Pagham North Masterplan
Masterplan Overview of Land North of Sefter Road P/134/16/OUT
The approved outline planning consent is for residential development of up to 280 new dwellings (including affordable homes), land for a replacement scout hut, land for an Ambulance Community Response Post Facility and land for either a primary school or care home. The main vehicular access will be from Sefter Road and demolition of No. 80 Rose Green Road will create a pedestrian and emergency only access. Public open spaces will be provided including children's play areas, landscaping, drainage and earthworks.
Please note: This approval is for Outline consent only. Another application, known as Reserved Matters, will need to be submitted for approval of details, including design and layout of roads & dwellings, before development commences.
The Site measures approximately 13.34 hectares and is located on the north western edge of Pagham, north of Sefter Road and Rose Green Road. The site is a larger irregular shaped field (used for arable farming), a scout hut with surrounding land and the house and garden of No. 80 Rose Green Road (to be demolished).
Local Landscape
A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment was carried out which concluded that an development can be accommodated which respects the Site’s existing landscape features and provides a sensitive edge to the adjoining countryside. The retention and enhancement of the existing trees and hedgerows will help the housing development fit in with its surroundings.
An Ecological Assessment was submitted to assess the ecological interest of the site as a whole and the importance of the habitats and species present was evaluated. Mitigation measures were recommended to safeguard any significant existing ecological interest, together with opportunities for proposed ecological enhancement measures where appropriate.
A comprehensive range of ecological studies have identified that, overall, the site is of low ecological value with most habitats being confined to the field boundaries. Some species of slow worms and widespread common bird populations breed within the site, while bats make some use of the field boundaries for foraging and commuting.
The development will retain most of the boundary features of trees and hedgerows and will provide extensive semi-natural greenspace as well as new grassland and wetland areas, together with planting of new trees. This will add new opportunities by creating habitats for amphibians and invertebrates.
The new greenspace will provide on-site recreational opportunities for new residents. A circular walking route of 2.1km will provide for walkers and dog-walkers living within and adjacent to the site.
The Flood Risk and Preliminary SuDS Appraisal shows that the site is located in Flood Zone 1 (less than 1 in 1,000 annual probability of river or sea flooding), no history of flooding and has the capability of implementing a SuDS (surface water) scheme that will assist in reducing the potential for downstream flooding extreme storm events. Detailed drainage plans will be submitted at Reserved Matters stage.
A Noise Assessment has been carried out to consider the potential impacts on the future dwellings and school from the adjacent refrigeration plant, together with potential noise impacts from the proposed scout hut. The assessment found that suitable acoustic conditions can be achieved at the proposed dwellings and school site with provision of acoustic screening.
Design and Layout
A Design Code will be submitted and approved by the LPA prior to Reserved Matters stage to ensure the development contains the characteristics of existing development within the local area. A development framework plan shows the development with an indicative layout. The areas for affordable housing, open space and play areas will be included in the full details to be determined at Reserved Matters stage.
Open Space
There will be provision for Public Open Space, including natural greenspace, children’s play areas, landscaping, drainage and earthworks.
Vehicular Access
Vehicular access will be from Sefter Road. This is proposed to be the only vehicular access serving the Site. The junction will be designed to accommodate visibility splays of 2.4m x 43m.
Emergency, Pedestrian and Cycle Access
A new emergency, pedestrian and cyclist access point will be created following the demolition of No. 80 Rose Green Road. It will provide a point of connection into the existing fabric of Pagham, including the existing bus stops on Rose Green Road and Carlton Avenue. The pedestrian/cycle access will connect with the proposed recreational routes to provide direct connections to the new homes, play areas and the development’s green infrastructure.
The pedestrian access point onto Main Road will also provide a point of access for emergency vehicles. The detailed design of the layout will be designed in accordance with Part B of the Building Regulations, ‘Access and Facilities for the Fire Service’ to ensure sufficient access widths and appropriate access for fire appliances will be achieved.
Inclusive Access
At the detailed design stage, the new homes will be served by level entrances to meet disabled access requirements. Driveways and pathways will be constructed in a slip-resistant surface.
Public Transport
The Site is well-located with regards to existing bus stops and services on Rose Green Road and Carlton Road and will be made even more accessible by the proposed pedestrian/cycle linkage through the south eastern corner of the Site.
Service Vehicles
The detailed design and dimensions of the development’s new streets will be submitted and agreed with the LPA as part of the future Reserved Matters submissions.
Critically, the streets will be designed to accommodate service vehicles without allowing their requirements to dominate the layout. The detailed layout design will accord with Schedule 1, Part H of the Building Regulations to ensure appropriate waste collection, vehicle access and bin carry distance standards are achieved.
Local Road Infrastructure
There will be improvements to the local road network around the site at the following locations:
- Pagham Road/Sefter Road – widening of Sefter Road on nearside
- B2166/Vinnetrow Road Roundabout – widening of B2166 western arm on nearside
- Grosvenor Gardens/Rose Green Road – widening on both sides of Rose Green Road and provision of pedestrian refuge on Rose Green Road.
There will be improvements to the Whyke Hill Junction to allow for increased vehicular traffic movement.
Section 106 Legal Agreement
Financial Contributions have been secured towards improvements in the local area. These include a multi-use games area, sports pitch, police and fire services, healthcare, highway and footpath improvements, schools/education and new library facilities at Summer Lane.
Masterplan of Land West of Hook Lane P/30/19/OUT (application following refused P/6/17/OUT)