Summer Lane - Land South of Summer Lane, Pagham
This is a mixed-use development comprising of up to 400 dwellings, a care home with up to 70 beds, a local centre comprising up to 2000sqm of A1/A2/A3/D1/sui generis floorspace, provision of land for a 1FE primary school (with sufficient space to ensure that it is expandable to 2FE), provision of land for a scout hut, safeguarding of land to help link the site to the Pagham Harbour cycle route and other community uses including public open space and allotments.
The outline planning application has been approved under planning permission P/140/16/OUT
Latest news:
January 2025
- P/59/24/DOC related to the Brent Goose Mitigation Plan has been approved
January 2024
- P/155/21/RES approved
- P/155/21/RES withdrawn
May 2022:
- P/155/21/RES has been approved
November 2021:
- P/167/21/RES was received
- P/153/21/RES was received