Events policy and procedures

Published: 2019
Update: August 2023
Update: April 2024

1.0 Introduction

Our events policy and procedures document refers mainly to the use of our (Arun District Council) owned open spaces for events. This document outlines our position regarding the use of our land for events and the obligations we and event organisers must follow to ensure that events take place safely and successfully. It also provides the framework for the application process.

This document applies to:

  • events and activities being held on our land
  • events in the Arun district on private land that require input from the Safety Advisory Group (SAG)
  • events which have licensable activities
  • all events involving road closures in the Arun district

We recognise the benefits that events bring to the district and the significant contribution they make to the local cultural and tourism offer. A diverse range of events are currently held throughout the year across the Arun district, from small community picnics to large carnival and bonfire events that attract thousands of visitors to the area.

Events offer a huge opportunity for us to promote the district in a positive light and further enhance our leisure and cultural offer. This requires that our policies and procedures in relation to events management are robust, enforced and support the delivery of our wider aims.

Through the publishing of this document, it is hoped that the Arun district is seen by existing event organisers and prospective event organisers, as a place that seeks to encourage well-organised and appropriate events for the area.

2.0 Aims

Our events policy and procedures must align with our wider corporate aims.

The implementation of the events policy was identified in our 2020 vision programme. This document sets a clear policy for the commercial opportunities events provide as a source of income generation, which was also identified in the 2020 vision programme and further supports our medium-term financial strategy. Alongside this, the events policy and procedures will help facilitate the delivery of an appropriate and diverse range of high-quality annual events within the Arun district, ensuring such events are delivered in a safe and controlled manner and in line with public expectations. In doing so, the diversity of leisure and cultural options available to both residents and visitors to the district will be increased, thus supporting health & wellbeing and economic regeneration within the district.

3.0 Overall events policy statement

This policy will:

  • give clear guidance in relation to those events that will/will not be permitted to take place on our owned/controlled land
  • ensure a fair, consistent and transparent process
  • outline our role and the role of our officers in relation to the events process
  • provide a comprehensive framework for the benefit of event organisers to ensure their events comply with our policy and procedures including best practice
  • ensure the protection of the local environment and our assets for future use by event organisers and throughout the year by the public
  • support delivery of an enhanced leisure and cultural offer for the district

4.0 Roles and responsibilities policy

4.1 Policy statement

It is important that the roles and responsibilities of key organisations and individuals are clearly defined from the start. Defined roles and responsibilities ensure that event organisers know what they can expect from us in terms of support and guidance but it also enables understanding and ownership of where responsibility and action must sit with them. The aim is to ensure a smooth and comprehensive process in relation to all event applications we receive.

4.2 The role of Aun District Council (where an event is taking place on council-owned land)

Our role is to support the event application and delivery process from start to finish, ensuring compliance with the adopted policy and procedures and its statutory obligations. This includes supporting the event organisers to promote events via our various media streams.

Our specific roles include:

  • providing a central point of contact for all events management communications
  • providing information and advice at all stages of the events process, to facilitate the effective planning, organising and delivery of events by the event organiser
  • to ensure that where necessary, the relevant specialist services both internal and external, have the opportunity to comment and advise on event applications
  • facilitating the meetings of the Arun Safety Advisory Group (SAG)
  • undertaking visits to events in order to assess compliance with the event application, risk assessment and any licenses issued for the event

Our specific roles for events on private land include:

  • ensuring as far as practicable, that event organisers are aware of their responsibilities for events taking place on private land
  • providing event organisers with advice from our events team or other relevant officers and where appropriate the SAG in order to ensure these responsibilities are met

4.3 The role of the SAG

The SAG is an advisory panel that provides advice and guidance to event organisers, both on our owned and private land. Membership of the group will vary depending on the nature of the event (for example events that take place on the sea, the harbour board may be consulted) but typically include representatives from police, fire services, highways, council services and the ambulance service.

The SAG does not make decisions but will provide advice on event plans, give feedback and share any concerns with organisers. For some events, the SAG may meet remotely and exchange documents and feedback with organisers electronically. Enquiries to the group can be made via the events officer who will initially consult with the chairman of the SAG.

The final decision on approval/refusal of an event rests with us as the landowner. (Where an event is on private land and in the case of serious concerns about public welfare, SAG members including the police, and the local authority may raise their concerns and give advice). Overall responsibility rests with the organiser of the event, and owners of the land. If public order, serious threat to life or public safety issues arise, the police can enforce their statutory powers.

We oversee applications for TCPA road closures, in consultation with agencies and West Sussex County Council, and have the final decisions in relation to consent or refusal. West Sussex County Council administers all applications outside of TCPA.

The criteria requiring a SAG is shown in Table 2.

4.4 The role of the event organiser

The event organiser, who may also be known as the event manager has overall responsibility for the safe planning and management of the event. Whilst several people may be involved in planning and delivery, there should be a single named event organiser on any event application with overall responsibility for the event.

On our owned land the event organiser is required to:

  • read and adhere to our events policy and procedures
  • ensure all current health, safety and welfare regulations and guidance relating to all activities and persons during the planning, delivery and attendance of events, is adhered to at all times
  • provide us and any other statutory body/agency with all the required documentation according to the events policy and procedures
  • attend as required any SAG meetings, and any other meeting/s
  • ensure that the event is run in accordance with the submitted documentation: the application form, the event management plan and risk assessment and method statement
  • on completion of the event, to provide us with feedback, including the following information: numbers attending, details of any accidents/incidents, lessons learned and what went well. An email will be sent to the event organiser (after the event) containing a link to the feedback form to be completed
  • attend a post-event debrief (if required) on invitation from the events officer or SAG
  • hold and supply us with evidence of the required level of public liability insurance, including damage cover

On private land, organisers are advised to:

  • ensure all current health, safety and welfare regulations and guidance relating to all activities and persons during the planning, delivery and attendance of events is adhered to at all times
  •  provide us and any other statutory body or agency with the required documentation
  • be aware of their responsibilities for the impact on the wider area such as highways
  • seek advice from our officers in the following departments, events, licensing and environmental health or where appropriate the SAG

5.0 Permitted events policy (council owned land)

5.1 Policy statement

We only allow events of an appropriate nature to take place on our land. Allowing events or activities which may cause offence, conflict with our existing policies or cause reputational damage to us, are not allowed. We have clear adopted policies in place for what we consider to be ‘appropriate’ events and the rationale for this, in case of challenge.

Table 1 Permissible and non-permissible events


Permitted/not permitted


Examples of events

Application required

Small family events

Generally permitted

Where a private event is considered reasonable in the wider context of other park use/users and does not breach Open Space Byelaws.

Family gatherings of up to 20 persons

No formal application but advise us for confirmation and follow sensible guidelines.

Weddings & wedding receptions or memorial-type services

Not permitted


We do not have the relevant licences for weddings.



Private/all ticket

Generally permitted

To retain whole or part use of public open space for public enjoyment. Consideration will be given where ticketing of the whole site is paramount to ensuring public safety/security for an event deemed appropriate under this policy.

Events that require full use of park/open space in its entirety to ensure safety and/or security


Balloon & lantern releases

Not permitted

These events can have long-term detrimental effects on wildlife, particularly the marine environment. Lantern releases also pose an unacceptable fire safety risk.

- remembrance releases

-sky lantern releases


Events with part-ticketed areas

Generally permitted

This allows the area of the event to be controlled as required, whilst still allowing the public to have access to the remainder of the public open space.

-events with specific stage/viewing areas that are ticket access only

- pay-per-use activities as part of the event


Profit making inc commercial

Generally permitted

Applications for commercial use will be considered on an individual basis.

-trade shows
- exhibitions
-sporting events
- events with children’s activities
- processions/ parades
- family fun days


Local charities (Arun District)


Corporate support of charitable /not-for-profit organisations within and for the benefit of Arun District.

Registered charity number required.

- fetes
- exhibitions
- sporting events
 - events with children’s activities such as workshops/arts and crafts


National charities


Commercial charities that have set budgets for fundraising.

Registered charity number required.

- exhibitions
- sporting events
- country fayres
- events with children’s activities




Events where all profits are reinvested into the event or support a specific cause.

Annual events where profits are invested back into the event for the following year. Specific’s causes are to be identified in the event application form.




Corporate support of community groups and organisations. When applying applicants must stipulate the reason for the event.





Family-friendly activities and rides which benefit the local community.





Part-ticketed area with family-friendly entertainment, including acrobatics displays. Animal acts are not permitted.




Generally permitted

Permitted where delivered by a competent company complying with

- The fireworks regulations 2004 - submission of risk assessment 
- fire risk assessment 
- the firework display operator public liability insurance and risk assessment
- map showing the fallout and safe zones for the fireworks

Fireworks displays can be incorporated as part of events.


Activity/fitness sessions

Generally permitted

Promote health & well-being and support local businesses.

Boot camps


Events involving live animals

Considered on a case-by-case basis

Incidental use of animals is not permitted. Animal displays/demonstrations may be permitted for educational purposes, where no other outlet is available in the locality. Animal welfare agencies must be supportive and provide evidence of veterinary care and all required licensing, transportation and health and safety/welfare documents.

- dog shows
-birds of prey demonstrations


Events involving road closures

Generally permitted.

Requires external agency and partners consultation

A road closure application will need to be applied for when the activity impacts the safe flow of traffic on a Public Highway.

-filming activities
- parades
- processions
- music events
- fun fairs
- sporting events


Religious events

Case by case basis

See additional information in section 5.2



Protests, rallies

Case by case basis

Freedom of speech – right to lawful and peaceful protest. All safety and planning operations as an event with the same considerations and due process.



Activities such as litter picking are not required to go through the events process. You should contact our park and greenspace team (if within a park) or our cleansing and waste services team for other areas, to discuss arrangements.

5.2 Other non-permissible activities and events

We reserve the right to withhold granting permission for an event or any advertising, which is either directly involved with or associated with any of the following activities:

  • tobacco and alcohol manufacturers and distributors
  • extreme political parties or organisations
  • any event on our land, requiring our approval, where the aims conflict with or seek to undermine decisions/policy democratically taken by us
  • any business involved in the manufacture or sale of firearms
  • companies involved in the sex industry
  • businesses involved in animal experimentation
  • businesses involved in the fur trade
  • any organisations involved in blood sports, or which involve the use of, or cause harm to any animal, or are detrimental to the safety and welfare of any animal
  • any illegal activity
  • any activity that might cause disharmony on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any activity or negative attitudes which compromise our commitment to equal opportunities
  • any other activity deemed to be inappropriate by the events officer in consultation with the appropriate committee
  • vox pop’s (stop and ask) activities are generally not permitted so as not to cause unnecessary interruption to the general public but may be considered on a case-by-case basis

5.3 Filming and drones policy

The Arun district offers a wide range of interesting opportunities for filming and photography. Supporting filming opportunities is generally in our interest as it can raise the profile of a particular area or attraction. We are therefore willing to consider applications to film on our land, including the use of drones.

Filming requests that are not permitted include:

  • any of the activities listed in 5.2
  • if the filming creates unreasonable and/or prolonged annoyance or nuisance to the occupiers of any neighbouring property, business or member of the public
  • filming invades the privacy of others
  • filming puts the security of buildings/premises at risk
  • contravenes GDPR, CAA regulations or any other safety or privacy regulation

5.3.1 Short notice filming requests 

Where requests for filming are justifiably received at short notice for example live or pre-recorded news broadcasts, then they will be dealt with through our public relations team.

Due to the requirement of a location agreement for most filming requests, it is important that those applying to us, adhere to the application timeframes identified in table 2.

5.3.2 Use of drones

To operate a drone for commercial purposes the operator must have a permit from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to apply to us for permission. Permission will not be granted unless this permit is evidenced. All permits must adhere to the CAA drone code.

Please see our filming and photography in our district web page for more information.

5.3.3 Student filming 

We support student filming for non-commercial purposes and where it is an essential part of their coursework. Confirmation of this is required in writing from the university /college/further education provider, as is confirmation of public liability insurance for the student/s filming on location.

Student filming in public open space can require more support than can reasonably be provided by us, and to reduce any risk, student filming is restricted by the following:

  • maximum of 6 hours between the hours of 9am to 5pm on weekdays only (excluding bank holidays)
  • no infrastructure is permitted
  • any licences and/or permits required are the responsibility of the student and the educational establishment and must be confirmed prior to consent
  • full risk assessment is required with the application

Any hours/part hours or days outside of permitted times will incur full fees and charges. A purchase order number from the educational establishment is required prior to consent for applications outside of the permitted student filming times/days.


6.0 Event application, approval and refusal policy

6.1 Policy statement 

The event application process is the series of steps that event organisers wanting to apply to hold an event on our land must follow for their event to be considered for approval by ourselves and our statutory partners (including agencies that are part of the SAG where necessary).

The application process is designed to ensure that all necessary and relevant information relating to an event has been well prepared by the organiser. This is for review and consideration by the appropriate officers, organisations and respective specialist services, to ensure event compliance with legislation including health, safety/welfare, best practice and the wider policies contained within this policy.

As the landowner, we have the final decision in respect of approving or refusing an event application.

6.2 Application

Event organisers are advised to liaise with our event officer regarding the availability of dates/locations prior to application. Please read the events policy and procedure prior to application and ensure all documents required are submitted with the application no later than the minimum time stated within the policy.

It is the event organisers responsibility when entering the application process to ensure applications with the required documents are submitted in full. Applications received without the required supporting documents fully completed, will not be considered as entering the application process and will be disregarded as incomplete

It is the event organisers responsibility when entering the application process to ensure applications with the required documents are submitted in full. Applications received without the required supporting documents fully completed, will not be considered as entering the application process and will be disregarded as incomplete.

When fully complete applications are received, organisers will be contacted and advised accordingly on the possibility of the following:

  • to consider an alternative date due to programming clashes at or near the site/locality
  • the event is not supported by our events policy
  • the process will commence for the application

We take into consideration a series of factors when reviewing event applications. In most cases, we will operate on a first come first served basis with each application being considered on an event-by-event basis regarding the application and documents provided.

In some cases, the historical performance of established events may take priority if more than one party submits all the required documents via the application process simultaneously for an event on the same date.

The events officer and other relevant officers and agencies (including SAG) consider the appropriateness of an application based on previous and forthcoming events within a geographical area.

The event organiser must comply in full with the application procedure, all requests for further information from us and ensure our policy and procedures are evidenced in the event application.

Table 2

Application timescales and requirements


Minimum submission timescale

What to submit

Events with 0 – 500 attendees

8 weeks

- event application form
- risk assessment
- event layout pap
- Public Liability Insurance (min £5 million indemnity)
- event management plan
- details of any traders/food vendors

Events with 500 – 1000 attendees

12 weeks

- event application form
- risk assessment
- event layout pap
- Public Liability Insurance (min £5 million indemnity)
- event management plan
- details of any traders/food vendors

Events with more than 1000 attendees

12 weeks

A longer period of 9-10 months may be required to allow safe and effective event planning and SAG consultation meetings.

- event application form
- risk assessment
- event layout pap
- Public Liability Insurance (min £5 million indemnity)
- event management plan
- traffic management plan
- details of any traders/food vendors

Events requiring SAG input. Events of this nature that have  more than 1000 attendees and incorporate high-risk elements such as but not limited to; fireworks, road closures, bonfires and traffic management

The SAG will convene around 9 months prior to the event. It is accepted that at this stage not all documentation will have been finalised, however, an outline of the event management plan, risk assessments and previous learning should be submitted.

- event application form
- event layout map
- risk assessment
- Public Liability Insurance £5 million – £10 million indemnity)
- event management plan
- traffic management plan
- details of any traders/food vendors


Protests/rallies with road closures

8 weeks

12 weeks

- event application form
- site layout map
- risk assessment
- Public Liability Insurance (min £5 million indemnity)
- event management plan
Above with below additions:
- traffic management plan
road closure plan

All filming applications

4 weeks. For large productions (over 10 crew/cast) which may require a unit base application must be submitted no later than 8 weeks prior.

Location agreements — a minimum of 14 days is required for our legal department to review any location agreements.

- filming application form
- risk assessment
- event management plan
- Public Liability Insurance (min £5 million - £10 million indemnity)
- site plan

Please note that further documentation may be required dependent on the size and location of the filming.

Filming applications using drones

4 weeks

- filming application form
- risk assessment
- layout plan
- CAA permit
- drones users Public Liability Insurance
- risk assessment for the specific drone activity
- Public Liability Insurance (min £5 million indemnity)

Further documentation may be required dependent on the size and location of the filming.

Stage by the sea/bandstand applications

8 weeks (unless part of a wider event – then see minimum schedule above)

- risk assessment
- Public Liability insurance (min £5million indemnity)
- event management plan

Activity/ fitness session applications

8 weeks

- risk assessment (inc first aid)
- site plan
- fitness instructor qualifications
- Public Liability Insurance (min £5 million indemnity)

Deposit and hire fee payment

4 weeks

Hire fee is to be paid within 14 days of the applicant receiving the confirmation letter/email

The event application process to be followed

Additional requested documents being submitted

As timescale advised


Road closure application with 0 - 200 attendees

8 weeks

- Public Liability Insurance - min £10 million)
- route Map (map needs to include; the roads being closed, the location of the road safety signage, and where marshals will be placed.)
- risk assessment
- traffic management plan this may also be included in the risk assessment
- details of access/exit routes for emergency vehicles

Road closure application with over 200 attendees 


- Public Liability Insurance - min £10 million)
- route-map (to include; roads being closed, location of the road safety signage and where marshals will be placed.)
- risk assessment
- traffic management plan


Please note: the above timings are to be used as a minimum time guideline. It is the responsibility of the event organiser to obtain a written agreement from the events officer if these deadlines need to change. In each case, the event organiser must contact the events officer before the deadline to seek approval. The events officer may decline an application if the above or otherwise advised deadlines are not met. In consultation with the chair of the SAG, the events officer’s decision on an events requirement to be considered by the SAG is final.

6.3 Approval

The event application will only be valid if all supporting information required under this policy are submitted, as per our policy requirements. Please note, we will confirm if an event application has been accepted as valid.

6.4 Refusal

The events officer’s decision is final and they reserve the right to refuse permission for an event based on the following circumstances:

  • non-compliance with one or more of the requirements outlined in our event policy and procedures, or any other of our policies
  • non submission of the application or any supporting information within the specified time frames as outlined in this policy, or within any amended deadline set by the events officer
  • not meeting the application/submission deadlines as set out in this policy or the deadlines set by the events officer (unless express prior written approval has been given by the events officer)
  • concerns raised by one or more internal service areas relating to the serious negative impact of the event on that particular service
  • serious and impassable concerns raised by one or more members of the SAG
  • other similar or large-scale events in close geographical proximity and in close chronological proximity, which in the opinion of the events officer, will lead to over congestion of events in a particular area or site
  • concerns over the detrimental impact the event may have on the land in question, for example, where considerable damage may be caused to the land which impacts on the ability for short term/long term future public use, or the local community and residents
  • previous or known breaches or non-compliance with any condition or requirement as set out by us in any license or agreement between ourselves and the event organiser, including breaches of this policy
  • previous or known non-compliance or breaches by the event organiser against the information and procedures as set out in the event organisers application, risk assessment or event management plan
  • concerns regarding the financial viability of the event and financial stability of the organisations proposing the event
  • publishing or posting inappropriate and/or defamatory comments about us, our staff or members in any public forum, including social media
  • fly posting of promotional material, or non-removal of permitted advertising
  • concerns regarding the competency and or suitability of the persons proposing the event
  • information received from another local authority, agency or service which highlight concerns about the general compliance or appropriateness of the event/event organiser     
  • if the volume of existing applications received determine that we are unable to administer further applications we receive

Appeals will need to be made in writing to the services director. An appeal will then be considered by the services director in consultation with the appropriate committee.

6.5 Site availability 

A list of our main sites suitable for events along with further details on the types of events that could be supported, is listed in Appendix 2.

Site inspections may be carried out pre and post event.

6.6 Post event

6.6.1 Inspection

A post event site inspection will take place where necessary, 1-2 days after the event and may involve the events officer, event organiser and/or other appropriate officers or contractors acting on our behalf.

During the site inspection, the officer may observe and record the following:

  • adherence to conditions as set out in any license/consent/authorisation to use land
  • damage to the site and site infrastructure. Images (photographic or video) may be used to record evidence of any damage or issue to our land, property, flora and fauna. The event organiser may request copies of recorded images if they are not present at the post event inspection
  • waste left on site
  • non-removal of promotional materials at any site or location within the district

If damage is identified and the events officer believes it is due to the event, then we are entitled to keep part, or all of the deposit to cover any reasonable costs associated with the repair or replacement and the administration time incurred by us. If the costs of the repairs are higher than any deposit paid the event organiser will be sent an invoice for the balance of the costs.

6.6.2 Debrief and feedback

Event organisers will be required to provide feedback on their event. Typically, this will include details on attendance numbers, operational reports, accidents, near misses and public feedback reports.

Where required (large and/or high-risk events) event organisers will be required to hold a more detailed event debrief. It is expected that the events officer will be openly invited to attend any debrief.

7.0 Environmental policy

7.1 Policy statement 

Ourselves and the event organiser have a duty to ensure that all events have the lowest possible impact on both the local and wider environment. Whilst some impact may be unavoidable, it is the duty of the event organiser to consider reasonable reductions for these impacts through the event planning process. 

This includes but is not limited to:

  • the reduction of omissions for example using local suppliers/contractors
  • full compliance regarding the single use of plastics as per the Environmental Protection (Plastic Straws, Cotton Buds and Stirrers) (England) Regulations 2020 which came into force on 1 October 2020
  • The Environmental Protection (Plastic Plates etc and Polystyrene Containers etc) (England) Regulations 2023 
  • any subsequent updates or amendments to the regulations

7.2 Waste and recycling 

Event organisers have a responsibility to ensure that waste is effectively managed as part of their event planning. In addition to this we place significant emphasis on requiring event organisers to consider how they will minimise the creation of waste at the event from the outset and maximise opportunities for recycling refuse.

The event organiser must leave the event site in a clean and tidy condition.

Beyond our contractual arrangements for the emptying of street bins and street cleaning (which is accepted may increase as the result of increased event footfall), the event organiser is expected to make arrangements with a commercial waste operator, or our waste and cleansing team, to ensure adequate provision of any additional bins and transfer of this waste, for the purposes of the event. The commercial operator must be a registered waste carrier. The carrier’s licence number and name will need to be included in the event application. All applicable fees are the responsibility of the organiser.

7.3 Noise management 

Event organisers must ensure that the event will not cause significant or unreasonable disturbance or noise nuisance to the surrounding residents and businesses.

It is the event organiser’s responsibility to manage and monitor the noise caused by their event. Upon review of the event, a noise management plan may need to be submitted in writing and approved in writing by ADC. Conditions may be placed on the event for it to go ahead, which the event organiser must adhere to.

7.4 Pollution 

Pollution of land and water courses because of an event will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Reduction for potential pollution incidents should be considered where appropriate as part of the event planning.

7.5 Flora and fauna 

Events that have a detrimental impact on any flora, or fauna on land, sea, or waterways will not be approved. Vehicle movement, parking and the building of structures with ground fixing points must be planned and approved by us. This is to avoid the root protection zones of trees, compaction and potential root damage which is likely to lead to the poor future health of trees.

It is prohibited to use any trees to anchor any structure or for advertisement/signage for any event, without the express written permission of our trees officer.

In parks with significant trees, a detailed layout plan must be provided as part of the event application process, for review.

7.6 Sanitary facilities provision 

It is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure that the appropriate numbers and types of toilets (including disabled access) are in place for the estimated number of people attending the event. Guidance can be found in the purple events guide.

Where additional cleansing requirements for our public conveniences are required due to the number of people attending the event, we reserve the right to charge the appropriate fees to the event organiser to cover the additional costs. These costs will be clearly set out to the event organiser during the event planning process.

The event organiser may request the extended opening of our council-owned public conveniences as part of their event application. We reserve the right to charge the appropriate fees to the event organiser for all associated costs.

7.7 Licence to use land

A licence to use our land may be required to help protect it. This may be because but is not limited to, the event will last for more than one day, where historical/valuable assets are on the site or when there are concerns with the impact of the event and reinstatement of the site. The applicant will be advised if this is required by the events officer. All clauses as detailed in the license must be adhered to by the event organiser.

An administration fee may be charged for the drafting of the licence.

8.0 Advertising policy

8.1 Policy statement 

We recognise that advertising is a key part of ensuring a successful and well-attended event and will support the promotion of events where possible. The aim is to ensure that event organisers are aware of their legal and moral responsibilities in terms of advertising their event appropriately.

The event organiser will need to advise the events officer of their proposals for advertising their event.

8.2 Fly posting 

Display of adverts and other promotional materials without permission (fly-posting), on buildings, posts, litter bins, vehicle windscreens, highways and elsewhere in public, is illegal under the Highways Act 1980 and the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.  We may issue on-the-spot fines, use fixed penalty notices or prosecute the offender in the Magistrates’ Court. 

We reserve the right to remove any promotional material deemed as fly posting without warning and will recharge the costs of doing so to the event organiser. In serious cases of fly posting, we reserve the right to cancel the event and refuse permission for subsequent events.

Event organisers are strongly advised not to advertise their event until they have received formal written approval from us for the event to take place.

Those who advertise their events prior to this approval do so at their own risk.  We will not be held liable for any costs or damages incurred in such circumstances.

8.3 Support for the promotion of events

We can support and help promote events by advertising in/on our:

  • social media platforms
  • website, including Sussex by the Sea
  • publications/guides such as the Arun Times and Sussex by the Sea Visitor Guide
  • buildings/receptions, Visitor Information Points
  • site/park noticeboards (by prior arrangement)
  • park licensed businesses (by prior arrangement)
  • road-side banner sites throughout the district (fees may apply)

The event organiser is responsible for the takedown and removal of all associated advertising within 48 hours of the events end date.

8.4 Branding

We are supportive of joint branding of appropriate events on promotional material developed by the event organiser, providing the following:

  • it reflects the role of both the event organisers and ourselves in facilitating the event on our land​​​​​​​
  • that joint branding provides an assurance to event goers that an event has gone through the proper process to be formally approved
  • that event organisers have formal authorisation before using our logo on any marketing media or platforms

9.0 Fees and charges policy

9.1 Policy statement

We are committed to a fees and charges policy that is transparent and fair. Fees and charges are designed to reflect our role in facilitating events, both through support from our staff and our major services contractors while reflecting the value we place on the use of our land as an asset of value.

9.2 Fees and charges 

Table 3 and Table 4 show the hire fees and deposits for hiring our owned/controlled land and for filming. Fees will come into effect from 1 April. 

The events officer in consultation with senior managers and the appropriate committee, reserves the right to review and amend these charges annually. All fees and charges will be published annually from the 1 April on our website. In certain circumstances, the events officer reserves the right to vary, waive or increase the fees and charges in consultation with the appropriate committee and senior managers, to ensure events remain viable.

Table 3 - Event fees and charges

Event fees and charges

Applicant sector

Deposit required per site

Admin fee
per site

Hire fee rig/de-rig
per day

Hire fee per day for large parks and promenades 

Hire fee per day small parks

Hire fee bandstands Inc. Hotham Park/Mary MacPhie/Bognor Regis

Profit-making / corporate commercial






No charge

Local charity/not-for-profit such as volunteer/community groups (All charities must supply the registered charity number)


No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge

Parish/Town festival events



No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge

National charities (all charities must supply the registered charity number)






No charge




Included only within the consent period







Included only within the consent period




Outdoor fitness/boot camps


No charge


£54 annual charge per site

£54 annual charge per site


Licence to use land








No charge

Case by case basis

No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge

Road closures -under Section 16 or Section 14 only determined by WSCC

Refer to WSCC

Refer to WSCC

Refer to WSCC

Refer to WSCC

Refer to WSCC

Refer to WSCC

Street/car park/pay and display bay suspensions


Dependant on requirement

Dependant on requirement

Dependant on requirement

Dependant on requirement

Dependant on requirement

Overstay (outside consent/licence period)


£216 per day (excluding legal or any other associated fees





Deposits are refundable (after confirmation of no damage) and should be paid no later than 4 weeks prior to the event, hire fees must be paid within 14 days of receipt of the formal event approval.

In certain circumstances, it will be appropriate to negotiate fees on a case-by-case basis, for example where an event spans a significant time period and is managed under a license agreement.

If an event requires considerable assistance from the event officer to meet the required level of competence, and if that resource is available, then in consultation with the appropriate committee and having advised the event organiser of its intention to do so, we reserve the right to apply additional charges to the event organiser. This will be charged at a rate of £25 per hour.

9.3 Circuses (2020 onwards)

We will review and approve up to 3 circuses to hire our land through a competitive tender process.

Circus operators will be sent a tender pack and will have to submit a bid for approval to be considered. The tender pack will include various available dates and event sites that the circus operators will be able to select and submit proposals for.

This will ensure each circus operator has a fair opportunity to apply to hire our land and that the provision of such events is appropriately and evenly distributed across the events season.

9.4 Filming fees and charges 

The table below shows the hire fees and deposits for hiring our owned/controlled land. All deposits and hire fees must be paid prior to the start of filming.

Table 4 - filming/photography fees and charges

Table 4 - filming /photography fees and charges


Deposits (per site/location)

Daily rate (over 4 hours per location)

Half day (up to 4 hours per location am or pm)

Commercial productions:
- small (up to 10 crew members including talent handheld equipment and 2 vehicles)
- large (over 10 crew members including talent, equipment and more than 2 vehicles)


£216 per day per location

£324.50 per day per location

£108.50 per day per location

£162 per day per location

Not-for-profit/charity based within Arun districts such as Volunteer projects or local community/charity filming/photography


No charge

No charge

National/international charities (not based within Arun District)
- small (up to 10 crew members including talent handheld equipment and up to 2 vehicles)
- large (over 10 crew members including talent, equipment and more than 2 vehicles)


£108 per day per location

£162 per day per location

£54 per day per location

£81 per day per location

Live/pre-recorded broadcasting (news items only)

No charge

No charge

No charge

Student filming 

Case by case

No charge for a maximum of 6 hours on weekdays, between 9am and 5 pm only (excluding bank holidays)

No charge: max 4 hours weekdays only between 9am and 5pm (excluding bank holidays)


9.5 Site deposit and hire fees

Reinstatement deposits are charged to the event organiser to cover any potential damage to site/s and must be paid no later than 4 weeks prior to an event.

All hire fees must be paid within 14 days of receipt of the formal event approval. The operator will not be granted access to our land without both the hire fees and deposit being paid. All hire charges are non-refundable once payment has been made.

Any unpaid fees and charges will result in the event organiser being refused permission for any future events. The events officer will decide in some cases, whether the fees and deposit payable shall be in full, reduced, waived, or increased and all decisions will be final.

9.6 Key deposit

The security of our land against unauthorised entry is taken very seriously. Event organisers will be charged an additional deposit for the loan of keys to the event site. A deposit of £105.00 is required for all site keys being loaned from us. A key allocation form will be filled out and signed by one of our officers when signing out the keys and when the keys are returned.

It is the responsibility of the event organiser to check that all keys work prior to the event. Organisers may collect keys by prior arrangement no earlier than 7 days prior to the event and must return them by arrangement on the first working day after the event closes.

9.7 Late cancellation, event shutdown and refunds 

We reserve the right to cancel an event or shut down an event during its delivery, should it be deemed necessary. Examples include but are not limited to the following:

  • the site has become waterlogged or it is considered that the site will be damaged beyond reasonable repair (more than what is covered by any site deposit) if the event were to take place
  • related fees, charges and deposits have not been paid
  • information required by us has not been received from the event organiser by the given deadline
  • any other exceptional or unforeseen circumstances such as severe weather or following government/public health direction/guidance
  • health and safety breaches or concerns for public welfare both prior to and during the event
  • non-compliance to our conditions or requirements
  • non-compliance or breaches by the event organiser against the information and procedures set out in their application, risk assessment or event management plan

We accept no liability for any pre-, during or post-event cost the event organiser may have already incurred in relation to the above.

Where an event is cancelled through no fault of the event organiser all fees/charges/deposits will be returned in full.

If an event organiser wants to cancel an event, they must contact us at least 7 days prior to the event. Under all other circumstances, we reserve the right to charge the administration fee for the event.

10.0 Events health and safety policy

10.1 Policy statement

It is vital that events are operated safely, and it is an important role of the event organiser and for ourselves to take into high consideration. The risks and requirements to manage an event safety will vary, but where necessary the following will be required as part of the full application process.

10.2 General requirements of the event organiser

10.2.1 Risk assessment

All events on our land require a well-considered and robust risk assessment to be in place. A risk assessment will identify the risks associated with the event and demonstrate how these risks will be reduced to an acceptable level.

A template for risk assessment is available on our safety information and resources for event organisers website page.

10.2.2 Event Management Plan (EMP)

An Event Management Plan is a safety document that should be written in conjunction with the risk assessment for the event and submitted for review with the event application form. The EMP details all the safety and organisational aspects of the event from rig to de-rig. Events are subject to Health and Safety regulations, and it is the event organisers responsibility to ensure all regulations are strictly adhered to, and addressed appropriately in the EMP.

All events must submit an EMP which is reviewed by our relevant officers/departments. Additional analysis of EMP’s is carried out by the SAG for events such as those with over 1,000 attendees, road closures or higher risk activity.

Where relevant the following is included in an Event Management Plan:

  • marshal and security details including job roles, training and location plan
  • traffic management parking, vehicles on site and entry and exit of vehicles
  • road closure details
  • key contact details
  • licenses required, applied for and received
  • health and safety procedures/provision
  • medical cover and first aid
  • safeguarding procedures and policy
  • fire safety and fire risk assessment
  • crowd management
  • waste management
  • contact details of key roles
  • site plan
  • contingency plans (including cancellation and scaling back)
  • emergency evacuation plan
  • schedule and programme of events
  • details of power sources/generators
  • details of temporary structures
  • details of event catering, traders and suppliers documented food safety controls
  • stalls/stands and activities
  • noise management plan
  • communication plan
  • proof of ADIPS (see glossary of terms for funfairs & circuses only)
  • toilet facilities provision

Failure to submit the full information required in the Event Management Plan will result in the event not being approved. Event organisers are advised to use resources available for guidance such as the Purple Event Safety Guide.

10.3 Licenses 

It is the event organiser’s responsibility to ensure they have all the correct authorisations and licences obtained in the relevant timescales from our licensing department.

Further information is available on our licensing website page

Table 5 - License information 

License information


Application deadline

What to submit


Premises licence

At least 2 months prior to the event date, applicants are advised to email licensing with proposed dates in the first instance

- premises licence application
- premises plan
- consent of premises supervisor (optional)
- supporting evidence to the application (optional)

- fees vary per application
- please see our licensing fees for more information

TENS (Temporary Events Notice)

No later than 10 working days prior to the event date

Application form



Street collection permit

At least 1 month prior to the event date, applicants are advised to email Licensing with proposed dates in the first instance to check for availability

Application form

No fee

















10.3.1 Existing premises licences 

The following sites have an existing premises licence in place for the playing of music and regulated entertainment:

  • Avisford Park
  • Bognor Regis Seafront and The Esplanade
  • Caffyns Field
  • Hampshire Avenue
  • Hotham Park
  • Jubilee Gardens and Town Quay
  • Langmeads Recreation Ground
  • Littlehampton Seafront Greens (East and West)
  • Mewsbrook Park
  • Southfields Recreation Ground
  • Stage by the sea
  • West Park 
  • King George V Felpham

10.4 Insurance 

Event organisers must meet the following public liability insurance requirements:

  • a minimum of £5 million indemnity public liability insurance cover must be provided to us. Whilst a minimum of £5 million public liability insurance is generally required, the events officer will consult our insurance officer and a minimum of £10 million may be required for particular events. All insurance must include all setup and close down days of the event
  • event organisers are responsible for ensuring that all suppliers, traders and exhibitors at the event have the necessary insurance cover in place (minimum £5 million indemnity)
  • events involving road closures, there is a requirement from West Sussex County Council for £10 million public liability insurance

10.5 Parking and traffic management 

Event organisers can request spaces in our council-owned car parks for their event.  Charges may be applicable for parking spaces allocated for the event in our pay and display car parks or any regulated area on the highway. Charges are in consideration of loss of revenue.

Event organisers are responsible for the management of car park spaces and the movement of vehicles at all times during the setup and the close of the event and will be expected to be marshalled accordingly. The event organiser will need to provide a traffic management plan showing the route the event traffic will take during the setup and close of the event. Traffic movement during an event will be confirmed on an event-by-event basis.

Event organisers must respect other car park users and not block access or exit to the facility or individual spaces.

10.6 Road closures policy and events on West Sussex Highways 

Event organisers may need to apply for a road closure. The legislation under which a road closure is granted is determined by the type and scale of the event.

For standard road closures, an application should be sent to us. In other circumstances, such as events where more than 1000 people will be on the highway or for races under the authority of a governing body, then a Section 16 order through West Sussex County Council may be required. A Section 14 order is generally required where there is a risk of danger, this is to maintain highway safety. In all cases the event organiser should consult with us or West Sussex County Council at the earliest opportunity to discuss the most appropriate route to take concerning road closures and highway safety. Charges may be applicable for road closure applications.

West Sussex County Council generally requires £10 million in Public Liability Insurance where events take place on the highway or require road closures. Depending on the type of order required, charges may apply.

Suspension of parking bays is replaced by a Road Closure Order, therefore there is no need for both.

Road closure applications must be submitted a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the event for small events and 10 weeks prior to the event for a large event. The event organiser will be contacted by us as soon as a decision has been made.

10.7 Safeguarding

We have a duty of care to ensure that all children/vulnerable adults are protected during the delivery of our services including events. Event organisers are expected to have regard to our safeguarding policy within their event management and operations plan.

If the site is to be used for the purpose of children’s entertainment, the event organiser shall arrange for adequate adult supervision by those experienced in the care and control of children and who have undergone the necessary and sufficient checks to work with children/vulnerable people.

The event organiser must, within their event documentation, provide details on what processes will be put in place to protect children/vulnerable adults. The event organiser is advised to take the following information into consideration:

  • provision needs to be made for lost children/vulnerable adults, baby changing facilities and lost property
  • details of DBS checked event staff
  • provide details of the event procedure relating to a lost or found child or vulnerable person (and how it would be logged)
  • identifying a specific person who will be present at the event who can deal with complaints from attendees
  • to have two adults to one-child policy, to ensure no child is supervised by just one member of staff or volunteer at any time
  • age limits that should apply to some events/activities

10.8 Food safety 

Where commercial caterers are used as part of an event, they must have a minimum food hygiene rating of 3 (generally satisfactory) or above. A list of caterers (and all associated paperwork) must be provided to the events officer a minimum of four weeks prior to the event, this is to allow our environmental health team time to fully check it. 

The event organiser will be responsible for removing any caterers from their list who fail to meet this standard. Checks may be made throughout the event day by our representatives.

We expect the event organisers to prioritise using local businesses (within Arun District) for the provision of food/catering at their event. If suppliers are used from outside of Arun District, we require the event organiser to inform all similar local businesses which may be affected by this alternative provision.

The provision of single-use plastics must follow all current government legislation: The Environmental Protection (Plastic Straws, Cotton Buds and Stirrers) (England) Regulations 2020 and any subsequent updates or amendments to the regulations. 

10.9 Accident/incident reporting 

As part of the EMP, and in accordance with H&S regulations all event organisers must have a procedure to record accidents/incidents or near misses associated with the event (including rig/de-rig) and must give this information to the events officer at the earliest opportunity.

Serious accidents and those requiring hospital visits - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) must notify the Health and Safety Executive and ourselves immediately.

11.0 Restrictions policy

West Park recreation ground is permitted to have no more than 5 events in one calendar year.

Littlehampton Seafront Greens, East and West are permitted to have no more than 5 events in one calendar year.

12.0 Event support and funding policy

We will endeavour to provide the necessary guidance and support from initial enquiry to post-event review.

In exceptional circumstances, we may be able to offer additional support. Support is funded from a proportion of income obtained from the annual events/filming fees and charges. This is at the discretion of the events officer for non-commercial/non-profit-making events only.

For events run by park volunteers & community groups formally recognised by our Greenspace service and our Parks Community Group Charter, the Greenspace service may be able to offer support towards the costs of insurance for events and a grant funding scheme, in which groups can bid for up to a maximum of £250 (which could include specific costs towards the provision of an event). Enquiries should be directed to our parks team.

13.0 Equalities

13.1 Policy statement

Event organisers must consider the Equalities Act when planning and delivering their event, and ensure all events are inclusive and do not discriminate any of the protected characteristics identified in the act. Further information can be found within our Equality & Diversity Policy

14.0 Our organised events

14.1 Policy statement 

We generally do not organise our own events. The only exception to this is when there is a corporate requirement to organise an event, for example, in 2012 for the Olympic Torch relay or in 2009 when we organised an official opening event for the Hotham Park Heritage Lottery Fund refurbishment.


Appendix 1: links to applications forms

The list below provides the links to all applications mentioned in this document:

Appendix 2: site definitions 

Appendix 2: site definitions



Large Park and recreation grounds

Large open spaces that can accommodate up to 4,999 people (dependent on the site).  Some sites may have a play area or a sports pitch.

Promenade areas

A large open space that can accommodate many people. These spaces are usually used for group activities such as litter picks.

Small Park

A small, enclosed area of land that can accommodate up to 500 people (dependent on the park). Applicants are advised to contact the events department for more information prior to applying.












Littlehampton site classifications



Brookfield Park

Large Park and recreation ground

Caffyns Field


East Bank Pebbles – section of Littlehampton seafront

Large Park and recreation ground

Littlehampton Seafront Greens Eastern Seafront Green

Large Park and recreation ground

Glebelands Recreation Ground

Large Park and recreation ground

Heo Green, Wick

Large Park and recreation ground


Large Park and recreation ground

Lashmar Road East Preston

Large Park and recreation ground

Linden Park Recreation Ground

Large Park and recreation ground

Littlehampton Promenade (East Bank Pebbles to East Beach Café)


Mewsbrook Park 

Large Park and recreation ground

Palmer Road Recreation Ground

Large Park and recreation ground

Southfields Recreation Ground

Large Park and recreation ground

Water Lane Recreation Ground

Large Park and recreation ground






























Arundel site classification



Herrington’s field

Large Park and recreation ground

Jubilee Gardens

Small Park






Bognor Regis 

Bognor Regis site classifications



Avisford Park Recreation Ground Nyetimber lane

Large Park and recreation ground

Bognor Regis Seafront (Opposite Gloucester Road car park to the pier)


Blakes Road Sports Site

Large Park and recreation ground

Felpham Recreation Ground

Large Park and recreation ground

Hampshire Avenue Recreation Ground

Large Park and recreation ground

Hotham Park

Large Park and recreation ground

King George V Recreation Ground

Large Park and recreation ground

Laburnum Recreation Ground

Large Park and recreation ground

Langmeads Park

Large Park and recreation ground

Longbrook Park

Large Park and recreation ground

Marine Park Gardens

Large Park and recreation ground

Place St Maur

Small Park

Rocks gardens

Small Park

Waterloo Square Putting Green Waterloo Square

Large Park and recreation ground

West of Pier, Bognor Regis (West side of the promenade from the Pier to Aldwick Beach Café)


West Park

Large Park and recreation ground

West Meads Recreation Ground or Queens Field

Large Park and recreation ground






































Please note that some sites due to licencing conditions are limited to 4,999 attendees within the perimeter of the overall site at any one time.

Appendix 3: Use of Bandstands and The Stage by the Sea

The Stage by the Sea (owned by Littlehampton Town Council) and Bandstands are bookable for small activities and performances. To apply to use these, applicants will need to complete our event application form including public liability insurance (minimum £5 million indemnity) risk assessment and all other documents required.

Applicants are further advised to contact the events officer prior to filling out the application to see if the preferred dates are available. In most cases, we work on a first come first served basis when booking dates for the bandstands.

Please note that bandstands will be unavailable when an event has been booked on the site.

We pay for a PRS (music) licence for the below bandstands:

  • Hotham Park Bandstand
  • Bognor Regis Bandstand

Any additional music authorisations required will need to be made to PPL/PRS regarding the music licence.  Please see the PRS’s website for more information.

Appendix 4: general guidance documents

Please see the below useful guidance document that may assist with the planning of your event:

Purple Event Safety Guide

Glossary of general terms:

  • ADIPS - Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme which ensures amusement devices are regularly inspected and certified as safe for use by competent persons.
  • Confirmation letter – the confirmation letter formally states the applicant has either been given approval for the event to go ahead and will include any additional conditions such as deposits and fees.
  • Communication plan – a document that details how the event management team, security, marshals, and others involved in the event communicate including emergency situations.
  • Contingency plans - this document should highlight what plans the event organiser would have in place to consider possible circumstances that might have an impact on the event such as not being able to use the original site due to unsuitable ground conditions.
  • Council (our) owned/ (our) controlled land – land that is owned and/or controlled by (us) the Council and where we grant permission for events or activities upon the public open space.
  • Established events – established events are those that have historically been using the same event site and date for a 5-year period. These events have also had no previous incidents or only minor concerns have been raised and rectified by the event’s organiser.
  • Event application approval process – the process which needs to be followed to apply to hold an event on Arun District Council public open space.  
  • Event Management Plan (EMP) – this documentation encompasses all aspects of how the event will be managed for example crowd/audience, traffic, general running of the event, health and safety, schedules and emergency procedures.
  • Event Officer – the council officer receiving, considering, and authorising events within the Arun District. 
  • Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP) –this document details the methods that the event organisers will have in place in the event of a fire or any other emergency situation. Site and emergency route plans must be provided.
  • Noise Management Plan (NMP) - a document that identifies the measures that will be put in place to manage noise from the event.
  • Safety Advisory Group (SAG) - the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is an advisory panel that provide advice and guidance to event organisers.
  • Site Plan – a map (to scale) of the event site indicating where the key aspects of the event landscape including, entry/exit, emergency vehicles access, caterers, traders and first aid/information/lost and found child point.
  • Traffic Management Plan - a document that identifies how traffic will be managed, prior to, during and after the event, including a map showing the route of traffic during entry and exit.
  • SIA - Security Industry Authority is the organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry.
  • The Purple Events Guide – “The Purple Guide has been written by The Events Industry Forum in consultation with the events industry. Its aim is to help those event organisers who are duty holders to manage health and safety, particularly at large-scale music and similar events.
  • TENS (Temporary Events Notice) – a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) requires an application to the licensing authority for authorisation to hold an event on public or private land where no other permission exists for licensable activities such as the sale or supply of alcohol, the supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club to, or to the order of, a member of the club, the provision of regulated entertainment (live or recorded) or the provision of late night refreshment. The maximum number of people a TENS covers is 499 in an area at any one time.
  • Premise Licence - when a selected area/ premises seeks authorisation to host licensable actives such as recorded music, the sale of alcohol, showing of a film or live music. The maximum number of people premises can licence is 4,999 in one area at any one time. Applicants also need to ensure the specified space is sufficient for the numbers applied, and that all safety control measures are in place in relation to the licencing objectives.