Our performance

As a registered social housing landlord, we are required to meet all relevant legislation in the delivery of our housing services. Our Resident Engagement Strategy has a key aim of ‘Be Accountable’, which ensures that you know how we are performing so you can hold us accountable for how we are delivering our landlord services.  

Our performance measures allow us to have visibility of how we are performing as a housing service, better understand the things that matter to you so we can make improvements to our service.

To help us see how well we are performing, we:

  • carry out an annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey as required by the Regulator of Social Housing. This survey helps us to understand through your feedback, how well we are doing providing good quality homes and services and provides you with greater transparency about our performance as your landlord
  • are monitored by the Regulator of Social Housing for our compliance with the Consumer Standards and Rent Standard. More information on the Consumer Standards and the Tenant Satisfaction Measures can be found further down this page
  • hold a membership with Housemark, who are a data insight company for the UK housing sector. This membership allows us to analyse our performance and compare it to that of other providers in the sector, highlighting areas for improvement, and check that we are providing valuable services
  • visit your neighbourhoods, hold focus groups, and contact you by telephone, email, or letter for your feedback to ensure we are reporting on the things that are important to you
  • undertake transactional surveys on a quarterly basis for new lettings, anti-social behaviour and complaints, with repairs surveys undertaken on a monthly basis

Our performance is shared with Members at the Housing and Wellbeing Committee on a quarterly basis.

Below, you can learn more about our performance measures, view the results, and read the actions we have taken as a result of the feedback you have given us.

Housing services performance booklet

This booklet is updated on a quarterly basis, and shares performance information on our Repairs, ASB, Complaints Handling, Homelessness, Building Safety (Compliance) and Empty Homes (Voids) services.

Read the housing services performance booklet on PageSuite

Our surveys

Arun Housing Service conducts formal and informal surveys. There are currently 2 types of formal surveys:

  • perception surveys
  • transactional surveys

Both surveys are conducted by a company called Acuity Research and Practice. The information below further explains the differences and purpose for the surveys.

Perception surveys

The perception surveys ask for your overall opinion about the services provided by your landlord, whether you have received any of those services or not.

The perception survey is conducted every quarter, and we combine the quarterly results to give us an annual figure that is submitted to the Regulator of Social Housing as part of our Tenant Satisfaction Measures.

Transactional surveys

The transactional surveys ask for your opinion about a service you have received, for example - after a repair has been completed in your home. Acuity conduct 4 transactional surveys on our behalf for:

  • repairs
  • ASB 
  • complaints
  • new lettings

The repairs survey takes place every month, whilst the others run quarterly.

We may also run informal surveys throughout the year when we want to ask tenants for their thoughts and opinions in a particular area.  

The table below lists the 12 tenant perception measures, with our results from last year and from each quarter so far this year:

Tenant participation measures
Result 2023/24
Result Q1 2024/25
Result Q2 2024/25
Overall satisfaction
Repairs in last 12 months
Time taken - last repair
Well maintained home
Safe home
Listens and acts
Keeps you informed
Treats fairly and with respect
Complaints handling
Communal areas - clean and well maintained
Positive contribution to the neighbourhood
Anti-social behaviour


Read the housing services survey booklet on PageSuite

Our action plan

We have produced a live document that shares all of our targets and how we have been performing against them compared to the previous three months. This is reviewed regularly by the Housing Leadership Team and updated every quarter.

View the action plan

Consumer standards

New standards describe what is expected of social housing landlords, with the objective to protect tenants and improve the service provided by all social housing providers. The consumer standards are:

  • Safety and Quality Standard – Quality of repairs, maintenance and delivering safe homes. 
  • Tenancy Standard – Fair allocation and letting of homes and how tenancies are managed and ended by landlords.
  • Neighbourhood and Community Standard – Engaging with relevant parties so that tenants can live in safe and well-maintained neighbourhoods and feel safe in their homes. 
  • Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard (including Tenant Satisfaction Measures) – Being open with tenants and treating them with fairness and respect so that tenants can access services, raise complaints, influence decision making and hold their landlord to account.

Tenant satisfaction measures

Further detailed information about the Tenant Satisfaction Measures are available on the government website, but you can view our previous annual reports here:

View our Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey 2023

We need to carry out and report the results of this survey every year, so we have commissioned a specialist company called Acuity to do this for us. The survey for the first quarter of 2024 was completed in June.

The second quarterly survey will be carried out in September, with the third in December, before the final survey in March 2025. 

The surveys are strictly confidential, and your responses will be given back to us anonymously, without your name or any other identifying information, unless you give us your permission. 

By allowing us to see your responses, we will have better information to help us improve our services. You will also be asked if you would like us to contact you about any issues you have raised.

In addition to our satisfaction results, we also submit performance indicator data to the Regulator of Social Housing. These are related to Building Safety, ASB, Neighbourhood Management, Complaints and Repairs.

Tenant satisfaction measures performance results


Tenant satisfaction measure Our performance 2023/24
BS01 - proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out. 99.8%
BS02 - proportion of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out. 100%
BS03 - proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out. 74%
BS04 - proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out. 66.8%
BS05 -proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out 100%

Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour
Tenant satisfaction measure Our performance 2023/24
NM01 - number of anti-social behaviour cases opened per 1,000 homes. 25.4
NM01 - number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes. 0.3


Tenant satisfaction measure Our performance 2023/24
CH01 — number of stage one complaints made by tenants in the relevant stock type during the reporting year per 1,000 homes. 90.4
CH02 - proportion of stage one complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales. 89%
CH01 — number of stage two complaints made by tenants in the relevant stock type during the reporting year per 1,000 homes. 16.9
CH02 — proportion of stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales. 94.8%


Tenant satisfaction measure Our performance 2023/24
RP02 - proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale. 77.9%
RP02 - proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale. 81%
Tenant satisfaction measures summary of approach

Summary of achieved sample size (number of responses)


Timing of survey

01/06/2023 to 31/07/2023

Collection method(s) — Including summary of responses by survey collection method and the rationale for the survey collection method(s) chosen.

37% online, 63% postal - Our rationale for carrying out a census postal and online survey was to afford opportunities for each of our tenants to complete the survey and provide their views on satisfaction with our
service, maximising response rates in the most cost effective way.

Sample method


Summary of the assessment of representativeness of the sample against the relevant tenant population (including reference to the characteristics against which representativeness has been assessed) To include proportion of the relevant (a) tenant population and (b) total survey responses that share the principal characteristics for which representativeness has been assessed.

Housing group

Housing Group
Row Labels Responses % Population %
GENERAL 858 72% 2689 80%
GENFUND 7 1% 11 0.3%
SHELTER 315 27% 641 19%
TA 7 1% 38 1%
Grand Total 1187 100% 3379 100%

Age group

Age group
Row Labels Responses % Population %
0 — 24 17 1% 80 2%
25 — 34 69 6% 316 9%
35 — 44 104 9% 474 14%
45 — 54 163 14% 586 17%
55 — 59 125 11% 332 10%
60 — 64 135 11% 367 11%
65 — 74 282 24% 589 17%
75 — 84 194 16% 429 13%
85+ 90 8% 177 5%
Unknown 8 1% 29 1%
Grand Total 1187 100% 3379 100%

Any weighting applied to generate the reported perception measures (including a reference to all characteristics used to weight results)

Weighted based on age.

The role of any named external contractor(s) in collecting, generating, or validating the reported perception measures

Acuity Research & Practice Ltd — Collecting, generating, validating reported perception measures

The number of tenant households within the relevant population that have not been included in the sample frame due to the exceptional circumstances described in paragraph below* with a broad rationale for their removal


Reasons for any failure to meet the required sample size requirements

N/A - 1189 responses were received giving an accuracy rate of within ±2.3%.

Type and amount of any incentives offered to tenants to encourage survey completion

£100 Love2Shop Voucher to one participant selected at random

Any other methodological issues likely to have a material impact on the tenant perception measures reported


Accordion end

Tenant satisfaction measures - tenant questionnaire [pdf] 176KB