
Copyright statement

The copyright of the material on this website and the design of the website belong to Arun District Council. You are welcome to download any of the material for your own personal use on these terms and conditions: 

  • You accept all risks from downloading, installing or using the material
  • Arun District Council will not be responsible for any damage (including any damage caused by viruses) to your computer or software or any losses or damage suffered by you as a result of downloading, installing or using the material
  • You will not, without the prior written agreement of Arun District Council: reproduce, redistribute or alter any of the material; or alter or remove any copyright notices on the material
  • By downloading, installing or using any of the material you automatically agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, then please do not download, install or use any of the material
  • All other rights are reserved to this council. Any infringement of our rights will result in the appropriate legal action

External links statement

Arun District Council is not responsible for the content of any external site linked to from this website. The inclusion of any company's name or link to their website within the Arun District Council website should not be construed as an endorsement of that particular company's products and/or services. Every care is taken to try to maintain links to external websites, so please let us know if you find a broken link. All links to external websites from the Arun DC website will open in a new browser window.

Links are merely references to other sites. You may link to Arun District Council’s site from your own; you do not have to ask permission to link to this site - or any other website. However, you should not make a link which misrepresents what is being linked to, or implies a relationship with Arun DC that does not exist. For instance, you may not use Arun DC pages as part of a frame or in any other way which changes the URL, or represents them as being published by anyone other than Arun DC.

Liability statement

Every care is taken in the compilation of the material, content and information contained within this website, and every effort is made to ensure that it is both accurate and up to date. However, Arun District Council nor any other party involved in any way with this website cannot be held responsible for any loss, cost, damage, inconvenience or expense caused through the use of this website as a result of any inaccuracy or error contained within the website or any information or material displayed on or contained within it.

Whilst all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that this website is free from computer viruses, Arun District Council accepts no liability in respect of any loss, cost, damage, inconvenience or expense suffered as a result of accessing this website or any of its attachments. Please ensure that you take any steps you regard as necessary to protect your computer system from virus attack.

Reuse of public sector information

Unless otherwise stated, Arun District Council (the Council) owns the copyright in all material on this site. Subject to the following conditions, the Council has no objection to organisations downloading copyright-protected materials from the site (the 'Materials') and reproducing them in their own publications, or on their internal computer networks:

  • Organisations must ensure that they are using the latest version of the Materials available
  • Any publication or internal network which incorporates the Council's Materials must include an acknowledgement of the source of such materials
  • The Material must be clearly separated from any comment made on it by the organisation or others
  • Readers of the Material must not be given the impression that the Council is responsible for, or has in any way approved, the publication or network in which his Materials are reproduced
  • The Materials may not be altered or amended unless such material is clearly marked as altered or amended by the organisation or others
  • When reproducing the Council's Materials organisations must have regard to any qualifying statements or descriptions attached to the Materials, (for example, descriptions such as 'consultation document', 'discussion paper', or 'preliminary view' are important as are statements concerning the audience at which the Material is directed). If the Material is reproduced in full, or substantial extracts are reproduced, any qualifying statements attached to the Material must be included
  • Any reproduction of the Council's official forms, otherwise than for the purpose of submitting information to the Council, must be clearly marked 'SPECIMEN' unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Council.
  • There is no charge for the reproduction of Materials made in accordance with these conditions.

The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 provided a framework for deciding issues relating to the re-use of information held by public bodies. Subject to the conditions set out above, the Council has no objection to organisations reproducing in their own publications Materials available from this site. In accordance with the Regulations, the main documents available for re-use are listed in the Council's Publication Scheme.

Where an organisation wishes to re-use the Council's Materials but the proposed re-use would contravene any of the conditions set out above, the organisation should contact the the Data Protection Officer at Arun District Council to determine whether the proposed re-use would be permitted and what, if any, additional conditions may apply. The application should be in writing, specifying name and address of the applicant, identifying the documents to be re-used and the purpose for re-use. 

If an individual or organisation is unhappy with the manner in which an application for the reproduction or the re-use of the Council's Materials has been handled by the Council a complaint should be made via the Council's Corporate Complaints system.

Regulation 17 'Re-use of Public Sector Public Sector Information Regulations 2005' requires us to respond to a complaint within a reasonable time and we aim to do this within 20 working days. We will notify you in writing of the determination of the complaint, giving reasons for the decision taken. If you remain dissatisfied once you have exhausted the internal complaints process, you may refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office.

Zero tolerance statement

Our staff are here to help you and you have the right to expect the best service from us.

It is important for all our customers to be treated with courtesy and respect.

In return we ask the same from you

Aggressive behaviour, either verbally or physically, will not be tolerated. In order to protect our employees, such behaviour may be recorded and shared within the council.

We will not hesitate to report incidents to the police where we believe this is necessary to safeguard our employees. If we take such action you may be prosecuted.

We may also impose sanctions that may prevent you from being able to visit our premises.

If you wish to use a mobile device to record your conversation with a member of staff, we would like to remind you, any recording made must not be shared with a third party without all parties consent.