Development Framework Environmental Assessments

A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of Local Development Documents is required under the planning system.  By law a Sustainability Appraisal must also incorporate the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive.  The sustainability appraisal process aims to predict the positive and negative effects that may occur to economic and social aspects, as well as the natural and built environments, at an early stage so negative effects can be reduced.  The flow diagram below shows how the activities relate to each other. 

PPG Flow Chart

The latest progress and all the relevant SA documents produced on the adopted and emerging development plan documents can be found on or from this page.  Currently these are:

Arun Local Plan 2011-2031;
Non-Strategic Sites Allocation (NSS) DPD;
Gypsy + Traveller DPD.


Arun Local Plan 2011-2031

The SA for the Arun Local Plan 2011-2031 (hereafter named ALP) is the submitted documents from 2014

Plus, due to significant work during suspension of the Examination and the following consultations, of the Adopted plan:


Non-Strategic Sites Allocations (NSS)

The Council have commissioned the SA Scoping for this DPD to be undertaken with selected stakeholders over a 6 week period on 17th September until 10pm on 29th October 2018.  


Habitats Regulations Assessments

Habitats Regulations Assessments are required of any Local Development Document to ensure that they will not have any adverse impact on the conservation objectives and integrity relating to any sites that have been designated for their nature conservation importance, such as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA) forming part of the overall European Network termed Natura 2000.  The requirements of the regulations were met for the Local Plan production through the:

The Habitat Regulations Assessment of the Arun District Local Plan (2013)

ALP HRA Stage 2: Screening for Likely Significant Effects

ALP HRA Stage 3: HRA Report (2017)

ALP HRA Addendum (2017)

Natural England Response to Inspectors Interim Findings

Though not a specific requirement of the regulations, the ALP documents were informed in part by:

ALP HRA Stage 1: Baseline Data for Site Evaluations


Gypsy and Traveller

To be updated as available


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