
The Arun Local Plan has allocated several sites for strategic housing and employment development across the district to meet local housing and employment needs. A strategic site is land identified within the Arun District Local Plan to accommodate major developments for housing provided up to the year 2031.

The Strategic allocation consists of four parcels of land with ‘Land to the west of Dappers Lane’, ‘Land South of Water Lane’, ‘Land to the North of Water Lane’ and ‘Land at West End Nursery’

The Arun Local Plan 2011-2031 identifies the Angmering North strategic allocation under policy H SP2c (SD9) as delivering at least 800 dwellings over the plan period. It is also a requirement for the strategic allocation to provide enhancements to the existing library, education, road and healthcare facilities. The allocation is situated close to the South Downs National Park and as such landscaping will need to be designed to protect the special qualities of the South Downs National Park.

Below are the different strategic sites in Angmering: