Paying an invoice
If we have sent you an invoice, you can pay it quickly and securely online. You will have 31 days from the issue date to make the payment.
Online payment
The easiest way to pay your invoice is online.
Direct debit
We offer a payment date of 20th of every month. If you wish to pay by this method, please complete and return the Direct Debit mandate [pdf] 345KB or call 01903 737821.
By phone
Ring the local rate number 0330 0416 497 (available 24 hours a day). You will need a debit or credit card and the 19 digit barcode number found on the front of the invoice.
You can use the barcode on the bottom of your invoice to make cash payments free of charge at any shop displaying the PayPoint symbol or at any post office in the UK. Visit the PayPoint site and enter your postcode to find your nearest outlet. You must take your invoice with you so that the barcode can be scanned. The person processing your payment will give you a receipt, which you should keep as proof of payment.
Online banking
If you want to pay via your bank our details are:
Payee: Arun District Council
Sort code: 30 80 12
Bank account number: 14615968
Reference: use the invoice number beginning with 813 found on the front of your invoice.
If you are having difficulty paying
We may be able to make a payment plan arrangement to help you pay your invoice. We cannot make these plans if a county court varied order is in place. There may be consequences if payments are left outstanding, so please contact us on 01903 737821 or visit our offices so we can put a mutually agreeable plan in place. Please note that we may ask for evidence of your financial situation to help make this decision.
If you do not pay
If you do not pay the invoice within the time allowed, we will initially send you a reminder. This should be paid within 7 days. A final notice will be issued if the reminder is not paid.
If payment remains outstanding after the final notice or if a payment plan is not maintained, we may take the matter to county court. If this happens, all costs will be added to your account. A county court judgement (CCJ) will affect your credit rating. It will allow the council to take any of the following enforcement action:
- order for questioning - a writ/summons can be issued for a full enquiry into your financial circumstances
- attachment of earnings - enables us to take money directly from your earnings
- warrant of execution - enables us to request an enforcement officer to remove and sell goods belonging to you up to the value owed
- charging order - gives us charge over your property and enables us to force the sale of it to recuperate what is owed
- third party debt order - can be issued to any third party who owes the debtor money or is holding money on behalf of the debtor, usually a bank or building society
- bankruptcy - we can ask the county court for a bankruptcy order to be made against you
If you think you are going to have difficulty meeting payments, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can try to put arrangements in place to help you.