No development shall take place, (or such other date or stage in development as may be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority), until a Construction & Environmental Management Plan .. (and accompanying Site Setup Plan ???) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority (who shall consult with National Highways, WSCC Highways, the council's environmental health officer and ecologist as appropriate). Thereafter the approved Plan shall be implemented and adhered to throughout the entire construction period. This shall require the applicant and contractors to minimise disturbance during demolition and construction and will include (but not be limited to) details of the following information for approval:
- the phased programme of construction works.
- the anticipated, number, frequency, types, and timing of vehicles used during construction (construction vehicles should avoid the strategic road network during the peak hours of 0800-0900 and 1700-1800 where practicable).
- the preferred road routing for all construction traffic associated with the development.
- provision of wheel washing facilities (details of their operation & location) and other works required to mitigate the impact of construction upon the public highway (including the provision of temporary Traffic Regulations Orders).
- details of street sweeping.
- details of a means of suppressing dust & dirt arising from the development.
- a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works (i.e., no burning permitted).
- details of all proposed external lighting to be used during construction (including location, height, type & direction of light sources and intensity of illumination).
- details of areas for the loading, unloading, parking, and turning of vehicles associated with the construction of the development.
- details of areas to be used for the storage of plant and materials associated with the development.
- details of the temporary construction site enclosure to be used throughout the course of construction (including access gates, decorative displays & facilities for public viewing, where appropriate).
- contact details for the site contractor, site foreman and CDM co-ordinator (including out-of-hours contact details).
- details of the arrangements for public engagement/consultation both prior to and continued liaison during the construction works.
- details of any temporary traffic management that may be required to facilitate the development including chapter 8 traffic signage.
- measures to minimise the noise (including vibration) generated by the construction process to include hours of work, proposed method of piling for foundations, the careful selection of plant and machinery and use of noise mitigation barrier(s).
Details of how measures will be put in place to address any environmental problems arising from any of the above shall be provided. A named person shall be appointed by the applicant to deal with complaints, shall be available on site and their availability made known to all relevant parties.
No demolition/construction activities shall take place other than from 08:00 hours until 18:00 hours (Monday to Friday) and from 08:00 hours until 13:00 hours (Saturday) with no work on Sunday or Bank/Public Holidays.
Reason: In the interests of the safety/amenity of nearby residents & occupiers of any nearby noise sensitive premises, the safety & general amenities of the area, and in the interests of highway safety in accordance with policies D DM1, QE SP1, QE DM1, QE DM2, QE DM3 and T SP1 of the Arun Local Plan and the NPPF. This is required to be a pre-commencement condition because it is necessary to have the construction site set-up agreed prior to access by construction staff.