Authority Monitoring Report 2022-2023

This is an HTML accessible version of an original document which can be found on the Monitoring Reports page.

Arun District Council

Authority Monitoring Report 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023

January 2024

Executive Summary

Authorities Monitoring Report (AMR)

Local Authorities are required to produce an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) under the Localism Act section 113. This legislative requirement is prescribed under Regulation 34 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012, which clarifies that the AMR is the main mechanism for assessing the performance and effects of Arun’s development plan and the timescales set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS). The AMR therefore, forms critical evidence and feeds into emerging Local Plan preparation for Arun Local Planning Authority Area. The South Downs National Park authority (SDNP) is the planning authority for that part of Arun District which falls within the SDNP boundary.

The Act requires councils to publish this information direct to the public at least yearly in the interests of transparency.

It should be emphasised that the following Chapters and analysis of baseline land use monitoring data in the AMR is retrospective and only covers the reporting year which is 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. However, where necessary and appropriate, contextual updates may be provided beyond the land-use data monitoring period (e.g. on plan making performance or any other bespoke studies and evidence that is published in time for AMR publication).

The AMR for the monitoring year 2022 - 2023 and future AMRs will reflect the policy position and development strategy of the adopted Arun Local Plan (July 2018) which forms part of the statutory development plan within the local planning authority area (i.e. those areas of Arun District which fall outside of the South Downs National Park Authority).

The Arun Local Pan 2018 is more than 5 years old. It is being updated to address underperformance in housing delivery and to improve the sustainability and viability of development.

The authority declared a Climate Change emergency in January 2020 and the aspiration to deliver a zero-carbon target by 2030 for the authority and wider district. This will require a significant uplift in the performance of the development plan’s carbon reduction, energy efficiency, green energy, climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. Performance on these matters will be picked in the AMR as plan making progresses.

Arun District Council published its fourth Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) on 21 September 2023. While this is outside of the AMR monitoring period - The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 - Regulation 34 requires the IFS to be reported as part of the AMR. A Chapter 8 with links to the published IFS and appendices is therefore, included.

Chapter 1 - Background, Arun Local Plan Update, Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocation DPD


1.1 The AMR monitors the current Arun Local Plan 2011-2031 (adopted July 2018) and plan making performance including the delivery of a Local Plan update 2023-2041 and a Gypsy & Traveller Development Plan Document 2018-2031.

1.2 The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) is normally published each February in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 – however, the Government did not publish the latest figures in February 2023 as anticipated and published them at a late stage in December 2023 instead. This may have been due to changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (published in December 2023).

1.3 The authority declared a Climate Change emergency (15 January 2020) and set out an aspiration to deliver a ‘zero-carbon’ target by 2030 for the authority with the help of other stakeholders. The aspiration included the need for the authority to seeking a significant uplift in the adopted plans Development Management policies (i.e., sustainable design, carbon reduction, decentralised/green energy and efficiency, climate change mitigation and adaptation). Performance on these matters will be picked in the AMR as plan making progresses.

1.4 The Local Development Scheme (LDS) was recently updated in January 2023 to reflect the revised plan making timetable, confirming the pause to the Arun Local Plan update while updating the timetable and progression of the Gypsy & Traveller and Traveller Showpeople Development Plan Document (G&T DPD). The monitoring period for the AMR runs from 1 April 2022 – 31March 2023.

1.5 The following section summarises progress made on the preparation of the above documents. This includes the stage the document has reached in its preparation and whether the document is meeting the timetable within the Local Development Scheme.

Development Plan Documents
Arun Local Plan Update 2021-2036

1.6 The Arun Local Plan update aims to roll the plan period forward five years from 2031 - 2036.

1.7 As part of the Local Plan update a number of evidence studies have been commissioned including, the Arun Active Travel Study Phase 1 (June 2021), the Visitor and Tourism Accommodation Study (May 2022) and Biodiversity Net Gain Study (November 2022). In addition work was commissioned and completed on the Arun Transport Model Phase 1 Local Model Validation Report (to upgrade the Arun A259 Transport Model to a district-wide model) with West Sussex County Council [Note: although not within the AMR reporting period, it should be noted that the pause to the Arun Local Plan update was subsequently lifted on 19 July 2023 and the plan period amended to 2023-2041].

Gypsy and Traveller and Traveller Showperson Site Allocations Development Plan Document

1.8 The Adopted Arun Local Plan 2011-2031 sets out the policy and evidence requirement for preparing the separate Gypsy and Traveller Site & Traveller Showperson Allocations Development Plan Document DPD (G&TDPD) which should be in accordance with the requirements of the Planning for Traveller Sites Policy (August 2015). The G&TDPD is a Local Plan looking only at G&T needs and provision and will form part of the statutory development plan for Arun when adopted.

1.9 The evidence base supporting the G&TDPD includes the following:

  • Gypsy and Traveller and Traveller Showmen Accommodation Assessment (GTAA April 2019) which importantly, rebases the G&T needs assessment to 2018 and the plan period to 2036;
  • G&T Site Identification Study (G&TSIS April 2019);
  • G&T Sustainability Appraisal reports assessing the emerging DPD and collated on the council’s web pages and consultation portal.

1.10 Additional evidence has been commissioned to support the plan and will include:

  • G&T Site Delivery Study
  • G&T Access Review (traffic/highway impact)
  • Summary of Flood Predictions

1.11 The preparation timetable of the G&TDPD was revised and set out within the updated LDS January 2023. A Regulation 18 (Part 1) Issues and Options consultation took place in the summer of 2019. A regulation 18 (part 2) Draft G&TDPD ‘Preferred Options’ consultation (six weeks) was completed in the summer 2020. A Regulation 19 (Publication stage) G&TDPD consultation on legal and soundness compliance is scheduled for 6 weeks in Winter 2023.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

1.12 The Local Plan 2011-2031 and the Infrastructure Capacity Delivery Plan (IDP 2017) identifies what infrastructure is needed within the district over the lifetime of the Plan, when it will be provided, how much it will cost and how it will be funded (e.g., through S.106 monies from Strategic Allocations and proposed Community Infrastructure Levy funding for other off-site infrastructure). On 1 April 2020 Arun became a CIL Charging authority and published a CIL Charging Schedule and Infrastructure List.

1.13 Under the Planning Act 2008 there is no requirement for SPDs or other supporting documents to be included within the LDS and assessed against the LDS plan making timetable. However, where SPD are prepared and adopted, they will be listed in this section for comprehensive picture and transparency to ensure that material guidance is provided. No SPD were prepared or adopted in the AMR monitoring period.

Chapter 2 - Neighbourhood Planning


2.1 The Localism Act 2011 introduced a new tier of plan-making opportunities for communities, who will be able to prepare Neighbourhood Development Plans, Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders. Within Arun, the Town and Parish Councils are the responsible bodies for producing Neighbourhood Development Plans because Arun is parished.

NDP Update and Progress

2.2 The level of interest in neighbourhood planning in Arun District Council remains solid. There are currently 17 ‘made’ plans; all of which are led by a Parish/Town Council or a sub group of the Parish/Town Council and include the following Parish areas:

Area Designation Approved

  1. Aldingbourne*
  2. Angmering*
  3. Arundel*
  4. Barnham & Eastergate
  5. Bersted
  6. Bognor Regis
  7. Climping
  8. East Preston
  9. Felpham
  10. Ferring
  11. Ford
  12. Kingston
  13. Littlehampton
  14. Pagham
  15. Rustington
  16. Walberton*
  17. Yapton
  18. Lyminster and Crossbush*

*Parts of these parishes fall within South Downs National Park but Arun District Council is the Local Planning Authority for the purposes of the Neighbourhood Development Plans.

2.3 There are also 3 Community Right to Build Orders (CRTBOs) made in Ferring. The Community Right to Build Order (CRTBO) is a particular type of neighbourhood development order, meaning that it allows people to propose development in their local area and obtain permission for it, without having to go through a lengthy planning process. A proposal can be developed as part of a full neighbourhood planning process, or on its own. The statutory process is very similar to a Neighbourhood Development Plan and therefore has a referendum after the examination.

2.4 Up to 1 December 2023, there are 17 ‘made’ (adopted) NDPs and 3 ‘made’ CRTBOs in the District.

The following submissions have been received to date and show the current status of each NDP:

Made Plans

  1. Aldingbourne (2nd Plan)                (‘made’ on 14 July 2021)
  2. Angmering                                  (‘made’ on 11 March 2015)
  3. Arundel (2nd Plan)                        (‘made’ on 15 January 2020)
  4. Barnham & Eastergate (2nd Plan)  (‘made’ on 9 March 2022)
  5. Bersted                                       (‘made’ on 5 November 2014)
  6. Bognor Regis                              (‘made’ on 11 November 2015)
  7. Climping                                      (‘made’ on 13 January 2016)
  8. East Preston                               (‘made’ on 11 March 2015)
  9. Felpham (2nd Plan)                      (‘made’ on 17 March 2021)
  10. Ferring                                        (‘made’ on 14 January 2015)
  11. Kingston                                     (‘made’ on 11 March 2015)
  12. Littlehampton                              (‘made’ on 5 November 2014)
  13. Yapton (2nd Plan)                         (‘made’ on 8 November 2023)
  14. Rustington                                   (‘made’ on 11 March 2015)
  15. Walberton (2nd Plan)                   (‘made’ on 14 July 2021)
  16. Ford                                            (‘made’ on 9 January 2019)
  17. Lyminster & Crossbush                (‘made’ on 9 November 2022)

Community Right to Build Orders (CRTBO)

  1. Ferring CRTBO1 (‘made’ on 14 January 2015)
  2. Ferring CRTBO2 (‘made’ on 14 January 2015)
  3. Ferring CRTBO3 (‘made’ on 14 January 2015)

2.5 The majority of the plans were ‘made’ (adopted) prior to the Local Plan being adopted and so the next phase for the parishes is for each to consider monitoring and reviewing their ‘made’ plan. This roll out of modified plans has already started. Arun District Council is actively encouraging the parishes regarding the need to review their plans in order to fully meet the identified housing need and housing target set out in the adopted Arun Local Plan 2018 (ALP 2018).

2.6 The adopted ALP 2018 includes a policy commitment to deliver at least 1,250 homes (as part of the overall housing target of 20,000 dwellings over the plan period) either through preparing a Non-Strategic Site Allocation DPD (NSSDPD) and/or through contributions from reviewed/made NDPs. However, with the update to the Local Plan the NSSDPD was abandoned.

2.7 Nevertheless, Neighbourhood Plan reviews and preparation are expected to test the existing Local Plan housing figure and distribution agreed with the council. The current Housing Target in the adopted Arun Local Plan remains the starting point for NDP preparation or reviews until the Local Plan is updated.

Government Update

2.8 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has a Pinterest site that has all the submitted plans. By using the links, it should be possible to get to examiners reports where these have been published. These are a very useful resource. The Pinterest site also gives access to the relevant submission documents (examples of basic condition statements, consultation statements etc.). The site can be found at:


2.9 A ‘made’ NDP will form part of the Development Plan for the District and sit alongside the Arun Local Plan which sets out strategic and development management policies and strategic development proposals. It is critically important for NDP to be prepared and updated in order to contribute towards housing delivery and the housing land supply performance of the authority, ensuring polices are up to date.  NDP will therefore, be used by Arun District Council to help make decisions on planning applications received for the area covered.

2.10 Arun District Council continues to be one of the lead authorities for neighbourhood planning nationally and amongst Local Planning Authorities with the most ‘made’ Plans and CRTBOs in the country to date.

For further information please visit:

Chapter 3 – Duty to Cooperate

Duty to Cooperate

3.1 The Localism Act 2011 (March 2012) requires public bodies to carry out the duty to cooperate on planning issues that cross administrative boundaries. Local authorities are expected to demonstrate evidence of having co-operated with a range of bodies prescribed by the regulations where it is appropriate to do so in order to enable the delivery of sustainable development. Furthermore, local authorities are expected to document the outcome of such co-operation and to identify any unresolved issues.

3.2 The National Planning Policy Framework 2023 (paras 24 to 27) sets out the specific requirement for authorities and prescribed bodies to cooperate on strategic matters that cross administrative boundaries, including how any unmet needs may be met elsewhere. The NPPF (paras 35 to 37) also sets out ‘soundness’ tests for plan making and how this is to be achieved by preparing positive, justified and effective plans and strategies with supporting infrastructure evidenced via effective, and ongoing joint working demonstrated through published Statements of Common Ground. These should be published and accessible online at the earliest stages to inform Regulation 18 draft plan making.

3.3 The West Sussex and Greater Brighton (WS&GB) Strategic Planning Board provides a framework for undertaking the duty to cooperate via the ‘Local Strategic Statement’ or LSS. This body includes Chichester, Arun, Worthing, Adur, Brighton & Hove, Lewes, Mid Sussex, Horsham, SDNPA, West Sussex CC and East Sussex CC. The purpose of the Board is to:

  1. identify and manage spatial planning issues that impact on more than one local planning area within CWS&GB area; and
  2. support better integration and alignment of strategic spatial and investment priorities in WS&GB, ensuring that there is a clear and defined route through the statutory local planning process, where necessary.

3.4 The WS&GB Strategic Planning Board have prepared two successive LSSs. The current version LSS2 (2015) focuses on the strategic issues that are shared across WS&GB or that will impact on the long-term sustainability of the area, providing an overlay for local plans and the business priorities of key stakeholders. Work was initiated to progress preparation of an LSS3 and a Statement of Common Ground by the WS&GB authorities in 2019 and in 2021/22 however, this has been further delayed.

3.5 The council has continued to work collaboratively with WS&GB and other bodies to ensure the delivery of strategic priorities across local boundaries, in a co-ordinated way and that shared goals are reflected in the council’s Local Plan (e.g. the adopted Arun Local Plan 2018 makes a contribution towards unmet housing needs - mainly Chichester and Worthing who share a local Housing Market Area).

3.6 During the monitoring year (1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023) the council has held numerous meetings and correspondence with local authorities and other bodies within the Housing Market Area to discuss progress of the Local Plan and evidence base work and cross boundary issues. The following activities have taken place:

Chichester District Council

  • 6 July 2022 CDC request for Statement of Common Ground and ADC response letter 26 September 2022
  • 10 February 2023 Email with Draft Statemen of Common Ground between Chichester and ADC being worked up (not yet available as it has not been finalised or agreed and is work in progress)
  • 7 March 2023 Email ADC with suggested edits to the draft SCG (not yet available as it has not been finalised or agreed and is work in progress)
  • 5 March 2023 Email with further suggested changes to the draft SCG (not yet available as it has not been finalised or agreed and is work in progress)
  • 28 October 2022 Duty to cooperate meeting Chichester District Council (CDC) and Arun District Council (ADC) on CDC Local Plan cross boundary matters (unmet housing need; A27 and A259 mitigation; employment, Gypsy & Travellers; transport; Nitrate Neutrality; Green Infrastructure)
  • 12 December 2022 CDC letter requesting assistance with unmet housing need – including Gypsy & Traveller accommodation – ADC response letter 16 January 2023
  • 17 March 2023 ADC representations on CDC Reg 19 Publication plan

Adur & Worthing District Council

  • 27 May and 1 August 2022 cross boundary – emails re Chatsmore Farm, Goring Gap Judgement
  • 20 October 2022 Email - Inspectors Final Report Worthing Local Plan

Horsham District Council

  • 7 June 2022 Horsham District Council response to Arun Biodiversity Net Gain Study Informal consultation on Brief​​​​​​​

South Downs National Park (SDNP)

  • 24 February 2022 Duty to Cooperate meeting - the Arun BNG study and the potential bat corridor site
  • 17 August 2022 Mapping request Arun commitments/large scale development in Arun within a 5 km zone around the National Park
  • 14 September 2022 SDNP email request net additional dwellings delivered in authorities falling within/partly within SDNP
  • 16 September 2022 SDNP email DLUC Housing Return data falling within/partly within SDNP

West Sussex County Council (WSCC)

  • April – November 2022 - Arun Transport Apportionment Study liaison emails
  • 7 April 2022 email notifying adoption (1 April 2022) of WSCC Local Transport Plan​​​​​​​

Planning Policy Officers Group (PPOG)

  • 19 January 2022
  • 20 April 2022
  • 20 July 2022
  • 18 January 2023

​​​​​​​West Sussex & Greater Bright Strategic Planning Board - 26 April 2022
Planning officer Group

  • 26 May 2022 – ADC email response to Draft Statement of Common Ground for the Local Strategic Statement 3 Update (LSS 3)​​​​​​​

West Sussex Local Nature Partnership

  • 19 January 2023 – ADC presentation Arun’s Biodiversity Net Gain study evidence base to LNP webinar​​​​​​​

Parish/Town Councils

  • Workshop – 24 February 2023 National Planning Policy Framework and Community Infrastructure Levy​​​​​​​


  • Southern Water – 24 January 2023 Arun District Council Arun Duty to Cooperate meeting Agenda Water related issues and plan making context​​​​​​​

Statutory Bodies

  • National Highways - 30 June 2022 Duty to cooperate meeting and email correspondence on cumulative impact of Arun developments upon A27; A27 Worthing to Lancing Improvement Consultation – ADC response letter 16 March 2023
  • Environment Agency – 7 June 2022 Arun Commitment GIS Layers email request and ADC data response; 15 March 2023 Email from JBA consultants preparing Arun SFRA work to ADC and Environment Agency agreeing the basis for ADCs approach to climate change update based on the existing EA models
  • Natural England – 17 March 2022 Email requesting contact for SCG preparation; 24 January 2023, Duty to Cooperate meeting Water related issues meeting Agenda and plan making context

Chapter 4 – Housing Land Supply

Arun District Council 5-year Housing Land Supply 2023-2028

This Chapter of the AMR sets out the council’s assessment of Housing Land Supply (HLS) for the Arun planning authority area (i.e. excluding areas of Arun District which fall within the South Downs National Park – SDNP). The 5-year supply looks forward for the period 2023/24 – 2027/28. The methodology is in accordance with the provisions of the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework also taking into account guidance in the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). It should be noted that the Arun Local Plan (2011 - 2031) which was adopted in July 2018 was prepared largely under the previous 2012 version of the NPPF. The completions and commitments monitoring baseline period for the AMR is retrospective from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

National Planning Policy Framework

4.1 The Government’s policy is to significantly boost the supply of homes as a key objective (Paragraph 60 NPPF). This includes a requirement that local planning authorities should identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites to provide five years’ worth of housing against their housing requirements.

4.2 The NPPF sets out how authorities measure their previous 3 years housing delivery performance against the housing policy requirement or local housing need; and looking forward, how to calculate a 5-year housing land supply:

  • Local housing need (previously called the Objectively Assessed Housing Need or OAN) is now calculated according to the Government’s Standard Housing Methodology (SHM) which uses Households growth based on the ONS 2014 Population Projections) unless there are exceptional circumstances to justify any alternative approach. The SHM applies a baseline 10-year annualised projection for any plan period which is then is uplifted to account for local affordability ratios (e.g. where average house prices exceed 4 times the local average earnings to house prices ratio). However, this is ‘capped’ at 40% if a Local Plan is up to date (i.e. adopted or reviewed in the last five years).
  • The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) – measures performance over the previous 3 years and is expressed as a percentage of the Local Plan housing target or local housing need divided by the number of housing completions.
  • Where plans are more than 5 years old and housing polices have been reviewed and have yet to be updated, then the SHM local housing need figure must be used.
  • The HDT is the basis for calculating an authority’s ‘buffer’ for calculating a 5-year housing land supply.
  • Calculating a 5-year housing land supply (5 YHLS) places emphasis on clearly evidenced ‘specific deliverable sites’ that are available in the right locations now, that can be developed within 5 years.

4.3 The NPPF states that LPAs may make an allowance for windfall sites as part of the anticipated supply if they have compelling evidence that such sites will provide a reliable source of supply. This should not include residential gardens.

4.4 The NPPF contains further guidance to assess the deliverability and developability status of sites within Annex 2. To be considered deliverable, sites for housing should be available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years. In particular:

  • a) sites which do not involve major development and have planning permission, and all sites with detailed planning permission, should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that homes will not be delivered within five years (for example because they are no longer viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites have long term phasing plans).
  • b) where a site has outline planning permission for major development, has been allocated in a development plan, has a grant of permission in principle, or is identified on a brownfield register, it should only be considered deliverable where there is clear evidence that housing completions will begin on site within five years.

4.5 To be considered developable, sites should be in a suitable location for residential development, with a reasonable prospect that they will be available and could be viably developed at the point envisaged.

Planning Practice Guidance (PPG)

4.6 The Government’s streamlined planning guidance was launched on 6 March 2014 and is continually updated. It includes guidance on issues such as the starting point for the HLS, deliverability, developability and dealing with past under- and over- supply. It was last updated in September 2023.

Housing Delivery Test

4.7 The results of the Housing Delivery Test for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. (published by the government the following year) are: -

  • 91% November 2018
  • 68% November 2019
  • 61% November 2020 (Published 19 Jan 2021)
  • 65% November 2021 (Published 14 Jan 2022)
  • 61% November 2022 (Published 19 December 2023)

4.8 The HDT is the percentage measurement of the ‘Total net homes delivered over a three-year period’ divided by the ‘Total number of homes required over a three-year period’ (Housing Delivery Test Measurement rule Book July 2018):

Housing Delivery Test (%) = Total net homes delivered over three year period divided by Total number of homes required over three year period

4.9 For areas without a recently adopted (or reviewed) Plan (i.e., more than 5 years old) the ‘minimum annual local housing need figure (described above) will be used. Transitional arrangements clarify that because a rolling three-year HDT was not in existence before 2018 the ‘minimum local housing need figure’, is replaced by household projections for the years 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18.

4.10 Arun adopted a Local Plan in 2018 – the Arun Local Plan 2018 (ALP 2018) covering the period 2011-2031. Policy H SP1 ‘The Housing Requirement’ sets out the 5-year annualised whole plan target which includes an element of unmet need from neighbouring local authorities.

4.11 The housing requirement figure for Arun is based on the adopted ‘stepped housing trajectory’ based on the above. However, for the purposes of this AMR, the five-year housing land requirement is calculated based on the Government’s Standard Methodology (SM) using the ‘local housing need’ figure for Arun District. The reasons for this are set out under para 4.21 below.

4.12 There are consequences for not meeting the HDT and the 5-year housing land supply as set out in the NPPF, which relate to the application of the ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’ (para. 11d). Failure in either case will trigger NPPF para 11d. The HDT sets specified percentage thresholds where the housing requirement calculation would trigger para 11d such that applications should be granted, unless such a decision would conflict with the policies, protected assets and designations of the NPPF or that the adverse impacts of doing so would demonstrably outweigh the benefits weighed against the NPPF as a whole.

4.13 Following annual publication of the HDT, the following percentages thresholds against the housing requirement will determine if a local authority passes or fails the HDT over a three-year period and the consequences of not doing so:

  • November 2018 where housing delivery falls below 25% - the ‘Presumption in favour of sustainable development’ will apply immediately.
  • November 2019 where housing delivery falls below 45% The ‘Presumption’ applies.
  • November 2020 where housing delivery falls below 75% - The ‘Presumption’ applies.

4.14 The NPPF sets out further penalties against higher percentage thresholds:

  • November 2018 where housing delivery falls below 95% of requirements the NPPF states that an ‘Action Plan’ should be published;
  • November 2018 where housing delivery falls below 85% of the requirement the NPPF states that a 20% buffer will be added to the 5-year housing land requirement.

4.15 The published HDT results for Arun District (see para 4.7) required that an Action Plan must be produced; and in 2019 an Action Plan was published and a ‘20% buffer’ was triggered in order to calculate the 5-year housing land supply. The council’s annual HDT result has triggered the need for an Action Plan and a 20% buffer to be applied consistently and this won’t change until the Government’s thresholds (set out above) are achieved.

Housing Requirement

4.16 The NPPF advises that strategic policies in Local Plans should, as a minimum, provide for objectively assessed needs for housing (paragraph 11). These policies should provide a clear strategy for bringing sufficient land forward, and at a sufficient rate, to address objectively assessed needs over the plan period, in line with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, including planning for and allocating sufficient sites (paragraph 23).

4.17 The housing requirement in Arun is set out in the adopted Local Plan – ALP 2018 for the period 2011 - 2031. The whole plan requirement is set out in Policy H SP1 ‘The Housing Requirement’ which is 20,000 new homes over the plan period (i.e. 1,000 per annum). The 1,000 dwellings pa target comprises the OAN at 919 dwellings per annum and an additional 81 homes per annum to meet unmet housing need over the plan period to 2031. This target contributes toward unmet needs of the local Housing Market Area (HMA) around Arun as well as the greater Coastal West Sussex HMA.

4.18 Due to the shortfall in delivery from the beginning of the Local Plan period and lead times required to build-out strategic allocations, it was established at Examination that a ‘Stepped Trajectory’ would be justified. The stepped housing targets mean a lower figure of 610 would apply for the first 5 years of the plan (2011 - 2015) rising to; 1,120 for years 6-10 (i.e. 2016 - 2020); 1,310 for years 11-15 (i.e. 2021 - 2025); and dropping to 960 for years 16-20 (i.e. 2026 - 2030).

4.19 Arun District Council in January 2020 resolved to update the Arun Local Plan because housing delivery performance fell below plan requirements over two consecutive years (i.e., the material housing policies are out of date). Additionally, the council was unable to demonstrate a 5-year housing land supply and there was a housing market delivery under performance measured by the Government’s published HDT.

4.20 The PPG (Paragraph: 005 Reference ID: 68-005-20190722) clarifies:

“Housing requirement figures identified in adopted strategic housing policies should be used for calculating the 5-year housing land supply figure where:

  • the plan was adopted in the last 5 years, or
  • the strategic housing policies have been reviewed within the last 5 years and found not to need updating.

In other circumstances the 5-year housing land supply will be measured against the area’s local housing need calculated using the standard method.”

4.21 The adopted Arun Local Plan 2018 is more than 5 years old, and the housing policies were reviewed but still need updating. In accordance with the NPPF Paragraph 77 this means that the housing requirements within the Local Plan should be superseded by Local Housing Need (LHN) figure using the Government’s Standard Method.

Shortfall/Treatment of past under-provision

4.22 There are two basic methods of dealing with past shortfall. It can be met over the five-year period (the “Sedgefield” approach) or over the remaining plan period up to 2031 (the “Liverpool” approach). The NPPF does not explicitly state which method is preferable when addressing shortfall although Planning Practice Guidance states that ‘The level of deficit or shortfall will need to be calculated from the base date of the adopted plan and should be added to the plan requirements for the next 5-year period (the Sedgefield approach)’. (Paragraph: 31 Reference ID: 68-031-20190722). The Arun Local Plan 2018 has historically used the Sedgefield approach when it comes to these calculations.

4.23 However, given the Arun Local Plan 2018 is now more than five years old, the ALP 2018 housing requirements are now superseded by LHN figure and therefore shortfall against the past ALP 2018 requirements are no longer taken into account as the standard method for calculating LHN factors this in. This is as per PPG guidance (Paragraph: 031 Reference ID: 68-031-20190722) which states:

"Step 2 of the standard method factors in past under-delivery as part of the affordability ratio, so there is no requirement to specifically address under-delivery separately when establishing the minimum annual local housing need figure."

There are a number of other councils who have adopted this approach in terms of not including previous shortfall when addressing housing need requirements for their 5-year housing land supply calculations. These councils include the below listed as:

Five Year Period

4.24 In accordance with the PPG above, for decision making, a five-year housing land supply calculation is therefore, based on the Standard Method LHN figure of 1,373 dwellings per annum for Arun District and is set out in this AMR for the reporting year. The methodology for calculating housing need is set out in the PPG paragraphs 002 Reference ID: 2a-002-20190220 to 004 Reference ID: 2a-004-20201216 (including worked example 2b which applies to Arun). Guidance on the 5-year supply calculation is set out in paragraph: 022 Reference ID: 68-022-20190722.


4.25 Paragraph 74 of the NPPF (2023) states Local Planning Authorities should identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide a minimum of five years’ worth of housing against their housing requirement set out in adopted strategic policies, or against their local housing need (i.e. SHM) where the strategic policies are more than five years old. The supply of specific deliverable sites should in addition include a buffer (moved forward from later in the plan period) of:

  • a)  5% to ensure choice and competition in the market for land; or
  • b) 10% where the local planning authority wishes to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable sites through an annual position statement or recently adopted plan, to account for any fluctuations in the market during that year; or
  • c) 20% where there has been significant under delivery of housing over the previous three years, to improve the prospect of achieving the planned supply.

As the 2022 Housing Delivery score published was 61%, the 95% HDT threshold was not achieved for 2022 (even with the reported step increase in housing to 931 net dwelling completions reported for 2022 see Appendix 1 and 2 below). Therefore, the council have assumed a 20% buffer must be added to the requirement figure.

4.26 The historic performance of Arun District in terms of delivering housing completions is set out in Appendix 1 - Table 1. It provides annualised net housing completions for Arun District from 2008/09 – 2022/23. Up until 2011/12 it included sites which would now fall within the Planning Authority of South Downs National Park. From 2012/13 onwards the completions in SDNP are excluded from this data. But it should also be noted that the HDT result includes completions in the SDNP.

4.27 Appendix 1 - Table 2 shows that completions have averaged 675 pa in the last 5 years which, is an improvement on what was reported last year (i.e. 630 dpa AMR in 2021/22). This performance while increasing sharply in 2022, is still below the Local Plan trajectory target of 1,005 dwellings per annum over the last 10 years (based on the stepped requirement) although if performance in 2022 is maintained over the next few years, significant progress will have been made particularly as there has been a consistently high and increasing level of planning permissions averaging 6,500 dwellings over the last 5 years which have not yet been implemented or completed (of which 5,224 are ‘Deliverable’).

4.28 Appendix 2 details the actual completions recorded in the year 2022/23.

Housing Land Supply Data

4.29 The assessment of Housing Land Supply within the AMR draws on several evidence sources to calculate projected completion rates. The 5-Year Housing Land Supply for 2023/24 – 2027/28 has been prepared using the Residential Land Availability (RLA) data supplied from West Sussex County Council (WSCC) as at 31 March 2023 (the latest available data). It should be noted that there was not a HELAA call for sites in 2022 and so other data sources (see para 4.31 below) were used to estimate deliverable supply looking forward five years from 1 April 2023. However, in 2023 the council undertook a new Call For Sites Process for a range of uses including Residential, Employment, Leisure & Tourism, Gypsy & Travellers, Biodiversity Net Gain, Renewable Energy during June/July 2023.

Projected completions on large sites with planning permission

4.30 For the purposes of assessing the Housing Land Supply ‘Large’ sites are taken to be sites capable of yielding 5 dwellings or more from the monitoring year 2022/23. This is in line with the most up to date guidance contained within the PPG (Note that Large sites were considered to be 6 or more dwellings, in the AMR 2018).

4.31 WSCC surveys all large sites with planning permission for 5 dwellings or more in West Sussex annually and provides a consistent assessment of the status of available sites, in terms of commencement, actual completion, and projected completions. They liaise with the developers of the large sites with full planning permission to gain evidence of when completions are predicted to come forward. This, therefore, provides a reliable basis for such sites being included in the assessment, in the terms of the sites being considered deliverable. As well HELAA records and call for sites data, the council uses planning application data, recent appeal decisions, national published data and case officer knowledge to help calculate the five-year deliverable supply (using a consistent methodology on lead in times and build out rate). The sites on which this assessment is based are listed in Appendix 3.

Projected completions on Strategic Allocation Sites without Planning Permission

4.32 The stepped trajectory (Appendix 4) shows the predicted build out rates of the strategic allocation sites. This updated build out rate has been informed by the evidence sources outlined in para 4.31 above. The Strategic Allocations and the details of each site included can be seen under Appendix 4.

Projected completions on Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) sites

4.33 A general call for sites for housing and employment use was last undertaken for the HELAA in June/July 2021. In 2023 the council undertook a new call for sites 2023 process in June/July 2023. This allowed sites for a range of uses to be submitted including residential, employment, Biodiversity Net Gain, Blue / Green Infrastructure and Leisure & Tourism uses (ADC. 2023. Call For Sites 2023 Process. The HELAA is not to be used for Development Management decisions as the HELAA confers no planning permission status to any site categorised as either Deliverable, Developable or Not currently Developable. Sites may move from one category to another depending on circumstances. It remains a high-level assessment by the authority. The most recent HELAA document and interactive map was produced in January 2022. This can be seen on the webpage here:

4.34 For the purpose of this assessment, sites of 5 or more dwellings identified within the HELAA as suitable, deliverable, achievable and within the current built up area are included - provided sufficient evidence of deliverability was provided by the promoters - see Appendix 5 for details of sites included.

Projected completions on Made Neighbourhood Plan Sites

4.35 Sites allocated in Neighbourhood Plans that have either been made or that have passed examination (as at 31 March 2023) are included if they are considered likely to come forward within the next 5 years. All such sites have been assessed as deliverable as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process and where up to date evidence was provided – see Appendix 6 for details of sites included.

Projected Completions & Implementation rates on small sites

4.36 The WSCC RLA survey includes comprehensive information on all planning permissions for residential development of all site sizes and dwelling numbers. From this data it is possible to determine the number of dwellings permitted on all ‘small’ sites, i.e. sites of less than 5 dwellings, as at 31 March 2023.

4.37 These small sites are then categorised as either under construction (‘In Course of Erection’ – ICE), or not commenced. Sites under construction are assumed to be fully built out within the next 5 years, so these are included in the 5-year supply. Of the sites that are not yet commenced a non-implementation rate is applied (see Appendix 7). A list of small site commitments data is set out at Appendix 8.

Small Sites Windfall calculation

4.38 The NPPF 2023 (paragraph 71) provides for LPAs to make an allowance for windfall sites as part of the anticipated supply if there is compelling evidence that they will provide a reliable source of supply. Any allowance should be realistic having regard to the strategic housing land availability assessment, historic windfall delivery rates and expected future trends.

4.39 Appendix 7 uses the data from the WSCC RLA on dwelling completions on small sites from 2004/5 to 2022/23, specifically excluding development on residential gardens, in compliance with NPPF para 71. This demonstrates that completions on such sites were never lower than 19 dpa and were as high as 147 dpa with an overall average of 70 dpa for the last 19 years.

4.40 On this basis it is concluded that it is reasonable to provide a windfall allowance of small sites at a rate of 70 dwellings per annum (the average for the period 2004/5 - 2022/23) towards the 5-year HLS period. A windfall figure is only included within a year’s worth of housing supply when the supply from existing permissions on small sites is less than 70. This ensures that no one year exceeds 70 dwellings as a windfall allowance. As well as Appendix 7 the table below demonstrates this:

Table at 4.40








Small site Dwellings projected







Windfalls allowance







Housing Land Supply Assessment

4.41 Since adoption of the Arun Local Plan 2018 it is recognised that delivery rates have not been as forthcoming as previously predicted, to enable the completions to come through as anticipated despite the being a healthy overall level of permissions. The reasons for this are covered in more detail by the Action Plan 2019 and the councils updated ‘Housing Delivery Test Action Plan 2021’ but can be summarised as:

  • The quality of some of the submissions for major applications has not been of sufficient quality, to allow a timely approval. 
  • Some applications on strategic allocations which had officer recommendation for approval were subsequently refused at Committee.
  • The actual rate of completions is highly dependent on the developers, which is largely out of Local Authority control.
  • Developers have not delivered on their previously promoted build out rates.
  • Applications on all the strategic sites have not been as forthcoming as anticipated.

4.42 There has been some improvement this in 2022/23 with sites receiving planning permission on Strategic Allocations and the supply of promoter’s specific site deliverability evidence, (e.g., site housing trajectories). Further progress is anticipated as Masterplans are in place coordinating permissions coming forward to overcome delays experienced from an over reliance on strategic developments (e.g. long lead times from pre-application, planning permission, reserved matters, discharge of conditions and subsequent build out rates and start on site by the development sector).

4.43 Additionally, the council commissioned an external consultant to undertake delivery agreements with landowners and developers on 8 sites (1 additional site was put forward by the landowners) in August / September 2023. Of those 9 sites, 4 had outline planning permission and 5 were strategic allocation sites without planning permission as at 31 March 2022 (Arun Residential Site Delivery Agreements October 2023. Lambert Smith Hampton. This resulted in signed delivery agreements being returned including 6 complete proformas, 2 partially complete and 1 uncompleted proforma. This contained estimated projected housing trajectories to boost the requirement of delivery evidence to meet Category B of the NPPF 2023 Annex 2 (NPPF 2023, Annex B Deliverable Site definition. National Planning Policy Framework ( definition of a deliverable site.

4.44 The latest update of the Local Plan Housing Trajectory can be viewed at Appendix 9. This shows the actual and predicted dwelling numbers that make up the Housing Land Supply over the whole plan period (2011 - 2031).

4.45 The table below summarizes how the 5-year housing land supply assessment has been calculated using the land supply data sources outlined above against the Standard Housing Method (SHM) in accordance with the PPG (see paragraphs 4.11 and 4.21). The SHM local housing need figure for Arun District is 1,373 dwellings per annum. The SHM already builds in an affordability uplift to address housing delivery performance. The Local Plan backlog/shortfall is, therefore, no longer applied or appropriate. Evidence shows that there has been significant progress in bringing forward planning approvals on strategic sites including a framework of coordinating Masterplans. The Arun Housing Market Absorption Study (December 2022) considers that this progress should be monitored over the period 2023-2024 to assess a likely step increase in housing delivery as a result. Indeed housing completions show a step increase in 2022. Arun has also published HDT Action Plans which have helped to provide policy coordination to tackle the backlog through high level Masterplans including publishing an Interim Housing Statement (‘call for sites’) and work to secure ‘Developer Delivery Agreements’ to remove barriers (see para 4.43 above).

4.46 This 5-year housing land calculation indicates that there is a 4.17-year land supply and includes a HDT buffer of 20% (based on 61% HDT delivery performance).

5-Year Housing Land Supply Table

5-Year Housing Land Supply based on the Standard Housing Method (SHM)- Large Sites Commitments, NP Allocations and HELAA sites all include a 10% slippage reduction.

Table at 4.46


Standard Housing Method annualised figure for Arun housing requirement 2023/24 - 2027/28 (1,373 x 5)



Plus 20% Buffer (A x 0.2)



Total Requirement 2023/24 - 2027/28 (A+B)



Large Site Commitments (as at 31 March 2023 from WSCC RLA data – Appendix 2)



Small Site Commitments (as at 31 March 2023 from WSCC RLA data – Appendix 6)



Windfall allowance (as at 31 March 2023 from WSCC RLA data – Appendix 6)



Made Neighbourhood Plan Allocations without planning permission as at 31 March 2023 from HELAA – Appendix 5)



Deliverable HELAA Sites within built up area



Strategic Site Allocations (without PP as at 31 March 2023 or committed after 31 March 2023 – Appendix 3)



Total Supply (D+E+F+G+H+I)



5-Year Supply in years (J/C x 5)


Note: SHM District figure includes a nominal element of need for South Downs National Park.


Appendix 1 - Historic Completions per year

Table 1 Net Completions - WSCC RLA Excluding SDNP Data last 15 years

Table 1 Net Completions - WSCC RLA Excluding SDNP Data last 15 years
Years Total Actual Completions
2008/9 548
2009/10 416
2010/11 519
2011/12 722
2012/13 475
2013/14 359
2014/15 601
2015/16 890
2016/17 622
2017/18 704
2018/19 603
2019/20 515
2020/21 673
2021/22 653
2022/23 931
Total 9231
Average 615

Table 2 Net Completions - WSCC RLA data Excluding SDNP and Total Outstanding Planning Permissions (Commitments) at 31 March Data last five years

Table 2 Net Completions - WSCC RLA data Excluding SDNP and Total Outstanding Planning Permissions (Commitments) at 31 March Data last five years
Years Total Actual Completions Total Outstanding Planning Permissions
(Commitments) at 31 March
2018/19 603 5340
2019/20 515 7027
2020/21 673 6711
2021/22 653 6469
2022/23 931 6879


Appendix 2 - Completions recorded 2022/23 (As at 31 March 2023)

Appendix 2 - Completions recorded 2022/23 (As at 31 March 2023)
Parish Planning Ref Start date net built Builder Label Previous Use Large Site Site Address Site Description
Aldingbourne AL/64/20/PL 31/03/2021 9 Private sector Agricultural True Springfield Hook Lane
Demolition of the existing dwelling & construction of 2 no. 2-bed. 3
no. 3-bed, 4 no. 4-bed houses including access, landscaping &
associated works (resubmission following AL/27/20/PL).
Aldingbourne AL/76/19/PL 31/03/2023 0 Private sector Residential False Evergreens Level Mare
Lane Fontwell
Demolition of existing dwelling & erection of 3 bed replacement chalet
Aldingbourne AL/107/18/PL 31/03/2020 1 Private sector Agricultural True Nyton Stables Nyton
Stables Nyton Road
Application for continued use for 3 No. approved permanent
showpersons plots (temporary permission granted under AL/119/10/
& permanent permission granted under AL/10/14/PL), planning
permission for a further 8 No. plots consisting of 4 No. existing & 4
No. new plots (to a maximum of 11 plots) with associated hard & soft
landscaping, boundary treatment, lighting & associated works.
Aldingbourne AL/129/17/PL 18/06/2021 2 Private sector Garden False Land east of Forge
House, Nyton Road,
Demolition of existing garage, demolition of portion of flint wall to
reinstate pedestrian access onto Nyton Road and erection of 2 No.
dwellings with associated car parking, cycle storage, bin storage and
Aldingbourne AL/3/19/PL 31/03/2021 9 Private sector Agricultural True Nyton Nursery Nyton
Road Westergate
Residential development of 68 No. dwellings (net increase of 23 over
current consent AL/102/17/RES) including 30% affordable housing (7
units) with associated access, public open space & landscaping.
Aldingbourne AL/102/17/RES 31/03/2018 21 Private sector Agricultural True Nyton Nursery Nyton
Road Westergate
Application for approval of Reserved Matters following outline
application AL/61/13/ for the demolition of existing glasshouses,
bungalow, stables & outbuildings & residential development of 268
dwellings incl 30% affordable housing (incorporating 60 senior living
units) with associated access, public open space & landscaping
Aldingbourne AL/3/19/PL 31/03/2021 4 Housing association Agricultural True Nyton Nursery Nyton
Road Westergate
Residential development of 68 No. dwellings (net increase of 23 over
current consent AL/102/17/RES) including 30% affordable housing (7
units) with associated access, public open space & landscaping.
Aldwick AW/155/17/PL 26/04/2021 1 Private sector Garden False Land to the side of Brus
Lodge 28 Kingsway
Erection of 1No. detached dwelling. This application affects the
character and appearance of Craigweil House Aldwick Conservation
Angmering A/76/20/PL 31/03/2022 17 Private sector Agricultural True Land at Dappers Lane
84 No. dwellings, public open space, play areas, associated
infrastructure & landscaping. This application affects a Right of Way.
Angmering A/64/21/PL 31/03/2022 6 Private sector Business True Former Shrublands
Nursery Roundstone Lane
Demolition of existing buildings & erection of 40 No. residential
dwellings including 12 No. (30%) affordable units & associated
landscaping, road layout, parking & provision of Public Open Space
Angmering A/76/20/PL 31/03/2022 7 Housing association Agricultural True Land at Dappers Lane
84 No. dwellings, public open space, play areas, associated
infrastructure & landscaping. This application affects a Right of Way.
Angmering A/109/20/RES 04/02/2020 8 Housing association Agricultural True Land South of Water Lane
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent A/99/17/OUT
for 175 No dwellings & associated infrastructure. This application
may affect the setting of a listed building, may affect the character &
appearance of the Angmering Conservation Area & falls within
Strategic Site SD9, CIL Zone 1 (Zero Rated).
Angmering A/109/20/RES 04/02/2020 31 Housing association Agricultural True Land South of Water Lane
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent A/99/17/OUT
for 175 No dwellings & associated infrastructure. This application
may affect the setting of a listed building, may affect the character &
appearance of the Angmering Conservation Area & falls within
Strategic Site SD9, CIL Zone 1 (Zero Rated).
Angmering A/109/20/RES 04/02/2020 38 Private sector Agricultural True Land South of Water Lane
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent A/99/17/OUT
for 175 No dwellings & associated infrastructure. This application
may affect the setting of a listed building, may affect the character &
appearance of the Angmering Conservation Area & falls within
Strategic Site SD9, CIL Zone 1 (Zero Rated).
Angmering A/168/18/RES 29/08/2019 5 Private sector Agricultural True Merry England Nursery
Dappers Lane Angmering
Application for approval of reserved matters following outline planning
permission A/142/16/OUT for the demolition of existing buildings &
erection of 17 no. dwellings, refurbishment of 1no 3bed dwelling &
the provision of pedestrian footpath adjacent to Dappers Lane
Angmering A/85/18/RES 31/03/2020 9 Private sector Garden True Land between New Place
Bungalow & Arundel Road
Approval of reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout &
scale following outline consent A/131/16/OUT for 9 No. one & a half
storey houses with garaging.
Arundel AB/25/16/PL 31/03/2020 1 Private sector Office False Windfall Cottage 65a High
Street Arundel
Change of use from office (A2 Financial & Professional Services) to 1
No. dwelling (C3 Dwelling Houses)
Arundel AB/48/19/PL 31/03/2023 1 Private sector Shopping False Sparks Yard 18 Tarrant
Street Arundel
Change of uses to form an upper floors single, four bedroomed
residential unit (use class C3a) & a ground floor commercial unit
(use classes A1, A2 and B1a), together with all associated works.
This application affects the character & appearance of the Arundel
Conservation Area.
Arundel AB/15/18/PL 12/12/2019 1 Private sector Office False Longmace House 8A The
High Street Arundel
Part change of use from business (A2 Financial & Professional
Services) to residential use (C3 Dwellinghouse) on part ground, 1st &
2nd floors. This application affects the character & appearance of the
Arundel Conservation Area.
Barnham &
BN/43/16/PL 31/03/2017 30 Private sector Residential True Angels Nursery Yapton
Road Barnham
95 No. dwellings together with access, landscaping open space &
associated works.
Barnham &
BN/28/17/RES 10/07/2019 2 Housing association Other dev True Rear of The Lillies Yapton
Road Barnham
Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of 38 No.
dwellings including open space, landscaping & new access. This
application is a Departure from the Development Plan
Barnham &
BN/73/19/PL 31/03/2023 1 Private sector Residential False Barnham Court Farm
Church Lane Barnham
Change of use of The Little Yard to independent dwelling & the
stationing of up to 4 No. Shepherd Huts to be used as tourist
Barnham &
BN/6/18/RES 10/07/2019 4 Private sector Other dev True Rear of The Lillies Yapton
Road Barnham
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent
BN/32/15/OUT relating to appearance, landscaping, layout & scale
for erection of 38 No. dwellings including open space, landscaping &
new access (resubmission following BN/28/17/RES).
Barnham &
BN/28/17/RES 10/07/2019 9 Housing association Other dev True Rear of The Lillies Yapton
Road Barnham
Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of 38 No.
dwellings including open space, landscaping & new access. This
application is a Departure from the Development Plan
Barnham &
BN/43/16/PL 31/03/2017 17 Housing association Residential True Angels Nursery Yapton
Road Barnham
95 No. dwellings together with access, landscaping open space &
associated works.
Barnham &
BN/50/18/PL 04/07/2019 1 Private sector Residential False The Fallows Highground
Lane Barnham
Erection of 1 No. replacement dwelling & conversion of existing out
building (approved dwelling) into double garage.
Barnham &
BN/43/16/PL 31/03/2017 11 Housing association Residential True Angels Nursery Yapton
Road Barnham
95 No. dwellings together with access, landscaping open space &
associated works.
Barnham &
BN/135/20/PL 31/03/2023 -1 Private sector Agricultural True Barnham/Eastergate/Westergate - Boweries
Barnham Road
Construction of 30 no. dwellings, new access, public open space,
landscaping and associated works
Barnham &
WA/48/19/RES 31/03/2021 57 Private sector Agricultural True Land to the East of
Fontwell Avenue Fontwell
Approval for Reserved Matters following outline permission
WA/22/15/OUT comprising 400 new homes (incl. affordable),
360sqm of retail space (A1 to A3), 152sqm of community space (D1
to D2 & including retention & refurbishment of 12sqm 'old smithy'),
demolition of remaining buildings to Arundel Road along with public
open space, LEAP, MUGA, allotments, car & cycle parking, drainage
& associated works - This site also lies within the parish of Barnham
& Eastergate.
Barnham &
WA/48/19/RES 31/03/2021 8 Housing association Agricultural True Land to the East of
Fontwell Avenue Fontwell
Approval for Reserved Matters following outline permission
WA/22/15/OUT comprising 400 new homes (incl. affordable),
360sqm of retail space (A1 to A3), 152sqm of community space (D1
to D2 & including retention & refurbishment of 12sqm 'old smithy'),
demolition of remaining buildings to Arundel Road along with public
open space, LEAP, MUGA, allotments, car & cycle parking, drainage
& associated works - This site also lies within the parish of Barnham
& Eastergate.
Barnham &
WA/48/19/RES 31/03/2021 1 Private sector Agricultural True Land to the East of
Fontwell Avenue Fontwell
Approval for Reserved Matters following outline permission
WA/22/15/OUT comprising 400 new homes (incl. affordable),
360sqm of retail space (A1 to A3), 152sqm of community space (D1
to D2 & including retention & refurbishment of 12sqm 'old smithy'),
demolition of remaining buildings to Arundel Road along with public
open space, LEAP, MUGA, allotments, car & cycle parking, drainage
& associated works - This site also lies within the parish of Barnham
& Eastergate.
Barnham &
BN/50/20/PL 31/03/2022 34 Housing association Agricultural True Land west of Fontwell
Avenue Fontwell Avenue
Demolition of existing structures on-site & erection of 42 No.
dwellings with access, parking, landscaping & associated works. This
application is a Departure from the Development Plan.
Barnham &
WA/48/19/RES 31/03/2021 8 Housing association Agricultural True Land to the East of
Fontwell Avenue Fontwell
Approval for Reserved Matters following outline permission
WA/22/15/OUT comprising 400 new homes (incl. affordable),
360sqm of retail space (A1 to A3), 152sqm of community space (D1
to D2 & including retention & refurbishment of 12sqm 'old smithy'),
demolition of remaining buildings to Arundel Road along with public
open space, LEAP, MUGA, allotments, car & cycle parking, drainage
& associated works - This site also lies within the parish of Barnham
& Eastergate.
Barnham &
BN/50/20/PL 31/03/2022 8 Housing association Agricultural True Land west of Fontwell
Avenue Fontwell Avenue
Demolition of existing structures on-site & erection of 42 No.
dwellings with access, parking, landscaping & associated works. This
application is a Departure from the Development Plan.
Bersted BE/103/19/RES 31/03/2021 3 Housing association Agricultural True Land West of New Barn
Lane Bersted
Approval of reserved matters following the grant of BE/77/16/OUT
and BE/40/18/PL for 50 No. residential units with associated roads,
drainage & other related infrastructure.
Bersted BE/103/19/RES 31/03/2021 6 Housing association Agricultural True Land West of New Barn
Lane Bersted
Approval of reserved matters following the grant of BE/77/16/OUT
and BE/40/18/PL for 50 No. residential units with associated roads,
drainage & other related infrastructure.
Bersted BE/103/19/RES 31/03/2021 21 Private sector Agricultural True Land West of New Barn
Lane Bersted
Approval of reserved matters following the grant of BE/77/16/OUT
and BE/40/18/PL for 50 No. residential units with associated roads,
drainage & other related infrastructure.
Bognor Regis BR/329/18/PL 10/10/2019 2 Private sector Residential False 123 Longford Road
Bognor Regis
Change of use of single dwellinghouse to 2 No. residential
Bognor Regis BR/231/19/PL 31/03/2023 1 Private sector Residential False 86 Annandale Avenue
Bognor Regis
Erection of first floor rear extension to provide 1 No. 2 bed flat
(resubmission following BR/317/18/PL).
Bognor Regis BR/114/20/PL 31/03/2022 10 Private sector Residential True 13-17 Abbeyfield
Richmond Avenue Bognor
Conversion of existing vacant residential care home into 10 No. flats.
This application is not CIL Liable as flats in Zone (Zero Rated).
Bognor Regis BR/257/19/PL 20/06/2019 27 Private sector Business True The Royal Hotel The
Esplanade Bognor Regis
Refurbishment, external alterations, extensions & reconfiguration of
previously permitted conversion to rebuild ground floor A3 restaurant
& provide a total of 27 flats. This application affects the character &
appearance of The Steyne, Bognor Regis, Conservation Area
Bognor Regis BR/247/19/PL 31/03/2023 0 Private sector Residential False 29A Station Road Bognor
Change of use & conversion of first & second floors from dwelling
(C3 Dwelling houses) to 5 room HMO (C4 Houses in multiple
occupation) with associated upgrades, additional rooflights & new
WC new window to rear. This application may affect the character &
appearance of the Bognor Regis Railway Station Conservation Area.
Bognor Regis BR/68/15/PL 31/03/2019 1 Private sector Shopping False 61 Queensway Bognor
1 No. 2 bed apartment in vacant retail space at rear including
enlargement of second floor rear dormer window & roof terrace for
existing apartment.
Bognor Regis BR/178/19/PL 31/03/2023 1 Private sector Residential False Delawarr House, Flat 1
144 Aldwick Road Bognor
Existing ground floor flat converted into 2 No. one bedroom
apartments with single storey side extension & rear orangery
Bognor Regis BR/281/18/PL 31/03/2023 -1 Private sector Residential True 99 Victoria Drive Bognor

Demolition of existing dwelling & erection of a three story building to
provide 9 No. flats, 6 No. 1 bed & 3 No. 2 bed units with associated
amenity areas, access & car parking.

Bognor Regis BR/324/17/PL 31/03/2021 8 Private sector Residential True 283-285a Chichester
Road Bognor Regis
Residential Development: restoration of 2 houses and attached
commercial annexe to pair of semi-detached houses, replacement of
bungalow with pair of semi-detached houses, development of land to
rear for eight flats (6 x 2 bed & 2 x 1 bed)
Climping CM/65/19/PL 31/03/2023 0 Private sector Residential False Atherington Lodge
Climping Street Climping
Demolition of existing dwelling & construction of new dwelling on
existing footprint of original & retaining the same vernacular style -
(Resubmission of CM/33/19/PL) Departure from the Development
Climping CM/21/19/PL 31/03/2022 9 Private sector Garden True Land adjacent to Scyld
Horsemere Green Lane
Construction of 9 no. dwellings, access, landscaping and associated
Climping CM/28/17/PL 19/06/2019 1 Private sector Agricultural False Ryebank Farm New Barn
Grevatts Lane Climping
Repair, restoration, extension & change of use of Heritage Asset
barns from concrete pre-fabrication factory to single residence.
East Preston EP/105/16/PL 12/03/2020 1 Private sector Garden False Land Between Ash Hollow
& West House Seafield
Road East Preston
1 No. dwelling.
East Preston EP/180/18/PL 31/03/2023 1 Private sector Other dev False Building West of 131 Sea
Road East Preston
Change of use of boat store & sail loft (Sui Generis) to a single
residential dwelling (C3 - Dwellinghouse) & part change of use of
former dinghy pen to caravan site (Sui Generis)
Felpham FP/195/18/PL 23/08/2019 1 Private sector Garden False 2 Second Avenue
Detached two storey dwelling (resubmission of FP/127/17/PL).
Felpham   20/12/2011 4 Private sector Business False 109a Felpham Way
Extension and change of use from builders yard and offices to form 4
one bedroom flats.
Felpham FP/57/19/PL 31/03/2023 1 Private sector Business False Ye Old Malt House
Restaurant Waterloo
Road Felpham
Conversion of existing restaurant (A3 Food & Drink) & flat into 2 No.
cottages. This application affects the character & appearance of the
Felpham Conservation Area.
Felpham FP/249/18/PL 31/03/2023 0 Private sector Residential False 22 North Way Felpham Replacement of existing bungalow with 1 No. chalet bungalow (to
approved design FP/259/17/HH).
Felpham FP/263/18/PL 14/06/2019 1 Private sector Residential False Timberly The Ridgeway
Demolition of existing chalet dwelling & erection of replacement
Ferring FG/219/18/PL 31/03/2023 -1 Private sector Residential False 11 Ocean Drive Ferring Demolition & erection of 1 No. dwelling with associated parking &
Ferring FG/117/13 31/03/2023 0 Private sector Residential False Rookery Nook 9 Ocean
Drive Ferring
Replacement dwelling.
Ferring FG/105/20/PL 31/03/2021 2 Private sector Business True The Tudor Close Public
House Ferringham Lane
Conversion of existing Public House (Use Class A4) to create 7 No
residential units comprising 5 No 1-bedroom units & 2 No 2-bedroom
units & the erection of 2 No 1-bedroom semi-detached bungalows,
associated car parking & landscaping (resubmission following
FG/46/20/PL). This application affects a Public Right of Way & is in
CIL Zone 4, CIL Liable for new dwellings.
Ferring FG/202/17/PL 09/11/2018 1 Private sector Business False 104 Ferring Street Ferring Change of use from restaurant (A3 Restaurant) to takeaway (A5 Hot
Food Takeaway), repositioning of extraction flue, removal of existing
rear extensions, erection of rear extension for 1 No. flat.
Littlehampton LU/302/14/PL 25/10/2019 1 Private sector Business False Washer Woman 16
Western Road
Change of use of launderette (Sui Generis) to 1 No apartment (C3
Dwelling Houses). This application affects the character and
appearance of the Littlehampton Seafront Conservation Area.
Littlehampton LU/178/20/RES 31/03/2022 18 Private sector Agricultural True Phase 2B at Hampton
Park - Land north of
Toddington Lane
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent LU/47/11 for
46 No. dwellings.
Littlehampton LU/251/15/PL 01/11/2018 3 Private sector Garden False Land East of 1 & 2 Tulley
Cottages Toddington Lane
Erection of 3 No. dwellings
Littlehampton LU/178/20/RES 31/03/2022 28 Private sector Agricultural True Phase 2B at Hampton
Park - Land north of
Toddington Lane
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent LU/47/11 for
46 No. dwellings.
Littlehampton LU/116/21/PL 31/03/2023 4 Private sector Other dev True Land South Of The
Littlehampton Academy
Fitzalan Road
Erection of 112 No. residential units with access from Fitzalan Road,
open space, hard and soft landscaping works, internal
roads/footways, car and cycle parking, substation, bin store and
associated engineering and infrastructure works.
Littlehampton LU/154/19/PL 22/05/2019 1 Private sector Business False 52 High Street
Change of use of ground floor from banking (A2 Financial &
professional services) to retail (A1 Shops), permitted development to
form 2 No. flats above plus 1 No. further flat & extension to form 1
No. two storey dwelling & ancillary alterations
Littlehampton LU/154/19/PL 22/05/2019 3 Private sector Business False 52 High Street
Change of use of ground floor from banking (A2 Financial &
professional services) to retail (A1 Shops), permitted development to
form 2 No. flats above plus 1 No. further flat & extension to form 1
No. two storey dwelling & ancillary alterations
Littlehampton LU/84/21/PL 31/03/2023 -2 Private sector Residential False 36 - 38 Surrey Street
Change of use of premises to a mixed use comprising of 1 No. 4-
bedroom HMO unit & retention of 1 No. bed-sit unit at first floor; 2 No.
holiday let use units at ground floor with reduction in size of retained
hairdressers & ancillary retail storage space & staff facilities to be
provided at basement level.
Littlehampton LU/60/18/PL 23/07/2018 4 Private sector Residential False Sunnymeade Courtwick
Lane Littlehampton
Demolition of existing dwelling & garage & erection of 4 No. dwellings
with on-site parking & landscaping.
Littlehampton LU/7/19/PD 24/01/2020 30 Private sector Industry True Unit 4 Hawthorn Road
Notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use of a
building from Office Use (Class B1(a)) to a Dwellinghouse (Class C3)
to provide 30 self-contained flats (14 studios & 16 one-bed flats)
Middleton on
M/6/22/PL 31/03/2023 0 Private sector Residential False 88 Ancton Way Elmer
Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 1 No 2-storey, 4-
bedroom detached house with 3 No off road car parking spaces.
Middleton on
M/143/18/PL 16/10/2019 1 Private sector Residential False 66 Ancton Way Elmer
Erection of a new 4 bedroom dwelling
Middleton on
M/53/19/PL 31/03/2023 0 Private sector Residential False 7 Alleyne Way Elmer
Demolition & erection of 1 No. dwelling.
Pagham P/70/19/RES 08/06/2020 41 Private sector Agricultural True Land at Summer Lane
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent P/58/15/OUT
for 90 No. dwellings. Also seeking to address the terms of planning
conditions 6 (Phasing), 8 (ecology), 9 (Surface Water), 12 (Vehicular
Access), 15 (Parking), 18 (Travel Plan), 20 (Landscape
Management), 24 (Parking Control), 25 (Dwelling Parking) and 26
Pagham P/70/19/RES 08/06/2020 13 Housing association Agricultural True Land at Summer Lane
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent P/58/15/OUT
for 90 No. dwellings. Also seeking to address the terms of planning
conditions 6 (Phasing), 8 (ecology), 9 (Surface Water), 12 (Vehicular
Access), 15 (Parking), 18 (Travel Plan), 20 (Landscape
Management), 24 (Parking Control), 25 (Dwelling Parking) and 26
Pagham P/79/19/PL 27/01/2020 1 Private sector Residential False 78 Harbour Road Pagham Demolition of existing sheds & dwelling & erection of 1 No. dwelling.
Pagham P/111/19/PL 30/03/2020 2 Private sector Office False 209 Pagham Road
Change of use of existing betting shop (Sui Generis) on ground floor
with kitchen/WC/office on first floor to 1 No. flat on ground floor (C3
Dwelling houses) and 1 No. flat on first and second floor, to include
single storey rear extension & conversion of loft space with dormer
window on rear elevation. This application may affect the setting of a
listed building.
Pagham P/58/19/PL 31/03/2022 9 Private sector Other dev True Rear of Inglenook Hotel
253-255 Pagham Road
Erection of 9 No. dwellings with associated access, parking, cycle &
refuse storage & landscape design. This application is a Departure
from the Development Plan & may affect the setting of a listed
Pagham P/56/16/PL 31/03/2020 1 Private sector Industry False Land behind Meadow
Sweet Summer Lane
Conversion of existing garage workshop into single detached 3 bed
Rustington R/61/19/PL 31/03/2023 1 Private sector Other dev False Church Farm Cottage 76-
78 The Street Rustington
Change of use from museum & cafe to single dwelling. This
application may affect the character & appearance of the Rustington
Conservation Area
Walberton WA/95/18/RES 19/07/2019 4 Housing association Agricultural True Land East of Tye Lane
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent
WA/44/17/OUT for the erection of 175 No. dwellings, car parking
including garages, internal access roads, footpaths, parking &
circulation areas, hard & soft landscaping, allotments, play
areas/equipment & community orchard & other associated
infrastructure & engineering works. This application may affect the
character & appearance of the Walberton Village Conservation Area.
Walberton WA/76/17/PL 31/03/2022 1 Private sector Agricultural True Land South of Wandleys
Farm Wandleys Lane
Application of four Affordable Intermediate Sale Homes and one Full
Market home with associated car parking, garaging, landscaping and
bin storage and the creation of 2 new accesses onto Wandleys Lane.
This application is a Departure from the Development Plan.
Walberton WA/75/17/PL 31/03/2021 9 Private sector Garden True Land adjacent to Sunny
Corner Copse Lane
9 No. dwellings with associated car parking, bin storage &
landscaping & creation of new access road from existing access
onto West Walberton Lane. This application is a Departure from the
Development Plan.
Walberton WA/19/16/PL 31/03/2020 1 Private sector Other dev False Walberton Place Farm
Yapton Lane
Change of use of existing building to 1 no. one-bed unit of staff
Walberton WA/95/18/RES 19/07/2019 29 Private sector Agricultural True Land East of Tye Lane
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent
WA/44/17/OUT for the erection of 175 No. dwellings, car parking
including garages, internal access roads, footpaths, parking &
circulation areas, hard & soft landscaping, allotments, play
areas/equipment & community orchard & other associated
infrastructure & engineering works. This application may affect the
character & appearance of the Walberton Village Conservation Area.
Walberton WA/79/20/PL 31/03/2023 -1 Private sector Residential True Spindlewood Yapton Lane
Demolition of existing dwelling & erections of 8 No. new
dwellinghouses with associated landscaping & parking (resubmission
following WA/30/20/PL).
Walberton WA/48/19/RES 31/03/2021 46 Private sector Agricultural True Land to the East of
Fontwell Avenue Fontwell
Approval for Reserved Matters following outline permission
WA/22/15/OUT comprising 400 new homes (incl. affordable),
360sqm of retail space (A1 to A3), 152sqm of community space (D1
to D2 & including retention & refurbishment of 12sqm 'old smithy'),
demolition of remaining buildings to Arundel Road along with public
open space, LEAP, MUGA, allotments, car & cycle parking, drainage
& associated works - This site also lies within the parish of Barnham
& Eastergate.
Walberton WA/38/17/PL 16/03/2021 1 Private sector Residential False Walberton House The
Street Walberton
Change of use of a store to a single dwelling with a porch extension
& one additional window to north & west elevations & to east facing
roof slope (Renewal of consent WA/6/14). This application affects
the character and appearance of the Walberton Village conservation
Walberton WA/48/19/RES 31/03/2021 7 Housing association Agricultural True Land to the East of
Fontwell Avenue Fontwell
Approval for Reserved Matters following outline permission
WA/22/15/OUT comprising 400 new homes (incl. affordable),
360sqm of retail space (A1 to A3), 152sqm of community space (D1
to D2 & including retention & refurbishment of 12sqm 'old smithy'),
demolition of remaining buildings to Arundel Road along with public
open space, LEAP, MUGA, allotments, car & cycle parking, drainage
& associated works - This site also lies within the parish of Barnham
& Eastergate.
Walberton WA/48/19/RES 31/03/2021 50 Housing association Agricultural True Land to the East of
Fontwell Avenue Fontwell
Approval for Reserved Matters following outline permission
WA/22/15/OUT comprising 400 new homes (incl. affordable),
360sqm of retail space (A1 to A3), 152sqm of community space (D1
to D2 & including retention & refurbishment of 12sqm 'old smithy'),
demolition of remaining buildings to Arundel Road along with public
open space, LEAP, MUGA, allotments, car & cycle parking, drainage
& associated works - This site also lies within the parish of Barnham
& Eastergate.
Walberton WA/59/19/PL 31/03/2023 3 Private sector Agricultural False Pippins Yapton Lane
Provision of an additional 3 No. residential mobile homes. This
application is a Departure from the Development Plan
Walberton WA/30/19/PL 31/03/2023 1 Private sector Residential False Walberton House, The
Annexe The Street
Application for change of use from part of accommodation of
Walberton House to separate self-contained dwelling. This
application affects the character and appearance of the Walberton
Village Conservation Area and the setting of a Listed Building.
Walberton WA/48/19/RES 31/03/2021 25 Private sector Agricultural True Land to the East of
Fontwell Avenue Fontwell
Approval for Reserved Matters following outline permission
WA/22/15/OUT comprising 400 new homes (incl. affordable),
360sqm of retail space (A1 to A3), 152sqm of community space (D1
to D2 & including retention & refurbishment of 12sqm 'old smithy'),
demolition of remaining buildings to Arundel Road along with public
open space, LEAP, MUGA, allotments, car & cycle parking, drainage
& associated works - This site also lies within the parish of Barnham
& Eastergate.
Yapton Y/72/20/RES 31/03/2022 6 Housing association Agricultural True Land at Stakers Farm
North End Road Yapton
Approval of reserved matters following outline approval Y/44/17/OUT
for the erection of 70 No. dwellings, public open space, play area,
drainage & landscaping. This application affects the character &
appearance of the Main Road/Church Road Yapton Conservation
Area & affects the setting of Listed Buildings.
Yapton Y/72/20/RES 31/03/2022 41 Private sector Agricultural True Land at Stakers Farm
North End Road Yapton
Approval of reserved matters following outline approval Y/44/17/OUT
for the erection of 70 No. dwellings, public open space, play area,
drainage & landscaping. This application affects the character &
appearance of the Main Road/Church Road Yapton Conservation
Area & affects the setting of Listed Buildings.
Yapton Y/26/20/RES 24/03/2021 2 Private sector Agricultural True Land at Southern end of
Cinders Lane Yapton
Approval of reserved matters following the grant of Y/32/17OUT for
the erection of 19 No. dwellings This application also lies within the
parish of Climping & affects a Public Right of Way.
Yapton Y/98/18/RES 31/03/2020 6 Housing association Agricultural True Land off Burndell Road
Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping,
layout and scale) following outline permission Y/19/16/OUT for 108
residential dwellings, with associated parking, road/footway/cycleway
provision, open space, landscaping, surface water attenuation and
ancillary works.
Yapton Y/53/16/PL 26/04/2019 4 Private sector Business False Yapton Metal Company
Burndell Road Yapton
4 No. dwellings with associated ancillary services & access
(resubmission following Y/108/15/PL). This application affects the
setting of a Listed Building.
Yapton Y/63/19/RES 31/03/2021 2 Housing association Agricultural True Bonhams Field Main Road
Approval of reserved matters following the grant of Y/1/17/OUT for 56
No. dwellings with associated open space & creation of new access.
This application affects the character & appearance of the Yapton
(Main Road) Conservation Area & affects the setting of listed
Yapton Y/98/18/RES 31/03/2020 3 Housing association Agricultural True Land off Burndell Road
Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping,
layout and scale) following outline permission Y/19/16/OUT for 108
residential dwellings, with associated parking, road/footway/cycleway
provision, open space, landscaping, surface water attenuation and
ancillary works.
Yapton Y/49/21/RES 31/03/2022 8 Private sector Agricultural True Land east of Drove Lane
Yapton (North West)
Approval of reserved matters following Y/92/17/OUT for 300 No.
Yapton Y/63/19/RES 31/03/2021 10 Private sector Agricultural True Bonhams Field Main Road
Approval of reserved matters following the grant of Y/1/17/OUT for 56
No. dwellings with associated open space & creation of new access.
This application affects the character & appearance of the Yapton
(Main Road) Conservation Area & affects the setting of listed
Yapton Y/63/19/RES 31/03/2021 2 Housing association Agricultural True Bonhams Field Main Road
Approval of reserved matters following the grant of Y/1/17/OUT for 56
No. dwellings with associated open space & creation of new access.
This application affects the character & appearance of the Yapton
(Main Road) Conservation Area & affects the setting of listed
Yapton Y/82/20/RES 31/03/2021 19 Private sector Agricultural True Land to the South of Ford
Lane East of North End
Road Yapton
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent Y/80/16/OUT
for 4.5ha of residential development comprising of 3.4ha of land for
the erection of 100 No. dwellings (up to 30 (30%) affordable housing)
together with 1.1ha of land set aside for public open space, strategic
landscaping, 2.2ha of public open space, green corridors with
vehicular access from Ford Lane & pedestrian/cycle access only from
North End Road (resubmission following Y/19/20/RES).
Yapton Y/82/20/RES 31/03/2021 14 Housing association Agricultural True Land to the South of Ford
Lane East of North End
Road Yapton
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent Y/80/16/OUT
for 4.5ha of residential development comprising of 3.4ha of land for
the erection of 100 No. dwellings (up to 30 (30%) affordable housing)
together with 1.1ha of land set aside for public open space, strategic
landscaping, 2.2ha of public open space, green corridors with
vehicular access from Ford Lane & pedestrian/cycle access only from
North End Road (resubmission following Y/19/20/RES).
Yapton Y/146/20/RES 31/03/2022 9 Private sector Agricultural True Land at Street Buildings
North End Road Yapton
Application for approval of reserved matters for the erection of 45
dwellings pursuant to Section 73 permission Y/13/18/PL (following
the grant of outline planning permission Y/49/17/OUT) (resubmission
following Y/39/20/RES). This application may affect the setting of a
Listed Building.
Yapton Y/98/18/RES 31/03/2020 9 Private sector Agricultural True Land off Burndell Road
Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping,
layout and scale) following outline permission Y/19/16/OUT for 108
residential dwellings, with associated parking, road/footway/cycleway
provision, open space, landscaping, surface water attenuation and
ancillary works.


Appendix 3 - Large site Commitments (With Planning permission at 31 March 2023)

Due to the size of this table it is presented as a scrollable table, which can be scrolled using a keyboard or a mouse. If you still have any difficulty with this table, either in this format or the original PDF, which is linked at the top of this page, and need it presented in another way please email

Appendix 3 - Large Site Commitments (With Planning permission at 31 March 2023)


Appendix 3 - Large Site Commitments (With Planning permission at 31 March 2023)

Parish Planning Ref Site Address Total Commitment* EstYr1 EstYr2 EstYr3 EstYr4 EstYr5 EstYr6 EstYr7 EstYr8 EstYr9 EstYr10 EstYr11 EstYr12 EstYr13 EstYr14 EstYr15 EstYr16 EstYrPostYr16 Est Unlikely Unlikely Losses Builder Label Deliverability Comments**
Aldingbourne AL/102/17/RES Nyton Nursery Nyton Road Westergate
12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldingbourne AL/107/18/PL Nyton Stables Nyton Stables Nyton
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldingbourne AL/20/21/PL Wings Nursery Lidsey Road Woodgate 45 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldingbourne AL/20/21/PL Wings Nursery Lidsey Road Woodgate 4 4


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldingbourne AL/20/21/PL Wings Nursery Lidsey Road Woodgate 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Aldingbourne AL/108/22/RES Land North of Lee's Yard Lidsey Road, Woodgate 38 0 0 15 15 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Aldingbourne AL/135/22/RES Land to West of Hook Lane Hook Lane
10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldingbourne AL/96/22/RES Land at Bayards Level Mare Lane
47 15 15 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldingbourne AL/96/22/RES Land at Bayards Level Mare Lane
12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Aldingbourne AL/96/22/RES Land at Bayards Level Mare Lane
8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Aldingbourne AL/18/22/PL Lidsey Lodge Farm Sack Lane Lidsey 8 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldingbourne AL/129/21/OUT Land adjacent to Woodgate Nurseries
Lidsey Road Aldingbourne
66 0 0 0 50 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under AL/129/21/OUT approved with S.106 22-08-22. 
The S.106 legal agreement was signed on 08-08-22. The site had a Call For Sites 2023 Update form received in July 2023 which gave an updated housing trajectory whereby the promoter estimates dwellings to be delivered by 2024-2025 onwards.
Aldingbourne AL/129/21/OUT Land adjacent to Woodgate Nurseries
Lidsey Road Aldingbourne
29 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under AL/129/21/OUT approved with S.106 22-08-22.
The S.106 legal agreement was signed on 08-08-22. The site had a Call For Sites 2023 Update form received in July 2023 which gave an updated housing trajectory whereby the promoter estimates dwellings to be delivered by 2024-2025 onwards.
Aldwick   Adj 34 The Drive Aldwick 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldwick   Adj 34 The Drive Aldwick 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldwick   Adj 34 The Drive Aldwick 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Aldwick AW/228/21/RES Land to the rear of 34, 36, 38, 40 & 44
Carlton Avenue Aldwick
8 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/38/18/RES Manor Nursery High Street Angmering 22 0 12 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/38/18/RES Manor Nursery High Street Angmering 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/153/22/OUT Broadlees Dappers Lane Angmering 20 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Private sector  
Angmering A/26/21/RES Land west of Brook Lane & South of
A259 Angmering
54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 54 0 Private sector The site has outline planning permission under A/153/22/OUT approved with S.106 22-
02-23. The S.106 agreement was signed on 03-03-23. The site was promoted during the
Call For Sites 2023 process whereby a site update form was submitted in July 2023
whereby the promoter has given an updated housing trajectory estimating all dwellings
completed by 2024-2025 (dependent on conditions being cleared and reserved matters).
There is identification of a housebuilder Briargates Homes.
Angmering A/26/21/RES Land west of Brook Lane & South of
A259 Angmering
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/26/21/RES Land west of Brook Lane & South of
A259 Angmering
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/26/21/RES Land west of Brook Lane & South of
A259 Angmering
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/109/20/RES Land South of Water Lane Angmering 73 36 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/109/20/RES Land South of Water Lane Angmering 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/256/21/RES Land North of Water Lane Angmering 366 24 50 50 50 92 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/256/21/RES Land North of Water Lane Angmering 80 0 0 40 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/109/20/RES Land South of Water Lane Angmering 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/76/20/PL Land at Dappers Lane Angmering 42 11 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/76/20/PL Land at Dappers Lane Angmering 18 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/256/21/RES Land North of Water Lane Angmering 79 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/64/21/PL Former Shrublands Nursery
Roundstone Lane Angmering
22 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/64/21/PL Former Shrublands Nursery
Roundstone Lane Angmering
8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/64/21/PL Former Shrublands Nursery
Roundstone Lane Angmering
4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Housing association

Angmering A/219/17/PL Land East of Windy Ridge Mayflower
Way Angmering
10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/219/17/PL Land East of Windy Ridge Mayflower
Way Angmering
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/122/19/OUT Land off Arundel Road Angmering 105 0 0 15 30 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Private sector The site has outline planning permission under A/122/19/OUT approved with S.106 17-03-20. The S.106 Legal Agreement was signed 13-03-20. The site had a Reserved Matters application A/282/22/RES submitted on 20-12-22. This RM application was subsequently approved by the council 20-04-23.
Angmering A/122/19/OUT Land off Arundel Road Angmering 48 0 0 12 12 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Housing association The site has outline planning permission under A/122/19/OUT approved with S.106 17-03-20. The S.106 Legal Agreement was signed 13-03-20. The site had a Reserved Matters application A/282/22/RES submitted on 20-12-22. This RM application was
subsequently approved by the council 20-04-23.
Angmering A/46/22/RES Phase 1 - Land off Arundel Road
7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/227/21/OUT Wilmington Arundel Road Angmering 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/168/21/PL Land South Of Littlehampton Road and
East of Worthing Road Angmering
53 25 25 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/168/21/PL Land South Of Littlehampton Road and
East of Worthing Road Angmering
15 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/168/21/PL Land South Of Littlehampton Road and
East of Worthing Road Angmering
8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/129/21/PL Rustington Golf Centre Golfers Lane
131 0 0 50 50 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/129/21/PL Rustington Golf Centre Golfers Lane
3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Angmering A/129/21/PL Rustington Golf Centre Golfers Lane
37 0 0 15 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Angmering A/129/21/PL Rustington Golf Centre Golfers Lane
20 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Arundel AB/88/19/PL Land at Electricity Sub Station Ford
Road Arundel (Ford Road Gas Works)
38 0 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Arundel AB/148/21/PL 1-7 Canada Road Arundel 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Housing association  
Arundel AB/135/20/OUT Land at Ford Road Arundel 63 0 0 30 30 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under AB/135/20/OUT Approved Cond with S.106 - 26.11.21, Section 106 Agreement Signed 24.01.22. The site had a reserved matters application under AB/106/22/RES submitted on 16.08.22 for approval of RM of AB/135/20/OUT for 90 dwellings. The Reserved Matters application was subsequently approved 04-05-23. The site was included in the list of sites in the LSH Delivery Agreements exercise in August / September 2023 whereby the promoter has given an updated housing trajectory estimating expected delivery on site will continue to March 2027.
Arundel AB/135/20/OUT Land at Ford Road Arundel 27 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association The site has outline permission under AB/135/20/OUT Approved Cond with S.106 - 26.11.21, Section 106 Agreement Signed 24.01.22. The site had a reserved matters application under AB/106/22/RES submitted on 16.08.22 for approval of RM of AB/135/20/OUT for 90 dwellings. The Reserved Matters application was subsequently approved 04-05-23. The site was included in the list of sites in the LSH Delivery Agreements exercise in August / September 2023 whereby the promoter has given an updated housing trajectory estimating expected delivery on site will continue to March 2027.
Barnham and
BN/43/16/PL Angels Nursery Yapton Road Barnham 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Barnham and
BN/135/20/PL Barnham/Eastergate/Westergate -
Boweries Barnham Road Eastergate
21 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Barnham and
BN/135/20/PL Barnham/Eastergate/Westergate -
Boweries Barnham Road Eastergate
7 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Barnham and
BN/135/20/PL Barnham/Eastergate/Westergate -
Boweries Barnham Road Eastergate
2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Barnham and
BN/153/20/PL Barnham/Eastergate/Westergate -
Warwick Nursery Barnham Road
Eastergate Barnham
31 15 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Barnham and
BN/153/20/PL Barnham/Eastergate/Westergate -
Warwick Nursery Barnham Road
Eastergate Barnham
7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Barnham and
BN/153/20/PL Barnham/Eastergate/Westergate -
Warwick Nursery Barnham Road
Eastergate Barnham
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Barnham and
BN/142/20/OUT Land south of Barnham Station
138 0 0 50 50 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under BN/142/20/OUT which was Allowed on Appeal for 200 Dwellings 05-01-22. Signed S.106 Agreement dated 03.12.21. The site had a reserved matters application submitted 26-10-22. The reserved matters application has
an identification of a housebuilder Barratt David Wilson Homes South. The reserved
matters has been to committee (in Sept 2023) and was granted approval subject to the EA response being no objection. However the council are still waiting for this response, so it is likely that the decision will be issued by the end of the year (2023). The site was also included in the Residential Delivery Agreements exercise carried out by LSH in August / September 2023. A Site Delivery Agreement Proforma was completed
whereby the site promoters have stated that completions are estimated to come forward by 2026-27.
Barnham and
BN/142/20/OUT Land south of Barnham Station
62 0 0 50 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under BN/142/20/OUT which was Allowed on Appeal for 200 Dwellings 05-01-22. Signed S.106 Agreement dated 03.12.21. The site had a reserved matters application submitted 26-10-22. The reserved matters application has
an identification of a housebuilder Barratt David Wilson Homes South. The reserved
matters has been to committee (in Sept 2023) and was granted approval subject to the EA response being no objection. However the council are still waiting for this response, so it is likely that the decision will be issued by the end of the year (2023). The site was also included in the Residential Delivery Agreements exercise carried out by LSH in August / September 2023. A Site Delivery Agreement Proforma was completed whereby the site promoters have stated that completions are estimated to come forward by 2026-27.
Barnham and
BN/147/21/OUT Land West of Fontwell Avenue
Fontwell Eastergate
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Barnham and
BN/176/22/RES Land West of Fontwell Avenue
Fontwell Eastergate
7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Barnham and
BN/21/22/PL The Hollies 84 Barnham Road
5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bersted BE/137/19/RES The Cottage Shripney Road Bognor Regis (Phase 2) 14 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bersted BE/137/19/RES The Cottage Shripney Road Bognor Regis (Phase 2) 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Bersted BE/119/20/PL Land West of New Barn Lane Bersted 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bersted BE/81/20/OUT West of Bersted - Chalcroft Nursery Chalcraft Lane Bersted 14 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site forms part of the strategic allocation (SD3) within Arun Local Plan 2011-2031. The site has outline permission under BE/81/20/OUT approved with S.106 23-03-21.
The site has had a non-material amendment application submitted under BE/85/23/NMA for NMA for inclusion of phasing plan in BE/81/20/OUT - approved 03-08-23. The site was also included in the Residential Delivery Agreements exercise carried out by LSH in August / September 2023. A signed delivery agreement was completed in August 2023
whereby the promoter estimates he promoters estimate that a Reserved Matters application will be submitted in March 2024. Also that construction on site is anticipated to start in Autumn 2024 with the first completions anticipated for late Spring 2025.
Bersted BE/81/20/OUT West of Bersted - Chalcroft Nursery Chalcraft Lane Bersted 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association The site forms part of the strategic allocation (SD3) within Arun Local Plan 2011-2031. The site has outline permission under BE/81/20/OUT approved with S.106 23-03-21.
The site has had a non-material amendment application submitted under BE/85/23/NMA for NMA for inclusion of phasing plan in BE/81/20/OUT - approved 03-08-23. The site was also included in the Residential Delivery Agreements exercise carried out by LSH in August / September 2023. A signed delivery agreement was completed in August 2023
whereby the promoter estimates he promoters estimate that a Reserved Matters application will be submitted in March 2024. Also that construction on site is anticipated to start in Autumn 2024 with the first completions anticipated for late Spring 2025.
Bersted BE/148/20/OUT West of Bersted - Nursery Fields Land to the North of Chalcraft Lane West Bersted 158 0 0 50 50 50 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission approved (allowed on appeal+conditions) under
BE/148/20/OUT 12-04-22. A Reserved Matters Application was submitted under
BE/1/23/RES on 04-01-23. The reserved matters application was subsequently
approved 10-08-23.
Bersted BE/148/20/OUT West of Bersted - Nursery Fields Land to the North of Chalcraft Lane West Bersted 67 0 0 50 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission approved (allowed on appeal+conditions) under
BE/148/20/OUT 12-04-22. A Reserved Matters Application was submitted under
BE/1/23/RES on 04-01-23. The reserved matters application was subsequently
approved 10-08-23.
Bersted BE/57/22/PL Land adjacent to Tesco Express 351 Chichester Road Bersted (Land at the former Rising Sun) 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bersted BE/109/19/OUT Land east of Shripney Road & south of Haddan House Shripney Road Bersted 33 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under BE/109/19/OUT allowed+conditions 09-12-21. A Reserved Matters application was submitted under BE/131/22/RES on 25-10-22. The reserved matters application has identification of a housebuilder Elivia Homes Southern.
A site update form was received during Call For Sites 2023 process whereby the
promoter states that site completions will come forward by 2024-2025 (as at July 2023). The reserved matters was subsequently approved 07-09-23.
Bersted BE/109/19/OUT Land east of Shripney Road & south of Haddan House Shripney Road Bersted 13 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association The site has outline permission under BE/109/19/OUT allowed+conditions 09-12-21. A Reserved Matters application was submitted under BE/131/22/RES on 25-10-22. The reserved matters application has identification of a housebuilder Elivia Homes Southern.
A site update form was received during Call For Sites 2023 process whereby the
promoter states that site completions will come forward by 2024-2025 (as at July 2023). The reserved matters application was subsequently approved 07-09-23.
Bognor Regis BR/242/21/OUT Rear of 94-100 Hook Lane Bognor
6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/8/21/RES Richmond Arms 224 London Road
Bognor Regis
10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/42/22/PL Prince Of Wales Public House 1
Highfield Road Bognor Regis
18 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/252/21/PL 65 Upper Bognor Road (Charlotte
House 71 & 71A Upper Bognor Road, 67 & 69 Upper Bognor Road Bognor Regis
4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/252/21/PL 65 Upper Bognor Road (Charlotte
House 71 & 71A Upper Bognor Road, 67 & 69 Upper Bognor Road Bognor Regis
6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/107/21/PL 283-285 Chichester Road Bognor
3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/70/22/OUT 26 Burnham Avenue Bognor Regis 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/70/22/OUT 26 Burnham Avenue Bognor Regis 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/281/18/PL 99 Victoria Drive Bognor Regis 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/307/04 46-48 High Street Bognor Regis 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/244/20/PL The Beach Hotel, former Mud Club
Waterloo Square Bognor Regis
10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/156/22/PL 62-64 High Street Bognor Regis 17 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/238/22/PL 2-10 The Hatters Inn Queensway
Bognor Regis
43 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/174/22/PL 7A Canada Grove Bognor Regis 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/16/23/PL 7-7a Canada Grove Bognor Regis 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Bognor Regis BR/21/22/PD 7 Canada Grove Bognor Regis 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Climping CM/1/17/OUT Land West of Church Lane & South of Horsemere Green Lane Climping 210 0 0 25 50 60 25 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under CM/1/17/OUT allowed on appeal + conditions 28-09-18, a signed section 106 agreement dated 05-09-18,  evidence of active engagement with the housebuilder in 2021 (Climping Homes). A Reserved Matters application was
submitted under CM/48/21/RES on 31-08-21 and is currently undecided and pending decision to date. The application went to the Sept 2023 planning  committee but was deferred . Therefore the council estimate the application will be considered at Dec 2023 planning committee meeting. A site delivery agreement proforma was completed during the LSH Delivery Agreements exercise whereby the developer stated that the delivery of the site is dependent on the reserved matters being approved. The Reserved Matters application has identification of a housebuilder / developer of Climping Homes in
partnership with Foreman Homes and VIVID Housing, and the proforma confirms that the above developers have a ‘good’ track record of housing delivery.
Climping CM/1/17/OUT Land West of Church Lane & South of Horsemere Green Lane Climping 90 0 0 0 50 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association The site has outline permission under CM/1/17/OUT allowed on appeal + conditions 28-09-18, a signed section 106 agreement dated 05-09-18, evidence of active engagement with the housebuilder in 2021 (Climping Homes). A Reserved Matters application was
submitted under CM/48/21/RES on 31-08-21 and is currently undecided and pending decision to date. The application went to the Sept 2023 planning committee but was deferred. Therefore the council estimate the application will be considered at the Dec 2023 planning committee meeting. A site delivery agreement proforma was completed
during the LSH Delivery Agreements exercise whereby the developer stated that the delivery of the site is dependent on the reserved matters being approved. The Reserved Matters application has identification of a housebuilder / developer of Climping Homes in
partnership with Foreman Homes and VIVID Housing, and the proforma confirms that the above developers have a ‘good’ track record of housing delivery.
Felpham   Outerwyke House 55 Felpham Way Felpham 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Ferring FG/198/16/PL 1 Sea Drive Ferring 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Ferring FG/27/18/PL 58 Ferringham Lane Ferring 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Ferring FG/105/20/PL The Tudor Close Public House
Ferringham Lane Ferring
7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Ferring FG/87/21/PL The Tudor Close Public House
Ferringham Lane Ferring
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/212/21/PL 3-4 Selborne Place Selborne Road
6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/47/11 Land north of Toddington Lane
418 0 0 0 0 80 80 80 80 80 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/47/11 Land north of Toddington Lane
26 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/47/11 Land north of Toddington Lane
26 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Littlehampton LU/47/11 Land north of Toddington Lane
81 0 0 0 0 0 40 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Littlehampton LU/116/13/ Land north of Toddington Lane
Littlehampton (Hollyacre Phase 2)
10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/206/21/RES Phase 5 Hampton Park Toddington
Lane Littlehampton
175 0 0 50 50 50 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/206/21/RES Phase 5 Hampton Park Toddington
Lane Littlehampton
34 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/206/21/RES Phase 5 Hampton Park Toddington
Lane Littlehampton
34 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Littlehampton LU/206/21/RES Phase 5 Hampton Park Toddington
Lane Littlehampton
18 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Littlehampton LU/249/17/PL Directors Cottage Toddington Lane
3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/116/21/PL Land South Of The Littlehampton
Academy Fitzalan Road Littlehampton
74 29 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/116/21/PL Land South Of The Littlehampton
Academy Fitzalan Road Littlehampton
32 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Littlehampton LU/116/21/PL Land South Of The Littlehampton
Academy Fitzalan Road Littlehampton
2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Littlehampton LU/238/20/OUT Land west of Bridge Road Roundabout Littlehampton 105 0 0 50 50 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton   3 River Road Littlehampton 12 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Littlehampton LU/287/17/PL 46a & 47 Pier Road & Land north of Clifton Road Littlehampton 8 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/214/20/PL Empty Supermarket Premises Avon Road Littlehampton 25 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/214/20/PL Empty Supermarket Premises Avon Road Littlehampton 11 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/251/21/PL 57 River Road Littlehampton 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/411/21/PL 90-91 South Terrace Littlehampton 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Littlehampton LU/258/16/PL Old Mead House Old Mead Road
4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Middleton-on-Sea M/45/16/PL Land West of Yapton Road (Poultry Farm) Middleton-on Sea 13 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Pagham P/70/19/RES Land at Summer Lane Pagham 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Pagham P/132/20/RES Land north of Hook Lane Pagham 210 50 50 50 50 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Pagham P/49/21/RES Land North of Sefter Road & 80 Rose Green Road Pagham 166 30 30 30 30 30 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Pagham P/49/21/RES Land North of Sefter Road & 80 Rose Green Road Pagham 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Pagham P/49/21/RES Land North of Sefter Road & 80 Rose Green Road Pagham 27 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Pagham P/49/21/RES Land North of Sefter Road & 80 Rose Green Road Pagham 48 20 20 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Pagham P/134/16/OUT Land north of Hook Lane Pagham 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Pagham P/132/20/RES Land north of Hook Lane Pagham 90 0 50 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Pagham P/140/16/OUT Land South of Summer Lane & West of Pagham Road Pagham 266 0 11 50 50 50 50 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under P/140/16/OUT Approved Cond with a signed S.106 agreement 22-11-18. The site has presence of a housebuilder (Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd) and evidence of recent active engagement with the agent of the housebuilder (Barton Willmore) in August 2021 promoting the site. The site has reserved matters approved under P/155/21/RES on 31-05-22 for the 'local centre' parcel which comprises of retail, community and commercial uses, 20 No residential apartments and a 70 bed
care home - (Approved 31-05-22). It also has a pending reserved matters application submitted 22-11-21 under P/167/21/RES for Approval of reserved matters (appearance, layout, landscaping and scale) following outline planning permission P/140/16/OUT for
the erection of 375no. dwellings, together with public open space, play space, drainage, parking and associated infrastructure, landscape, ancillary and site preparation works, with access off Pagham Road (alternative to  P/153/21/RES). This site may affect a
Public Right of Way. The site also has an alternative Reserved Matters application
submitted under P/153/21/RES on 08-11-21 for RM of P/140/16/OUT for 350 dwellings. The council is estimating that P/153/21/RES will be put forward for decision in the December 2023 Planning Committee.
Pagham P/140/16/OUT Land South of Summer Lane & West of Pagham Road Pagham 114 0 19 25 25 25 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association The site has outline permission under P/140/16/OUT Approved Cond with a signed S.106 agreement 22-11-18. The site has presence of a housebuilder (Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd) and evidence of recent active engagement with the agent of the housebuilder (Barton Willmore) in August 2021 promoting the site. The site has reserved matters approved under P/155/21/RES on 31-05-22 for the 'local centre' parcel which comprises of retail, community and commercial uses, 20 No residential apartments and a 70 bed
care home - (Approved 31-05-22). It also has a pending reserved matters application submitted 22-11-21 under P/167/21/RES for Approval of reserved matters (appearance, layout, landscaping and scale) following outline planning permission P/140/16/OUT for
the erection of 375no. dwellings, together with public open space, play space, drainage, parking and associated infrastructure, landscape, ancillary and site preparation works, with access off Pagham Road (alternative to  P/153/21/RES). This site may affect a
Public Right of Way. The site also has an alternative Reserved Matters application
submitted under P/153/21/RES on 08-11-21 for RM of P/140/16/OUT for 350 dwellings. The council is estimating that P/153/21/RES will be put forward for decision in the December 2023 Planning Committee.
Pagham P/25/17/OUT Land South of Summer Lane & West of Pagham Road Pagham 46 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under P/25/17/OUT Approved Cond with a signed section 106 agreement 05-09-19. A Reserved Matters application has been submitted under P/139/22/RES on 31-08-22 for RM of P/25/17/OUT for 65 dwellings - pending decision and undecided as at Nov 2023. It is estimated that this Reserved Matters
application will be taken to the Dec 2023 Planning Committee.
Pagham P/25/17/OUT Land South of Summer Lane & West of Pagham Road Pagham 19 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association The site has outline permission under P/25/17/OUT Approved Cond with a signed section 106 agreement 05-09-19. A Reserved Matters application has been submitted under P/139/22/RES on 31-08-22 for RM of P/25/17/OUT for 65 dwellings - pending decision and undecided as at Nov 2023. It is estimated that this Reserved Matters
application will be taken to the Dec 2023 Planning Committee.
Pagham P/155/21/RES Land West of Pagham Road Pagham 14 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Pagham P/155/21/RES Land West of Pagham Road Pagham 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Pagham P/147/21/RES Land adjacent to Sefter School House Sefter Road Bognor Regis 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Pagham P/178/21/OUT Land West of Pagham Road Pagham 106 0 0 0 50 50 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has outline permission under P/178/21/OUT approved by being allowed on appeal+conditions 14-12-22. The site has been recently promoted during the Call For Sites 2023 process whereby the promoter has submitted an update form with evidence of an updated housing trajectory. This estimates dwellings completions to come forward
from 2025-2026 onwards (As at August 2023).
Rustington   Parklands Worthing Road Rustington 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Rustington R/83/15/PL Rustington Convalescent Home Sea Road Littlehampton 26 0 13 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Rustington R/83/15/PL Rustington Convalescent Home Sea Road Littlehampton 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Rustington R/83/15/PL Rustington Convalescent Home Sea Road Littlehampton 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Rustington R/205/19/PD 66 The Street Rustington 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Rustington R/278/22/PL Sterling Parade 1-6 The Street
12 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Private sector  
Rustington R/34/22/PL Prior Notification under Class O for
change of use from Office (Class
B1(a)) to a dwellinghouse (Class C3)
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Walberton WA/48/19/RES Land to the East of Fontwell Avenue Fontwell 61 35 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Walberton WA/48/19/RES Land to the East of Fontwell Avenue Fontwell 29 19 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Walberton WA/48/19/RES Land to the East of Fontwell Avenue Fontwell 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Walberton WA/48/19/RES Land to the East of Fontwell Avenue Fontwell 29 15 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Walberton WA/95/18/RES Land East of Tye Lane Walberton 69 43 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Walberton WA/95/18/RES Land East of Tye Lane Walberton 21 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Walberton WA/95/18/RES Land East of Tye Lane Walberton 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Walberton WA/63/19/PL Land South of Arundel Road
8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Walberton WA/48/19/RES Land to the East of Fontwell Avenue Fontwell 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Walberton WA/48/19/RES Land to the East of Fontwell Avenue Fontwell 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Walberton WA/48/19/RES Land to the East of Fontwell Avenue Fontwell 42 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Walberton WA/79/20/PL Spindlewood Yapton Lane Walberton 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Walberton WA/126/22/RES Land west of Tye Lane Walberton 92 0 0 50 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Walberton WA/126/22/RES Land west of Tye Lane Walberton 39 0 0 15 15 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Walberton WA/80/22/PL Barnfield House Arundel Road
10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/63/19/RES Bonhams Field Main Road Yapton 30 19 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/63/19/RES Bonhams Field Main Road Yapton 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/82/20/RES Land to the South of Ford Lane East of North End Road Yapton 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/82/20/RES Land to the South of Ford Lane East of North End Road Yapton 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/146/20/RES Land at Street Buildings North End
Road Yapton
22 20 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/146/20/RES Land at Street Buildings North End
Road Yapton
8 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/146/20/RES Land at Street Buildings North End
Road Yapton
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/49/21/RES Land east of Drove Lane Yapton
(North West)
197 53 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/127/21/RES Land at Bilsham Road Yapton (South East) 175 25 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/127/21/RES Land at Bilsham Road Yapton (South East) 75 25 25 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/49/21/RES Land east of Drove Lane Yapton
(North West)
60 10 25 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/49/21/RES Land east of Drove Lane Yapton
(North West)
30 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/49/21/RES Land east of Drove Lane Yapton
(North West)
5 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/72/20/RES Land at Stakers Farm North End Road Yapton 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/72/20/RES Land at Stakers Farm North End Road Yapton 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/72/20/RES Land at Stakers Farm North End Road Yapton 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/124/22/PL Barns South of Stakers Farm North End Road Yapton 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/124/22/PL Barns South of Stakers Farm North End Road Yapton 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/18/21/RES Clays Farm North End Road Yapton 33 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association  
Yapton Y/158/21/PL The Steddles North End Road Yapton 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector  
Yapton Y/151/20/PL Pollards Nursery Lake Lane Barnham 8 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mobile home private  
Yapton Y/3/22/OUT Land West of Bilsham Road Yapton 17 0 0 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has hybrid planning permission under Y/3/22/OUT comprising of full application for phase 1 for 30 dwellings and Outline permission for further phases of 110 dwellings approved cond with S.106 on 09-01-23. The S.106 agreement was signed on 09-01-23. A further detailed application was submitted under Y/52/23/PL for 170 dwellings that was
refused 16-11-23.
Yapton Y/3/22/OUT Land West of Bilsham Road Yapton 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has hybrid planning permission under Y/3/22/OUT comprising of full application for phase 1 for 30 dwellings and Outline permission for further phases of 110 dwellings approved cond with S.106 on 09-01-23. The S.106 agreement was signed on 09-01-23. A further detailed application was submitted under Y/52/23/PL for 170 dwellings that was
refused 16-11-23.
Yapton Y/3/22/OUT Land West of Bilsham Road Yapton 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association The site has hybrid planning permission under Y/3/22/OUT comprising of full application for phase 1 for 30 dwellings and Outline permission for further phases of 110 dwellings approved cond with S.106 on 09-01-23. The S.106 agreement was signed on 09-01-23. A further detailed application was submitted under Y/52/23/PL for 170 dwellings that was
refused 16-11-23.
Yapton Y/3/22/OUT Land West of Bilsham Road Yapton 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing association The site has hybrid planning permission under Y/3/22/OUT comprising of full application for phase 1 for 30 dwellings and Outline permission for further phases of 110 dwellings approved cond with S.106 on 09-01-23. The S.106 agreement was signed on 09-01-23. A further detailed application was submitted under Y/52/23/PL for 170 dwellings that was
refused 16-11-23.
Yapton Y/3/22/OUT Land West of Bilsham Road Yapton 110 0 0   50 50 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private sector The site has hybrid planning permission under Y/3/22/OUT comprising of full application for phase 1 for 30 dwellings and Outline permission for further phases of 110 dwellings approved cond with S.106 on 09-01-23. The S.106 agreement was signed on 09-01-23. A further detailed application was submitted under Y/52/23/PL for 170 dwellings that was
refused 16-11-23.
      6513 1139 943 1461 1128 890 428 226 110 80 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 90 19    

*Number left to build if started
**Only required on outlines

5561 is 5 year total - 19 losses = 5542

Appendix 4 - Strategic Sites (without PP at base date) from HELAA

Due to the size of this table it is presented as a scrollable table, which can be scrolled using a keyboard or a mouse. If you still have any difficulty with this table, either in this format or the original PDF, which is linked at the top of this page, and need it presented in another way please email

This table has coloured rows in the PDF document so a column has been added to the right hand side indicating each row's colour.

Appendix 4 for 5 year HLS - Strategic Sites (without PP at base date) from HELAA


Appendix 4 for 5 year HLS - Strategic Sites (without PP at base date) from HELAA

HELAA Ref Address Latest Status Comments Status Parish Assessment Type Commitment Pending PA Ref Strategic site Committed Yield (if ICE what's left to build) Estimated Yield Losses Built up Area 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 RLA Base
Row colour
WE6A Ryefield Farmhouse,
Oaktree Lane
(Part of SD5)
Covers part of the Strategic Allocation SD5. Site Update Form 2021 - 6 in yrs 2022-23. Application was refused in 2020 and has history of refusals. Amend to Developable. AL/81/21/PL submitted for 5 dwellings - refused 06-10-21
AL/126/21/PL submitted for 5 dwellings - refused 14-01-22 AL/31/22/PL application pending submitted 03-03-22 for Demolition of existing building and erection of 4 no. houses. - estimated to go to Committee 11-01-23. The application was subsequently approved cond with S.106 17-11-23. The universal undertaking is in the process of being signed as at Nov 2023.
Deliverable Aldingbourne Residential   Y AL/31/22/PL Yes   4   In 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0   Light yellow
18AL4 Land at Bridge
Cottage and The Old Cottage
Lidsey Road
Covers part of the Strategic Allocation SD5. AL/75/19/PL for 8 dwellings - refused 05-12-19 and appeal dismissed - 10.11.20 Site Update Form 2021 - 27 in yrs 2025-26 - 17.08.21. Site Developable as refused/appeal dismissed on sustainability grounds - therefore, tied up with SD5 infrastructure timescales. Developable Aldingbourne Residential       Part   27   Part 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0   Light yellow
WE4 Land East of
Street (Part of
Covers part of the Strategic Allocation SD5. The site also had a hybrid application (AL/15/17/PL) for 101 dwellings (full) and 249 dwellings (outline) refused in March 2020. A 2021 HELAA site update form was submitted for this site which stated that the developer is committing to resubmitting a planning application on the site. History of refusal due to infrastructure requirements. AL/97/22/ESO submitted for Environmental screening request for full application for 400 dwellings. A pre-app was submitted for 400 homes 28-06-22 (however subsequently refused 31-03-23). Estimated that a hybrid application will be submitted within next 12 months (as at Nov 2023). The site has identification of a housebuilder / developer Cala Homes. Deliverable Aldingbourne Residential       Yes   400   In 0 0 0 50 50 50 50 50   Light yellow
WE6 Ryefield Farm &
Centre, Oaktree
Lane (Part of
Covers part of the Strategic Allocation site SD5. Pye Homes developer
Put back to yr4 as history of refusal indicates need to deliver strategic infrastructure as part of SD5. AL/108/21/ESO Request for Screening Opinion for 180 dwellings - ES Not Required - decided 28-10-21 AL/107/21/PL submitted 16-08-21 for Demolition of the Woodgate Centre buildings (including 3 No. residential dwellings) & the construction of 180 No. residential dwellings. Approved Cond with S.106 - 09-10-23. As at Nov 2023 Site now sold to developers Persimmon Homes, pre-commencement conditions being submitted. Awaiting signing of S.106 Legal Agreement.
Deliverable Aldingbourne Residential   Y AL/107/21/PL Yes   180   In 0 0 0 50 50 80 0 0   Light yellow
BA11B Fordingbridge
Industrial Site & North of Barnham Road
15 Barnham
Road (Part of
Covers part of the Strategic Allocation site SD5. The site has undergone a screening opinion under BN/155/20/EIS for up to 600 dwellings and a care home, where it was decided that an Environmental Impact Statement was required on part of the site 08-02-21. Identification of a housebuilder Barratt Homes. Site Update 2023 - Site has a pending Full application under BN/195/22/PL submitted 04-01-23 for hybrid application of
residential parcels for 551 homes and outline with all matters reserved for a care home (C2 Use) - undecided and pending decision at Nov 2023. A site proforma was completed and signed during LSH delivery agreements exercise in Aug / Sept 2023. This anticipates that the construction on site will be made in Spring 2024, with the first dwellings completed in July 2024, both occurring in the monitoring year of 2024/25.
Deliverable Barnham &
Residential   Y BN/195/22/PL Yes   551   In 0 63 84 84 84 84 84 68   Light yellow
18EG2 Bexstone House Barnham Road, Eastergate (Part SD5) Covers part of the Strategic Allocation site SD5. BN/65/19/OUT for demolition and 10 new dwellings - refused 06- 12-19. Site Update 2021 - owner phoned and gave verbal update that nothing has changed re. site status 11.06.21 Developable Barnham &
Residential       Yes   17   In 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0   Light yellow
Covers part of the Strategic Allocation site SD5. BN/112/20/EIS Scoping Opinion issued by delegated powers - 10.11.20 BEW Framework Masterplan was endorsed 25-11-20. BN/131/21/EIS Updated Scoping Opinion Boundary withdrawn 20- 10-21 Site promoted in HELAA site update process 2021 with updated trajectories given. The site has a pending outline application submitted on 04-02-22 under BN/11/22/OUT for up to 1,250 dwellings (C3), Care Home (C2/C3), flexible retail and community floor space (Use Class E), primary school, landscaping and realignment of the A29 and early connection to existing A29 including construction of a new road carriageway, junctions and associated infrastructure. It is estimated to go to Planning Committee Sept 2023.
Site promoted in Call For Sites 2023 process with updated trajectories given. Additionally a proforma was completed during the LSH Delivery Agreements exercise in Aug / Sept 2023 outlining an updated housing trajectory and evidence of how the site will be delivered.
Deliverable Barnham &
Residential   Y BN/11/22/OUT Yes   1250   In 0 0 0 75 150 150 150 150   Light yellow
NEWEG1A Land South of
BEW (Part of
Covers part of the Strategic Allocation site SD5. Site Update 2021 -
site was promoted during HELAA update process 2021 with an
updated housing trajectory given by the promoter. No planning
application yet submitted for this parcel. CFS 2023 updated form
received with trajectories given - promoters estimate 1860 for
southern parcel now (from endorsed masterplan). Development
on this southern parcel is dependent on infrastructure provision of
northern parcel new A29 bypass construction. Therefore
developable later in plan period.
Developable Barnham &
Residential       Yes   1860   In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   Light yellow
NEWA13A Worthing Rugby
Lane Angmering
(Part of SD11)
Strategic Allocation site SD11 - ANGMERING SOUTH AND
EAST. Subsite of NEWA13. Entered during Call for Sites 2021.
Site promoted in Call For Sites 2023 - site update form received -
22 in yrs 2024-2025 - however yields below to starting yr 5 due to
no application yet received and still in use as a rugby club.
Deliverable Angmering Residential       Yes   24   In 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0   Pink
NEWA13 Worthing Rugby
Lane Angmering
(Part of SD11)
Strategic Allocation site SD11 - ANGMERING SOUTH AND EAST
covers the remaining Roundstone Lane area of the Rugby Club.
Site Update 2021: The site is still dependent on the existing Rugby
Club being relocated to Sea Lane, Ferring. This re-location of the
club has not yet been agreed by the Rugby Club Owners.
Site promoted in Call For Sites 2023 - Update form received
stating available but site still in use as Rugby Club so may come
forward later in plan period.
Developable Angmering Residential       Yes   226   In 0 0 0 0 0 60 60 65   Pink
125 SD3 - Land off
New Barn
Farm/ Chalcraft
(Bognor Regis
ECO Quarter)
West of Bersted Framework Masterplan endorsed 01-10-20.
The site has undergone a scoping opinion where it has decided an
Environmental Impact Assessment had to be required under
BE/99/20/EIS relating to 2500 new homes - 15-10-20
Site promoted in HELAA site update process 2021 with updated
trajectories given.
The site has a pending outline application submitted under
BE/134/22/OUT on 03-11-22 for up to 2,200 dwellings (C3), C2,
B1/B8/C1/E, E1/F2/Sui Generis - undecided and pending
decision. The site has been promoted in Call For Sites 2023
process with an updated housing trajectory given. Additionally the
site had a completed proforma returned in the LSH Delivery
Agreements exercise in Aug / Sept 2023. This gave evidence of
the housing trajectory with completions anticipated by 'Mid-2025'
and that the S.106 was being in process of being signed.
Deliverable Bersted Residential   Y BE/134/22/OU Yes   2185   In 0 0 0 50 170 170 170 170   Light blue
18BE1 Land at Chalcraft
Cottage Bersted
(Part of SD3)
The site is part of local plan allocation strategic site SD3. April
2019 Pre-app refused - Construction of 23no. dwellings
Site promoted in HELAA site update process 2021.
Problems with access.
Site promoted in Call For Sites 2023 - update form received for 22
in yrs 2024-2025. However still issues with wider masterplan
transport and infrastructure so kept yields as are.
Deliverable Bersted Residential       Yes   22   In 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0   Light blue
71* Land at Former
Ford Airfield Ford
Strategic Allocation Site SD8 FORD
F/4/20/OUT submitted up to 1500 C3, 60 bed (C2), 9000sqm
employment floorspace (B1), A1-A5, D1-D2 pending at March
2020 -10.03.20
Ford Framework Masterplan endorsed 03-02-21
F/4/20/OUT taken to Planning Committee 27.04.22
F/4/20/OUT Recommended for Approval 05.05.22
(N.b. Ford Airfield Market Reconfiguration approved under
F/5/20/PL - 04-05-22)
F/4/20/OUT approved Cond with S.106 14-07-23.
Site now sold to homebuilder Vistry Homes. Officer estimates a
Reserved Matters application will be submitted in early 2024 (as at
Nov 2023). Site requires infrastructure such as new roundabout
for access so estimated yields from year 4 onwards.
Deliverable Ford Residential Y   F/4/20/OUT Yes   1500   In 0 0 0 75 125 125 175 175 31/03/2024 Yellow
NEWLU38 Site at West
Strategic Allocation site SD4 formally known as LEGA
(Littlehampton Economic Growth Area).
Developable Littlehampton Mixed Use       Yes   1000   In 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 125   Blue
27 Land to the west
of Osborne
(Part of SD2)
Part of Strategic Allocation Pagham North (SD2)
Site Update 2021 - no site update received 18.08.21.
P/111/22/PL submitted for Erection of 48 Dwellings - Refused 08-
Pre-App submitted 29-03-23 for 47 dwellings following Refusal of
Developable Pagham Residential   Y P/115/23/PL Yes   55   In 0 0 0 0 0 25 30 0   Grey

* Approved after base date of 31.03.23

Appendix 5 - HELAA Sites included in Trajectory/5-year HLS

This information is presented in a table in a PDF but as a bulleted list for ease of accessible reading.


  • Address: Garage Court & Allotment Gardens off Ivy Lane
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Aldingbourne
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 12
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 12
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site is subject to constraints on some parts e.g. allotments and local greenspace may affect deliverability

HELAA Ref: 82A

  • Address: St Denys Nurseries (south), Dappers Lane
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Angmering
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 18
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 18
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: There do no appear to be unsurmountable constraints however, there is no evidence on delivery timescales.

HELAA Ref: 20A1

  • Address: Avenals Barn Water Lane
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Angmering
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 30
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 10
  • Year 7: 20
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site last updated in 2021 - The site will require flood mitigation and yield reduction from climate change impact but no overall constraints and up to date evidence on delivery trajectory and imminent submission of an outline application.

HELAA Ref: 20AB13

  • Address: Arundel Police Station The Causeway
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Arundel
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 7
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 7
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site still in use as a Police Station so not available until later in plan period it is estimated.

HELAA Ref: 140

  • Address: Land to the rear of Malvern Croft/Lavender Lodge
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Barnham & Eastergate
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 6
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 6
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Does not have insurmountable Constraints but no up to date evidence for delivery timescale.


  • Address: Regis Centre Site, The Esplanade
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Bognor Regis
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?: Y
  • PA Ref: BR/83/23/PL
  • Viability Yield: 97
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 97
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site Update 2022 - site has recent planning history under BR/156/16/PL however this lapsed due to none commencement - expired 05-07-2021. The site has been promoted for a new hotel and mixed later in plan period. A pre-app was submitted 09- 03-23 for Regis Centre redevelopment - (approved pre-app 19-04-23). A new application was submitted 17-04-23 under BR/83/23/PL for demolition of existing buildings and construction of a 116 bed hotel - pending decision as at Aug 2023.


  • Address: Covers Richmond Road
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Bognor Regis
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 33
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 33
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site still in commercial use so not available until re-location to another premises so not likely until later in plan period.

HELAA Ref: BR1981

  • Address: Westside Supplies, 17-18 Durban Road
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Bognor Regis
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?: Y
  • PA Ref: BR/238/23/OUT
  • Viability Yield: 14
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 14
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site has recent planning history under BR/90/18/PL lapsed 10-04-22 due to non commencement. However new application submitted under BR/238/23/OUT submitted 19-10-23 for 23 flats (C3) - pending decision as at Nov 2023.


  • Address: Land adjoining Gordon Avenue West
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Bognor Regis
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 11
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 11
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site has been recently promoted in Call For Sites 2023 process with an updated form received stating that yields coming forward from year 2 onwards.

HELAA Ref: 18FG1

  • Address: 144 - 148 Littlehampton Road Ferring
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Ferring
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 18
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 18
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site last updated in 2020. Therefore developable later in plan period it is estimated.


  • Address: Grange House and Mullbery, Church Lane
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Ferring
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 10
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 10
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Deliverability timescales are unknown but there are limited ecological and historic environment constraints to be addressed for delivery of the site.


  • Address: Toddington Farm (Land North & West of 1-3 Toddington Farm Cottages)
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Littlehampton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?: Y
  • PA Ref: LU/55/23/PL
  • Viability Yield: 13
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 13
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site has recent planning history under LU/162/17/PL however permission lapsed due to non-commencement 07-01-22. A new application has been LU/55/23/PL submitted 01-03-23 for 10 dwellings (subsequently withdrawn 30-05-23).


  • Address: Meadowfield House
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Littlehampton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 14
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 14
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site has been recently promoted in Call For Sites 2023 process with an updated form provided whereby the promoters have stated estimated delivery from year 2024-2025 onwards.


  • Address: St Martins Car Park and Adjoining Site Avon Road Littlehampton
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Littlehampton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 56
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 56
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 
  • Year 10: 
  • Year 11: 
  • Year 12: 
  • Year 13: 
  • Year 14: 
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: The site is within the LEGA Study 2016. The site was joined with adjoining HELAA site PS12 however now split up due to permission on neighbouring site PS12. No promoter evidence submitted in 2022 or 2023 so developable later in plan period it is estimated.


  • Address: Land North of Littlehampton Acadamy West of Oakcroft Gardens
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Littlehampton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 80
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 50
  • Year 5: 40
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site has a Screening Opinion determined under LU/110/22/ESO that resulted in an ES not required on 27-04-22. The site has had recent planning history with a pre-app refused in June 2022. The site has a pending full planning application submitted under LU/299/22/PL on 15-09-22 which is currently undecided and pending decision as at Nov 2023.


  • Address: 86 Middleton Road
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Middleton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 6
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 6
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: No promoter evidence submitted in 2022.

HELAA Ref: 78

  • Address: Clock House and Surrounding Area
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Rustington
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 13
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 13
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site last updated in 2021 HELAA update process with updated trajectories given.


  • Address: Rustington House, Cowdray Drive
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Rustington
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending PA?:
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 25
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 15
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base Date:
  • Deliverability comments: Site last updated in 2021 HELAA update process but no clear trajectory details given.


  • Viability Yield: 463
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 11
  • Year 3: 13
  • Year 4: 50
  • Year 5: 58
  • Year 6: 118
  • Year 7: 145
  • Year 8: 10
  • Year 9: 12
  • Year 10: 6
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 7
  • Year 13: 33
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Base date: 0

132 dwellings included in 5 Yr HLS

Appendix 6 - Made Neighbourhood Plan Allocations (Without Planning Permission as at 31 March 2023)

This information is presented in a table in a PDF but as a bulleted list for ease of accessible reading. Please note the first table row was in red writing.

HELAA Ref: A1513*

  • Address: Chandlers BMW Site, Water Lane
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Angmering
  • Commitment?: Y
  • Pending App?:
  • PA Ref: A/11/23/PL
  • Viability Yield: 20
  • Losses:
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 20
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 12
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 31/03/2024
  • Deliverability comments: A/110/21/PL submitted 03-06-21 - Refused 08-10-21. - and appeal dismissed 26-07-22. New application submitted 23-01-23 under A/11/23/PL for 35 retirement apartments. Approved Conditionally 16-11-23.


  • Address: Blastreet, Fitzalan Road
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Arundel
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 15
  • Losses: 1
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 15
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: The site was last promoted in 2019. No promoter evidence submitted in 2023.


  • Address: Greenhurst, Fitzalan Road
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Arundel
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 9
  • Losses: 1
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 9
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site last promoted in 2021. No promoter evidence submitted in 2023.


  • Address: 
  • Status: 
  • Parish: 
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: 
  • Year 1: 
  • Year 2: 
  • Year 3: 
  • Year 4: 
  • Year 5: 
  • Year 6: 
  • Year 7: 
  • Year 8: 
  • Year 9: 
  • Year 10: 
  • Year 11: 
  • Year 12: 
  • Year 13: 
  • Year 14: 
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: 


  • Address: Land North of Barnham Road (East of Collins Close) (Former Eastergate Fruit Farm)
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Barnham & Eastergate
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 40
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 20
  • Year 7: 20
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site now within Scoping Area of BN/155/20/EIS and planning application BN/195/22/PL submitted 04-01-23 and pending decision to date (as at Dec 2023). Site estimated to come forward from year 6 onwards as part of a larger scheme with HELAA Ref. 115.

HELAA Ref: 22BN1

  • Address: Land at The Square Barnham
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Barnham & Eastergate
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 37
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 37
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 
  • Year 13: 
  • Year 14: 
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site identified from Barnham & Eastergate NDP2 Made 15 March 2022.

HELAA Ref: 138

  • Address: Land to the East of Collins Close,
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Barnham & Eastergate
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 20
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 20
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: No promoter evidence submitted in 2023.


  • Address: Bartons County Infants School Romney Broadwalk
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Bersted
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: Y
  • PA Ref: BE/40/22/PL
  • Viability Yield: 20
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 20
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: BE/40/22/PL submitted 06-04-22 for Demolition of former school building and erection of 21 No. new dwellings - pending decision as at Nov 2023.


  • Address: Land at Ferringham Lane
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Ferring
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 26
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 26
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Parish stated site unlikely to come forward in 2021 update. No promoter evidence submitted in 2023.


  • Address: Land Rear of Henty Arms, Ferring Lane
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Ferring
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 14
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 14
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site update form 2021 - The site availability is dependant on the provision of replacement allotments equal to or greater in area to those currently on the site. No promoter evidence submitted in 2022.


  • Address: Ferring Village Hall, Ferring Street
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Ferring
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 10
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 10
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: No recent promoter evidence submitted in 2022 or 2023.


  • Address: Patterson Wilson Road
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Littlehampton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 15
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 15
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: The site has had promoter evidence submitted in 2023 Call For Sites process with an updated housing trajectory given.


  • Address: Former Hospital Site, Fitzalan Road/Church Street
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Littlehampton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 15
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 7
  • Year 6: 8
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: Deliverability comments: Site last promoted in 2021 with site update form stating coming forward in 2024 - 2025 however no HELAA site update in 2022 or 2023.


  • Address: North of the Littlehampton Academy South of Cornfield Close
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Littlehampton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: Y
  • PA Ref: LU/299/22/PL
  • Viability Yield: 138
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 50
  • Year 4: 50
  • Year 5: 38
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: A site update form for the 2021 HELAA was completed for the site which details the trajectory timelines. LU/299/22/PL submitted 15-09-22 for 117 dwellings - pending decision as at 07.10.22. (Evidence of Pre-app Submitted in Feb 2022). The site was taken to the 15-06-23 Planning Committee.

HELAA Ref: 20LY2

  • Address: East of Lyminster Road Lyminster
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Lyminster & Crossbush
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 7
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 7
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site identified from Lyminster & Crossbush Neighbourhood  Development Plan 2022 (Made 9 November 2022) under Policy H1 Housing allocated for 7 dwellings. Site also now within Policy EH1 Village Envelope (which is the same classification as ALP 2018 Built-Up Area Boundary).  The site has been recently promoted in the Call For Sites 2023 process with an update form provided with updated trajectory details.


  • Address: Sussex Business Village & Todhurst Yard, Lake Lane
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Walberton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 11
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: Out
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 11
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site is allocated as a NDP site in made Walberton NDP2 July 2021.


  • Address: Land to the rear of Longwall, The Street
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Walberton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 3
  • Losses: 1
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 3
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site is allocated as a NDP site in made Walberton NDP2 July 2021.


  • Address: Land to West of A27
  • Status: Deliverable
  • Parish: Walberton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 40
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 5
  • Year 4: 35
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site Update 2021 - now within BUAB as per 'Made' Walberton NDP2 14.07.21. Yields estimated to come forward from year 2 onwards but no application submitted yet (as at Aug 2023) so year 3 more likely.


  • Address: S & G Motors, Arundel Road
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Walberton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 27
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 7
  • Year 7: 13
  • Year 8: 7
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site is allocated as a NDP site in made Walberton NDP2 July 2021.


  • Address: Land at Dower House, Parsons Walk
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Walberton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 6
  • Losses: 0
  • Built up Area: In
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 6
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site is allocated as a NDP site in made Walberton NDP2 July 2021.


  • Address: Land at the Rear of Woodacre, Arundel Road Fontwell
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Walberton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 2
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: Out
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 2
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 0
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site is allocated as a NDP site in made Walberton NDP2 July 2021.

HELAA Ref: 21WA3

  • Address: Gracelands Farm, Arundel Road, Walberton
  • Status: Developable
  • Parish: Walberton
  • Commitment?: 
  • Pending App?: 
  • PA Ref: 
  • Viability Yield: 2
  • Losses: 
  • Built up Area: Out
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 0
  • Year 4: 0
  • Year 5: 0
  • Year 6: 0
  • Year 7: 0
  • Year 8: 0
  • Year 9: 0
  • Year 10: 0
  • Year 11: 0
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 2
  • Year 14: 0
  • RLA Date: 
  • Deliverability comments: Site is allocated as a NDP site in made Walberton NDP2 July 2021.


  • Viability Yield: 477
  • Year 1: 0
  • Year 2: 0
  • Year 3: 25
  • Year 4: 85
  • Year 5: 79
  • Year 6: 131
  • Year 7: 47
  • Year 8: 33
  • Year 9: 37
  • Year 10: 26
  • Year 11: 12
  • Year 12: 0
  • Year 13: 2
  • Year 14: 0

189 dwellings included in 5 Yr HLS

* Approved after base date of 31.03.23

Appendix 7 - Small site completions, losses and windfall calculations

2023 RLA - Calculator for completions on small sites
Site type Units Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Total Y1-Y5 Overall Percentage Projection
Commenced 165 83* 50* 33 0 0 165  
Full 187 28 28 19 9 0 84  
Outline 14 0 3 1 1 1 6 69.67%
Losses (Demolitions) 50 5.72 6.29 4.10 2.19 0.14 18.44  
Net 316 105 74 49 8 1 236.56  
Windfall balance   0 0 21 62 69 152  

Windfall balance = 70 minus Total, unless total>70
Note: Windfall site adjustment may be needed in future years to accommodate NDP allocations or commitments that are less than 5 units counted towards their target.
* Figures have been rounded.

Windfall Calculation Excluding Gardens - Small sites net

  • 2004/5: 147
  • 2005/6: 77
  • 2006/7: 74
  • 2007/8: 69
  • 2008/9: 123
  • 2009/10: 82
  • 2010/11: 98
  • 2011/12: 58
  • 2012/13: 36
  • 2013/14: 68
  • 2014/15: 66
  • 2015/16: 74
  • 2016/17: 19
  • 2017/18: 77
  • 2018/19: 33
  • 2019/20: 70
  • 2020/21: 60
  • 2021/22: 60
  • 2022/23: 41
  • Average: 70

2023 RLA - Calculation of projected losses on small identified sites Excluding SDNP sites from individual Districts & Boroughs

Losses have already taken place on any site with a start date. Therefore, potential losses only arise from sites without a start date. The number of losses expected is derived by taking 45% of the total potential losses on unstarted permissions.

Arun District

  • Potential losses: 41.00
  • Expected losses unrounded: 18.45
  • Expected losses rounded: 18

Projected gross completions on unstarted small sites

  • Yr 1 :28.05
  • Yr 2: 30.85
  • Yr 3: 21.10
  • Yr 4: 10.75
  • Yr 5: 0.70
  • Total: 90.45

Associated losses on unstarted small sites

  • Yr 1 :5.72
  • Yr 2: 6.29
  • Yr 3: 4.10
  • Yr 4: 2.19
  • Yr 5: 0.14
  • Total: 18.44

Projected net completions on unstarted small sites

  • Yr 1 :22.33
  • Yr 2: 24.56
  • Yr 3: 16.00
  • Yr 4: 8.56
  • Yr 5: 0.56
  • Total: 72.01

Commitments as at 31/03/2023

Data Extracted on 28/11/2023 By Planning Services West Sussex County Council



Appendix 8 - Small Site commitments as at 31 March 2023

Appendix 8 - Small Site commitments as at 31 March 2023
Parish PP Ref Start Date Lapse Date Site Total Demolitions Started Units Total
Previous Use Builder Label Site Address Site Description
Aldingbourne AL/122/17/PL 16/02/2018   2 0 2 2 Agricultural Private sector Land West Of Fontwell Avenue
2 No. dwellings (resubmission following AL/72/17/PL). This
application is a Departure from the Development Plan.
Aldingbourne AL/136/17/PL 17/08/2021   2 0 2 2 Agricultural Private sector Land west of Fontwell Avenue 1
Fontwell Avenue Eastergate
Erection of pair of semi detached houses & new access onto
A29 - This is a Departure from the Development Plan
Aldingbourne AL/80/14/PL 31/03/2018   2 1 2 2 Residential Private sector 11 Lidsey Road Woodgate Convert from 1 No dwelling back into 2 No dwellings.
Aldingbourne AL/4/22/PL   03/03/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector Mildmay Hook Lane Aldingbourne Demolition of existing property and erection of 1 No. 4 bed
dwelling with ancillary parking.
Aldingbourne AL/103/18/PL 15/12/2021   2 0 2 2 Garden Private sector L'Apache Westergate Street
Erection of 2 No. dwellings & alterations to existing dwelling.
Aldingbourne AL/81/19/PL   04/02/2024 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector D2 Paddock View Northfields Lane
Replacement bungalow
Aldingbourne AL/66/21/PL 15/10/2021   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Land Rear of Sundown Littleheath
Road Aldingbourne
1 No. 4 bedroom detached dwelling with a detached 3 bay
garage (2 open bays and 1 enclosed), associated foul field
drain, storm soakaway, new front boundary treatment, roof
mounted PV & Ground Source Heat pump System
Aldingbourne AL/34/20/PL   30/07/2023 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector Norton Farm House Norton Lane
Sub-division of existing building to create 1 NO. 1- bed dwelling
& construction of 4 bay oak framed outbuilding as a garage.
This application affects the character & appearance of the
Norton Lane, Norton Conservation Area & affects the setting of
a Listed Building.
Aldingbourne AL/51/20/PL 11/12/2020   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector Tyrone House Norton Lane Norton
Demolition of existing house & outbuildings & erection of 1 No
dwelling & garage (resubmission following AL/29/20/PL).
Aldingbourne AL/84/20/PD   15/01/2024 1 0 0 1 Industry Private sector Workshop at Hales Barn Farm
Prior Notification under Part 20, Class ZA for the demolition of
Class B1(c) Light Industrial) building & construction of 1 No.
new dwelling house in its' place (C3 Dwelling house).
Aldingbourne AL/40/21/PL   18/10/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to Byfields Nyton
Road Westergate
Construction of 1 No. 3 bed dwelling
Aldingbourne AL/121/21/PL   09/03/2025 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector Rear of Green Gables Northfields
Lane Westergate
Demolition of swimming pool buildings and erection of 1 No.
new dwelling using the existing access.
Aldingbourne AL/139/21/PL   07/03/2025 1 2 0 1 Residential Private sector Old Hundred Sack Lane Lidsey Conversion of existing 2 No. residential dwellings to 1 No. 4
bed residential dwelling.
Aldingbourne AL/28/21/PL   21/07/2024 2 0 0 2 Residential Private sector The Grange Westergate Street
Demolition of 2 No. outbuilding & erection of 2 No 1.5 storey
dwellings, detached garage block & associated scheme of hard
& soft landscaping.
Aldingbourne AL/150/22/PL   05/12/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector The Grange Westergate Street
Removal of mobile home and replacement with 1no.
Aldwick   04/02/2013   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Adj 16 Wychwood Close Craigwell
Four bedroom house with integral garage.
Aldwick AW/279/18/RES 24/09/2019   4 1 4 4 Residential Private sector 261 Aldwick Road Aldwick Application for approval of reserved matters following outline
approval AW/43/18/OUT for the demolition of existing dwelling
& erection of two pairs of semi detached houses & associated
Aldwick AW/240/20/PL   06/01/2024 1 0 0 1 Institution Private sector 17 Nyewood Lane Aldwick Change of use of former residential parenting unit (C2
Residential Institution) to 8 bed House in Multiple Occupation
(C4 Sui Generis). This site is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated) as
other development.
Aldwick AW/164/21/OUT   26/08/2024 4 1 0 4 Residential Private sector 14 Princess Avenue Aldwick Outline application with some matters reserved (landscaping)
for the proposed conversion of existing dwelling into 4 No. flats
to include single & two storey rear extensions & first floor
extension over garage.
Aldwick AW/277/22/PL   07/02/2026 2 0 0 2 Office Private sector 97 Aldwick Road Aldwick Part change of use on rear ground floor from function room, to
self-contained 1 bed flat. Part change of use on first floor level
from office, to self-contained 1 bed flat.
Aldwick AW/28/19/PL 31/03/2023   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Rear of 276 Aldwick Road Aldwick Erection of 1 No. dwelling & associated works.
Aldwick AW/222/20/PD   20/10/2023 1 0 0 1 Shopping Private sector Side of 16A Rose Green Road
Prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 3 Class M for the change
of use of barber shop to 1 No. dwelling
Aldwick AW/104/22/PL   09/08/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector 8 Gossamer Lane Aldwick 1 No bungalow including parking, boundary fence, and
alterations to entrance wall and driveway.
Angmering A/75/17/PL 31/03/2022   4 0 0 4 Agricultural Private sector Avenals Farm Water Lane
4 No. dwellings. This application affects the setting of a Listed
Building & is a Departure from the Development Plan.
Angmering A/10/22/PL   25/03/2025 1 0 0 1 Agricultural Private sector Outbuildings at Decoy Barn Decoy
Lane Angmering
Part demolition and rebuild, and part conversion of existing
stable and barn buildings to 1 No. habitable dwellinghouse.
Angmering A/161/18/RES 19/05/2020   2 0 2 2 Agricultural Private sector Land to the North of 68 Arundel
Road Angmering
Approval of reserved matters following outline consent
A/31/18/OUT for 2 No dwellings.
Angmering A/151/20/OUT   24/09/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land to South of Downes Way
(north of 15 Ambersham Crescent)
Downes Way Little Hampton
Outline application for all matters reserved for the erection of 1
No. detached dwelling with associated landscaping and parking
Angmering A/130/21/PL 02/02/2022   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector 16 Pine Trees Close Angmering Demolition of existing garage, conversion of extension
(approved under A/66/21/HH) to 1 No. 2 bed dwelling, provision
of 4 parking spaces and cycle/refuse storage.
Angmering A/46/21/OUT   21/04/2025 2 0 0 2 Agricultural Private sector Land at Downs Way/Heathfield
Avenue Downs Way East Preston
Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of
a pair of one and a half storey semi-detached dwellings with
vehicular access, private amenity space & landscaping.
Angmering A/102/22/PL   16/09/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land rear of Oakhurst House and
Huntington House West Drive
1 No new dwelling
Angmering A/244/22/PL   23/12/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to 38 Mill Road
Avenue Angmering
Erection of 1 No detached two bedroom bungalow with parking,
new access, amenity space and landscaping. This site is in CIL
Zone 2 and is CIL Liable as new dwelling.
Arundel AB/48/21/PL   08/09/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to Woods Way
House 3 Torton Hill Road Arundel
Construction of 1 No. three bedroom dwelling & associated
Arundel AB/75/20/PL   01/10/2023 1 0 0 1 Other dev Private sector 55-57 High Street 57 High Street
Conversion of existing mixed use space to 1 No. 1- bedroom
flat. This application affects the character & appearance of the
Arundel Conservation Area & affects the setting of a Listed
Arundel AB/39/19/PL 17/07/2020   1 0 1 1 Other dev Private sector 55-57 High Street 57 High Street
Change of use at rear from A2 (Financial & Professional
Services) to C3 (Dwelling Houses) & change of use at front
from A2 (Financial & Professional Services) to A1 (Shops). This
application affects the character and appearance of the Arundel
Conservation Area.
Arundel AB/60/17/PL 31/03/2021   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Land rear of 74 & 76 Canada Road
1 No. dwelling with carport & associated off street parking
(resubmission following AB/130/16/PL).
Arundel AB/150/21/PL   03/03/2025 3 0 0 3 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to 30 Ellis Close
Erection of 3no. 2 bedroom dwellings with associated parking
and landscape.
Arundel AB/136/21/PL   06/07/2025 2 0 0 2 Residential Private sector Land adj 18 Queens Lane Arundel Demolition of garage and erection of two dwellings with
associated car parking and landscaping.
Arundel AB/23/19/PL 01/06/2020   2 0 2 2 Shopping Private sector 67/69 Tarrant Street & 2A Arun
Street Arundel
Conversion & change of use of retail unit (A1 Shops) to 2 No.
residential units (C3 Dwelling houses). This application affects
the character & appearance of the Arundel Conservation Area.
Arundel AB/108/19/PL 03/08/2021   1 0 1 1 Shopping Private sector 107A Tarrant Street Arundel Change of Use from Shop (A1 Shops) to Dwelling (C3
Dwellinghouses) - This application may affect the character and
appearance of Arundel Conservation Area.
Arundel AB/120/20/PL 24/02/2021   1 0 1 1 Office Private sector Old Bank House 1 High Street
Change of use of existing building from office (Use Class E) to
residential dwelling (Use Class C3) with minor internal layout
changes. This application affects the setting of listed buildings,
affects the character & appearance of the Arundel
Conservation Area & is in CIL Zone 2 (CIL Liable) as new
Barnham and
  17/04/2008   1 0 1 1 Agricultural Private sector Croftway Nursery Yapton Road
Single storey barn style dwelling.
Barnham and
BN/5/20/PL   30/06/2023 3 0 0 3 Agricultural Private sector Land north of Sunnyside Cottages
Yapton Road Barnham
Removal of existing buildings and erection of three new build
dwellings. (Alternatives to BN/7/18/PL and BN/48/18/PL). This
application is a Departure from the Development Plan
Barnham and
BN/6/20/PL   21/04/2023 1 0 0 1 Agricultural Private sector The Cottage Piggeries Church Lane
Partial demolition of existing structures, 1 dwelling (1.5
storey) with separate 1.5-storey double garage, existing mobile
home to be replaced with new, smaller mobile home
(resubmission following BN/47/19/PL). This application is a
Departure from the Development Plan.
Barnham and
BN/66/19/PL 06/08/2021   2 0 2 2 Agricultural Private sector Land off Canal Mews Barnham Erection of 2 No dwellings.
Barnham and
BN/21/20/PL   07/05/2023 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector 1 new dwelling and associated
Land adjacent to Cherry Trees Lake Lane Barnham
Barnham and
BN/56/20/PL   10/08/2023 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector 33 Hill Lane Barnham Demolition of existing shed/garage & erection of 1 No detached
Barnham and
BN/39/20/PL 15/03/2022   4 0 4 4 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to Tars Farm House
Church Lane Barnham
Erection of 4 No dwellings & associated works. This application
is a Departure from the Development Plan.
Barnham and
BN/24/20/PL 19/01/2022   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Tile Barn Farm 32 Hill Lane
Erection of 1 No. dwelling & formation of new vehicular access.
This application is a Departure from the Development Plan.
Barnham and
BN/17/21/PL 27/01/2022   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector The Cottage Highground Lane
1 No. new dwelling
Barnham and
BN/114/21/PL 31/03/2023   1 0 1 1 Other dev Private sector Land to rear of Highground House &
Orchard End Highground Lane
Creation of 1 No. 1.5 storey dwelling on brownfield (previous
use commercial car parking / children's play area associated
with holiday let business)
Barnham and
BN/143/22/PD   12/12/2025 1 0 0 1 Business Private sector 37A Hill Lane Barnham Prior notification under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA for the
change of use from Class E to 1 No dwelling house (C3)
(resubmission following BN/50/22/PD).
Barnham and
EG/50/16/P 31/03/2020   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Copsefield Eastergate Lane
1 No. dwelling with access from The Drive & conversion of 2
No. dwellings into 1 No. dwelling including side & rear
extensions & detached garage
Barnham and
BN/39/19/PL 10/09/2020   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 40 Elm Grove Barnham 1 No. replacement dwelling
Barnham and
BN/46/20/PL 22/07/2021   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Land Rear Of Poachers Eastergate
Lane Eastergate
Construction of 1 No. 4-bed detached dwelling with detached
carport. This application is a Departure from the Development
Barnham and
BN/152/20/PL   09/06/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to 49 Warren Way
1 No end of terrace two storey dwelling.
Barnham and
BN/150/20/PL   28/07/2024 3 0 0 3 Garden Private sector Land at Chantry Mead & Rear of 14 -
18 Downview Road Barnham
3 No dwellings including access, landscaping & associated
Barnham and
BN/112/21/PL   29/10/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land adj to 14 Stoneyfield Cottages
Eastergate Lane Eastergate
1 No. 4 bed detached dwelling and associated parking and
Barnham and
BN/16/22/PL   24/06/2025 4 0 0 4 Garden Private sector Land to the rear of Clare Court 67
Barnham Road Eastergate
Erection of 4 No dwellings with associated car parking.
Barnham and
BN/65/22/PL   30/11/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land at rear of Cedar End
Eastergate Lane Eastergate
Sever land and erection of 1 No bungalow with new vehicular
access (resubmission of BN/14/22/PL).
Barnham and
BN/26/22/PL   16/02/2026 1 0 0 1 Agricultural Private sector Land East of Eastmere House
Eastergate Lane Eastergate
Construction of 1 No. two storey detached dwelling house on
existing paddock. This application is a Departure from the
Development Plan and is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL Liable as
new dwelling.
Barnham and
BN/144/22/OUT   20/03/2026 4 0 0 4 Agricultural Private sector Nuthatch Wandleys Lane Fontwell
Outline application with all matters reserved (except access) for
the erection of 4 No. residential units with associated car
parking and landscaping with new access to be provided via
Wandleys Lane. This application is a Departure from the
Development Plan.
Bersted BE/13/20/PL 10/11/2020   1 0 1 1 Agricultural Private sector Rear of Blackberry House Berry
Lane off North Bersted Street
Bognor Regis
Single storey dwelling with detached carport
Bersted BE/66/16/PL 01/07/2019   1 0 1 1 Residential Private sector Rear of 182 Chichester Road
Bognor Regis
Proposed new dwelling
Bersted BE/97/21/PL   04/10/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Springfields Chichester Road
1 No. dwelling
Bersted BE/74/18/PL 28/08/2020   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector 1 Finch Gardens Bersted Erection of 1 No. attached dwelling
Bersted BE/73/19/PL   05/12/2023 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector Dove Cottage 76 North Bersted
Street Bersted
Conversion of the Annexe to a separate unit of accommodation
Bersted BE/16/20/PL 02/09/2020   1 0 1 1 Storage Private sector Rear of Rookery Farm 113 North
Bersted Street Bersted
Demolition of storage buildings & erection of 1 No 3-bed
cottage. This application affects the setting of listed buildings &
affects the character & appearance of the North Bersted
Conservation Area.
Bersted BE/43/20/PL 08/11/2021   2 1 2 2 Residential Private sector 47 South Way Bersted Demolition of single bungalow & construction of 2 No. semidetached
bungalows & detached single garage.
Bersted BE/7/21/PL   30/03/2024 3 0 0 3 Shopping Private sector 377-379 Chichester Road Bersted Demolition of outbuilding & change of use of redundant shop to
3 No. two bedroom flats, associated parking & gardens. This
site is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated) & may affect the setting of a
listed building.
Bersted BE/82/21/PL   16/08/2024 3 0 0 3 Shopping Private sector 240-244 Chichester Road Bersted 1 No. 2-bed & 2 No. 1-bed flats above shop premises to rear of
Bersted BE/69/21/PL   23/09/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Erection of detached single storey,
two bedroom dwelling and
reinstatement of double garage to
Walnut Tree Cottage from
annexe/holiday let
Land adj to Walnut Tree Cottage Shripney Lane Bersted
Bersted BE/134/21/PL   15/10/2024 2 1 0 2 Residential Private sector 15 The Croft Bersted Conversion of 1 No. dwelling into 2 No. dwellings.
Bersted BE/110/22/PL   13/12/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector 81 North Bersted Street Bersted character and appearance of the North Bersted Conservation
area, is in CIL Zone 4 and is CIL liable as new
dwelling.(Resubmission of BE/72/22/PL).
Bersted BE/130/22/PL   22/12/2025 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector 1 Plover Close Bersted Demolition of existing side lobby and the erection of a front
porch and single storey rear extension to existing dwelling (No.
1 Plover Close) and the erection of 1 No 2 bedroom dwelling on
land to the side of the existing dwelling. This site is in CIL Zone
4 and is CIL Liable as a new dwelling.
Bognor Regis BE/40/20/PD   09/06/2023 1 0 0 1 Office Private sector Offices to rear of 15 Royal Parade
Central Avenue Bognor Regis
Prior notification under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O for the
change of use from offices (B1(a)) to 1 dwelling (C3).
Bognor Regis   13/03/2009   2 1 2 2 Residential Private sector 1 Stanford Close Bognor Regis Subdivision of existing dwelling as 2 houses.
Bognor Regis BR/279/16/PL 31/03/2021   1 1 9 9 Residential Private sector 55 Longford Road Bognor Regis Change of use from single dwelling to house of multioccupancy
for up to seven occupants
Bognor Regis BR/162/20/PD   08/09/2023 3 0 0 3 Office Private sector 34 Sudley Road Bognor Regis Notification of prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O
for the change of use of 3 storey office (B1(a)) to 3 No flats (C3
Dwelling houses).
Bognor Regis BR/222/21/PL   24/11/2024 2 0 0 2 Residential Private sector Vincent House 75 Highfield Road
Bognor Regis
Creation of 1 No 1 Bed & 1 No 2 bed Units to roof space of
existing block with 2 No new car parking space and revised
access provision.
Bognor Regis BR/108/20/PL   15/07/2023 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector 74 London Road Bognor Regis Construction of 1 No. new second floor 2 bedroom flat over
existing two storey building, additional bedroom to first floor flat,
division of ground floor retail unit into 2 No units & change of
use of ground floor retail space to form new access to second
floor flat. This application may affect the setting of a listed
Bognor Regis BR/93/20/PL   26/08/2023 1 0 0 1 Office Private sector Mordington Cottage 6 Mead Lane
Bognor Regis
Change of Use from office (B1(a)) to 1 No. dwelling & the
provision of new garden boundary wall to the South of property.
This application affects the setting of a Listed Building & affects
the character & appearance of the Upper Bognor road & Mead
Lane Conservation Area.
Bognor Regis BR/175/20/PL 17/12/2020   2 1 2 2 Residential Private sector 23 Mead Lane Bognor Regis Change of use from Student Accommodation to 3 no.
dwellings, comprising 1 no. one bed apartment, 1 no. two
bedroom house and 1 no. three bedroom house (resubmission
of application BR/99/20/PL). This application may affect the
setting of a listed building & affects the Upper Bognor Road &
Mead Lane Conservation Area.
Bognor Regis BR/175/20/PL 17/12/2020   1 0 1 1 Residential Private sector 23 Mead Lane Bognor Regis Change of use from Student Accommodation to 3 no.
dwellings, comprising 1 no. one bed apartment, 1 no. two
bedroom house and 1 no. three bedroom house (resubmission
of application BR/99/20/PL). This application may affect the
setting of a listed building & affects the Upper Bognor Road &
Mead Lane Conservation Area.
Bognor Regis BR/110/20/PD   02/07/2023 1 0 0 1 Shopping Private sector 8 Longford Road Bognor Regis Notification for Prior Approval under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class
M for the change of use from a shop (A1 shops) to 1 No
dwelling (C3 Dwelling house).
Bognor Regis BR/277/21/PL 15/03/2022   2 0 2 2 Office Private sector 1 Spencer Street Bognor Regis Conversion of office building into 2 No 1 bedroom dwellings.
Bognor Regis BR/178/22/PD   25/10/2025 2 0 0 2 Residential Private sector Allestree Court Walton Road Bognor
Application for prior approval under Schedule 2 Part 20 Class A
for the construction of one additional storey creating 2 No.
additional dwellings.
Bognor Regis BR/176/22/PL   19/12/2025 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector 47 Longford Road Bognor Regis Proposed single storey rear extension to provide a 1 bedroom
Bognor Regis BR/278/22/PL   09/03/2026 1 0 0 1 Office Private sector Basement Office 1 Sidlaw Terrace
Clarence Road Bognor Regis
Change of use from office to 1 No 3 bed flat. This application is
in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated) as other development.
Bognor Regis BR/107/17/PL 31/03/2021   2 0 2 2 Residential Private sector Squirrels Bungalow 192 Hawthorn
Road Bognor Regis
Change of use of HMO (C4 Houses in multiple occupation) to 2
No. dwellings (C3 Dwellinghouses).
Bognor Regis BR/142/21/PD 22/02/2022   1 0 1 1 Shopping Private sector Salon 7 95 Hawthorn Road Bognor
Notification for Prior Approval under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class
M for the change of use from a shop (A1 shops) to 1 No flat (C3
Dwelling house).
Bognor Regis BR/240/22/PL   08/02/2026 4 0 0 4 Storage Private sector Land adjacent to Community Centre
Westloats Lane Bognor Regis
Application under Regulation 3 of the Town and Country
Planning (General Regulations) 1992 for the erection of 4 No 2
bedroom dwellings with associated parking and landscape.
This site is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated) as flats.
Bognor Regis BR/102/19/PL   01/08/2023 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector Change of use from a house in
multiple occupation to single
4 Burnham Avenue Bognor Regis
Bognor Regis BR/1/22/PL   14/03/2025 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector Deal House 11-15 Sturges Road
Bognor Regis
Demolition of existing garage and replacement with 1 No 1-
bedroom self contained unit.
Bognor Regis BR/315/19/PL 13/07/2021   1 0 1 1 Office Private sector 98-100 Chichester Road Bognor
Conversion of the existing first floor office space (B1 Business)
into 1 No. two bedroom flat (C3 Dwelling house) including rear
access, amenity space & general storage facilities.
Bognor Regis BR/302/18/PL 18/01/2021   3 0 3 3 Garden Private sector 71 Hawthorn Road Bognor Regis 1 x 2 bedroom flat and 2 x 1 bedroom flat to the east elevation
Bognor Regis   29/09/2010   2 1 2 2 Residential Private sector 2-10 Queensway Bognor Regis (4th
Provision of 2 flats at fourth floor level instead of one.
Bognor Regis BR/268/21/PL   04/02/2025 1 0 0 1 Business Private sector The Gables Hotel 28 Crescent Road
Bognor Regis
Retrospective application for change of use from Hotel (C1
Hotels) to large 9 bed HMO (Sui Generis).
Bognor Regis BR/320/18/PL 10/09/2020   2 0 2 2 Residential Private sector 9B Waterloo Square Bognor Regis Two storey side extension to form 2 No. self contained flats,
replacement of ground floor front window with bay window, flat
roof canopy to side elevation, porch extension to rear elevation,
first floor balcony & insertion of flush fitting sun pipe. This
application affects the character & appearance of The Steyne
Conservation Area.
Bognor Regis BR/233/19/PL 27/08/2021   2 0 2 2 Office Private sector 77 Aldwick Road Bognor Regis Part change of use of ground floor & formation of a first floor
rear extension to create 2 No self-contained studio flats with
associated refuse/ recycling & cycle store.
Bognor Regis BR/73/19/PL   30/11/2023 3 0 0 3 Other dev Private sector Land To East Of Royal Norfolk Hotel
Aldwick Road Bognor Regis
Erection of 3 No. terraced residential dwellings, garden/cycle
storage sheds & associated parking utilising the existing access
(resubmission following BR/214/18/PL).
Bognor Regis BR/131/20/PL   29/09/2023 3 0 0 3 Shopping Private sector Land between 2b and 4 London
Road Bognor Regis
Erection of a commercial unit at ground floor level with
residential development of 3 no. bedroom flats above. This
application is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated) for flats & shop (Zero
Bognor Regis BR/147/20/PL 08/01/2021   4 0 4 4 Shopping Private sector 53 High Street Bognor Regis Conversion of first & second floor & rear extension to create 4
No. 1-bed self--contained flats including the demolition of
existing rear extension & erection of two storey rear extension.
Bognor Regis BR/48/22/PL   21/11/2025 2 0 0 2 Residential Private sector 13-17 Abbeyfield Richmond Avenue
Bognor Regis
Conversion of existing loft space into 2 No. flats. This
application is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero rated) as flats.
Bognor Regis BR/134/21/PL   13/12/2024 2 1 0 2 Residential Private sector Clayton House 1-3 Elm Grove
Bognor Regis
Sub-division of existing four-bedroom flat on first and second
floors to create 2no. 1-bedroom flats, insertion of three dormer
windows at second floor, insertion of rooflights to north and
south elevations and removal of window to western elevation.
Bognor Regis BR/63/22/PL   29/11/2025 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector Salisbury House The Steyne Bognor
Change of use of 5 No self-contained flats for adults with
learning difficulties to 5 No self-contained flats and formation of
5 No further flats from HMO rooms, garage and office, repairs
and decoration of external surfaces, minor alterations to
elevation facing Sadler Street, change one window facing rear
courtyard to French doors & apply obscure film to 2 windows in
courtyard area.
Bognor Regis BR/285/21/PL   20/05/2025 3 0 0 3 Shopping Private sector Rear of 73-75 Aldwick Road Bognor
Change of use from Class E (retail) / B8 storage to C3
residential and the creation of three dwelling units through the
conversion of the rear of nos. 73 & 75 and the erection of a part
single storey / part two storey rear extension with associated
amenity space and refuse / recycling stores.
Bognor Regis BR/78/22/PL   23/06/2025 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector Land East Side of 21 Tennyson
Road. Bognor Regis
Demolition of garage and erection of 1 No. 4 bed dwelling with
off street parking.
Bognor Regis BR/134/22/PD   08/08/2025 1 0 0 1 Business Private sector 83 Aldwick Road Bognor Regis Change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Class
E) to 1 No dwellinghouse (Class C3) under Schedule 2 Part 3,
Class MA.
Bognor Regis BR/50/22/PD   28/04/2025 1 0 0 1 Business Private sector Land to the rear of 27 Station Road
Bognor Regis
Notification for Prior Approval under Schedule 2 Part 3 Class
MA for the Change of Use from Commercial, Business and
Services (Use Class E) to Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3).
Climping CM/18/19/PL 21/01/2021   2 0 2 2 Garden Private sector Land at Entrance to Waterford
Gardens Horsemere Green Lane
Erection of 1 No. dwelling with detached garage (resubmission
of CM/29/14/PL). This application is a Departure from the
Development Plan.
Climping CM/25/19/PL 14/05/2020   3 0 3 3 Agricultural Private sector Kents Yard Brookpit Lane Climping Change of use of barns to 3 No dwellings
Climping CM/13/19/RES 09/10/2020   2 0 2 2 Garden Private sector Mistletoe Farm Horsemere Green
Lane Climping
Application for approval of reserved matters following outline
approval CM/37/18/OUT for the redevelopment of site with 2no.
4 bed detached bungalows & associated works
Climping CM/14/19/PL   29/05/2023 1 0 0 1 Other dev Private sector Lower Dairy Barn Brookpit Lane
Application for removal of condition imposed on planning
reference CM/11/10 relating to condition no.7 - to allow the
change of use of Lower Dairy Barn & cowshed outbuilding from
a single holiday let to 1no. residential unit for permanent
Climping CM/6/20/PL 28/07/2021   1 0 1 1 Agricultural Private sector North Barn Climping Street Climping Change of use of agricultural barn to 1 No dwelling. This
application may affect the setting of a listed building.
Climping CM/32/20/PL   11/12/2023 1 0 0 1 Agricultural Private sector Land adjacent to Church Farm Barn
Hosemere Green Lane
Change of use of land (B8 Storage) & erection of 1 No.
detached single storey, two bedroom dwelling.
Climping CM/7/20/PD   09/06/2023 1 0 0 1 Agricultural Private sector Ryebank Lodge Gravetts Lane
Prior notification under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q for the
change of use of agricultural building to dwelling (C3).
Climping CM/18/21/PL   22/07/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land adj Mistletoe Farm Horsemere
Green Lane Climping
Erection of 1 No. 3 bed dwelling
Climping CM/70/21/PL 31/03/2023   3 0 3 3 Garden Private sector Land at Wren Cottage Horsemere
Green Lane Climping
Subdivision of the plot and construction of 3 detached
bungalows with associated parking, access and landscaping.
Climping CM/47/22/PL   23/12/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector Climping College The Mill, The Mill
Lodge Climping Street Climping
Demolition of the Schoolhouse, The Dancehall and Mill Lodge
and the erection of 1 No replacement dwelling and 2 No
storage buildings with associated infrastructure and
landscaping. This application affects the setting of listed
buildings, is in CIL Zone 5 and is CIL Liable as new dwelling.
East Preston EP/81/12 15/08/2014   1 0 1 1 Shopping Private sector The Village Stores 2 Sea Road East
Change of use from retail (A1 Shops) to ground floor 2
bedroom flat (C3 Dwelling Houses) with alterations to remove
shop front and install domestic windows.
East Preston EP/41/17/PL 24/04/2020   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to 4 Beechlands
Cottages & 4 Beechlands Cottages
Beechlands Close East Preston
1 No. dwelling & dormer to front elevation & velux roof windows
to rear roof slope to 4 Beechlands Cottages.
East Preston EP/57/21/PL   08/09/2024 2 0 0 2 Garden Private sector Land rear of Beechlands Cottages
Beechlands Close EAST PRESTON
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 2 No. dwellings
with associated car ports/parking, alterations to existing access
and relocation of staircase to flats.
East Preston EP/179/18/PL 31/03/2021   3 1 3 3 Residential Private sector Gladwyn The Street East Preston Demolition of existing house & erection of 3 x 3 bedroom
houses together with landscaping, car parking and fencing
East Preston EP/67/20/PL   02/09/2023 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to 45 The Ridings
East Preston
1 No. detached house & formation of associated new access.
East Preston EP/125/20/PL   15/12/2023 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector 128 Sea Road East Preston Alteration & extensions to flat to create 2 No. one-bedroom self
contained flats including loft conversion and dormers (as
approved EP/41/19/PL). This site is in CIL Zone 4 & is not CIL
Liable as new flat.
East Preston EP/49/21/PL 21/01/2022   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector Cottage Pie South Strand East
Demolition and erection of 1 No. dwelling.
East Preston EP/125/21/PL   17/11/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector 22 Vermont Drive East Preston Demolition of existing single storey projection on host dwelling,
removal of swimming pool and erection of 1 No. detached 1 1/2
storey self-build dwelling with detached garage building on
existing garden land. This application is in CIL Zone 4 and is
CIL liable as new dwelling.
Felpham FP/61/20/PL   23/02/2024 2 1 0 2 Residential Private sector 10 Felpham Gardens Felpham Demolition of 1 No. house & erection of 2 No. chalet style
dwellings with garaging & car parking (resubmission following
Felpham FP/64/19/PL 08/07/2021   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector Mow Cottage Worms Lane Felpham Replace burnt down cottage with a similar sized single storey
property - This is a Departure from the Development Plan
Felpham FP/82/19/PL 15/05/2019   1 0 1 1 Institution Private sector 1 Summerley Lane Felpham Change of use from offices/residential use to dwelling house to
include internal re-ordering, external improvements and
associated works.
Felpham FP/29/20/PL 08/04/2023   1 2 0 1 Residential Private sector Roundle House 59 Flansham Lane
Conversion/amalgamation of 2 No. flats into 1 No. dwelling
house. Includes demolition of external rear access staircase; a
new front porch extension & front ground floor bay window with
canopy roof over linking front entrance & bay windows each
side & alterations to side & rear windows at ground & first
Felpham FP/52/21/PL 06/10/2020 08/06/2024 3 0 3 3 Shopping Private sector 107 Felpham Way Felpham Partial retention, extension & reconstruction of 2-Storey building
to provide 1 No. Class E shop unit, 1 No. Flexible use
commercial unit for any Use within Class E or as a Sui -Generis
beauty therapist/nail bar & 3 No. 2 bed flats to include parking,
secure cycle & refuse storage facilities.
Felpham FP/184/20/PL 16/09/2021   2 0 2 2 Residential Private sector Rear of 7 Middleton Road Felpham Demolition of existing garage/outbuilding & construction of a
pair of semi-detached houses & associated works.
Felpham FP/189/20/PL   03/08/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land between 49 & 51 Summerley
Lane Felpham
1 No dwelling to replace existing garage.
Felpham FP/51/21/PL   22/07/2024 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 32 Sea Drive Felpham Demolition & erection of 1 No. dwelling with associated works
Felpham FP/197/22/PL   11/01/2026 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to10 Second Avenue
1 No two storey, 3 bed detached dwelling with new access and
parking (Re-submission following FP/32/21/PL). This
application is in CIL Zone 4 and is CIL Liable as new dwelling.
Felpham FP/70/19/PL   13/05/2023 1 2 0 1 Residential Private sector 19 Rife Way Felpham Change of use of 2 No. flats into 1 No. dwellinghouse.
Felpham FP/131/20/PD   21/09/2023 1 0 0 1 Office Private sector First Floor Office 44B Summerley
Lane Felpham
Notification for Prior Approval under Class O for change of use
from a use falling within Class B1(a)(offices), to a use falling
within Class C3 (dwellinghouses) -change of use of the existing
1st Floor Office to a self contained Studio Apartment. This
application is Not CIL Liable as flat in Zone 4.
Felpham FP/66/21/PL 28/09/2021   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Abergail Clyde Road Felpham Revision to previously approved scheme (FP/231/20/PL) to
raise the ridge height of the development for new building with
first floor 1 No. 1- bed apartment above (3 x No.) garages &
cycle store with parking. This site is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated)
as flat.
Felpham FP/209/20/PL   26/02/2024 4 1 0 4 Business Private sector The Old Barn 42 Felpham Road
Change of use of the ground floor public house (Sui Generis
Use) to create 2 No. 2 bed dwellings (C3 Use Class),
subdivision of the first floor 1 No. 5 bed flat to create 1 No. 2
bed flat & 1 no. 1 bed flat. This site is in CIL Zone 4 (Zero
Rated) as flats.
Ferring FG/174/17/PL 31/03/2022   4 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 32 & 34A Sea Lane Ferring Demolition of existing dwelling (No. 32) & erection of 4 No. 4
bed dwellings, alterations to existing dwelling (No. 34A) with
alterations to two existing accesses to form a single point of
access. This application may affect the Character &
Appearance of the Ferring Conservation Area.
Ferring FG/201/16/PL 17/03/2021   2 0 2 2 Office Private sector 5-7 Elm Park Ferring Change of use from office/storage to two self contained one
bed flats.
Ferring FG/115/17/PL 31/03/2021   4 0 4 4 Garden Private sector 44 Ferringham Lane Ferring 4 No. bungalows
Ferring FG/29/19/PL 26/03/2021   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector South Point 1 Beehive Lane Ferring Erection of 1 No. 2 bed dwelling
Ferring FG/203/21/PL   13/01/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector 4 Sea Lane Ferring Erection of 1 No. 2 bed single storey dwelling to rear of existing
Ferring FG/219/18/PL 31/03/2023   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 11 Ocean Drive Ferring Demolition & erection of 1 No. dwelling with associated parking
& turning.
Ferring FG/145/19/PL 15/10/2020   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 31 South Drive Ferring Demolition of existing detached dwelling and replace with new
two storey detached dwelling.
Ferring FG/141/19/PL 24/05/2021   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Elm Lodge Tamarisk Way Ferring Proposal Erection of 1 No detached chalet style dwelling with
integral garage; demolition of existing conservatory & porches
& erection of single storey side extension & part single/part two
storey side extension to Elm Lodge
Ferring FG/152/19/PL 04/12/2020   2 1 2 2 Residential Private sector 40 Little Paddocks Little Paddocks
Erection of 2 x 3 bed detached chalet bungalows with
associated parking and amenity space including the demolition
of the existing house and garage.
Ferring FG/8/20/PL   04/06/2023 1 1 0 1 Agricultural Private sector Eastlands Littlehampton Road
Erection of 1 No. equestrian dwelling & retention of 1 No.
gazebo & 2 No. carports. This application is a Departure from
the Development Plan & may affect a Public Right of Way.
Ferring FG/18/21/PL 22/07/2021   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 10 South Drive Ferring Demolition & erection of 1 No. dwelling.
Ferring FG/184/21/PL   24/01/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 1 Greenways Crescent Ferring Erection of replacement dwelling and garage
Ferring FG/211/21/PL 15/12/2021   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 2 The Poplars Ferring Demolition of existing building and replacement with 1 No
Ferring FG/57/22/PL   22/06/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 12 Little Paddocks Ferring Demolition and erection of 1 No new dwelling.
Ferring FG/58/22/PL   20/07/2025 1 0 0 1 Other dev Private sector 4 The Pantiles Ferringham Lane
Conversion of the top two floors into a 1 No 3 bed flat.
Ferring FG/142/22/PL   16/12/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 1 South Drive Ferring Demolition of existing single dwelling and construction of new
single dwelling. This is in CIL zone 4 and is CIL liable as a new
Ferring FG/25/22/PD   19/04/2025 2 0 0 2 Shopping Private sector Village Interiors 9 Ocean Parade
Notification for Prior Approval under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class
MA for the change of use from retail (Class E(a)) to residential
(Class C3)-conversion of existing retail unit into 2 No self
contained residential units.
Ford F/18/19/PL 31/03/2023   1 0 1 1 Agricultural Private sector Land adjacent to 3 Wicks Farm
Cottages Ford Lane Ford
1 No new dwelling. This application is a Departure from the
Development Plan.
Kingston K/40/18/PL 28/09/2016   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector Spring Tide Gorse Avenue Kingston Demolition of existing dwelling & erection of 1 No. dwelling,
associated landscaping & parking (resubmission following
Kingston K/30/20/PL   21/10/2023 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector Sanderlings Middle Way Sea Lane
Demolition & erection of 1 No. dwelling.
Kingston K/17/22/PL   03/08/2025 1 2 0 1 Residential Private sector Panorama Golden Acre Kingston Conversion of existing 2 No flats into 1 No dwelling, singlestorey
extension with a sloping roof, new porch on ground floor,
conservatory at first floor and roof extension, replacement of
existing windows, doors and roof tiles.
Kingston K/6/22/PL   21/04/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector 47 Golden Avenue East Preston Erection of a detached dwelling and integral garage.
Kingston K/42/22/PL   25/11/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector Salamanda 37 Coastal Road
Demolition and erection of 1 No detached dwelling.
Littlehampton   26/09/2008   3 0 2 2 Institution Private sector 11 South Terrace Littlehampton Proposed conversion of building into 2 basement flats with 4
storey maisonette over.
Littlehampton LU/174/19/PL 07/08/2019   1 0 1 1 Other dev Private sector 2A Norfolk Road Littlehampton Demolition of existing building & erection of 1 No. 3 bed town
house (resubmission following LU/164/16/PL). This application
affects the character & appearance of the Littlehampton
Seafront Conservation Area & may affect the setting of a listed
Littlehampton LU/341/19/PL 18/05/2020   1 2 1 1 Residential Private sector 37 & 43 Beach Crescent
Combining two adjoining flats and external alterations.
Littlehampton LU/206/22/PL   08/09/2025 1 2 0 1 Residential Private sector Flat 2 & 3 22 South Terrace
Conversion of flat nos. 2 & 3 to a maisonette, installation of a
new staircase and enlargement of bathroom by removing wall
between existing study and bathroom. (The application affects
the setting of a Listed Building and may affect the character
and appearance on the Littlehampton Seafront Conservation
Littlehampton LU/2/20/PL   29/04/2023 2 1 0 2 Residential Private sector 51 Falkland Avenue Littlehampton Conversion of house into 2 No. Self contained flats.
Littlehampton LU/350/20/PL   31/03/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector 215 Timberleys Littlehampton Erection of 1 No new dwellinghouse.
Littlehampton LU/146/21/OUT   12/07/2024 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Flint Acre Toddington Lane
Outline application with some matters reserved (appearance &
landscaping) for 1 No detached dwelling.
Littlehampton LU/218/21/PL   13/10/2024 2 0 0 2 Other dev Private sector Land adjacent to Toddington Lane
Farm Cottages Toddington Lane
Erection of a semi-detached building comprising 2 No x 2
bedroom houses with associated parking and landscaping
Littlehampton LU/180/22/PL   15/08/2025 1 0 0 1 Industry Private sector The Old Printworks 7 Arundel Road
Change of use from light industrial (E (g) (iii) Use Class) to
residential use (C3 Use Class) to create 1 No 2 bedroom
dwelling, including creation of internal courtyard garden, door
and window alterations, installation of a micro wind turbine and
solar panels, and refuse and cycle storage provision
(resubmission following LU/79/22/PL).
Littlehampton LU/19/19/PL 25/01/2021   1 0 1 1 Shopping Private sector 44 East Ham Road Littlehampton Change of use from shop (A1 Shops) to dwelling (C3
Dwellinghouse), including extension to front of property & new
fenestration to western, eastern & southern elevations.
Littlehampton LU/195/20/PL 01/12/2020   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector 12 Wick Farm Road Littlehampton Erection of 1 No. single storey flatlet dwelling.
Littlehampton LU/113/22/PL   17/08/2025 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector 73 Manning Road Littlehampton Removal of double garages and provision of 1 No detached 2
bedroom 4 person dwelling.
Littlehampton LU/349/09/ 31/03/2013   3 0 3 3 Shopping Private sector 37-39 Beach Road Littlehampton Reorganisation of the ground floor retail unit, a two storey
extension in the centre and change of use to 1 flat and 2
bedsits (now just 1 flat) at first floor and an office for the shop.
Littlehampton LU/164/21/PL   19/07/2024 1 0 0 1 Shopping Private sector Felix Dancewear 39 Beach Road
Part change of Use from office/storage on first floor to 1-1 bed
Littlehampton LU/54/13 31/03/2017   2 1 2 2 Residential Private sector 59 Bayford Road Littlehampton Conversion of dwelling to form 2 No 2 bed self- contained
Littlehampton LU/352/19/PL 12/06/2020   2 1 2 2 Shopping Private sector 56-57 Pier Road Littlehampton Extensions, alterations & new fire escape staircase to enable
change of use from into 2no. restaurants (A3 -
Restaurants & Cafes) & conversion of 1no. 5 bed flat into 2no.
3 bed flats.
Littlehampton LU/310/18/PL     1 0 0 1 Business Private sector 1 Arcade Road Littlehampton Addition of first floor to form self-contained flat, change of use
of existing leisure use (D2 Assembly & Leisure) to office use
(A2 Financial & Professional Services) at ground floor &
external alterations.
Littlehampton LU/86/22/PL   14/10/2025 4 0 0 4 Business Private sector 46A & 46B Pier Road Littlehampton Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 2 No. buildings
incorporating commercial € at ground floor with 4 residential
units above.(Resubmission of LU/182/18/PL).
Littlehampton LU/45/20/PL 10/02/2022   3 0 3 3 Shopping Private sector Ground Floor unit Saltmarsh House
Old Market Lane Littlehampton
Change of use of existing ground floor retail unit (B1Business)
to 3 No. flats (C3 Dwelling houses).
Littlehampton LU/46/20/PL 31/03/2022   3 0 3 3 Shopping Private sector Littlehampton Covered Market 26-28
Surrey Street Littlehampton
Demolition of existing building & construction of 1 No retail unit
& 3 No. flats with associated external works & access. This
application affects the setting of listed buildings & may affect
the character & appearance of the River Road, Littlehampton
Conservation Area.
Littlehampton LU/295/20/PL   03/03/2024 2 0 0 2 Office Private sector 15 Beach Road Littlehampton Full planning application incorporating permitted change of use
of part of existing office (A2 Professional & Financial Services)
& use to form 2 No. dwellings (C3 Dwelling houses) on the two
upper floors (resubmission following LU/107/20/PL). This site is
in CIL Zone 4 (Zero Rated) as flats.
Littlehampton LU/202/20/PD 21/01/2022   2 0 2 2 Office Private sector Gratwicke House 10 East Street
Notification for Prior Approval under Class O for change of use
of part of the building from a use falling within Class
B1(a)(offices), to a use falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses)
- conversion of existing office to 2 No. self contained units. This
application is Not Cil Liable as flats within Zone 4.
Littlehampton LU/76/21/PL   20/05/2024 3 1 0 3 Residential Private sector 71 Beach Road Littlehampton Sub division of dwelling into 3 No. 2 bed flats. This application
may affect the setting of a listed building & is in CIL Zone 4
(Zero Rated) as flats.
Littlehampton LU/134/21/PL   18/08/2024 2 1 0 2 Residential Private sector The Farm 39 East Street
Subdivision of a single listed building into 2 No. separate
dwellings & essential roof strengthening work.
Littlehampton LU/84/21/PL 31/03/2023   4 2 4 4 Residential Private sector 36 - 38 Surrey Street Littlehampton Change of use of premises to a mixed use comprising of 1 No.
4-bedroom HMO unit & retention of 1 No. bed-sit unit at first
floor; 2 No. holiday let use units at ground floor with reduction in
size of retained hairdressers & ancillary retail storage space &
staff facilities to be provided at basement level.
Littlehampton LU/205/22/PL   29/09/2025 4 0 0 4 Industry Private sector 25 River Road Littlehampton Demolition of existing car garage (B2) and the erection of 2no.
Residential buildings comprising 4no. Flats (C3) with
associated works (resubmission of LU/151/21/PL).
Littlehampton LU/222/22/PL   24/11/2025 2 0 0 2 Office Private sector Norfolk House Beach Road
Change of use from first floor offices to two one bedroom flats.
Littlehampton LU/126/22/PD   28/06/2025 1 0 0 1 Shopping Private sector 43 High Street Littlehampton Prior notification under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA for the
change of use from shop (use class E) to dwelling (use class
C3) on first floor.
Littlehampton LU/82/22/PD   27/05/2025 2 0 0 2 Business Private sector 38-40 High Street Littlehampton Prior notification under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class G for the
change of use of upper floors to 2 No flats.
Littlehampton LU/112/22/PL   22/06/2025 1 0 0 1 Other dev Private sector 135A Wick Street Littlehampton Extension to form new studio flat at first floor level.
M/151/21/PL   19/07/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land adjacent to 7 Central Drive
Elmer Middleton
1 no detached four bedroom house
M/123/21/PL 20/10/2020   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 27 Central Drive Elmer Replacement dwelling
M/5/22/PL   31/05/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 3 The Hard Elmer Replacement residential dwelling. This application may affect a
Public Right of Way.
M/83/20/PL 09/03/2021   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 18 Old Point Middleton-On-Sea Demolition of existing dwelling house and replacement with
new dwelling house.
M/92/22/PL   27/10/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 13 Elm Drive Elmer Middleton-On-
1 No. replacement dwelling.
M/86/20/PL 16/04/2021   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 8 Manor Way Elmer Middleton-On-
Demolition of existing 2 storey dwelling and construction of new
2 storey 4 bedroom dwelling with habitable loft and all
associated works. This site is in CIL Zone 4 and is CIL Liable
as new dwelling.
M/109/21/PL   27/10/2024 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 188 Elmer Road Middleton-On-Sea Erection of replacement dwelling
M/92/21/PL   14/01/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 68 Ancton Way Elmer Middleton-On-
Demolition of existing bungalow & construction of 1 No 2-storey
dwelling with access & off road parking.
M/42/22/PL   17/06/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector Little Orchard 2 Sea Lane Middleton
on Sea
Demolition and erection of 1 No dwelling.
M/90/22/PL   05/10/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 19 Elm Drive Elmer Middleton-on
Demolition of Existing Bungalow and Erection of Two Storey
Dwelling House
M/126/22/PL   12/01/2026 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 12 The Layne Elmer Demolition of existing dwelling and new build 1 No replacement
dwelling. This application is in CIL Zone 4 and is CIL Liable as
new dwelling.
Pagham   28/07/2009   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 57 Harbour Road Pagham Replacement dwelling.
Pagham P/40/17/PL 31/03/2021   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 3 Sandy Road Pagham Single replacement dwelling
Pagham P/157/21/PL   19/01/2025 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 31 Lagoon Road Pagham Demolition & erection of 1 No dwelling.
Pagham P/10/20/PL   21/04/2023 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector The Pagham Club 2 West Front
Road Pagham
Change of use of existing staff residential accommodation to be
used as a separate unit of residential accommodation.
Pagham P/143/21/PL 25/03/2022   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector 25 West Front Road Pagham Demolition of existing dwelling, erection of 1 No. replacement
dwelling and detached garage/boat store.
Pagham P/176/22/PL   24/01/2026 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 63 West Front Road Pagham Demolition of existing house, outbuilding and garage.
Construction of new dwelling, annex, workshop, bin store and
Rustington R/102/20/PL   26/08/2023 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Springfield House Springfield Close
1 No. detached 5-bedroom house with attached single storey
double garage & carport.
Rustington R/119/20/PL 09/12/2020   1 1 1 1 Residential Private sector Windsong The Thatchway
Demolish & erection of 1 No dwelling. This application may
affect a Public Right of Way.
Rustington R/17/20/PL   20/04/2023 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector 84 North Lane Rustington Replacement of 1 No. existing dwelling
Rustington R/227/20/PL 03/02/2022   3 0 3 3 Other dev Private sector Laundry 38 Oakhurst Gardens
Rustington Littlehampton
Demolition of existing laundry building, lean to & shed,
construction of a ground & first storey accommodation building
housing 3 No. sheltered housing flats & construction of a single
storey laundry building including upgrade of associated clothes
drying area & surrounding landscaping. This site is in CIL Zone
5 (Zero Rated) as sheltered housing.
Rustington R/197/20/OUT   04/10/2024 2 0 0 2 Industry Private sector Croft Works 52 Mill Lane Rustington Outline application with some matters reserved for the
demolition of existing dilapidated storage buildings & erection of
2 No. detached 3-bedroom chalet bungalows with associated
car barns, gardens, car parking & landscaping (resubmission
following R/117/20/OUT).
Walberton WA/39/18/PL 30/07/2021   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector 48 The Meadows Walberton Extension of existing dwelling to create 1 No. attached dwelling.
Walberton WA/18/19/PL 27/09/2021   2 0 2 2 Garden Private sector Land Adjacent 1 Orchard Way
Erection of 2 No. detached dwellings, adaptation to existing
crossover & new driveway (resubmission following
Walberton WA/61/19/PD   19/08/2023 1 0 0 1 Office Private sector Stoney Brook Farm Eastergate Lane
Notification for Prior Approval under Part 3, Class O for change
of use from an office (Class B1) to 1 No. dwelling (Class C3).
Walberton WA/101/21/PL   22/12/2024 1 1 0 1 Residential Private sector Goose Green Hoe Lane Walberton Replacement Farmhouse with Farm Office and Garage,
extension of existing stable building, replacement Sand School
and associated hard and soft Landscaping and replacement
mixed use barn and internal trackway.
Yapton Y/22/17/PL 19/05/2020   1 0 1 1 Garden Private sector Land rear of 2,4 & 6 Gladstone
Road Mill View Road Yapton
1 No. dwelling
Yapton Y/22/21/PL   27/04/2024 1 0 0 1 Agricultural Private sector North Open Barn Hoe Lane Yapton Change of use from existing open barn to 1 No. dwelling (C3
Dwelling House), refurbishment & single storey extension to
North elevation.
Yapton Y/22/19/PL 31/03/2023   1 0 1 1 Residential Private sector Garage Premises Main Road
Demolition of existing redundant garage building & erection of 1
No. dwelling and associated works (alternative following
Y/68/17/PL). This application may affect the setting of listed
buildings & may affect the character & appearance of the Main
Road/Church Road, Yapton Conservation Area.
Yapton Y/80/18/PL 31/03/2022   1 0 0 1 Agricultural Private sector 1 Church Farm Cottages Church
Road Yapton
Change of use from cowshed to separate residential unit - This
is a departure from the development plan - This application
may affect the setting of a Listed Building
Yapton Y/105/19/PL   30/07/2023 3 0 0 3 Agricultural Private sector Stakers Farm North End Road
Conversion of & alterations to existing barns to create 3 no.
dwellings, erection of car barns & stores, a replacement pump
house, demolition of barn & associated landscaping & parking -
This application may affect the character and appearance of
Main Road/Church Road Conservation Area.
Yapton Y/33/21/PL 20/12/2021   1 0 1 1 Agricultural Private sector Plum Pudding Barn Hoe Lane
Conversion of existing barn to 1 No. residential dwelling with
associated parking
Yapton Y/24/21/PD   23/04/2024 3 0 0 3 Agricultural Private sector Rookery Farm Flansham Lane
Prior notification under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q to change
agricultural building to 3 No. dwelling houses.
Yapton Y/4/22/OUT   11/03/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Land at Kings Close Yapton Outline application with all matters reserved for residential
development of a single detached bungalow dwelling.
Yapton Y/77/22/PL   24/08/2025 4 0 0 4 Agricultural Private sector Bonhams Hoe Lane Flansham Erection of 4 No dwellings with access from Hoe Lane and
associated landscaping, including native orchards and
wildflower meadows.
Yapton Y/108/22/PL   29/11/2025 1 0 0 1 Garden Private sector Cosy Cot Main Road Yapton Construction of 1 no. dwelling with new vehicular access and
associated works. This is in CIL zone 3 and is CIL liable as new
Yapton Y/127/22/PL   06/01/2026 1 0 0 1 Residential Private sector Lintels Bilsham Road Yapton Change of use of existing garage to 1 No 3 bed dwelling,
separate to the main dwelling, including side extension. This
site is in CIL Zone 2 and is CIL Liable as new dwelling.
          73   366        


Appendix 9 - Housing Trajectory (Updated November 2023)

Due to the size of this table it is presented as a scrollable table, which can be scrolled using a keyboard or a mouse. If you still have any difficulty with this table, either in this format or the original PDF, which is linked at the top of this page, and need it presented in another way please email


Appendix 9 - Housing Trajectory (Updated November 2023)

Net completions   Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19 Year 20
    2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023                
Total 7748 722 475 359 601 890 622 704 603 515 673 653 931                
Future Housing Supply Total 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 2028/2029 2029/2030 2030/2031
Commitments / Large Sites with Planning Permission
(net) (Includes Strategic Allocations with PP as at 31st
March 2023)
6306                         1120 943 1461 1128 890 428 226 110
Made Neighbourhood Plan allocations (without PP as at
31st March 2023)
400                         0 0 25 85 79 131 47 33
HELAA sites (Considered deliverable or developable and
Inside Built Up Area)
405                         0 11 13 50 58 118 145 10
Sub Total 7111                         1120 954 1499 1263 1027 677 418 153
10% slippage / non-implementation rate 711                         112 95 150 126 103 68 42 15
Sub Total 6400                         1008 859 1349 1137 924 609 376 138
Small site commitments 237                         105 74 49 8 1 0 0 0
Small site Windfall 374                         0 0 23 64 71 72 72 72
Total                           1113 933 1421 1209 996 681 448 210
Strategic Allocation Sites (Without PP at 31/3/23) Total 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 2028/2029 2029/2030 2030/2031
BEW (SD5) 1704                         0 63 88 259 334 408 284 268
Angmering South and East (SD11) 209                         0 0 0 24 0 60 60 65
West of Bersted (SD3) 752                         0 0 0 50 192 170 170 170
Ford (SD8) 675                         0 0 0 75 125 125 175 175
LEGA (SD4) 225                         0 0 0 0 0 0 100 125
Pagham North (SD2) 55                         0 0 0 0 0 25 30 0
TOTAL 3620                         0 63 88 408 651 788 819 803
Future small sites allowance   2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028 2028/2029 2029/2030 2030/2031
Small Sites DPD / Neighbourhood Plans 750                         0 0 0 0 150 200 200 200
ALP 2018 Annualised Requirement   610 610 610 610 610 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 960 960 960 960 960
SHM Annualised Requirement (for the 5 year HLS Calculation)                     1304 1253 1253 1373 1373 1373 1373 1373      
Total supply 19128 722 475 359 601 890 622 704 603 515 673 653 931 1113 996 1509 1617 1797 1669 1467 1213

Chapter 5 - Housing Delivery

Dwellings completions and delivery

The table below shows the planned housing targets to 2031:

H1 Plan period and Housing Targets
Housing target 2011-2031

5.1 Dwellings completions proportion built on Previously Developed Land

5.2 The table below sets out dwelling completion data showing proportion built on Previously Developed Land.

H2(a): Net additional dwellings in previous years

H2(b): Net additional dwellings for the reporting year

H3: New and converted dwellings on previously developed land

H2(a), H2(b) and H3 Indicators
    H2 (a&b) H3
Year Dwelling Completions
Dwelling Completions
Previously Developed Land* Total
(Included in Gross Completions)
2011-12 748 722 378 (51%)
2012-13 499 475 136 (27%)
2013-14 384 359 210 (55%)
2014-15 642 601 286 (45%)
2015-16 912 890 284 (31%)
2016-17 659 616 201 (31%)
2017-18 731 704 421 (58%)
2018-19 627 603 387 (62%)
2019-20 558 515 403 (72%)
2020-21 700 673 398 (57%)
2021-22 685 653 409 (59%)
2022-23 946 931 273 (29%)
Total 8,091 7,742 3,786 (47%)

*In previous AMR’s this was classed as Brownfield Land however it has been changed to Previously Developed Land in line with the WSCC Monitoring data and NPPF 2021.

The table below shows Affordable Dwellings Delivered and Total Dwellings delivered:

Dwellings Delivered
Year Ended Affordable dwellings (net) Total dwellings (net) % of Total Dwellings
31 March 2012 280 722 39%
31 March 2013 164 475 35%
31 March 2014 30 359 8%
31 March 2015 128 601 21%
31 March 2016 166 890 19%
31 March 2017 102 616 17%
31 March 2018 104 704 15%
31 March 2019 111 603 18%
31 March 2020 65 515 13%
31 March 2021 181 673 27%
31 March 2022 99 653 15%
31 March 2023 263 931 28%

The table below shows Affordable Dwellings Delivered gross built and net built per parish (From 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023):

Affordable Dwellings Delivered
Parish Gross Built Net Built
Aldingbourne 4 4
Angmering 46 46
Barnham & Eastergate 97 97
Bersted 9 9
Pagham 13 13
Walberton 61 61
Yapton 33 33
Grand Total 263 263

The table below shows Dwellings Completions gross built and net built per parish (From 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023):

Dwellings Completions
Arun District Ward / Parish Gross Dwelling Completions Net Dwelling Completions
Aldingbourne 47 46
Aldwick 1 1
Angmering 121 121
Arundel 3 3
Barnham 75 75
Bersted 30 30
Bognor Regis 52 49
Climping 11 10
East Preston 2 2
Eastergate 116 115
Felpham 9 7
Ferring 4 2
Ford 0 0
Kingston 0 0
Littlehampton 92 90
Lyminster 0 0
Middleton on Sea 3 1
Pagham 67 67
Poling 0 0
Rustington 1 1
Walberton 177 176
Yapton 135 135
Grand Total 946 931

Self-build and custom housebuilding

5.3 As required by the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as amended by the Housing and Planning Act 2016), the council has held a Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register since February 2016. This is a register of individuals or groups of individuals who are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land in the district to build their own houses. A redacted version of the register as at 31 March 2022 can be seen on the council’s website.

5.4 The 2015 Act (as amended by the Housing and Planning Act 2016) places two duties on local authorities which are the ‘duty to grant permission’ and the duty as regards registers’ (PPG. 2019. ‘Self-build and custom housebuilding’ Paragraph: 023 Reference ID: 57-023-201760728)

5.5 The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act places a Duty upon the Local Planning Authority to give suitable development permission to enough suitable serviced plots of land to meet the demand for self-build and custom housebuilding in their area. The level of demand is established by reference to the number of entries added to the council’s register during a base period. At the end of each base period, the council has 3 years in which to permission an equivalent number of plots of land, which are suitable for self-build and custom housebuilding, as there are entries for that base period (PPG. 2019. ‘Self-build and custom housebuilding’ Paragraph: 023 Reference ID: 57-023-201760728)

5.6 The base periods of the self-build register are from 31 October to 30 October annually. This period falls outside of the AMR base monitoring period. Therefore, this AMR will report up to 30 October 2023.

5.7 To fulfil duties to maintain the Register, planning officers at the council have been negotiating the need for plots for self or custom build housing with developers operating in the are (PPG. 2019. ‘Self-build and custom housebuilding’ Paragraph: 025 Reference ID: 57-025-20210508). As a result, there has been one permission in Bersted (BE/148/20/OUT) (approved by being allowed on appeal 12-04-22) which has included provision within the section 106 planning obligation, a requirement to provide 5% of the dwelling plots as self-build plots. It is anticipated that when the developer works up the design of the whole scheme this is likely to equate to about 11 plots.

5.8 Monitoring of planning applications has found that 22 plots have been granted planning permission suitable for self or custom build housing between 31 October 2021 and 30 October 2022. This is 11 plots identified from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) exemptions and 11 plots as part of the application identified above under BE/148/20/OUT.

5.9 The Register currently has 44 individuals and 1 association of individuals as at 30 October 2023. There were 6 new entries of individuals added to the register and 0 new associations of individuals.

5.10 Monitoring of planning applications found that 13 plots were granted planning permission suitable for self or custom build housing between 31 October 2022 and 30 October 2023. This comprised of 4 plots identified from the planning permission BN/25/23/OUT for 4 No. self-build dwellings approved 06-09-23 (approved after the monitoring period of this AMR) and 9 plots identified from CIL exemption notices.

Chapter 6 - Commercial Land Delivery

The tables below refer to commercial data provided by West Sussex County Council as at 31 March 2023.

Total amount of additional available employment floorspace

Gross and net employment land floorspace completions that are available (or is currently under construction). Retail, leisure, and hotel uses have not been included.

Floorspace completions
Year Ended Gross Additional Employment Floorspace (sq Meters) Net Additional Employment Floorspace (sq Meters)
31 March 2012 3,595 3,217
31 March 2013 3,165 1,163
31 March 2014 2,350 1,490
31 March 2015 20,594 16,775
31 March 2016 25,651 17,293
31 March 2017 77,714 74,687
31 March 2018 118,641 118,558
31 March 2019 6,036 5,659
31 March 2020 5,664 5,052
31 March 2021 16,936 15,438
31 March 2022 2,804 2,495
31 March 2023 21,654 21,654

BD1: Total amount of additional employment floorspace occupied by use class.

Employment Floorspace Type is defined by Use Class Order E g(i), (ii), (iii) and B2 and B8.

The table below shows gross and net floorspace completed. Completed includes completed and available for use or completed and occupied.

Floorspace completed
Floor Space Type Gross Additional Employment Floorspace (sq Meters) Employment Floorspace Lost (sq Meters) Net Additional Employment Floorspace (sq Meters) Site area (Ha)
E(g)(i) (or Previously B1a): Offices 0 0 0 0
E(g)(ii) (Or previously B1b): Research and Development 0 0 0 0
E(g)(iii) (Or previously B1c): Industrial processes 431 0 431 0.43
B2: General Industry 0 0 0 0
B8: Storage & Distribution 58 0 58 0.15
Grand Total 489 0 489 0.58

BD2: Total amount of additional employment floorspace occupied on previously development land by use class.

This indicator only counts employment floorspace from the total gross floorspace identified in BD1 (above), which is on Previously Development Land (PDL). This is shown in table below.

The table below shows total amount of additional employment floorspace occupied on previously development land by use class,

Employment floorspace
Floor Space Type Gross Additional Employment Floorspace (sq Meters) Employment Floorspace Lost (sq Meters) Net Additional Employment Floorspace (sq Meters) Site area (Ha)
E(g)(i) (or Previously B1a): Offices 0 0 0 0
E(g)(ii) (or Previously B1b): Research and Development 0 0 0 0
E(g)(iii) (or previously B1c): Industrial processes 0 0 0 0
B2: General Industry 0 0 0 0
B8: Storage & Distribution 58 0 58 0.15
Grand Total 58 0 58 0.15

BD3: Employment land available by use class

Employment floorspace type is defined by Use Class Order E g(i), (ii), (iii) and B2 and B8. This includes available sites, sites with planning permission and sites under construction. This is shown in table below.

The table below shows employment land available by use class

Employment land available
Floor Space Type Gross Floorspace (sq Meters) Floorspace Lost (sq Meters) Net Floorspace (sq Meters) Site area (Ha)
E(g)(i) (or previously B1a): Offices 0 0 0 0
E(g)(ii) (or previously B1b): Research and Development 0 0 0 0
E(g)(iii) (or previously B1c): Industrial processes 395 0 395 0.685
B2: General Industry 1,070 0 1,070 0.75
B8: Storage & Distribution 20,063 0 20,063 29.28
Grand Total 21,528 0 21,528 30.72

BD4: Total amount of completed and occupied floorspace by Town Centre and Leisure use. Town Centre is classed as Bognor Regis and Littlehampton town centres as per the Arun Local Plan 2018 (Arun Local Plan 2011-2031. (Adopted July 2018).)

This includes uses defined as Use Class Orders E (a), Retailing, E (c) (i), (ii), (iii), financial and professional Services, E (g) (i) Offices and E(d) Indoor sport, recreation and fitness. This is shown in table below.

The table below shows completed floorspace for Town Centres

Completed floorspace for Town Centres
Floor Space Type Gross Floorspace (sq Meters) Floorspace Lost (sq Meters) Net Floorspace (sq Meters) Site area (Ha)
E(a) (or Previously A1): Retailing 110 0 110 0.6
E(c)(i)(ii)(iii) (or Previously A2): Financial and Professional services 0 0 0 0
E(g)(i) (or Previously B1a): Offices 0 0 0 0
E(d) (or Previously D2): Indoor sport, recreation or fitness 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 110 0 110 0.6

Chapter 7 - Gypsy & Traveller Site Provision

Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople

7.1 A revised Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS 2015) was published in August 2015 and requires that local planning authorities set pitch targets for Gypsies and Travellers and plot targets for Travelling Showpeople (G&T) which address the likely permanent and transit site accommodation needs of travellers in their area, working collaboratively with neighbouring local planning authorities. Using the target figures, the PPTS 2015 requires that local planning authorities identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years’ worth of sites. A supply of specific developable sites or broad locations for growth should be identified for years 6 - 10 and where possible for years 11 - 15.

7.2 The Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) published in April 2019 sets out the objectively assessed need for Gypsy & Traveller and Traveller Showpeople families over the period 2018 - 2036 (see below).

7.3 To meet the identified needs set out within the GTAA April 2019 Arun commissioned a Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople (G&T) Sites Identification Study published in April 2019 to inform preparation of a G&T Site Allocations Development Plan Document (G&TDPD). It includes a process of identifying and assessing sites against criteria and in response to consultation etc. The G&TDPD preparation has been subject to Sustainability Appraisal (February 2019) so that the proposed allocations to meet identified need is provided in a sustainable and equitable way, similar to the settled population’s housing need.

7.4 While the G&TDPD is being prepared, the council is committed to ensuring that adequate provision is made for the travelling community in the short term through the development management process. The council considers that the Arun Local Plan (adopted in July 2018) Policy H SP5 and criterion for determining planning applications, provides a sound basis for planning decisions and allowing further pitch provision until the G&TDPD can be finalised and adopted.

7.5 It is worth noting that in March 2015 a transit site in Westhampnett, Chichester opened to provide nine short-stay pitches, toilet and shower facilities and an office for the manager of the site. This was delivered by Chichester District Council through joint working with Arun and other district and Borough Councils across West Sussex and other groups. The GTAA April 2019 considered that as there is currently a public transit site in Chichester it is available for transit needs in the first instance to deal with any unauthorised encampments, and that no additional transit provision is required at this time.

GTAA 2019 Update

7.6 The jointly commissioned GTAA 2019 (i.e. with the coastal West Sussex Authorities) assessment assumes that within Arun local planning authority area, supply and demand for the period 2012-2017 net to zero based on identified need and supply. The GTAA assessment then starts from a new 2018 baseline which identifies all current and future need as of January 2018 and rolls forward the assessment period by 5 years from 2031 - 2036. On this basis, there is no shortfall need to provide for. The baseline date for the study is January 2018 which was when the majority of the site interviews were completed.

7.7 Pitch Needs – Gypsies and Travellers that meet the Planning Definition
In summary, there is a need for 9 additional pitches in Arun over the GTAA period to 2036 for Gypsy and Traveller households that meet the planning definition; a need for up to 3 additional pitches for unknown Gypsy and Traveller households that may meet the planning definition. For information the GTAA April 2019 identifies 13 Gypsy and Traveller households which did not meet the planning definition. This data will be used to inform the Arun Local Plan update and the approach to meeting the special and cultural needs of the population.

7.8 Plot Needs – Travelling Showpeople
n summary there is a need for 14 additional plots in Arun over the GTAA period to 2036 for Travelling Showpeople households; a need for up to 1 additional plot for unknown Travelling Showpeople households that may meet the planning definition.

7.9 A Gypsy and Traveller and Traveller Showmen (Regulation 18) Issues and Options consultation was published for a 6-week public consultation (8 July to 2 September 2019). The results of this consultation informed the preparation of a G&T Preferred Sites Allocations DPD (G&TPSADPD) reported to Planning Policy Sub-Committee on 17 December 2019. The Planning Policy Committee agreed that further work be undertaken to resolve objections prior to consulting on a Regulation 19 ‘preferred options’ DPD in the summer of 2020.

7.10 Following the G&T ‘Preferred Options’ DPD consultation, a number of issues addressed in that document were maintained by some stakeholders in their consultation responses which broadly related to: -

  • Site Delivery - landscape, heritage and amenity.
  • Highways, access and traffic impact.
  • Flood risk and sewerage.

7.11 Further evidence work was therefore commissioned in 2023 and will be added to the existing evidence base to resolve the issues identified at the preferred options stage consultation and to enable the G&T DPD top progress to Regulation 19 Publication and consultation in the winter 2023.

Note: although outside the AMR reporting period – it should be noted that the G&T DPD Regulation 19 Publication has been issued for legal and soundness  consultation for the period 14 December 2023 to 7 February 2024 and details can be found on the web page here:

Chapter 8 – Infrastructure Funding Statement

Arun District Council’s Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23.

8.1 Arun District Council has published its fourth Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS 2022/23). This supersedes the IFS published in November 2022. The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 Regulation 34 requires the IFS to be reported as part of the AMR – and this chapter, therefore, includes links direct to the published IFS 2022/23 and Appendices to form part of this AMR.

8.2 In accordance with the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended), the council has prepared an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS). The IFS 2022/23 reports the council’s S.106 income and expenditure and provides an update on the council’s Community Infrastructure Levy income for the period 2022/23.

8.3 On 9 March 2022, Arun’s Infrastructure Investment Plan 2022-2024 (IIP) was approved at Full Council. The IIP sets out the shortlist of our priority projects for funding together with a CIL apportionment for each of the 3-year programme. It also includes a baseline (long list) of projects which may secure funding in future years. These lists will be updated in year 3 (i.e. 2024).

Summary Headlines of IFS 2022/23 (figures are rounded):

  • £3.359m was received in total in Arun from S106 and CIL Developer Contributions combined in the year 2022/23; of which
  • £2.560m was received from S.106 developer contributions;
  • £799k was received from CIL liable applications;
  • £41.6k was spent on two projects included in our Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP);
  • £2.5m total CIL relief granted;
  • £138k was transferred to Town or Parish Councils (details of any expenditure will be detailed in their own IFS);
  • £10.320m S.106 was held on deposit as of March 2022 (the budget monitoring report);
  • £1.179m in total was spent in 2022/23 or transferred towards projects (further details on the years activity will be found under sections 7 - 9 of the IFS document).

S.106 Income

  • £2.172m is due to be received by the council once triggers are reached, after entering into S.106 agreements as part of the approval of approximately 43 planning applications on development sites;
  • £10.320m received from all planning obligations, entered into on or prior to 1st April 2021, has not been formally allocated;
  • £1.739m total amount of money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent in 2020-21 totals;
  • 395 affordable housing units on site and 7 new areas of open space and play areas will be delivered in the reported year via the council entering into planning agreements;
  • 264 affordable homes were provided and at least 1 areas of open space and play areas;
  • Further details on non-monetary contributions are set out in section 8 of the IFS.

S.106 Expenditure

  • £1.179m was spent in 2022/23 or transferred to infrastructure projects.

8.4 Please find below the web page where the Arun IFS 2022/23 will be found together with a link to the document. The IFS 2022/23 was agreed at Planning Policy Committee on 21 September 2023.

8.5 Web page:

IFS 2022/23 Document: IFS (Infrastructure Funding Statement) 2022/23

Chapter 9 – Biodiversity and Sussex Biodiversity Report (see Appendix 9 below)

9.1 Arun District Council will record and monitor the 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) metric, mandatory for major developments under the Environment Act 2021 and published regulations. An annual register of BNG will record location, amount, habitat type and whether it is onsite or offsite. This data will be provided for the 2023/24 AMR report.

Appendix 9 - Sussex Biodiversity Report

Biodiversity Annual Monitoring Report Arun District

1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023

Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre

Biodiversity Annual Monitoring Report


The Biodiversity Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) is a product provided by the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre (SxBRC) to all local authorities in East and West Sussex on a yearly basis. It is a retrospective look at the potential impacts on biodiversity of approved planning applications for the financial year.

Why this data matters

The Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 aims to make biodiversity a central consideration in policy and decision making processes, by placing a legal duty in Section 40 on every public body in exercising its functions, [to] “...have regard…to the purpose of conserving biodiversity.” There is an expectation that public bodies when complying with this duty will refer to the list of habitats and species of principal importance in England (Section 41 list). These habitats and species should be treated as material considerations when making planning decisions.

Another key purpose of this duty is to embed consideration of biodiversity as an integral part of policy and decision making throughout the public sector, which should be seeking to make a significant contribution to the achievement of the commitments made by government in its 25 Year Environment Plan (Planning Practice Guidance Ref 8-009-20190721).

It is also cemented in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) that the planning system has an environmental role to play that is fundamental to achieving sustainable development. In particular the planning system should:

  • Provide net gains in biodiversity (8, 174, 179)
  • Take a strategic approach to maintaining and enhancing networks of habitats and green infrastructure (175);
  • Plan for the enhancement of natural capital at a catchment or landscape scale across local authority boundaries (175)
  • Promote the conservation, restoration and enhancement of priority habitats, ecological networks and the protection and recovery of priority species (179) 
  • Identify suitable ways of mapping and monitoring biodiversity in local plans (179)
  • The preparation and review of all policies should be underpinned by relevant and up-to-date evidence. (31)

The information in this report will help to assess how the local authority is performing at these duties.

Species data

Table 3 in this report provides the number of planning applications where designated species data exists within a 200 metre buffer. All species data is from 1980 onwards. The species data are grouped as follows:

European Protected Species (EPS)

The list of European Protected Species is taken from Schedule 2 and Schedule 4 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations 1994. It is an offence to deliberately kill, capture, or disturb a European Protected Species, or to damage or destroy the breeding site or resting place of such a species.

Otter records are not included in this report.

A list of European Protected Species can be found here.

Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981) Species

Species included in Table 3 of the Biodiversity AMR are from the following Schedules/Parts of the Act:

Schedule 5 - Wild Animals

  • • Section 9 Part 1: intentional killing, injuring, taking
  • • Section 9 Part 4(a): damage to, destruction of, obstruction of access to any structure or place used by a scheduled animal for shelter or protection
  • • Section 9 Part 4(b): disturbance of animal occupying such a structure or place

A list of Schedule 5 species can be found here.

Schedule 8 - Plants

A list of Schedule 8 species can be found here.

Section 41 (S41) Species

Section 41 (S41) of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 requires the Secretary of State to publish a list of habitats and species which are of principal importance for the conservation of biodiversity in England.

The S41 list is used to guide decision-makers in implementing their duty under section 40 of the Act, to have regard to the conservation of biodiversity in England, when carrying out their normal functions.

More details about the NERC Act can be found here.


Bats are protected by European and UK legislation. It is an offence to:

  • Deliberately capture, injure or kill a bat
  • Intentionally or recklessly disturb a bat in its roost or deliberately disturb a group of bats
  • Damage or destroy a bat roosting place (even if bats are not occupying the roost at the time)
  • Intentionally or recklessly obstruct access to a bat roost
  • Possess or advertise/sell/exchange a bat (dead or alive) or any part of a bat

Notable Birds

The list of ‘Notable Birds’ has been devised by the SxBRC in collaboration with the Sussex Ornithological Society (SOS). It consists of bird species that are particularly scarce or vulnerable to development in Sussex. The full list can be seen at the end of this report.

Rare Species

These species are from the Rare Species Inventory (RSI) devised by the SxBRC in collaboration with local experts. The list contains over 3,400 species, selected on the following criteria:

  • All species in the British Red Data Books including all Notable fauna and Nationally Scarce flora and British endemic taxa which have ever occurred in Sussex whether extinct or not.
  • Species included in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP species).
  • Internationally rare taxa cited in the Bern Convention, IUCN Red Data lists, or EU Habitats Directive which are not covered by any of the above.
  • County rarities.

Bat and bird records are not included in the RSI.

Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS)

An invasive non-native is defined as a species whose introduction and/or spread threatens biological diversity. Section 14 of the WCA (1981) is the principal legislation dealing with the release of non-native species. The list of INNS used in Sussex includes all those listed in Schedule 9 of the WCA and 26 other species not in this Schedule but which pose a particular risk in Sussex. A list of these additional species can be found at the end of this report.

Bird records are not included in the list of invasive non-native species used in this report.

Ancient & Veteran Trees

These records are from the Ancient Tree Hunt (a national survey carried out in 2007/2008) and Tree Register of the British Isles (a charity which collates and updates data on notable trees).

Black Poplars

The black poplar is naturally a tree of wet woodland and forested floodplains. Much black poplar habitat has been drained and cleared in the past, and there are now under 50 mature trees remaining in Sussex.

Statistical breakdown of approved planning applications within designated sites and habitats in Arun District between 1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023. (Excludes applications within the South Downs National Park Authority.)

Produced on 06/11/2023

  • Arun District area (ha): 22444.08
  • West Sussex area (ha): 202361.68
  • Area of approved planning applications (ha): 387.44
  • % of Arun District infringed by planning applications: 1.73

(90 applications)

Please note items shown in red on the table are marked (r) below

Table 1. Designated sites and reserves
  Area of designation
/ reserve in West
Sussex (ha)
% of West Sussex Area of designation
/ reserve in Arun
District (ha)
% of Arun District Area of designation
/ reserve in Arun
District infringed by
applications (ha)
% of designation /
reserve in Arun
District infringed by
Number of planning
applications within
or abutting
designation /
Ramsar (international) 3724.95 1.84 134.11 0.60 0.00 (r) 0.00 (r) 1 (r)
Special Area of Conservation (SAC) (international) 3672.08 1.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Special Protection Area (SPA) (international) 4149.94 2.05 258.32 1.15 0.00 (r) 0.00 (r) 1 (r)
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) (national) 25958.71 12.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
National Nature Reserve (NNR) (national) 221.50 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
National Park (national) 81247.73 40.15 10324.79 46.00 0.00 (r) 0.00 (r) 1 (r)
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (national) 8310.00 4.11 447.53 1.99 0.00 (r) 0.00 (r) 1 (r)
Country Park (local) 320.52 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Local Geological Site (LGS) (local) 1573.99 0.78 212.73 0.95 0.00 (r) 0.00 (r) 1 (r)
Local Wildlife Site (LWS) (local) 10734.65 5.30 1728.89 7.70 0.00 0.00 0
Notable Road Verge (local) 137.42 0.07 10.20 0.05 0.00 0.00 0
Environmental Stewardship Agreement * (Reserve/ Property) 14591.76 7.21 1176.38 5.24 0.00 0.00 0
National Trust (Reserve/ Property) 5068.53 2.50 1153.97 5.14 0.00 0.00 0
RSPB Reserve (Reserve/ Property) 1475.64 0.73 37.55 0.17 0.00 0.00 0
Sussex Wildlife Trust Reserve (Reserve/ Property) 767.55 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Woodland Trust (Reserve/ Property) 67.82 0.03 13.28 0.06 0.00 0.00 0

* This only applies to ‘live’ Environmental Stewardship Agreements. Environmental Stewardship Agreements include: Entry Level Stewardship, Entry Level plus Higher Level Stewardship, Higher Level Stewardship, Organic Entry Level plus Higher Level Stewardship and Organic Entry Level Stewardship.

All statistics are based on information held at the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre as at 01/11/23. Note that designated sites may overlap therefore the totals shown in the designated site table do not necessarily reflect the total percentage of the district covered by designated sites. Please inform us if you believe the data shown to be inaccurate.


Table 2. Habitats *
  Area of habitat in
West Sussex (ha)
% of West Sussex Area of habitat in
Arun District (ha)
% of Arun District Area of habitat in Arun
District infringed by
planning applications
% of habitat in Arun
District infringed by
planning applications
Number of planning
applications within
or abutting habitat
Ancient woodland 21369.56 10.56 1999.10 8.91 0.00 (r) 0.00 (r) 1 (r)
Coastal & floodplain grazing marsh 4389.36 2.17 1092.15 4.87 24.47 (r) 2.24 (r) 3 (r)
Coastal saltmarsh 357.04 0.18 10.16 0.05 0.10 (r) 0.98 (r) 1 (r)
Coastal sand dunes 31.52 0.02 10.53 0.05 0.00 0.00 0
Coastal vegetated shingle 126.03 0.06 61.11 0.27 0.00 (r) 0.00 (r) 1 (r)
Deciduous woodland 30414.40 15.03 2688.86 11.98 0.46 (r) 0.02 (r) 7 (r)
Ghyll woodland 1992.74 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Intertidal chalk 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Intertidal mudflat 1758.88 0.87 126.81 0.56 0.00 0.00 0
Lowland calcareous grassland 2736.04 1.35 440.73 1.96 0.00 0.00 0
Lowland fen 194.74 0.10 20.76 0.09 0.00 0.00 0
Lowland heathland 1506.50 0.74 2.56 0.01 0.00 0.00 0
Lowland meadow 225.79 0.11 13.26 0.06 0.00 0.00 0
Maritime cliff and slope 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Reedbed 60.11 0.03 11.45 0.05 0.00 0.00 0
Saline lagoon 44.16 0.02 10.66 0.05 0.00 0.00 0
Traditional orchard 173.45 0.09 27.60 0.12 0.06 (r) 0.22 (r) 2 (r)
Wood-pasture & parkland 7057.91 3.49 1062.24 4.73 0.00 0.00 0
Table 3. Species Data # (1980 onwards)
  Number of records
in West Sussex
Number of records
in Arun District
No. of planning
applications with
species records
within 200m buffer
% of planning
applications with
species records
within 200m buffer
European Protected species 27573 3513 59 (r) 65.56 (r)
Wildlife & Countryside Act species 48966 6337 75 (r) 83.33 (r)
Section 41 species 491249 81404 90 (r) 100.00 (r)
Bats 22839 2682 58 (r) 64.44 (r)
Notable birds 238670 38403 88 (r) 97.78 (r)
Rare species (excludes bats and birds) 74133 11359 76 (r) 84.44 (r)
Invasive non-native species 15431 969 54 (r) 60.00 (r)
Ancient Tree Hunt 2695 456 5 (r) 5.56 (r)
Tree Register 378 10 0 0.00
Black Poplar 17 4 0 0.00

* Changes in habitat extent year on year may well be a reflection of improved datasets and should not be assumed to be habitat expansion or contraction. Many habitat datasets overlap with one another, e.g. lowland meadow may be classed as grazing marsh and recorded in both inventories.

#Badger and otter records are not included. Rare species does not include bat or bird records.
Some species appear in more than one category. The Sussex Notable Bird Inventory is based on a list of species that are particularly scarce or vulnerable to development in Sussex. Please see species list at end of report for more information. Ancient Tree Hunt and Tree Register of the British Isles datasets include a degree of overlap (i.e on occasion the same tree may be recorded in both datasets).

Planning applications within or abutting designated site, reserve or habitat

(Applications which abut a designation/reserve/habitat appear in this table with area shown as 0.00)

Planning applications
Designation / Reserve / Habitat Area (Ha) Planning Application Number
Ramsar 0.00 P/176/22/PL
Special Protection Area (SPA) 0.00 P/176/22/PL
National Park 0.00 A/256/21/RES
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 0.00 P/176/22/PL
Local Geological Site (LGS) 0.00 P/176/22/PL
Ancient woodland 0.00 A/256/21/RES
Coastal & floodplain grazing marsh 0.00 AL/18/22/PL
Coastal & floodplain grazing marsh 24.45 LU/206/21/RES
Coastal & floodplain grazing marsh 0.02 P/155/21/RES
Coastal Saltmarsh 0.10 LU/238/20/OUT
Coastal vegetated shingle 0.00 P/176/22/PL
Deciduous woodland 0.06 A/256/21/RES
Deciduous woodland 0.00 A/46/22/RES
Deciduous woodland 0.00 AL/96/22/RES
Deciduous woodland 0.40 BE/148/20/OUT
Deciduous woodland 0.00 CM/47/22/PL
Deciduous woodland 0.00 LU/206/21/RES
Deciduous woodland 0.00 M/6/22/PL
Traditional orchard 0.00 A/256/21/RES
Traditional orchard 0.06 Y/77/22/PL

Arun District
Approved Planning Applications
1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023

Approved Planning Applications 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023

Map above shows:

  • Approved planning application
  • 200m buffer zone
  • South Downs National Park

SSSI Unit Condition

Based on information derived from Natural England
Prepared on 01/11/2023

SSSI Units in Arun District
Condition No. of
% of
Favourable 22 56.4
Unfavourable recovering 13 33.3
Unfavourable no change 0 0.00
Unfavourable declining 3 7.7
Part destroyed 0 0.00
Destroyed 1 2.6
Total no. of units 39  

SSSI Units in West Sussex

Condition No. of
% of
Favourable 149 41.6
Unfavourable recovering 134 37.4
Unfavourable no change 7 2.0
Unfavourable declining 66 18.4
Part destroyed 0 0.00
Destroyed 2 0.6
Total no. of units 358  

SSSI Units in South East Region

Condition No. of
% of
Favourable 2550 53.7
Unfavourable recovering 1472 31.0
Unfavourable no change 325 6.8
Unfavourable declining 374 7.9
Part destroyed 5 0.1
Destroyed 19 0.4
Total no. of units 4745  

Sussex Notable Bird List

The Sussex Notable Bird List consists of species that are particularly scarce or vulnerable to development. It includes species which are either on the Birds of Conservation Concern Red and Amber lists, NERC Section 41 or Schedule 1 species known to have bred in Sussex, have been recorded in summer and may breed in the future or have vulnerable overwintering populations in Sussex.

These records are not available to the general public due to the sensitivity of the data. The SOS has kindly shared these records with us, with the view that better planning decisions can be made with their availability.

Below is the list of species and the date ranges/criteria for their inclusion:

Sussex Notable Bird List
Species Record type treated as notable in Sussex
Dark-bellied Brent Goose All records
Mute Swan Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July records
Bewick's Swan All records
Whooper Swan All records
White-fronted Goose All records
European Greater White-fronted Goose All records
Greenland Greater White-fronted Goose All records
Common Shelduck Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July records
Wigeon Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July record
Gadwall Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July record
Teal Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July record
Mallard Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July record
Pintail Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July record
Garganey Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July record
Shoveler Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July record
Pochard Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July record
Tufted Duck Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July record
Scaup All records
Common Scoter All records
Little Egret Confirmed or probable breeding records + roost
Purple Heron All records
Bittern All records
Little Bittern All records
Spoonbill All records
Black Grouse All records
Grey Partridge Confirmed or probable breeding or March - August records
Quail Confirmed or probable breeding or March - August records
Red-throated Diver All records
Black-throated Diver All records
Great Northern Diver All records
Little Grebe Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early August records
Slavonian Grebe All records
Fulmar Confirmed or probable breeding records
Balearic Shearwater All records
Leach's Petrel All records
Honey-buzzard Information provided in summary only
Red Kite Confirmed or probable breeding or March - August records + roost
White-tailed Eagle All records
Marsh Harrier Information provided in summary only
Hen Harrier Roost
Pallid Harrier All records
Montagu's Harrier Information provided in summary only
Goshawk Information provided in summary only
Golden Eagle All records
Osprey Mid-May to July records
Kestrel Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Merlin All records
Hobby Confirmed or probable breeding or April - August records
Gyr Falcon All records
Peregrine Information provided in summary only
Spotted Crake Information provided in summary only
Corncrake All records
Oystercatcher Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July records
Little Ringed Plover Confirmed or probable breeding or April - July records
Ringed Plover Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July records
Dotterel All records
Lapwing Confirmed or probable breeding or April - June records
Black-winged Stilt April to August records
Avocet Confirmed or probable breeding or March - July records
Stone-curlew Information provided in summary only
Common Sandpiper Confirmed or probable breeding or late May - early July records
Snipe Confirmed or probable breeding or April - July records
Curlew Confirmed or probable breeding or April - July records
Woodcock Confirmed or probable breeding or March - August records
Ruff All records
Black-tailed Godwit All records
Redshank Confirmed or probable breeding or April - July records
Wood Sandpiper All records
Red-necked Phalarope All records
Little Gull All records
Little Tern Confirmed or probable breeding records
Mediterranean Gull Confirmed or probable breeding records
Common Gull Confirmed or probable breeding records
Lesser Black-backed Gull Confirmed or probable breeding records
Yellow-legged Gull Confirmed or probable breeding or April - June records
Herring Gull Confirmed or probable breeding records
Great Black-backed Gull Confirmed or probable breeding records
Black-headed Gull Confirmed or probable breeding records
Kittiwake Confirmed or probable breeding records
Black Tern All records
Sandwich Tern Confirmed or probable breeding records
Common Tern Confirmed or probable breeding records
Roseate Tern All records
Stock Dove Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Turtle Dove Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Cuckoo Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Barn Owl All records
Snowy Owl All records
Tawny Owl Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Long-eared Owl Confirmed or probable breeding or March - July records + roost
Short-eared Owl Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Nightjar Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Swift Confirmed or probable breeding records
Kingfisher Confirmed or probable breeding or March - August records
Bee-eater Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Hoopoe Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Wryneck Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Green Woodpecker Confirmed or probable breeding records
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker All records
Aquatic Warbler All records
Marsh Warbler Information provided in summary only
Cetti's Warbler Confirmed or probable breeding or March - August records
Grasshopper Warbler Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Savi's Warbler Information provided in summary only
Wood Warbler Confirmed or probable breeding or April - August records
Willow Warbler Confirmed or probable breeding records
Woodlark Confirmed or probable breeding or February - August records
Skylark Confirmed or probable breeding or April - July records
Sand Martin Confirmed or probable breeding records
Swallow Confirmed or probable breeding records
House Martin Confirmed or probable breeding records
Tree Pipit Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Meadow Pipit Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Yellow Wagtail Confirmed or probable breeding or May - June records
Blue-headed Wagtail Confirmed or probable breeding or May - June records
Grey Wagtail Confirmed or probable breeding or May - June records
Dunnock Confirmed or probable breeding records
Nightingale Confirmed or probable breeding records
Bluethroat All records
Black Redstart May – July records
Redstart Confirmed or probable breeding or April - July records
Whinchat Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Wheatear Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Ring Ouzel All records
Song Thrush Confirmed or probable breeding records
Mistle Thrush Confirmed or probable breeding records
Spotted Flycatcher Confirmed or probable breeding records
Pied Flycatcher Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Whitethroat Confirmed or probable breeding records
Dartford Warbler Confirmed or probable breeding or March - August records
Bearded Tit Confirmed or probable breeding or March - August records
Firecrest Confirmed or probable breeding or May - August records
Willow Tit All records
Marsh Tit Confirmed or probable breeding or April - July records
Red-backed Shrike Information provided in summary only
Chough All records
Starling Confirmed or probable breeding records
House Sparrow Confirmed or probable breeding records
Tree Sparrow All records
Lesser Redpoll Confirmed or probable breeding or May - July records
Linnet Confirmed or probable breeding records
Twite All records
Serin All records
Common Crossbill Confirmed or probable breeding or February - June records
Bullfinch Confirmed or probable breeding records
Hawfinch All records
Yellowhammer Confirmed or probable breeding records
Cirl Bunting All records
Reed Bunting Confirmed or probable breeding records
Corn Bunting All records

Sussex Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS)

An invasive non-native species (INNS) is defined as a species whose introduction and/or spread threatens biological diversity. INNS includes those listed in Schedule 9 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (WCA) and 26 other species not in this Schedule but which pose a particular risk in Sussex. These additional species are:

Sussex Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS)
Scientific name Common name
Pseudorasbora parva Topmouth Gudgeon
Leucaspius delineates Sunbleak
Amsinckia micrantha Common Fiddleneck
Centranthus ruber Red Valerian
Gaultheria shallon Shallon
Hyacinthoides hispanica Spanish Bluebell
Nymphoides peltata Fringed Water-lily
Petasites fragrans Winter Heliotrope
Prunus laurocerasus Cherry Laurel
Hyacinthoides non-scripta x hispanica =
H. x massartiana
Hybrid Bluebell
Lemna minuta Least Duckweed
Acaena novae-zelandiae Pirri-pirri-bur
Lysichiton americanus American Skunk Cabbage
Cortaderia selloana Pampas Grass
Quercus ilex Evergreen Oak
Harmonia axyridis Harlequin Ladybird
Lilioceris lilii Lily Beetle
Cameraria ohridella Horse-Chestnut Leaf-miner
Campylopus introflexus Heath Star Moss
Trachemys scripta Red-eared Terrapin
Lithobates catesbeianus American Bullfrog
Styela clava Leathery Sea Squirt
Dreissena polymorpha Zebra Mussel
Dreissena rostriformis bugensis Quagga Mussel
Lymantria dispar Gypsy Moth
Thaumetopoea processionea Oak Processionary Moth


Chapter 10 – Call For Sites 2023

10.1 During the Summer of 2023 the council undertook a new ‘Call For Sites’ process from 21 June 2023 - 26 July 2023.

10.2 The call for sites has identified land promoted for the purposes of HELAA, residential and employment uses, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), custom and self-build housing, Leisure & Tourism Uses, Renewable Energy and blue/green infrastructure. These will be reviewed and assessed as part of the Local Plan update.