Solicitors and conveyancers

Find our fees, turnaround times and other important information for professionals here.

Important information

Our system has now been upgraded with a new search connection. This will enable solicitors and search companies to send searches directly into our system, via their own dedicated web page. This will replace our current process of receiving searches via email.  We will provide a unique URL to each solicitor/search company and this will link to a page where they can submit searches. If you have not received your unique URL please email to request one.

Please give the accurate full postal address of the property or land to be searched against. You should continue to submit a plan showing the boundaries of the property or land to be searched against and you will receive an acknowledgement once accepted and entered on the system. Once a search has been accepted we will be unable to cancel a search request however, we may be able to make minor amendments, such as an address correction or change of plan.

Payment will continue to be collected via BACS and details will be provided to you upon acceptance of the search. Once completed, searches will be returned to the email address we set up for each user.

Any questions please contact the Local Land Charges manager via email:

Residential searches (RES searches)

Defined as individual dwellings including houses, bungalows, and self-contained flats, either in residential or holiday use where the vendor is a private individual. These searches may include gardens, garages, outbuildings etc where the main property is residential in nature (house/flat including garden and/or garage etc), or individual building plots for residential properties where the site is either currently vacant or under construction.

Non-residential/commercial searches (NONRES searches)

Defined as all other types of searches including land, commercial properties & businesses. Any search up to 100 Hectares is charged at the standard fee and then an additional parcel fee is charged for each additional 50 hectares, or part thereof.

If there is any uncertainty over the type of search being requested the team will be happy to advise on fee and also calculate any additional parcel fees that may be required



Item Fee
Full Residential (RES) search LLC1 & CON29 £127
Full Non-residential/commercial (NONRES) search LLC1 & CON29 £280
Residential (RES) LLC1 only £25
Non-residential/commercial (NONRES) LLC1 only £58
CON290 optional enquiries (fee when requested with CON29 enquiries) £10.80 each
Additional Enquiries part 3 (of your own composition) £18
CON29O optional enquiries only (for example, Common Land Q.22 only without full search is £42) £32.40 + £10.80 per question
Residential (RES) CON29 only £102
Non-residential/commercial (NONRES) CON29 only £222
LLC1 (RES & NONRES) Additional parcel fees £3
CON29 (RES & NONRES) Additional parcel fees £18
Cancellation fee £45

Large land searches will be charged at the standard NONRES fee up to 100 hectares, and each additional 50 hectares (or part thereof) will be charged an additional parcel fee:

Number of hectares Fee
Standard full NONRES search up to 100 hectares £280
100-150 Hectares (1 x add parcel) £300
150-200 Hectares (2 x add parcel) £321
200-250 Hectares (3 x add parcel) £342
250-300 Hectares (4 x add parcel) £363
300-350 Hectares (5 x add parcel) £384
350-400 Hectares (6 x add parcel) £405
400-450 Hectares (7 x add parcel) £426
450-500 Hectares (8 x add parcel) £447
500-550 Hectares (9 x add parcel) £468
550-600 Hectares (10 x add parcel) £489
600-650 Hectares (11 x add parcel) £510
650-700 Hectares (12 x add parcel) £531
700-750 Hectares (13 x add parcel) £552
750-800 Hectares (14 x add parcel) £573
800-850 Hectares (15 x add parcel) £594
850-900 Hectares (16 x add parcel) £615
900-950 Hectares (17 x add parcel) £636



Item Fee VAT Total
Residential (RES) LLC1 only £25 None £25
Non-residential/commercial (NONRES) LLC1 only £58 None £58
Add. Parcel (LLC1) £3 None £3
Add. Parcel (CON29) £15 £3 £18
Residential (RES) CON29 only £85 £17 £102
Non-residential/commercial (NONRES) CON29 only £185 £37 £222
CON29O (per question) £9 £1.80 £10.80
Admin fee (where applicable) £27 £5.40 £32.40

The total basic Residential (RES) search fee LLC1 and CON29 will therefore be £127 inclusive of VAT from 1 April 2024

The total basic Non-residential/commercial (NONRES) search fee LLC1 and CON29 will therefore be £280 inclusive of VAT from 1 April 2024

Requesting a search

The quickest way to submit a local authority search is by sending an email search request to:

You must provide an Ordnance Survey plan outlining the property.

Payment can be made via BACS. Our team will contact you to arrange payment after receiving the search information.