Our management teams

Corporate Leadership Team

Our Chief Executive is Dawn Hudd and our Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) is comprised of:

  • Dawn Hudd  — Chief Executive
  • Philippa Dart — Director of Environment and Communities
  • Karl Roberts — Director of Growth
  • Antony Baden  — Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer
  • Daniel Bainbridge  — Group Head of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer

Senior Leadership Team

The Senior Leadership Team is made up of the chief executive, two directors and 7 group heads.

A structure chart containing images, names and job titles of our Senior Leadership Team

Our Chief Executive, Dawn Hudd, is at the top of the structure chart.

Reporting to Dawn Hudd are the two Directors, Philippa Dart and Karl Roberts and 2 of the 7 Group Heads, Antony Baden and Daniel Bainbridge.

Daniel Bainbridge — Group Head of Law and Governance is responsible for:

  • committee services
  • elections
  • FOI
  • GDPR
  • member services
  • legal services
  • corporate complaints

Antony Baden — Group Head of S151 and Finance is responsible for:

  • revenues and benefits
  • customer services
  • finance transactions
  • treasury management
  • audit
  • payroll
  • procurement

Reporting to Philippa Dart, Director of the Environment and Communities Directorate are Richard Tomkinson, and Joe Russell-Wells. 

Richard Tomkinson — Group Head of Housing & Wellbeing and Communities is responsible for:

  • housing options
  • housing revenue account
  • registered providers and social landlords
  • homelessness
  • neighbourhood services
  • business improvement
  • repairs and maintenance
  • assets and development
  • wellbeing
  • community safety
  • safeguarding
  • community liaison

Joe Russell-Wells — Group Head of Environment and Climate Change is responsible for:

  • carbon reduction climate adaption
  • habitat creation
  • coastal engineers
  • flood prevention
  • foreshore
  • parks and cemeteries
  • trees
  • landscapes and project delivery
  • emergency planning
  • combined cleaning contract
  • Lifeline
  • events
  • leisure 

Reporting to Karl Roberts, Director of the Growth Directorate are Neil Crowther, Nat Slade and Jackie Follis.

Neil Crowther — Group Head of CPO Planning is responsible for:

  • planning policy
  • enforcement 
  • DM
  • historic buildings
  • conservation
  • CIL

Nat Slade — Group Head of Technical Services is responsible for:

  • parking
  • property and estates
  • facilities
  • private sector housing
  • environmental health
  • licensing
  • building control
  • land charges
  • street naming and numbering
  • economic regeneration 
  • major regeneration projects

Jackie Follis — Group Head of Organisational Excellence is responsible for:

  • performance management
  • organisational development
  • organisational intelligence
  • HR
  • comms
  • marketing
  • customer insight
  • technology and digital
  • print and post


The contact details for our Senior Leadership Team are:

Dawn HuddDawn Hudd
Chief Executive

Phone 01903 737600

Email dawn.hudd@arun.gov.uk



philippa dart

Philippa Dart
Director of Environment and Communities

Phone 01903 737811

Email philippa.dart@arun.gov.uk


karl roberts

Karl Roberts
Director of Growth

Phone 01903 737760

Email karl.roberts@arun.gov.uk


Jackie Follis

Jackie Follis
Group Head of Organisational Excellence

Phone 01903 737580

Email jackie.follis@arun.gov.uk


Daniel Bainbridge Daniel Bainbridge
Group Head of Law and Governance

Phone 01903 737607

Email daniel.bainbridge@arun.gov.uk


Tony Baden Antony Baden
Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer

Phone 01903 737558

Email antony.baden@arun.gov.uk



Neil Crowther

Neil Crowther
Group Head of Planning

Phone 01903 737839

Email neil.crowther@arun.gov.uk


Nat Slade

Nat Slade
Group Head of Technical Services

Phone 01903 737683

Email nat.slade@arun.gov.uk


Joe Russell Wells

Joe Russell-Wells
Group Head of Environment and Climate Change

Phone 01903 737914

Email joe.russell-wells@arun.gov.uk


Richard Tomkinson group head of housing

Richard Tomkinson
Group Head of Housing, Wellbeing & Communities

Phone 01903 737719

Email richard.tomkinson@arun.gov.uk