Safer Arun Partnership meeting minutes 25 July 2023

Tuesday 25 July 2023 – 2.00pm
MS Teams virtual meeting


  • AB Cllr. Alan Butcher (Chair)
  • CR Carrie Reynolds (Arun DC
  • AO Alex O’Keefe (WSCC)
  • RW Insp. Ross Wickings (Sussex Police)
  • NW Nicola Walker (OSPCC)
  • DO Dax O’Connor (Arun DC)
  • LC Liz Carter (NHS)
  • AC Cllr. Alison Cooper (member of Housing & Wellbeing Committee)

Apologies received:

  • David Satchell (Probation Service)
  • Annabelle Goodenough (Crimestoppers)
  • Debra Balfour (NHS)

Agenda item 1:

DO welcomed everyone to the meeting and facilitated introductions.

Agenda item 2:

Confirmation of apologies given.

Agenda item 3:

Declarations of interest
DO reminded attendees of the need to make any declaration of interest as appropriate to the meeting.

Agenda item 4:

Election of Chair
DO confirmed that no SAP meeting took place in April 2023 due to local elections taking place. Since the elections, Cllr. Alan Butcher has been nominated as the member representative on SAP and has been nominated to stand as Chair of the Safer Arun Partnership. No other officers put forward.
Vote took place and unanimously agreed AB as the new chair.
Thanks were given to AC for her work in chairing the partnership over the past two and a half years.

Agenda item 5:

Minutes and matters arising form previous meeting on 24 January 2023
DO advised that all actions from meetings have been completed.
Vote taken and minutes agreed.

Agenda item 6:

Review adopted partnership plan 2023-2025
DO reminded attendees of the partnership’s agreement to adopt a three year partnership plan at the beginning of the year. It was felt that this would give the partnership more time to embed some of the projects and initiatives to be developed. Amendments proposed at January’s meeting have been incorporated, and the plan has been to the Crime & Disorder committee where Members approved of its content.
AO referenced upcoming work around drugs and alcohol through the combatting drug strategy being developed, highlighting the need for local work as this piece of work progresses.
LC noted the clear link between community networks and SAP through the plan and that this was very positive.
AC reflected on the collaborative work to produce this plan, and noted the monitoring needed as we move forward. Also raised the issue of children’s mental health as this can lead to involvement in anti-social behaviour.

Agenda item 7:

Partnership funding statement
DO presented the latest funding statement – unallocated balance remains at £92,837 as at meeting date.
This amount includes the Police and Crime Commissioner CSP grant funding for 2023/24 of £48,171.
It was noted by the partnership that there is a need to identify projects and allocate funds. Given the large amount in the pot it is a priority for SAP.

Agenda item 7a:

Proposed funding activities
DO presented a number of projects for SAP to consider supporting through the partnership funds:-

  • a) Youth led safety project: £6,000

National youth arts charity, Artswork, to work with the APC in Littlehampton to develop safety messages that are devised, created, and delivered by pupils themselves. The project will explore what the key issues are locally that impact young people’s sense of safety and the safely of their own communities.

  • b) ‘Safer Schools’ event: £10,000

To provide a seminar for all Year 7 or 8 pupils attending secondary school in Arun, giving information and talks in relation to violence, drugs, and criminal exploitation. Funding required to cover venue hire, two-way transport for all pupils, costs of speakers, and set-up of a marketplace for youth service organisations.
Due to potential rise in costs, it was proposed to amend allocated funding to £20,000.

  • c) Enhancing Community Speedwatch: £5,000

As part of the Arun and Chichester Road Safety Action Group, it is noted that Arun has distinctly fewer active speedwatch groups. This proposal would seek to support formation of new groups and to acquire ‘training’ equipment that groups can loan whilst establishing themselves.

  • d) Supporting reduction of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG): £3,000

To provide funds for Arun DC’s Safeguarding Lead to obtain a small stock of personal safety devices, doorbell cameras, and PAYG mobile phones, which can be utilised alongside Arun NPT to support victims and those at increased risk of personal harm.

  • e) Supporting Local Action Teams: £6,000

SAP has endorsed the creation of Local Action Teams where they are considered necessary to address localised issues such as increased fear of crime and ASB due to feeling unsafe in that area. A Local Action Team will bring together ‘on the ground’ stakeholders and agencies to tackle these issues. This proposed budget would allow the LAT to implement practical measures and promotional activities.

Agenda item 8:

Community Safety Survey;
AO informed partners of the upcoming Community Safety Survey, being run in conjunction with all CSPs across West Sussex. WSCC will be hosting the survey, which is being finalised by AO’s team. Residents tend to identify with their local area more than the county, so the platform will allow people to select the district they live in so that results can be broken down to local level. It is hoped that the survey will go live around the end of September and run until early November.
DO noted that this follows on from the consultation that SAP undertook last year and is a great opportunity to maintain consultation with residents. The use of WSCC resources is extremely welcome in managing the creation of the survey and the collation of responses.
Public Health data profiles;
LC advised that the 2023/24 public health data profiles have been published. They give a good snapshot overview of district population data such as deprivation, poverty, health, and life course.
Heightened risk for young people;
AO noted the current risk around children and young people, and ongoing work to identify the hotspot areas and trends. Contextual safeguarding approach is embedded in much of the work done around protecting young people, and this is being built into normal business of all agencies. However, services for young people are also limited across the county.
Multi-agency activity being planned to go out an engage with young people to talk about risks and any place based concerns they have. Rota has been devised and volunteer officers from various team and agencies have been included.