Waiting list open for beach huts in Felpham | Latest news


Waiting list open for beach huts in Felpham

Text: Waiting list open beach huts in Felpham. Animated image of three striped beach huts, in red, yellow and blue, sun to the top left, light blue background.Update: the waiting list is now full and is currently closed.

Arun District Council are opening the waiting list for Felpham Beach Huts for a limited time.

Bright, cheery and convenient beach huts make a great base from which to enjoy our coastline. All our huts are made from composite materials making them more robust, secure and needing less maintenance than wooden huts.  

Huts are let by way of a lease for a term expiring on 31 March 2028.

The initial annual rent is £1437.66 (plus VAT), to increase annually by the Retail Price Index (RPI).

There will be a one off fee payable for the preparation of the lease of £150 plus VAT.  Business rates may be payable but most people are able to claim rate relief if they are not claiming it on a second home or business. 

If you would like to add your name to the waiting list please complete your details here:

Beach huts waiting list

Your details will be added to the listing on a first come first served basis.