We recognise that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns. We aim to respond and guide you through the options available to find a resolution to your concern. Before considering whether to raise a petition to us, it is recommended that you discuss your issue with your local ward councillor who may be able to help you with it or explain how to make representations on a particular subject to the right person at the council.
Who can take part in a petition?
Anyone who lives or works in Arun can submit or sign a petition provided it includes at least 10 signatures.
What should the petition be about?
The petition should concern an issue that is relevant to the council or which affects a specific area in the district or its residents. It cannot relate to planning or licensing applications or decisions where there is an existing right of appeal. To find out more please read the petitions scheme extract from the constitution.
You can view a summary of petitions as at 29 May 2024 [docx] 34KB.
What should the petition include?
Petitions should be worded clearly and concisely, giving the nature of the petition, and what action the petitioners are asking the council to take. They should include the full name, address and signature of anyone supporting the petition. A sample covering sheet for petition organiser [doc] 71KB and sample petition sheet [pdf] 11KB for signatures are available should you need them.
What happens after I submit my petition?
Once a petition has been received, we will acknowledge it within 10 working days, explaining what will happen next. Your petition may be rejected (see below) and, if this is the case, we will let you know. If your petition is accepted:
- details of the petition will be published on our website
- a petition that contains more than 1,500 signatures will be debated by a full council meeting, unless it has asked for a senior council officer to give evidence at a public meeting
Why are petitions rejected?
Petitions may be rejected if they do not conform to the above requirements, are considered to be vexatious, abusive or inappropriate, refer to a planning or licensing application, or refer to a decision where there is an existing right of appeal or other procedure in place, council tax banding for example. A petition may also be rejected if it is a statutory petition (for example, requesting a referendum on having an elected mayor).