Pagham Neighbourhood Development Plan


Please note that Arun District Council received instruction from Pagham Parish Council on 25 February 2021 to withdraw the Pagham Neighbourhood Plan.  The Parish Council has decided not to progress further with the plan and it will now be withdrawn from our documentation.

The documents in the table below form stages of the  Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 . More documents will be added as they become available. 

Statutory Sections of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations

Regulation Documents

Reg. 5 and 6 - Area designation


The designation of a neighbourhood area is the first formal stage in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (see the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012). The approved designated areas  within Arun District Council’s Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) are shown in the   Neighbourhood Areas Designation Map.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Parish and Town Councils are able to continue work on their neighbourhood plan while the proposed geography of the neighbourhood area is being determined.

Arun District Council is committed to publishing all applications received in its LPAA (in accordance with The Town and Country Planning Act 1990, The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 Part 2, Regulation 6).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following Town/Parish Council has applied to Arun District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority (if applicable) for designation of Neighbourhood Area under Part 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

These documents indicate those areas where Arun District Council has received an application to designate a Neighbourhood Area in its LPAA.

Consultation Dates:  27th February 2014 - 10th April 2014

Pagham - Application form and map.pdf [pdf]


Reg. 7 - Publicising a designation of a neighbourhood area etc.


Decision published on 10th December 2012

Pagham - Designation decision notice.pdf [pdf] 441KB

Reg. 14 - Pre-submission consultation and publicity

Consultation Dates: 19th July 2019 – 31st August 2019

(Please note that this is a new plan written by the Parish Council since consultation responses from the Reg.14 done in 2015)

Notice of Publication of Pagham Development Management Plan 190719.pdf [pdf] 96KB

np binder.pdf [pdf] 2MB

ADC comments on reg 14 Pagham Pre Submission 02082019.pdf [pdf] 614KB

Reg. 14 - Pre-submission consultation and publicity

Consultation Dates: 29th June 2020 – 7th August 2020

(Please note that this is an updated plan written by the Parish Council since consultation responses from the Reg.14 done in 2019)

Reg 14 Consultation Plan.pdf [pdf] 12MB

ADC reg.14 rep on Pagham pre submission 30 July 2020.pdf[pdf] 403KB



Please note that Arun District Council have received an instruction from Pagham Parish Council on 25th February 2021 to withdraw the Pagham Neighbourhood Plan.  The Parish Council has decided not to progress further with the Plan and it will now be withdrawn from our documentation.

Reg. 15 -  Plan proposals (submission)

Reg. 16 - Publicising a plan proposal


Reg. 17 - Submission of a plan proposal to examination

The submission documents and the representations received were sent to the Examiner and the Parish Council.


Reg. 18 -  Publication of the examiner’s report and plan proposal decisions


Reg.  19 -  Decision on a plan proposal


Reg. 20 -  Publicising a Neighbourhood Development Plan (‘made’ plans)




Upon careful review of the Pagham Neighbourhood Plan, Pagham Parish Council and Arun District Council withdrew the original plan from the examination process at an early stage. It was felt that the plan could be made more robust by producing some further detailed studies and the Natural England Reg.16 representation also affirmed this. Documents from the original submission are available below. 

Archived documents

Statutory Sections of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations

Reg. 14 -  Pre-submission consultation and publicity

Consultation Dates: 2nd October 2015 - 13th November 2015

Please note that this Reg.14 version Plan has been withdrawn by the Parish Council on 29th July 2019

Pagham Parish Council Website

Pagham Neighbourhood Plan September 2015.pdf [pdf] 4MB

Pagham HRA Scoping Document.pdf [pdf] 5MB

Pagham Reasonable Alternatives.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Pagham Pre Submission Proposals Map.pdf [pdf] 1MB

Pagham Proposals Map Inset.pdf [pdf] 2MB 

Archived documents from the Pagham Consultation 24th September 2014 - 5th November 2014

The documents listed below are the Pagham Consultation documents for 24th September 2014 - 5th November 2014. This consultation has been paused for further studies to be undertaken. These documents have been superseded but are available to view for your information. 

Pagham Reg 14.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Pagham - Basic Conditions Statement.pdf [pdf] 3MB

Pagham - Consultation Statement.pdf [pdf] 3MB

01. Mar 2012 [zip] 8KB

02. Publicity around start up of [zip] 778KB

03. 2012-2014 Steering Group Minutes (2).zip [zip] 9MB

04. Rural Community Profile for [zip] 6MB

05. SHLAA Site [zip] 4MB

06. Open Day Board [zip] 4MB

07. Open Day [zip] 271KB

08. Open Day returns summary [zip] 1MB

09. Focus Group Topic [zip] 6KB

10. Focus Group [zip] 954KB

11. Focus Group Technical [zip] 729KB

12. Ancillary meeting [zip] 4MB

13. Community Survey letter and [zip] 154KB

14. Community [zip] 9MB

15. Community Survey [zip] 1MB

16. State of the Parish [zip] 4MB

17. SoP covering [zip] 583KB

18. Responses from Statutory Bodies to [zip] 2MB

19. Planning Workshop [zip] 21KB

20. PW [zip] 235KB

21. Draft Policies [zip] 159KB

22. Developer Evening [zip] 4MB

23. Developer Evening [zip] 433KB

25. List of consultees at reg 14 [zip] 10KB

26. Pre-sub Draft NP [zip] 5MB

27. Publicity for Open Days viewing the [zip] 11MB

28. Feedback on [zip] 20MB

29. General [zip] 924KB

30. PCC Adoption of The [zip] 27KB

Pagham - HRA.pdf [pdf] 1MB

Pagham - Natural Constraints.pdf [pdf] 40MB

Pagham - SEA.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Pagham - Site Assesment.pdf [pdf] 3MB

Pagham - Village Design Statement.pdf [pdf] 3MB

Pagham Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Plan.pdf [pdf] 4MB

Pagham NP Proposals Map - April 2014.pdf [pdf] 376KB

Pagham NP Proposals Map Inset 1 - April 2014.pdf [pdf] 350KB

Pagham NP Proposals Map Inset 2 - April 2014.pdf [pdf] 244KB

Pagham - Reg 16 - Summary of Representations.pdf [pdf] 133KB