Kingley Gate

Development at Courtwick, Littlehampton is a committed strategic site.  This means the development was approved and commenced prior to the Local Plan 2011-2031 being adopted.  A strategic site is land identified within Arun to accommodate major developments for housing.

The Courtwick, Littlehampton development has been named ‘Kingley Gate’ and is located to the north of Tesco in the Broadpiece area. The development is now completed and has provided 600 residential dwellings (including 30% affordable housing), employment building,  structural planting and landscaping, multi-functional green infrastructure including sports pitches (and associated changing facilities), informal open space, children's play areas, allotments and surface water attenuation with good access to the town centre.

The outline application has been approved under planning application LU/355/10/

Latest news:

January 2022: 

  • Premier Local store has opened on the development 


The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) provides an update on all matters regarding developer contributions Section 106 (S.106) and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) during the previous financial year.

Our first IFS was published in September 2020 to cover the period from April 2019 to 31 March 2020. Please see our current IFS statement.

We collect all CIL contributions for all types of Infrastructure (from 1 April 2020) but we do not collect S.106 contributions for the provision of schools, highways, libraries or the fire service (although, in some cases, S.106 for these items are retained for these projects, in agreement with the county council). In most cases, these items are the responsibility of West Sussex County Council (WSCC). Therefore our IFS should be read in conjunction with the WSCC IFS to identify how S.106 from specific development sites has been spent across the board.   

If you wish to contact us regarding any of the strategic sites, please