Sale of animals for pets

You will need a licence to sell animals as pets.

This includes:

  • commercial selling of pet animals including pet shops
  • businesses selling animals over the internet

Before applying please read the licence requirements and conditions for selling animals as pets:

Licence fees

The fees for each licence come in 2 parts:

  • part A – you’ll pay this when you submit your application form
  • part B – you’ll need to pay this once we approve the licence

Licences are for a period of 1, 2 or 3 years. You must apply at least 8 weeks in advance of opening your business which sells pets.

Licence conditions

You must prove that you can meet the licence conditions. These include showing that the animals are:

  • kept in suitable accommodation
  • given adequate food, drink and bedding
  • visited and exercised regularly
  • protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease
  • protected in case of an emergency, for example a fire
  • looked after by people trained to care for the animals

You’ll also need to:

  • keep any records ready for inspection, for example a register of animals boarded including dates they arrived and left
  • display the licence number in any advertising
  • display the licence clearly on the premises

Star rating system

We will inspect your premises before granting you a licence. We may also conduct extra inspections after we have granted a licence.

We award a ‘star rating’ and give higher marks for high welfare standards and a history of compliance.

Our inspection officers will also be looking for:

  • specialist knowledge of the species you are caring for
  • measures that support the health safety and wellbeing of the animals

Star ratings apply to:

  • selling animals as pets
  • providing or arranging for the provision of boarding for cats or dogs
  • hiring out horses
  • breeding dogs

Planning permission

Ensure that you have or do not need planning permission to sell animals as pets. If you must do building work to house your animals then you are likely to need planning permission.

If you have so many animals that it is regarded that the nature of your home has changed to a home for animals rather than for people, we may require you apply for planning permission for a change of use.

If we refuse your application

We must refuse a licence if we believe that you cannot meet the licence conditions. A licence cannot be granted to anyone who is disqualified.

You have the right of appeal to a first-tier tribunal within 28 days of our decision notice.

If you disagree with your star rating

Firstly, speak to the inspecting officer. If you are still not satisfied then you can make a written appeal to us within 21 days of the date we granted the licence.

A manager with the environmental health department will look at the appeal.

If you are still not happy with our decision following the appeal you may have the matter referred for you can appeal to your local magistrates court.

You’ll need to apply at least 8 weeks before:

  • opening a business for the selling of pets
  • the expiry of a current licence

You’ll need the following to complete the application:

Although not always required we recommend that you also include:

  • relevant qualifications
  • insurance policy
  • training records
  • written permission from your landlord if you are not the property owner
  • any other documents you think may be useful for example internal photos of the property
  • a current basic DBS

There is a fee for this service. You should pay part A when you submit your application.

You’ll need a credit or debit card for this.

1. Select the button below and then follow the onscreen instructions

2. After receiving your payment receipt you’ll need to forward this email to

Make a payment online

Accordion end

Apply for a new or renewal pet sale licence

We will let you know in plenty of time when your current Animal licence is due to expire to allow you to complete our online renewal application. 

If you allow your licence to expire without submitting a valid renewal application you will be required to submit a brand new application.

A variation is where you want to make an adjustment to the licence after we have granted it. You’ll need to do this if the adjustment relates to the licence or if it relates to the premises or animals referred to in the licence.

There is a fee for this service.

To apply for a variation, you will need to give us the following information:

  • existing licence number
  • reasons for the variation
  • copy of any plans if the variation relates to a change in layout or size of the premises.

Once we have the details we will contact you to let you know how to make payment.

Apply for a variation of an animal licence

If you already have a licence but want to expand your services you should apply to add an additional activity.

For example, if you have an animal boarding licence and you now want to also breed animals you would apply to add an additional activity.

You’ll need to include:

  • name and contact details
  • licence number
  • address
  • the additional activity you want to add
  • any plans or photos to support the additional activity

There is a fee for this service.

Once we have the details we will contact you to let you know how to make payment.

If you have made improvements which you think will improve your star rating then you can apply for a rescore.

Please note that the rescore could lead to us giving you a lower score.

You’ll need to include:

  • licence number
  • address
  • improvements made since the inspection
  • any plans or photos to support the improvements

There is a fee for this service.

Once we have the details we will contact you to let you know how to make payment.

Apply for a rescore of your star rating

Firstly, speak to the inspecting officer. If you are still not satisfied then you can make a written appeal to us within 21 days of the date we granted the licence.

A manager with the licensing team will look at the appeal.

If you are still not happy with our decision following the appeal you can appeal to your local magistrates court.

There is a fee for this service.

Once we have the details we will contact you to let you know how to make payment.

Appeal your star rating

If you have lost or damaged your licence you will need to apply for a replacement.

There is a fee for this service.

Make an online payment

You’ll need a credit or debit card for this.

1. Select the button below and then follow the onscreen instructions

2. After receiving your payment receipt you’ll need to forward this email to

Make a payment online

Accordion end

You’ll need to include your:

  • name and contact details
  • licence number
  • address

Request a copy licence