please see our current IFS statement.

We collect all CIL contributions for all types of Infrastructure (from 1 April 2020) but we do not collect S.106 contributions for the provision of schools, highways, libraries or the fire service (although, in some cases, S.106 for these items are retained for these projects, in agreement with the county council). In most cases, these items are the responsibility of West Sussex County Council (WSCC). Therefore our IFS should be read in conjunction with the WSCC IFS to identify how S.106 from specific development sites has been spent across the board.   

If you wish to contact us regarding any of the strategic sites, please