Arundel Neighbourhood Development Plan 2
The documents in the table below form stages of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
Regulation | Documents |
Reg. 5 and 6 - Area designation The designation of a neighbourhood area is the first formal stage in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (see the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012). The approved Designated areas within Arun District Council’s Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) are shown in the Neighbourhood Areas Designation Map.pdf [pdf] 2MB Parish and Town Councils are able to continue work on their neighbourhood plan while the proposed geography of the neighbourhood area is being determined. Arun District Council is committed to publishing all applications received in its LPAA (in accordance with The Town and Country Planning Act 1990, The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 Part 2, Regulation 6). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following Town/Parish Council has applied to Arun District Council and the South Downs National Park Authority (if applicable) for designation of Neighbourhood Area under Part 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. These documents indicate those areas where Arun District Council has received an application to designate a Neighbourhood Area in its LPAA. |
Reg. 7 - Publicising a designation of a neighbourhood area etc.
Reg. 14 - Pre-submission consultation and publicity
Consultation Dates: 9th November 2018 - 21st December 2018 |
Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review_Draft Sustainability Appraisal_November 2018.pdf [pdf] 526KB HRA Screening of Arundel Neighbourhood Plan for issue (002).pdf [pdf] 517KB Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review_Site Assessments Report_November 2018.pdf [pdf] 2MB Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review_Pre-Submission Plan_November 2018.pdf [pdf] 3MB |
Reg. 15 - Plan proposals (submission) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town/Parish Council has submitted to Arun District Council Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) and the South Downs National Park Planning Authority (if applicable), their Plan Proposal under Part 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012: During the consultation period the applications can be viewed at: Bognor Regis Town Hall, Arun Civic Centre and local Library. Reg. 16 - Publicising a plan proposal Consultation Dates: 17th July to 28th August 2019 (by 5pm) Comments on the documents can be made by email to, online on the Objective Portal or by post to Planning Policy & Conservation, Arun Civic Centre at the address below. Please note that any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority’s decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood development plan. |
ANPR_Basic Conditions Statement_July 2019.pdf [pdf] 3MB Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review_HRA Technical Report_June 2019.pdf [pdf] 2MB Revised Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review_Site Assessments Report_June 2019.pdf [pdf] 7MB ANPR_Sub Plan _July 2019.pdf [pdf] 8MB ANPR_Final SA SEA Report_July 2019.pdf [pdf] 5MB Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review (ANP2) Appropriate Assessment[pdf] 2MB |
Reg. 17 - Submission of a plan proposal to examination Examination to commence week of 2nd September and the default position for NDP examination is through written representation and not examination in public. The indicative timetable for the examination should there be no hearing is currently to end on 4th October 2019. |
The submission documents including the representations received are sent to the Examiner and the Parish Council by 30th August 2019. Please see a summary of the representations received and the ADC Reg. 16 representation. All the original representation documents will be sent direct to the Examiner and only this summary published which is not always verbatim. ADC reg.16 rep on Arundel plan proposal submission.pdf[pdf] 357KB Summary of Reg. 16 reps Arundel 2.pdf[pdf] 318KB EXAMINER CLARIFICATION NOTE 1 Please see below a Clarification Note received on 6th September 2019 by the Examiner. This has been issued to the Town Council and District Council and is to be responded by 16th September. The response will be published when received. Arundel NDP Review - Examiners Clarification Note 06092019.pdf [pdf] 145KB ADDITIONAL REG.16 REPRESENTATION SUBMITTED Please see below an additional representation received from Renaissance Retirement on 9th September. This rep has been accepted by the Examiner and will form part of the Examination documents. 032 Renaissance Retirement - Arundel Neighbourhood Plan Review - consultation response.docx - Redacted.pdf [pdf] 200KB EXAMINER CLARIFICATION NOTE 2 Please see below a second Clarification Note received on 10th September 2019 by the Examiner following receipt of the representation received by Renaissance Retirement. This has been issued to the Town Council and District Council and is to be responded by 16th September. The response will be published when received. Arundel NDP Review - Second Clarification Note 10092019.pdf [pdf] 107KB RESPONSES TO ALL THE EXAMINER CLARICATION NOTES ADC response clarification note 1[pdf] 431KB ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO THE EXAMINER 14FR_Background_and_Character_Assessment 02.pdf [pdf] 4MB |
Reg. 18 - Publication of the examiner’s report and plan proposal decisions |
Arundel NDP Review - Examiner's Report.pdf[pdf] 576KB
Reg. 19 - Decision on a plan proposal
Reg. 20 - Publicising a Neighbourhood Development Plan (‘made’ plans) Plan made on 15th January 2020 |
The following documents can be inspected at the Planning desks at Arun Civic Centre and the Bognor Regis Town Hall between the hours of 8.45am to 5.15pm Monday to Thursday; and 8.45am to 4.45pm on Friday |
Referendum Referendum held on 19th November 2019 More information can be found on the Neighbourhood Plan Referendums page |