Safety information and resources for event organisers

The event organiser is legally responsible for ensuring a safe environment.

This means you must ensure the safety of all:

  • equipment
  • infrastructure
  • activities
  • persons including contractors, service providers, volunteers and attendees

The organiser must also have overall insurance for the event, including public liability insurance.

Notifying the emergency services and other authorities 

You can talk to the emergency services or other local authorities about an event you are holding.  

Useful links, help and guidance

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have guidance on running an event safely.

Read the HSE event safety guide [pdf] 918K 

Visit the Purple Guide for industry guidance on event management.

Guidance on the protection of crowded places from terrorist attacks is also available from 

Read the Sussex Resilience Forum - event planning guidance [docx] 2MB

Arun Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

Larger events will be reviewed by the SAG.