Consultation for High Street loading time restrictions

We are proposing to introduce vehicle restrictions on High Street and Clifton Road. The restrictions would cover the High Street from Fantasy Games (43 High Street, formerly WH Smith) to Molica Franklin (69 High Street) and Clifton Road to the junction with Arcade Road.


We propose to:

  • introduce restrictions between 10am and 10pm to keep the High Street free of vehicles to improve safety and encourage pedestrian activity
  • have a no loading or parking zone at the top of Clifton Road to ensure free access for emergency vehicles and loading access during the prescribed hours

This would mean that vehicles would only have access to this part of High Street via Clifton Road from 10pm until 10am to make deliveries. Currently, there are not any time restrictions in place so vehicle loading can occur at any time of day.

A verbal consultation will be carried out with traders to seek their views. If the consultation concludes that traders are in favour of imposing new loading time restrictions, we will apply to West Sussex Highways for a Traffic Regulation Order. It will then be up to them to decide whether the changes are introduced.

The results

The consultation was conducted between 28 June and 14 July 2022. Respondents were informed that currently there are no restrictions in force to deter vehicles entering the pedestrianised precinct. This means that parking enforcement have limited powers.

Business owners and branch managers were asked the following question: ‘Should vehicle restrictions be introduced so vehicles cannot enter High Street between 10am and 10pm?’. Most respondents were supportive.

Pie chart of consultation results showing 17% disagree and 83% agree

30 businesses were consulted with 25 agreeing with the proposal.

2 agreed there should be restrictions but their enforcement should only be between 9am and 6pm.

3 disagreed altogether, with two saying it would make deliveries difficult.

With respect to the consultation results, we are now applying to West Sussex Highways to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order for vehicle restrictions between 9am and 6pm, seven days a week. There will also be an application to make the top of Clifton Road a no parking or loading zone.

The results of the consultation were included in our press release of 21 July 2022.

The results of the application will be published in this page when a decision has been made.