
1.                  Legal Declaration

WARNING If you dishonestly enter information or make a statement that you know is, or might be, untrue or misleading, or you do not disclose something you are legally obliged to disclose, and intend by doing so to make a gain for yourself or another person, or to cause loss or the risk of loss to another person, you may commit the offence of fraud under section 1 of the Fraud Act 2006, the maximum penalty for which is 10 years imprisonment or an unlimited fine, or both.


a.    The First Homes Applicant(s) has read the above confirmation statements and confirm that they are a first-time buyer(s) and satisfy any applicable local eligibility requirements for a First Home, and they have provided accurate and up-to-date information relating to their application for a First Home. 

b.    The First Homes Applicant(s) understands that if it is found that false information has been given to obtain a First Home, either knowingly or recklessly, appropriate legal action may be taken by Arun District Council. 

c.     The First Homes Applicant(s) acknowledges that to process and administer their application [Home Builder] and the proposed First Homes Owner(s)’ mortgage advisor (if one is being used) will pass information that has been provided to them over to third parties: Arun District Council, conveyancers, other government departments and agencies applicable for the purposes of processing this application and conducting statistical surveys and analysis of First Homes.