Felpham Neighbourhood Development Plan 2

Felpham NP Review 2019-2031 - REVISED submission

Please be advised that Felpham Parish Council has had to re-submit and consult again on its Reg.14 Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan because although a modification statement was submitted to ADC at Reg.15, a modifications statement had not been included at the previous Reg 14 stage the Plan and therefore it did not meet the Basic Conditions.  A modifications statement is now included at page 4.

It should be noted that the Plan is proposing amendments to the ‘made’ Plan and some of the policies from that Plan have been saved

The documents in the table below form stages of the  Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 .


Statutory Sections of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations
Regulation Documents

Reg. 5 and 6 - Area designation


The designation of a neighbourhood area is the first formal stage in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (see the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012). The approved Designated areas within Arun District Council’s Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) are shown in the  Neighbourhood Areas Designation Map.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Parish and Town Councils are able to continue work on their neighbourhood plan while the proposed geography of the neighbourhood area is being determined.

Arun District Council is committed to publishing all applications received in its LPAA (in accordance with The Town and Country Planning Act 1990, The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 Part 2, Regulation 6).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following Town/Parish Council has applied to Arun District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority (if applicable) for designation of Neighbourhood Area under Part 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

These documents indicate those areas where Arun District Council has received an application to designate a Neighbourhood Area in its LPAA.

Consultation Dates: 


Reg. 7 - Publicising a designation of a neighbourhood area etc.


Decision published on 


Reg. 14 - Pre-submission consultation and publicity


Consultation Dates: 20th January 2020 to 2nd March 2020

felpham-submission-ndp-2019-31-revised-reg-14.pdf [pdf] 10MB


ADC reg.14 comments

ADC Reg 14 comments Felpham NDP Review 2020.pdf[pdf] 312KB

Reg. 15 – Submission of Plan Proposal / Modification Proposal


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town/Parish Council has submitted to Arun District Council Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) and the South Downs National Park Planning Authority (if applicable), their Plan Proposal under Part 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012:


Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to have any hard copy deposit points so the documents can only be viewed electronically.  This complies with the temporary suspensions in the Arun Statement of Community Involvement.   

Reg. 16 - Publicising a Plan Proposal / Modification Proposal

Consultation Dates: 23rd September to 18th November 2020 (by 5pm)

Comments on the documents can be made by email to ndpconsultation@arun.gov.uk, online on the Objective Portal or by post to Planning Policy & Conservation, Arun Civic Centre at the address below. 

If replying by post you are encouraged to use this comment form  Reg.16 comment form plan proposal submission 2020.pdf [pdf] 136KB

Please note that any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority’s decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood development plan.

Felpham area designation map.pdf [pdf] 55KB

Felpham basic conditions 2019-2031.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Felpham Design Guide - appendix C.pdf[pdf] 11MB

Felpham consultation statement 2019-2031.pdf [pdf] 12MB

Felpham submission NDP 2019-31.pdf [pdf] 23MB

Reg. 17 - Submission of a Plan Proposal / Modification to Examination

The Reg.15 submission documents and the representations received during the Reg.16 consultation were sent to the Examiner and the Parish Council on 30th November 2020.

The anticipated Examination period is 30th November to 22nd December 2020

The submission documents including the representations received are sent to the Examiner and the Parish Council by 30th November 2020.

Please see a summary of the representations received and the ADC Reg. 16 representation.  All the original representation documents will be sent direct to the Examiner and only this summary published which is not always verbatim.

ADC reg.16 rep on Felpham 2 plan proposal submission.pdf[pdf] 412KB

Summary of Reg. 16 reps Felpham 2.pdf[pdf] 214KB


The Examiner’s preliminary comments were issued to Arun District Council and Felpham Parish Council on 4th December 2020

Preliminary comments Felpham Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019 - 2021.pdf [pdf] 98KB

Reg. 18 -  Publication of the examiner’s report and plan proposal decisions

Final report Felpham Revised Plan.pdf [pdf] 455KB


Reg.  19 - Decision on a plan proposal


Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to have any hard copy deposit points so the documents can only be viewed electronically.  This complies with the temporary suspensions in the Arun Statement of Community Involvement.  


Decision statement- Felpham Review NDP 2020.pdf[pdf] 378KB

Felpham NDP 2019-31 post examination version.pdf [pdf] 9MB

Final Determination letter[pdf] 100KB

Reg. 20 - Publicising a Neighbourhood Development Plan (‘made’ Plan)

Plans made on 17th March 2021


Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to have any hard copy deposit points so the documents can only be viewed electronically.  This complies with the temporary suspensions in the Arun Statement of Community Involvement.

Reg.20 Felpham Review publicising the plan.pdf[pdf] 262KB

Felpham NDP 2019-31 post examination.pdf [pdf] 5MB



More information can be found on the  Neighbourhood Plan Referendums  page

When updating an NDP, the Examiner decides whether the Plan needs to have a referendum or not.  The Examiner concluded that the modifications do not change the nature of the Plan so it does not need a referendum.


SUPERSEDED documents below

Following the Interim Conclusion from the Examiner, the Parish Council has withdrawn the Submission version of the Plan as proposed to be modified and will return to the Regulation 14 Consultation Stage so that the necessary Modification Statement can be produced.  The Plan remains unchanged but a Modification Statement must be produced so the statutory process has to be repeated.

Please note: A modification Statement was produced by the Parish Council at Regulation 15 but one was not produced at Regulation 14.

SUPERSEDED Statutory Sections of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations

Reg. 14 - Pre-submission consultation and publicity


Consultation Dates: 15th April 2019 to 28th May 2019

Felpham pre-submission consultation and publicity.pdf [pdf] 4MB

Felpham Parish Council Website

200519 ADC comments on Felpham 2 pre-sub.pdf [pdf] 608KB

Reg. 15 – Submission of Plan Proposal / Modification Proposal


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town/Parish Council has submitted to Arun District Council Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) and the South Downs National Park Planning Authority (if applicable), their Plan Proposal under Part 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012:

During the consultation period the applications can be viewed at: Bognor Regis Town Hall and Arun Civic Centre.

Reg. 16 - Publicising a Plan Proposal / Modification Proposal

Consultation Dates: 26th September to 7th November 2019 (by 5pm)

Comments on the documents can be made by email to ndpconsultation@arun.gov.uk, online on the Objective Portal or by post to Planning Policy & Conservation, Arun Civic Centre at the address below. 

Please note that any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority’s decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood development plan.

Felpham 2 basic-conditions-statement.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Felpham Modifications Statement.pdf [pdf] 63KB

Felpham 2 environment determination.pdf [pdf] 1MB

Felpham designated-np-area.pdf [pdf] 434KB

Felpham 2 consultation-statement.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Felpham-design-guide.pdf[pdf] 886KB

felpham 2-submission-ndp-2019-31.pdf [pdf] 8MB

Reg. 17 - Submission of a Plan Proposal / Modification to Examination

The Reg.15 submission documents and the representations received during the Reg.16 consultation were sent to the Examiner and the Parish Council on 15th November 2019

The anticipated Examination period is 18th November 2019 to 6th January 2020

The submission documents including the representations received are sent to the Examiner and the Parish Council by 15th November 2019.

Please see a summary of the representations received and the ADC Reg. 16 representation.  All the original representation documents will be sent direct to the Examiner and only this summary published which is not always verbatim.

Summary of Reg. 16 reps Felpham 2019[pdf] 294KB

ADC reg.16 rep on Felpham 2 plan proposal submission 2019.pdf[pdf] 399KB


Felpham Examination initial comments 29112019.pdf [pdf] 54KB

Felpham Parish Council Response to the Initial Comments of the Independent Examiner .pdf [pdf] 33KB

ADC Response to the Initial Comments of the Independent Examiner.pdf [pdf] 116KB


Felpham Interim Conclusions.pdf [pdf] 51KB

Reg. 18 -  Publication of the examiner’s report and plan proposal decisions

Withdrawal of the Felpham NDP 2019-2031 (Felpham Modified Plan)

Following the Interim Conclusion from the Examiner, the Parish Council has withdrawn the Submission version of the Plan as proposed to be modified and will return to the Regulation 14 Consultation Stage so that the necessary Modification Statement can be produced.  The Plan remains unchanged but a Modification Statement must be produced so the statutory process has to be repeated.

Please note: A modification Statement was produced by the Parish Council at Regulation 15 but one was not produced at Regulation 14.


The Examiners final report Felpham Neighbourhood Plan - Final report .pdf [pdf] 38KB concludes this examination and a revised Regulation 14 consultation is to be undertaken by the Parish Council.  Notification of this will follow in accordance with the Parish Council’s revised timetable.

Reg.  19 - Decision on a plan proposal

Reg. 20 - Publicising a Neighbourhood Development Plan (‘made’ plans)

Plans made on



Referendum held on 

More information can be found on the  Neighbourhood Plan Referendums  page