Rent increases

Your rent will be increasing from 7 April 2025. Find out more about the rise and what you may need to do about it on this page.

Why rents are increasing 

The rent money you pay is used to provide our services to you as tenants, including maintaining and repairing our properties. We are only allowed to use your rent payments to support services directly related to housing. 

To ensure we can continue to offer you the best possible services, we are increasing the amount of rent we charge this year. 

The increase 

This year (2025/26) your rent will increase by 2.7% from 7 April 2025. You will receive a letter showing your new rent and service charges for the coming year.  

Rent setting guidance from the Government allows social housing providers to increase rent based on the September 2024 consumer price index (CPI) plus an additional 1%, so their income keeps up with price inflation. The CPI for September was 1.7%. 

What you need to do 

If you're on benefits 

If you get Universal Credit housing costs

Keep your rent and services charge letter somewhere safe - you will need it when your rent increases on 7 April 2025. Wait until you get a 'Confirm your housing costs' to-do on your UC account in April 2025, and then use the new rent information to complete the to-do. Make sure you do this on time to avoid problems with your payments.

Housing Benefit 

Our benefits team know about the rent increase and will assess your housing benefit with the new rents.  
You must always inform the benefits department if there have been any other changes in your circumstances

Paying your rent 

Direct Debit 

Your Direct Debit will automatically be adjusted, and your Direct Debit instruction will be updated from your April 2025 payment. We will tell you the new amount we will be taking before the first payment is due. 

Standing order 

You will need to amend your Standing Order with your bank to ensure it covers the new rent amount from April 2025. 

Paying online or via Allpay 

Make sure the payments you make are correct and cover the new rent amount. 

If you don't pay your rent 

Payment of your rent and service charge should be a top priority from your outgoings. If your rent is not paid and you do not engage with us for a resolution, we will seek possession of the property via the County Court. 

We are here to help you, so please contact us as soon as possible if you are having financial problems. Get in touch with your Neighbourhood Housing Officer as soon as possible by calling 01903 737534. 

If you're worried about affording your rent 

Get in touch with your Neighbourhood Housing Officer as soon as possible by calling 01903 737534. We also have a Financial Inclusion Officer who can offer support and check whether you are entitled to any benefits.  

There are also lots of organisations that can help, and we have a page dedicated to debt advice and energy efficiency