

You will need to pay a deposit to receive any keys needed to access your event location on our land.

The deposit fees are found on our events policy and procedures page under fees and charges. The events officer will let you know how to pay. 

A key allocation form will need to be filled out and signed by one of our officers when collecting and returning the keys. The information from this form will be held securely, for more information see the privacy notice.

Deposits for events on our land

Deposits are taken from event organisers to cover any potential damage to sites during events. The deposit must be paid 4 weeks before the event and will be returned once the site has been inspected by an officer and no damage found.

If we do find that the site has been damaged during your event, we will use some or all of your deposit to cover the cost of repair. Full details can be found in our events policies and procedures.

Depending on the nature of your event, our events officer will decide if you have to pay the full deposit, a reduced amount, or no deposit. The event officers decision is final.

Amount of deposit to be paid depending on nature of event
Full charge Reduced rate Waived
Commercial events Locally organised community events including arts and fundraising alongside some commercial elements Charitable, educational or fundraising events