Ford Environmental Impact Scoping Report
The Planning Department has received an Environmental Impact Scoping Report relating to proposed development at Ford.
‘Scoping’ is the process of identifying the content and extent of the environmental information to be submitted within the Environmental Statement.
The report is dated November 2018 and contains information required to assess the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed development.
The location at Ford, including the Airfield, is a Planning Strategic Site Allocation, identified for development, within the Arun District Local Plan 2011-2031.
The proposal that the scoping exercise relates to is for up to 1,500 dwellings, up to 37,000 square metres of employment space, a local centre to include retail units, commercial and community facilities, primary school, nursery, a care/retirement home, healthcare facilities, public open space, new sports pitches and facilities, associated access, infrastructure, landscape and ancillary works.
Following consultation, the scope of the EIA as identified within the Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report (November 2018) is acceptable. Arun District Council’s response and the Scoping report can be viewed under reference F/19/18/EIS.
A submission of a formal Environmental Statement, together with a full planning application for the development is expected to follow later this year (2019).
A Location Plan of the proposed site, below, indicates the area for development.