Climping Neighbourhood Development Plan

The documents in the table below form stages of the  Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 More information will be added as it becomes available. 

Statutory Sections of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations
Regulation Documents

Reg. 5 and 6 - Area designation

The designation of a neighbourhood area is the first formal stage in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (see the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012). The approved Designated areas within Arun District Council’s Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) are shown in the  Neighbourhood Areas Designation Map.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Parish and Town Councils are able to continue work on their neighbourhood plan while the proposed geography of the neighbourhood area is being determined.

Arun District Council is committed to publishing all applications received in its LPAA (in accordance with The Town and Country Planning Act 1990, The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 Part 2, Regulation 6).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following Town/Parish Council has applied to Arun District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority (if applicable) for designation of Neighbourhood Area under Part 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

These documents indicate those areas where Arun District Council has received an application to designate a Neighbourhood Area in its LPAA.

Consultation Dates: 30th August 2012 - 10th October 2012

Climping - Application form and map.pdf [pdf] 201KB

Reg. 7 - Publicising a designation of a neighbourhood area etc.

Decision published on 10th December 2012

Climping - Designation decision notice.pdf [pdf] 416KB

Reg. 14 - Pre-submission consultation and publicity

Consultation Dates: 30th January 2015 - 14th March 2015

Climping - Presubmission consultation.pdf [pdf] 4MB

Climping Parish Council Website

Reg. 15 - Plan proposals (submission)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town/Parish Council has submitted to Arun District Council Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) and the South Downs National Park Planning Authority (if applicable), their Plan Proposal under Part 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012:

During the consultation period the applications can be viewed at: Bognor Regis Town Hall, Arun Civic Centre and local Library.

Reg. 16 - Publicising a plan proposal

Consultation Dates: 8th July 2015 - 19th August 2015

Comments on the documents can be made by email to, online on the Objective Portal or by post to Planning Policy & Conservation, Arun Civic Centre at the address below. 

Please note that any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority’s decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood development plan.

1. Reg15 Submission Final to Arun.pdf [pdf] 6MB

2. Appendix 1 10f2 Character Assessment .pdf [pdf] 15MB

3. Appendix 1 20f2 Character Assessment Photo Annex Submission.pdf [pdf] 8MB

4. Appendix 2 Maps ( from emerging Arun Local Plan).pdf [pdf] 6MB

5 Appendix 3 Schedule of Evidence.pdf [pdf] 74KB

5.1 Appendix 3 Biodiversity Report.pdf [pdf] 2MB

5.2 Appendix 3 Biodiversity-BOA.pdf [pdf] 103KB

5.3 Appendix 3 Natural-England-SSSI-information.pdf [pdf] 28KB

5.4 Appendix 3 EA-Sea-Defence-strategy.pdf [pdf] 1MB

5.5 Appendix 3 Clymping Parish Profile 2013.pdf [pdf] 2MB

5.6 Appendix 3 Survey - Household September 2012.pdf [pdf] 158KB

5.7 Appendix 3 Clymping Businesses Report July 2013.pdf [pdf] 42KB

5.8 Appendix 3 Youth Survey September 2013.pdf [pdf] 65KB

5.9 Survey - ACVs,beach,housing March 2014.pdf [pdf] 58KB

5.10 Appendix 3 Open Day Sept 2013 Housing-questionnaire.pdf [pdf] 253KB

5.11 Appendix 3 Agricultural Land info from Natural England.pdf [pdf] 2MB

6. Basic Conditions Statement.pdf [pdf] 100KB

7. Consultation Statement.pdf [pdf] 416KB

8 Consultation Statement Appendix Table.pdf [pdf] 145KB

8.1. A. Reg14 Presubmission Consultees record for Consultation Statement.pdf [pdf] 60KB

8.2 B. Submission-Responses-to-Reg-14-Consultation-by-the-NPSG-Final-June-151.pdf [pdf] 408KB

8.3 C. Reg14Clymping NP to residents Final version3.pdf [pdf] 3MB

8.4.1 D Clymping NP Pre-Submission consultation noticeboard and poster roadside.pdf [pdf] 146KB

8.4.2 D Clymping NP Pre-submission consultation flyer to businesses.pdf [pdf] 124KB

8.5.1 E. Newsletter June 2012 extract.PDF [pdf] 921KB

8.5.2 E. 2012 first drop-ins and 5 minute questionnaire.pdf [pdf] 2MB

8.6.1 F. Neighbourhood Plan Booklet _Household Survey Q3 2012.pdf [pdf] 3MB

8.6.2 F. Open Day 2012 diary date household flyer.pdf [pdf] 631KB

8.6.3 F Photos taken at the Open Day held on 23 September 2012.pdf [pdf] 1MB

8.6.4 F 2012 household survey leaflet drop - Reminder closing date.pdf [pdf] 57KB

8.6.5 F Clymping Village Newsletter Dec_2012 Survey results.pdf [pdf] 2MB

8.7.1 G. Business Survey 2013 hand delivered and collected.pdf [pdf] 91KB

8.7.2 G Youth Survey NP Household Booklet Q3 2013 extract.pdf [pdf] 396KB

8.7.3 G ACVs, Beach Facilities, Housing Survey Clymping News March 2014 - extract.pdf [pdf] 158KB

8.7.4 G Open Day Sept 2013 Housing Questionnaire.pdf [pdf] 125KB

8.8.1 H NP Household Booklet_Vision and Objectives Q3 2013.pdf [pdf] 6MB

8.8.2 H NP Open Day 2013 booklet to businesses.pdf [pdf] 483KB

8.8.3 H Open Day 2013 21st September Noticeboard and roadside posters.pdf [pdf] 999KB

8.8.3 H Open Day 2013 21st September Noticeboard and roadside posters.pdf [pdf] 999KB

8.8.4 H Newsletter October 2013 Follow up extract.PDF [pdf] 1MB

8.8.5 H Newsletter December 2013 Feedback extract.PDF [pdf] 468KB

8.9 I SEA-Assessment Arun response.pdf [pdf] 769KB

8.9.1 J Steering Group Notes all.pdf [pdf] 548KB

Reg. 17 - Submission of a plan proposal to examination

The submission documents and the representations received were sent to the Examiner and the Parish Council.

ADC reg.16 comments on climping plan proposal.pdf [pdf] 111KB

Climping reg.16 summary of reps.pdf [pdf] 108KB

Reg. 18 -  Publication of the examiner’s report and plan proposal decisions

Examiners Report.pdf [pdf] 285KB

Reg.  19 -  Decision on a plan proposal

Climping reg 19 post examination plan.pdf [pdf] 7MB

Climping reg 19 Decision statement-.pdf [pdf] 198KB

Reg. 20 - Publicising a Neighbourhood Development Plan (‘made’ plans)

Reg.20 Climping publicising the plan.pdf [pdf] 302KB


Referendum held on 3rd December 2015

More information can be found on the  Neighbourhood Plan Referendums  page

Climping NPR Declaration of Result.pdf [pdf] 71KB