North Littlehampton Masterplan
In 2011, ADC received and approved an outline application (LU/47/11) for up to 1,260 residential dwellings, up to 13,000sqm of employment floor space (including 3,000 sqm Enterprise Centre) up to 3,500 sqm of local facilities, a 100 bed hotel, 60 bed care home, a new 2fe primary school, community centre, youth & leisure facilities, a combined heat and power plant, extension to existing household recycling centre, landscaping replacement and additional allotments, multi-functional green infrastructure including sports pitches & associated changing facilities, informal open space, children’s, play areas and a new vehicular access from A259 bridging over the railway line, with additional access from Mill Lane & Toddington Lane.
Since this date the first two phases are almost complete and phase three commenced in January 2018 and is progressing well, with the first road almost all occupied.
In addition, a further planning application (LU/63/11) has been permitted to extend the southern section of the Lyminster Bypass by means of a ‘link’ to Fitzalan Road.
All documents regarding this part of the application can be found on our Planning Portal under reference numbers LU/47/11 and LU/63/11.
There are 8 character areas:
- Local Centre
- Western Development Edge
- Southern Quarter
- Outer Central Core area
- Central Wetland area
- Central Space
- Green Edges
- Community Hub
Local Centre
This area will form the main gateway into Littlehampton, with a focus on commercial and retail development (including a care home) and apartment accommodation above.
The Commercial buildings will be focused at the roundabout
The look will be Modern and urban with pedestrianised areas and structural planting.
A new bus service will be introduced here.
Western Development Edge
This area sits to the West of the Bypass and stretches along Toddington Lane. Houses will be kept in the existing character of Toddington Lane and Mill Lane, and will be small and medium family homes.
Layout will be predominantly terraces and semi-detached houses with plot parking or garages for larger houses.
A new play area will be created, as well as significant landscaping and retention of good quality existing trees and hedges.
Southern Quarter
This area stretches along a new internal road between the Western Quarter and the new Local Centre.
Layout will be a mix of houses and apartment blocks, which will have their own parking courts. The appearance will vary across this section, with a mix of traditional and more contemporary.
Some open space will be provided, with additional green space around apartment blocks.
Outer Central Core area
There are two of these areas; one linking the Black Ditch and Local Centre to the North and the other linking the Local Centre to the land to the South and the central wetland area. This area is currently under construction and will include a new play area, which will be built before half the section is occupied. See latest news for more details.
The layout and design along the northern boundary will be contemporary, with larger spacing between dwellings and elevated features.
The southern part will keep the open space feel as it’s close to the central wetland area. It will include a small play area overlooking the Black Ditch and a further larger play area to the south. Housing will be mainly terraced semi-detached housing.
New pedestrian links will be created to access new housing areas to the East and the Community Hub, including the school and community centre to the South.
Central Wetland area
A key feature of this area will be the wide expanse of informal open space.
The Main Avenue will cross this area at two locations: as an extension of the Local Centre, and again as it loops through the eastern side of the site.
Various footpaths and cycle paths will be installed and there will be significant landscaping to allow for far reaching views across the Black Ditch.
This area provides flooding compensation for the site and will contain swales and ponds linking to the south east existing water feature.
As well as providing open space, a new fitness trail will be installed which will run along the western side of the central wetland area.
Central space
Wrapped around the main access road, this area will provide housing for smaller families, couples, first time buyers and downsizers, with a mix of smaller terraces and semi-detached houses with 2 – 4 bedrooms and car parking at the front of the property or in designated parking squares. Houses will be more traditional.
Play areas will be integrated into the open spaces per parcel.
Green Edges
This area will be rural and residential and incorporate larger 3 – 5 bedroom homes suitable for growing or established families.
Car parking will be on plot or in garages.
Green Edges will provide a more ‘village’ like setting and be open and spacious and have extensive green areas.
Community Hub
In this area, a new Community Centre, School and Youth Facility will be built, along with car parking and outdoor play and recreation spaces (sports pitches and changing facilities), which will be utilised by all.
Persimmon will work closely with Littlehampton Town Council to ensure that the centre and youth facility provides the community’s needs. Once the Youth Facility is completed, the land will be transferred to Littlehampton Town Council.
The School will be 2 form entry primary school. Its design will be driven by West Sussex County Council and the Department of Education and will provide a focal hub for this area. The school will utilise the sports pitches available in this area.
The sports pitches will be just over 14 hectares.
There will also be two allotments on the site, one just below the southern quarter, the other to the south of the sports pitches.
The improvements to transport include:
- A new bus service - The principle access roads within the site will form a loop which will allow the proposed new bus service to negotiate the whole site and serve the whole development.
- Closure of the Toddington Lane level crossing
- Closure of the bridal-type crossing to the north of the Bodyshop Roundabout
- New site access from Mill Lane / Toddington Lane
- Widening of Mill Lane / Toddington Lane and new parking lay by
- Improvements to the junction of Mill Lane and A284, including a right turn lane
- A north / south link from the site to A259, with a bridge over the rail way line at Toddington Lane which will form part of the Lyminster Bypass (referred to as the ‘southern section’)
- A new 4 arm roundabout between the Southern section and A259
- Localised widening of A259
- Funding of the Fitzalan Link (LU/63/11)
- Realignment of Highdown Drive to join the Fitzalan Link at a priority junction
- Southern section and Fitzalan Link off road pedestrian / cycle facilities
- Extension of pedestrian / cycle facilities along the A259 where land ownership permits
- Toddington Lane to become ‘quite route’ mainly for pedestrians / cyclists and resident access
- Improvement to Wick roundabout through lane marking revisions
- Improvements to Watersmead roundabout to permit two lanes straight ahead from A259 Rustington Bypass and the B2187 Worthing Road
Lyminster Bypass
All documents regarding this part of the application can be found on our Planning Portal under reference LU/278/17/RES (outline application reference LU/182/15/PL)
The bypass (south section) is a new two-way carriageway running north – south within the site towards the western boundary. It provides primary access to the site and will also form part of the new primary road network in North Littlehampton, running north –south from the A27 to the existing Fitzalan Road. To the south of the site the bypass bridges Toddington Lane and the railway and connects with the Fitzalan Link Road.
WSCC are currently in talks with The Littlehampton Academy (TLA) regarding their Travel Plan and whether TLA will need to make plans for increasing their car park area to ensure safety during drop off and collection.
About Persimmon
Please visit the Persimmon site.