Wellbeing strategy 2025-2027 public consultation
In our corporate vision: A Better Future Council Vision 2022 - 2026 | Arun District Council a key theme that runs through our work across the district council is to 'Improve the Wellbeing of Arun'. A wellbeing strategy sets out the priorities, goals and actions needed to address the wellbeing needs of our residents. Your views are an important part of this and would like to know what you think.
Our Wellbeing Strategy is due for adoption in March 2025 and your thoughts and feedback will influence the strategy before it is adopted.
The consultation is live from Wednesday 22 January until 12 noon on Wednesday 5 February, so please do take the time to complete the short survey that can be accessed here:
Arun District Council Wellbeing strategy 2025-2027 Public consultation