Impacted and consulted group
Although many residents will not be affected or impacted; in order to limit the number of different communications residents receive, we decided to send the invitation to review this policy consultation along with another consultation. Therefore, all residents with an email address or mobile number were invited to participate.
Residents were sent a survey comprising 17 questions, as well as a draft mobility scooter policy which was published on our website.
We received 69 responses, which represents approximately 2% response from households. We also received an additional 3 responses through the corporate website feedback form.
Key outcomes
- 72% of respondents said the policy is easy to understand
- 91% of respondents said it was clear what the policy is about.
- We received a considerable amount of free text comments to analyse, which was extremely helpful when revisiting the policy.
Suggestions made and our response
We have taken on board the concerns raised regarding storage and charging facilities, and have asked our Technical Services Manager to review the available storage at all age restricted blocks within our housing stock. Once we have that assessment in place, we will then review what upgrades or additional facilities are required for mobility vehicle storage use.
Concerns that were raised about mandated servicing and maintenance requirements have been downgraded to recommendations that align with requirements.
Concerns regarding mandated insurance requirements have also been downgraded as a recommendation to any resident that has a mobility scooter. This aligns with the guidance on the website.
Instead of mandating that permission is granted for every mobility scooter, this has been downgraded to asking residents to inform us of a mobility scooter within the household, as we will need to assess where you will be able to store and charge your vehicle to minimise any fire risks, for example making sure that escape routes aren't blocked and ensuring that where your vehicle is charged helps to contain any fires should there be a problem with batteries for example.
Instead of mandating training for mobility scooter use and maintenance, this has also been downgraded to a recommendation.
All of the above addresses the concerns raised regarding affordability of owning a mobility scooter. In addition, we will also be training our housing staff to assess where is best placed for storage and charging if vehicle stores are not available at the time of request. This will also help us to identify need in each residential block. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the input you gave us, as it has led to a significant rewrite of our policy.