Other activities
Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
Workshop with Site promoters/owners
25th July 2019
The key objectives of the workshop are:
- To inform site promoters on the requirements of the updated NPPF and PPG and developer/ scheme performance
- To outline the impact on the 5 year Housing Land Supply and Housing Delivery Test result and the need to speed up completions and projected delivery (including input to an Action Plan)
- To explain the information which we need from site promoters when completing the HELAA update forms
- To understand the key issues which are causing the delivery of the sites to be delayed and what potential solutions there may be – to improve the HELAA and inform an Action Plan
- To emphasise the importance of the pre-apps/applications process in order to ensure a deliverable site eg. Masterplanning of the scheme, unambiguous viability studies etc.
ADC HELAA workshop presentation 250719.pdf [pdf] 1MB
Agenda ADC HELAA workshop 250719.pdf [pdf] 126KB
All groups notes workshop 25 July 2019.pdf [pdf] 161KB
Duty to co-operate
Duty to Cooperate Statement 2015.pdf [pdf] 7MB
Duty to Cooperate Statement addendum main mods [pdf] 328KB
Coastal West Sussex and Greater Brighton partnership
Memorandum of Understanding
ADCED51 MOU Adur Worthing.pdf [pdf] 1MB
ADCED52 MOU South Downs National Park.pdf [pdf] 887KB
ADCED66 MOU LEGA.pdf [pdf] 595KB
ADCED73 MOU Southern Water.pdf [pdf] 297KB
ADCED78 MOU Chichester_Redacted.pdf [pdf] 2MB
Statement of Common Ground
ADCED54 SoCG Fontwell redacted SoCG.pdf [pdf] 713KB
ADCED65 West Bank SoCG Littlehampton West Bank.pdf [pdf] 316KB
ADCED69 SoCG Ford.pdf [pdf] 411KB
ADCED70 SOCG Pagham North.pdf [pdf] 384KB
ADCED70a SOCG Appendix 1.pdf [pdf] 3MB
ADCED70b SOCG Appendix 2_Redacted.pdf [pdf] 699KB
ADCED71 SOCG Climping_Redacted.pdf [pdf] 2MB
ADCED74 SOCG BEW_Redacted.pdf [pdf] 1MB
ADCED80 SOCG West of Bersted_Redacted.pdf [pdf] 349KB
ADCED84 SOCG Pagham North.pdf [pdf] 287KB
ADCED84a SOCG Pagham North Appendix 1.pdf [pdf] 7MB
ADCED84b SOCG Pagham North Appendix 2_Redacted.pdf [pdf] 702KB
ADCED85 SOCG Pagham South.pdf [pdf] 229KB
ADCED85a SOCG Pagham South Appendix 1_Redacted.pdf [pdf] 698KB
ADCED86 SOCG Yapton.pdf [pdf] 48KB